The night is silent.

In the tree hole, the black shadow was shaking the two tentacle-like things, and it had climbed up to the little girl's neck.

A faint fragrance emanated from its body and penetrated the little girl's nose.

The little girl fell asleep more deeply.

This time, the black shadow did not suck the little girl's breath into her nose like last night, but directly wrapped around the little girl's whole body.

Immediately, its body hanging at the entrance of the hole gradually straightened and began to pull back.

The little girl's body was slowly dragged towards the entrance of the cave.

All this was done quietly.

The lions below the tree hole seemed unaware, and the little girl was even more unconscious.

However, when the black shadow just dragged the little girl out of the cave, the big black bear who was sitting below and sleeping against the tree roots suddenly shook his body, as if he sensed something, and immediately raised his head and looked up. , just happened to see the scene of the little girl being dragged up in the air!


The big black bear suddenly let out a deafening roar, then jumped up and climbed towards the roots of the tree.

The other members around were all awakened.

When the black shadow was discovered, it immediately sped up its movements and quickly dragged the little girl up.

At this moment, the big black bear's huge body suddenly made a "swish" sound, bouncing up from the roots of the tree like a ball, opening its bloody mouth, and suddenly bit the little girl's head. Above the thick black shadow!


The black shadow was bitten off immediately!

The little girl fell vertically. Meimei, who rushed from the cave, grabbed her clothes and landed steadily on the ground.

The big black bear could no longer control his body. After biting off the black shadow, he landed vertically. With a "bang", he fell heavily to the ground. However, his skin was thick and his flesh was rough. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him. He turned over and jumped up, ran to the little girl, raised his head and roared angrily at the black shadow.

The black shadow that was bitten off by it seemed to twist and sway painfully for a few times, then quickly retreated upwards, and soon disappeared.

At this time, the members of the lion pride who heard the noise gathered around the little girl.

On the little girl's body, a thick tree vine like a python was tightly tied. The stem of the tree vine was bare, only the front end had two green leaves, like tentacles, which were still there at this time. Writhing in pain!

Just when Meimei was about to cut off this terrible green vine with her claws, she saw that the two green leaves withered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon they turned yellow, drooped, and were tightly bound. The stems on the little girl's body suddenly seemed to have lost all vitality and moisture, and quickly withered, turning into a dry old branch that could break at a touch.

The big black bear quickly stretched out his claws and carefully pulled off the dead vines on the little girl's body.

At this time, the little girl was still sleeping soundly, as if she had no idea what was happening to her.


At this moment, Brother Jerry's low-pitched alarm sound suddenly came from outside the tree hole.

But soon, the roars of the two brothers became gentle.

Chu Xiaoye took Catherine and Alyssa,

Finally home.

At this time, the sky outside was already dark, and the night passed quietly.

Little Curly and Meimei immediately ran over excitedly and rubbed against their brother's body. Although they believed in his strength, they were still very scared and worried. Now that they saw their brother coming safely, they were naturally very happy.

The members of the lion pride gathered around to greet him enthusiastically.

After Chu Xiaoye said hello one by one, his eyes finally looked at the little girl lying on the ground.

Although the big black bear was jealous of him, it believed in his ability very much. He quickly stood upright, roared, danced and angrily described what had happened before, and then begged him to save its owner.

This guy had already surrendered and took the initiative to regard this little human girl as his master.

Chu Xiaoye walked up to the little girl, looked at the broken withered tree vines on the ground, and then stared at the little girl's whole body. Suddenly, his eyes moved, stretched out his paws, and scratched the little girl's skirt. A hint of amber slime fell.

He was suddenly startled, and with a whoosh, he jumped onto the root of the tree next to him, climbed up, and quickly got into the cave.

His eyes flashed with golden light, and he searched the ground carefully, and sure enough he found some more of the mucus.

He was very familiar with that mucus, which was secreted on the trunk of the giant tree above him to protect itself.

Could it be that the tree vine that wanted to abduct the little girl did not come from the surrounding bushes, but climbed down from the big tree above?

If this is the case, then, where is the root of the tree vine?

He had climbed this giant tree before and found no other plants on the trunk, except for the thick layer of mucus.

Could it be...

Another possibility suddenly flashed through Chu Xiaoye's mind.

Maybe it wasn't a tree vine that wanted to kidnap the little girl. How could a tree vine have such intelligence and means?

If this is the case, then in this world, not only the ancient behemoths dinosaurs and saber-toothed tigers exist, but even fairies exist!

How can it be?

Maybe the captor was an animal with great intelligence, such as an ape or something. It carried a vine and slipped down quietly, tied up the little girl, and prepared to kidnap her. After the big black bear discovered it, he ran away alone.

It is indeed possible.

But why did the broken part of the tree vine suddenly wither? Also, why are there those slimes that should appear on the trees on the little girl's body and on the ground here?

If it was really an animal, how did it get into contact with those things and get away with it?

Of course, the world is full of strange things. Perhaps in order to adapt to this big tree, some animals can secrete something on the soles of their feet and ignore the mucus, just like spiders ignore their sticky webs.

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