I am the only one in the world who knows the plot of reincarnation

Chapter 90 Set a small goal first, such as solving it first?

Seeing that his reincarnation level had broken through from D level to C level, Qin Moyu felt happy at first.

But soon, the joyful mood faded a lot.

When I first came to Death, my combat power evaluation was about 800 points. After practicing for so long and mastering the power of Death, my combat power evaluation was originally close to 900 points!

However, only after unlocking the ability of the Revenge System can this value be reached? This seems a bit low, right?

"Master, this modified body is very powerful. The most terrifying thing is that it can ignore the law of conservation of mass and energy. However, to a certain extent, it is not strong enough!"

"Because the materials used for transformation have theoretical upper limits in all aspects, such as speed and strength support. If the upper limits are exceeded, the materials will be damaged!" the red queen's voice rang out, explaining Qin Moyu's doubts.

"That's it!" Hearing this, Qin Moyu suddenly realized.

After all, the background line of Variety Star Lord is in 1995. In the context of this era, the materials used to transform his body may have been top-notch.

But relatively speaking, it still has its upper limit.

Because the theoretical upper limit of transforming the human body is almost at this point, so during the Resident Evil game, I turned on the revenge system and felt that the improvement was huge.

However, as her strength improved, the Red Queen unlocked these restrictions, and the improvement was not that great.

"In general, my software has been upgraded now, my soul has become stronger, and I have the assistance of the Red Queen, but the hardware can't keep up, right?"

"It seems that if you have the chance, you should upgrade your hardware information!" After thinking for a while and understanding his situation, Qin Moyu murmured secretly in his heart.

As the saying goes, one thing doesn't bother two people. Urahara Kisuke's technical ability is still very strong. It should be okay to ask him to replace himself with some stronger materials and upgrade the hardware, right?

"Xiao Yu, where is the Urahara store manager?" Qin Moyu asked Wu Yu next to him.

"The store manager has already gone to Soul Society!" Wu Yu replied.

"Oh? What did he do in Soul Society?" After hearing what Wu Yu said, Yoruichi next to him asked in surprise.

Recently, in Soul Society, the friction with the Invisible Empire has begun to escalate, and the war seems to have begun.

But after all, the war hasn't started yet. Are you in a hurry to go to Soul Society at this time? Doesn't it seem like the right time?

"The store manager asked me to tell you that he is going to the Hell of Hell to find the Mole City Kenpachi who is imprisoned in the Hell of Hell. His ability seems to be perfect in restraining Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu. It is a very powerful help!" Obviously Urahara! Kisuke explained it before he left, Yasame replied.

"Mole City Kenpachi? Not very familiar!"

Although Qin Moyu had watched the Bleach series in his previous life, but really speaking, he only remembered the main outlines, as well as the characters who appeared more often, and many detailed issues, which were almost forgotten by the characters who did not appear often.

This Mole City Kenpachi? Judging from the name, it’s Kenpachi? A captain-level figure?

But I really didn’t have much of an impression.

"Mole City Kenpachi? Yes, his Zanpakuto ability can indeed perfectly restrain Kyoka Suigetsu!" Hearing this, Yoruichi also said in a tone of surprise.

"Um, is there anything special about Mole City Kenpachi's Zanpakutō?" After thinking about it, Qin Moyu asked Ye Yi.

After glancing at Qin Moyu, the corner of Black Cat's mouth turned up into a smile: "I didn't expect that you still have things you don't know! I thought you really knew everything!"

After jokingly laughing, Yoruichi immediately explained.

Qin Moyu suddenly realized that Mole City Kenpachi was on a mission from Soul Society a long time ago. Later, he made a mistake and surrendered, and was imprisoned in Soul Society's endless hell.

In terms of abilities, his Zanpakutō has been confiscated since its swastika-kai. That is, the Zanpakutō's ability can be integrated into all non-living substances.

In short, as long as he is willing, his Zanpakuto power can be integrated into the entire Seireitei!

And in this situation, it's like the entire Jingling Court is part of his body!

Naturally, all the time, Mole City Kenpachi seemed to have directly touched Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu!

Therefore, it is impossible for his illusion ability to work against Mole City Kenpachi!

"I see. Looking at it this way, it is indeed the perfect Zanpakutō to restrain Aizen!" Hearing this, Qin Moyu nodded suddenly.

Sure enough, there is no real invincibility in the world, just like no matter how terrible the poison is, there must be an antidote.

"I didn't expect that you actually know the abilities of other people's Zanpakutō in such detail!" Qin Moyu asked with a strange tone in his tone after understanding the situation.

No one likes to tell others completely about their abilities unless necessary, right?

"What should I say about Mole Castle's Zanpakutō? She has a very lively personality. She used the Tenshin Body to let us see her, and she told me and Kisuke her abilities in a chirpy voice!" Yoruichi replied.

Hearing this, the corners of Qin Moyu's mouth twitched slightly, this was really a weird Zanpakutō.

"Speaking of Zanpakuto..." The topic reached this point. Suddenly, Yoruichi looked at Qin Moyu and said, "Next, you have to work hard!"

"Whether it's Kidō or Shunpo, they are just methods used by Shinigami to fight. Simply put, they are just ways of using power. The most fundamental thing for a Shinigami is spiritual power!"

"And the Zanpakutō can enhance the power of the Shinigami, whether it's Hakkake or Swastika! So, your next training direction can be focused on the Zanpakutō!"

"Mr. Ye Yi is right!" At this moment, a deep voice rang out.

Woling Tiezhai also came over, and it was time for Qin Moyu to follow him in practicing the ghost way.

"Gong Zitama, you can set a small goal first, for example, first know the name of your Zanpakutō and complete the first solution?"

"After all, the strength of the ghost path is based on the strength of the spiritual power. As long as your spiritual power is strong enough, it is not surprising that even the No. 1 broken path can defeat dozens of broken paths!"

"Zanpakutō?" Hearing this, Qin Moyu thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Yoruichi and Niryo Tessai are both captain-level existences, so their vision is naturally unmistakable.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Moyu's death body jumped out of his body instantly.

As Qin Moyu's soul left her body, the Red Queen quickly took over control of her body.

"So, how about the cultivation of spiritual power? How to unlock the Zanpakutō? Please give me some advice!" Qin Moyu said.

"Your Taoist scriptures are of great help in the cultivation of spiritual power. This is a very powerful ability and does not need our guidance!"

"As for the beginning of the Zanpakutō, you need to talk to the Zanpakutō and ask for its name. Therefore, you must first learn Blade Zen! I will teach you how to use Blade Zen today!" The same goes for teaching Shunpo. Teaching, teaching Renzen is also teaching, Yoruichi is not that stingy.

Thank you to the reader "Zhu Tian Yu Beast" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins~~~

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