I Am the President of the University

Chapter 352 Privacy War in the Big Data Era

Bing Xixi's public relations department spent a large amount of money trying to divert public attention, but those led by the Beijing News and led the Bing Xixi incident had no intention of giving up.

Playing with public opinion? They are professionals!

From the lawyer Liu from Shanghai being involved in fraud when he bargained for free, to the revelations that some people had their identity information stolen and died due to big data, many people were fearful and uneasy about the security of big data, and many netizens began to appeal. It is necessary to regulate and restrict major applications from stealing users’ private information.

Beijing, in a female dormitory of Beijing Normal University.

Tao Qing is a junior student. Although Beijing Normal University is a famous 985 university and the number one teacher training school.

Perhaps it is because it is located between the second and third rings in the north of Beijing, where land is at a premium, and the living conditions are quite tight. While there are four-bed dormitories in the south, Beijing Normal University still has bunk beds and six-bed dormitories for undergraduate students, and even four-bed dormitories for master's students. The conditions are not as good as those in southern universities.

Now is the time before going to bed at night. As a contemporary college student, it is natural to play with your mobile phone before going to bed.

Tao Qing became more and more panicked as she watched Douyin. She couldn't help shouting to her roommate Hu Mei, who was on the opposite bed, "Meimei, have you watched Douyin? Have you paid attention to the Xixi incident?" How scary!”

"The lawyer from Shanghai is suing Xixi? What's so scary? Isn't it just fraud." Hu Mei replied without looking away, completely unconcerned.

"That's not the point. It's that Xixi deleted the screenshots from Lawyer Liu's photo album remotely!" Tao Qing's face turned pale as she looked at the explanation on her phone.

"Delete the picture?" Hu Mei paused for a moment, then looked at Tao Qing and asked strangely, "Then let it delete the picture. What's the big deal anyway?"

Seeing her roommate's lack of safety awareness, Tao Qing shouted: "Meimei, you are wrong! I just saw a few links from media and experts, and they all said that various software on our mobile phones are spying on our behavior 24 hours a day. ! The information and pictures we send on WeChat will be sent to their server after being obtained, and then analyzed by big data!

"Qing'er, can you take pictures?" Before Hu Mei could answer, Gu Lingling, who had gotten out of bed, suddenly interrupted.

"Yes! Even pictures will be sent automatically. You said those photos posted in our dormitory group..." Tao Qing couldn't go on. Sometimes they would post some large-scale photos in the dormitory group, and they would be exposed. More.

If you think about it this way, maybe the photos have been leaked.

I also saw that in the era of big data, a lot of information can be found. A female white-collar worker in Suzhou City was followed and raped because of information leakage...

Even though she was covered with a quilt, Tao Qing was still shaking violently.

Several roommates also joined in the discussion.

"Big data can't be like this, so what privacy do we have?"

"This is too much! Then aren't we just like not wearing any clothes online?!"

"I think there must be something that protects personal privacy. For example, this time Bing Xixi remotely deleted pictures. Can't there be a security software that can resist Bing Xixi's behavior?"

"That's right! It's best to ban Xixi, Tmall and other software directly when they want to read our WeChat chat history!"

The subsequent discussion slowly turned into expectations for a piece of software.

As for letting these software prohibit big data transgressions...what do you think?

Make the other party consciously comply? Even if there are laws and regulations, it is difficult to restrict them!

After all, users don’t know whether the other party has crossed the line!

It’s best to have one specifically designed for privacy and security protection.

Forget it about several software such as Tencent Security Center. They are mainly aimed at mobile phone security and have minimal protection for privacy security.

Discussions about Beijing Normal University dormitories also occurred in major cities across the country.

From time to time on the Internet, some news similar to Xixi's remote deletion of pictures will break out, but the popularity lasted for a few days and soon subsided.

Most Chinese people have very weak awareness of privacy and data security. Fortunately, this time there has been discussion after wave after wave, which lasted for several days, and many Chinese people are also panicking!

In the past, many people pretended not to see information leaks in the big data era. It’s just a swarm of news interpretations this time. In the era of big data, many software will illegally save user data.

Examples include explicit photos and recordings, screenshots of private chats and payment receipts, real names, birthdays or email addresses.

It’s scary to think about it!

Especially every year, there are shocking news that some Internet has been attacked by hackers, resulting in the leakage of tens of millions of data. Doesn't this also include the leakage of photos, recordings and other information?

Perhaps feeling the same threat, many Internet companies, even Ali and Tengxun, have dropped their popularity. Even the three major platforms, Zhihu, Douyin, and Weibo, know that they are no better and have begun to control the topic.


Renren Daily said: "From the Bingxixi incident to the privacy war in the big data era, it is imperative to establish a new information security protection system!"

Now the popularity is soaring!

How to protect data security in the era of big data has become a discussion in various QQ and WeChat groups.

The morning after Renren Daily spoke out.

Guanghua University, in the staff canteen of Furong Restaurant.

After Chen Hao picked up the dinner plate and took his seat, Zheng Qiang also sat over.

"Principal, the commotion this time is quite big. All the people's attention is focused on it." Zheng Qiang looked at Chen Hao with a meaningful smile.

"What? Lao Zheng, are you talking about the Bing Xixi incident? What does this have to do with me?" Chen Hao frowned and replied innocently.

"Principal, you know what I'm talking about." Zheng Qiang raised his eyebrows and took a sip of soy milk. \b

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