I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 317 Crossing the River


Come to the river.

Chu Xiaoye was the first to jump into the river, and then dived into the bottom of the river.

In a short while, several crocodiles fled in a panic, bleeding.

Tilith also jumped down, swam to his side, rode directly on his back, and was led around by him.

Behind Chu Xiaoye, there was a gust of airflow, and he was rampaging at the bottom of the river, coming and going without a trace, scaring the nearby crocodiles to flee one after another.

At this time, the little curly tail led the lions and crossed the river.

After all the members went ashore, Chu Xiaoyefang shook his body, shaking Tilith off his back, and immediately broke through the water with a "poof" and flew ashore.

As for Tiris at the bottom of the river, she was directly impacted by his fart and fell into the mud below. It took a long time for her to get up and swim to the shore.

Black lion packs will likely have sentries along the river.

So, after Chu Xiaoye brought the team ashore, he immediately climbed up the hillside and entered the barren grassland.

Because it is close to the desert, this piece of grassland is quite desolate, and the grassland is gradually being deserted, and both animals and plants are very rare.

Chu Xiaoye led the team without making any noise, and moved forward quietly.

They were unimpeded and soon traveled nearly five kilometers.

For the sake of safety, Chu Xiaoye asked the team to stand by and walked to the river by himself, ready to see if there was a Black Lion sentry on the opposite side.

When he came to the hillside by the river, he found that there were many drinking animals gathered on the opposite bank, but there was no black lion.

In the river, there are also many giant crocodiles hiding and hunting.

If the army of the black lion tribe gathered nearby, the animals here would have fled in a hurry, so why would they gather here to drink water.

Therefore, they should have successfully circled to the back of the black lion group.

However, this task is related to the success or failure of the entire decisive battle.

He must be careful and not be careless.

He decided to cross the river to check the situation first, and let the lions cross the river after he was completely sure it was safe.

Sections of black heads of giant crocodiles floated in the river, and in the eyes of many animals, they looked like dead logs.

Even some animals that can sense danger have to stay close to the river to drink.

When Chu Xiaoye walked down the hillside and came to the river, some giant crocodiles in the river immediately spotted him and moved over without making a sound.

And the animals on the other side of the river also found him.

However, the river is wide and the water is dangerous. The animals don't think he dared to cross it, so they are not afraid at all.

Moreover, on the opposite bank, there were not only herbivores, but also a group of spotted hyenas and a stray male lion, all staring at him fiercely.

Chu Xiaoye didn't hesitate any longer, looked at the distribution of those giant crocodiles in the river, immediately retreated, and started to sprint.


He jumped up,

It precisely landed on the head of a moving giant crocodile in the middle of the river, directly stomped the giant crocodile into the water, and passed out.

He jumped up again, splashing water, like a big bird, soaring high, with a "swish", over the heads of several gazelles by the river, and landed firmly on the bank.

The animals on the shore were all frightened and immediately scattered.


The wandering lion not far away roared and stared at him without showing any weakness.

It seems that it used to be a majestic and experienced lion king, but it lost everything under the massacre of those black lion groups.

Now, the black lion clan has gathered and left, and it comes back again, not knowing whether it wants to find the lion group that has been separated, or to take another look at its home.

Chu Xiaoye ignored his provocation and walked straight towards the hillside.

"Ahhh! Ahhh!"

At this time, the group of spotted hyenas who didn't know how to live or die seemed to see an opportunity, and immediately yelled and surrounded them aggressively.

The arrival of the black lion group and the bloody slaughter caused all the carnivores on the grassland to suffer heavy casualties and fled. For the lion's old enemy, the spotted hyena, this time is an opportunity to return to the grassland.

Whether it is a black lion group or a brown lion group, in their eyes, they are enemies and enemies.

When enemies meet, they will naturally be killed!

More than a dozen spotted hyenas are now tall and strong, bigger than the lionesses in the past, and all of them look extremely ferocious.

Surrounded in the middle, Chu Xiaoye looked lonely and desolate.

From the perspective of other animals not far away, he, a young male lion, may be a stray who was driven out by some lion group, and he is doomed to tragedy.

It looks so chic when crossing the river, but most of the contests between animals rely on numbers to win.

These strong spotted hyenas are obviously about to have a feast of lions.

And the adult male lion standing not far away didn't seem to have any sympathy for each other, and the rabbit died and the fox was sad and hurt its kind, watching the good show indifferently.

Chu Xiaoye glanced at the spotted hyenas around them. They were all males, and there was not a single female hyena.

Apparently, this pack of spotted hyenas, like some young stray lions, were homeless and forced to form a coalition and prepare for a big fight.

Unfortunately, they provoked the wrong target.

Chu Xiaoye didn't want to make too much noise, and she didn't want to hear the disgusting cries of "ahhhhhh" from these guys.


He charged directly at two of the spotted hyenas!

With a flash of golden light, two bloody dog ​​heads flew out!

Before the other spotted hyenas could react, he rushed over again.

Before even a minute had passed, the dozen or so spotted hyenas all fell to the ground, their bodies were separated, and they were completely dead!

Their wide eyes were full of panic. Perhaps at the last moment, they had awakened, but they had no chance to escape.

Chu Xiaoye didn't stay any longer, and immediately walked up the hillside, found a tree, climbed up, and looked into the distance.

When he returned to the river, he found a group of hungry wild dogs eating the hyena carcasses.

The other animals stood not far away in fear, not daring to approach.

And the wandering lion still stood there, trembling.

Standing on the hillside, Chu Xiaoye let out a low growl towards the grassland on the other side of the river.

The sound is not loud, but it can just pass through.

Soon, the little curly tail led the group of lions and appeared on the opposite hillside, and then quickly walked down to the river.

When this group of tall and strong lions appeared, the animals who were drinking by the river were all terrified and fled in terror.

The wild dogs that were grabbing the flesh and blood of the spotted hyena also ran away with the flesh and blood in their mouths.


Chu Xiaoye jumped into the river, blowing air behind him, and began to drive away the crocodiles in the He River.

Tiris also jumped down and rode on him again, rampaging under the water, scaring the giant crocodiles to flee.

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