I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 277 Great Achievement!


Chu Xiaoye immediately swam towards the surface of the water against Leng's father!

Seeing those giant crocodiles swaying around and quickly surrounding them, Father Leng finally woke up, frantically paddling his limbs, and swam desperately upwards.

However, how could their speed compare to that of those killers in the water?

Soon, those giant crocodiles swam close, opened their mouths wide open, and fiercely bit the pair of male lion father and son!

When Leng's father was terrified and desperate, there was a sudden "poof" from the back of Chu Xiaoye's buttocks, and a burst of super air flow was ejected!


Chu Xiaoye stood against Leng's father, like a rocket, broke through the siege of the giant crocodile in an instant, soared into the water, and flew high!

The members of Leng's father's lion pride who were anxiously waiting on the shore all raised their heads and widened their eyes when they saw this scene, looking stunned.

Chu Xiaoye couldn't grasp the direction in mid-air, so he had to slowly put away the black smoke behind his buttocks, and started to land against Leng's father.

When he was about to fall into the river, he immediately yelled at the little curly tail on the bank, and then, with a sudden force, he threw Leng's father sideways.

The little curly tail reacted instantly, twisted his body, and the tail behind him flew over with a "whoosh", wrapped around Father Leng's neck, and pulled him directly to the shore.


But Chu Xiaoye fell into the water and sank.

Meimei yelled anxiously on the shore, telling Xiao Curly Tail to put her tail into the water quickly and roll her brother back.

Little curly tail immediately let go of Leng's father, and put his tail into the water, but he couldn't touch his brother's body, and immediately screamed anxiously.

At this moment, a giant crocodile suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the water and bit his tail.

The little curly tail suddenly flew into a rage, its tail straightened suddenly, its hair stood on end like sharp barbs, the tip of its tail sneered, and it penetrated the palate of that giant crocodile in an instant!


With a swing of his buttocks, he actually directly threw this giant crocodile with a length of four to five meters,

Tossed directly onto the shore!

Leng's father lay on the ground, staring dumbfounded.

Meimei rushed up immediately, raised her light blue claws, and with a "chi" sound, penetrated the leather armor of this giant crocodile, directly cutting its entire back and head open!

This terrifying underwater killer, had just landed, before he had time to struggle, he died in an instant!

In the river, the waves began to turn.

Wisps of blood floated up from the bottom of the river.

The huge black figure was scurrying wildly at the bottom of the river.

Aisha stood on the shore, let out a shrill and frightened roar, calling for her son anxiously.

Father Leng looked at the surface of the water, in a daze.


Little Curly Tail and Meimei finally couldn't bear it, and jumped down anxiously.

Although they don't know how to dive, they must not just watch their brother fight these ferocious enemies in the water alone.

Even if they die, they will die together!

As soon as they jumped into the water, they immediately held their breath and sank.

However, as soon as they sank to the bottom of the water, they widened their eyes and saw an incredible scene!

The bottom was stained red with blood.

Their elder brother was spraying air from behind his buttocks, and was "swishing" around the bottom of the water, the speed was indescribable!

Those giant crocodiles, who couldn't even touch a single hair of him, turned into lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and the flesh and blood torn by those two golden claws flew away in panic.

In a short while, the bottom of the river was full of the dilapidated corpses of those giant crocodiles!

The remaining two giant crocodiles no longer cared about their hunger and fled in a hurry.

Soon, Meimei and Curly could not breathe.

They surfaced immediately, gasping for air.

Aisha and other lionesses on the shore were still calling anxiously.

Standing on the shore, Father Leng saw that only the two of them had surfaced, his heart sank, and he stared blankly at the terrifying red blood on the surface of the water.

Many crocodile corpses floated up from the bottom of the water, followed the current, and rushed downstream.

Little Curly Tail and Meimei hurriedly swam towards the shore.

They knew that brother was fine, and with his speed in the water just now, let alone a crocodile, even the best swimmers couldn't catch up with him!

They had to get ashore quickly, so as not to drag their brother down.

Aisha and the other lionesses seemed to have guessed something when they saw that they were the only two coming up.

Aisha's cry was shrill and sad.

Before the little curly tail could tell her, the river water behind him made a splash and splashed out!

Immediately, Chu Xiaoye flew out from the bottom of the water, spraying black smoke behind him, flew directly to the shore, and landed firmly on the ground.

Seeing this, Aisha and the other lionesses were overwhelmed with surprise, and hurried over to rub his head to comfort him. As a result, as soon as they got close, they were enveloped by the black smoke.


The four lionesses fell directly to the ground and vomited.

Father Leng saw that the situation was not good, so he had already retreated to the distance ahead of time.

Chu Xiaoye hurriedly put away the black smoke and shook the fur on his body.

Just now at the bottom of the water, he finally mastered the direction of body movement when the black smoke is sprayed, and how to use the claws when moving rapidly. At the first try, he killed those giant crocodiles without leaving any pieces!

It seems that his big stinky fart can be used not only as a nuclear weapon, but also as a jet. It can come and go freely in the water, and it can also make yourself faster and more agile on the shore!

The point is, he feels that the stinky farts in his body seem to be endless and continuous, as if they can't be released completely, which really makes him unbelievable.

Could it be that these gases are not entirely the exhaust gases produced in the body, maybe they are still a kind of energy? Just like strength, it can be used all the time, even if it is exhausted, it can be recovered quickly?

If this is the case, then the practicality of this kind of thing is absolutely no less than his golden claws.

When confronting the enemy, he can completely use this gas to control his speed and strength, to fight in all kinds of roundabouts, and to make all kinds of difficult moves that the enemy can't even think of!

Thinking of this, he was very excited.

He decided to try it on the shore again to see the effect.

at this time.

In Meimei's mind, she kept recalling the heroic scene of her brother fighting against the giant crocodiles just now by shooting air currents under the water. The eyes she looked at her brother were full of admiration and admiration.

So, she quietly approached her brother's ass again and poked her head over it.

Just as she was sticking out her tongue in admiration, and was about to express her admiration for her brother, there was a bang, and a puff of black smoke, like a huge wave, suddenly sprayed on her face!

"call out--"

Chu Xiaoye flew straight forward!

As for Meimei, her hair flew upside down and flew backwards!

The two brothers and sisters, one in front of the other, flew lightly and embarrassed, funny and ridiculous.

Chu Xiaoye didn't control the amount of fart well, and released too much and too violently at once, before he had time to react, with a "bang", he directly plunged into the hillside in front of him, almost his whole head got into the soil!

Meimei, on the other hand, rolled and flew backwards rapidly in mid-air, then sat down on the ground with a "bang", and was blinded on the spot.

The other members of the lion father Leng froze in place, dumbfounded.


The little curly tail immediately lay down on the ground, looked at Meimei, laughed like hell, rolling around.

It was getting dark.

Chu Xiaoyefang returned to the bush with Leng's father lion group.

At this time, Catherine, who was on patrol at the frontier, had already returned.

At her feet was the head of a black lioness. The blood on it hadn't solidified yet, and it looked like it had just been killed.

Chu Xiaoye knew that those black lion prides lost so many members, they would definitely not let it go.

This black lioness was apparently a scout from the black lion pride, who had come to scout the situation of their team, but was unexpectedly discovered by Catherine, and never came back.

Judging from this situation, those black lions are probably gathering their teams and will rush over soon.

It is also possible that they saw that there were not many male lions capable of fighting here, so they would directly send some powerful black lions to sneak in and assassinate them.

No matter what the situation is, it is not good news for Chu Xiaoye's team.

However, they must resist this wave of attacks, so that they can give confidence to the lions who have just joined in, and they can occupy this land more firmly, continue to expand the team, and wait for the counterattack.

Their current situation cannot withstand any failure.

One failure may completely disintegrate their team.

Therefore, Chu Xiaoye must be vigilant so that the other party has no chance.

He assigned tasks to Catherine, Little Curly Tail, Meimei, and the Tiger and Leopard Sisters. They had to act as scouts every day and night, to scout the situation ahead and prevent the enemy from sneaking up on them.

As for the other members, each has a task.

Aisha and the others continued to be responsible for hunting.

Father Leng can be used as a beacon to deliver news, and he can also patrol with him at night.

As for Catherine, Chu Xiaoye can't order her. When she is interested, she will go patrolling and hunting together. When she is not interested, she will wander around. As long as she doesn't make trouble, Chu Xiaoye will be thankful.

However, this little lioness, in front of the lionesses of Aisha, behaved very honestly and well-behaved, always using her speed and sharp claws to help them subdue their prey quickly.

The relationship between Jasmine and Meimei is getting better and better, but the relationship with Little Curly is getting worse.

The little curly tail is always confronting her tit for tat, and always whips her with his tail when she is not paying attention, which makes this short-tempered little lioness gnash her teeth at him and hate him so much.

However, under the mediation of Meimei, they rarely fight.

Moreover, Jasmine was not Little Curly Tail's opponent, so she didn't dare to really pounce on her.

Usually when Chu Xiaoye saw this situation, he would ignore it.

When Little Curly Tail bullied Meimei, he would be beaten up if he saw him, but now he saw Little Curly Tail bullying this little lioness, but he didn't respond, which made Little Curly Tail even more unscrupulous.

"My brother doesn't like this little lioness either! Keep beating her!"

However, little curly tail didn't know that every time Chu Xiaoye saw his and Jasmine's enemies-like expressions, there would be a strange look in his eyes.

For the past two days, father Leng has been a little bit wrong.

During the day, when the sun was shining and everyone slept in the shadows, he went into the bushes, not knowing what he was doing, and never came back until evening.

Moreover, there is always a sour smell on his body, sometimes when he walks, he can't help twisting his buttocks a few times, but the expression on his face is still majestic and arrogant, full of kingly air.

Chu Xiaoye didn't care about these things.

Recently, he has been practicing his fart blowing skills, and he feels more and more powerful and handy.

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