I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 475 Coward!

The sky is bright.

Blue Eyes, who had been patrolling outside the bushes all night, opened his mouth, yawned, and paused for a while before continuing to patrol in the cool wind.

He would occasionally let out a few hoarse roars into the darkness in the distance to remind and warn the competitors and wanderers who were wandering around the territory that this territory was already owned by someone.

The night was uneventful.

Blue Eyes looked into the distance for a few times, then turned back.

After a busy night, it was time for him to go back and rest.

You can sleep all day during the day and continue patrolling at night.

He thought of his young and powerful king.

His king has lost all his hair and has not been out for a month. Every member of the pride is worried.

Of course he was worried too.

That young male lion was not only the leader of the pride, but also their spiritual leader. In such a strange and dangerous grassland, without him, they would not be able to survive at all.

Fortunately, nothing happened during this period.

The surrounding neighbors are also in peace, and occasionally there are some ordinary small fights, but with the joint efforts of everyone, they are resolved well.

However, this is not the solution.

Although the little curly tail performed very well during this period and was quite a leader, his strength and wisdom were difficult to compare with the king.

Even with their loyal assistance, it is not a long-term solution.

Everyone silently hopes that the king can regain his strength every day and continue to lead them to conquer all directions on this grassland, expand their territory, and be majestic in all directions.

There is no male lion who does not want to shine the most dazzling light in his lifetime.

He was in his prime.

Other lions are also energetic and ambitious. It is time to display their ambitions and show their talents.

He believed that as long as their young lion king was willing, all the land on this grassland and all the lions would be conquered by their strength and unity.

Blue Eyes walked into the bush with dreams and longings in mind.

By this time, the night had receded.

The rising sun reflected on the clouds in the sky, like a flame.

Blue Eyes suddenly stopped and woke up from his fantasy. His ears moved and his eyes showed suspicion. He turned his head and looked towards the bushes on the right.

Is it the wind?


A huge iron claw suddenly dilated in his pupils!

It was too late for him to escape.


There was a muffled sound and the sound of bones breaking.

His body, which weighed more than 500 kilograms, flew out like a falling leaf and fell heavily among thorns full of sharp thorns.

His skull collapsed, his face was covered in blood, and his vision was full of scarlet, like burning clouds in the sky, covering his eyes.

He strained to open his eyes wide enough to see the huge attacker clearly.

His body was covered with terrifying patterns, his eyebrows were self-possessed, his aura was unparalleled, and the two long teeth as sharp as ivory at the corners of his mouth looked at him with cold and contemptuous eyes.


Blood covered his eyes, and darkness swallowed his soul. He used his last bit of strength to let out a weak roar from his throat.

The enemy is coming.

Not far away, Zamao, who had just returned from patrolling outside, heard his voice clearly.

A louder and faster roar came from Zamao's mouth.

Zamao didn't hesitate at all. After sounding the alarm, he immediately ran towards the cave at the bottom of the tree.

He heard the old friend's crisis, probably his death roar.

To be able to sneak into this bush so silently and deliver a fatal blow to that old friend, one can imagine how terrifying the enemy's strength is.

He must return to camp and fight alongside the rest of the pride!


In the other direction, the roar of the male leopard Blue also suddenly sounded.

The leopard family of four began to flee quickly in the tree. They looked panicked and encountered another powerful enemy.

The situation is critical!

The enemies are powerful and their numbers are unknown.

Other members who were active outside the cave heard these anxious sirens and immediately returned to the cave at the bottom of the tree without hesitation.

There are three entrances and exits to the cave at the bottom of the tree. They must guard the entrance and never let the enemy take a step forward!

When Zamao ran back as fast as he could, the four members of Blue's family happened to run into the cave and roared anxiously.

"There are many enemies!"

This family of four expressed themselves clearly.

The members of the pride began to get nervous.

Only the blue eyes were left.

Zamao felt sad.

He knew that the faint roar just now should be the last farewell to his old friend before he died.

Zamao stood guard in front of the first cave entrance, and the sadness in his eyes soon turned into ferocity and ferociousness. He exposed his sharp claws and fangs, and roared angrily in his mouth, preparing to meet the ferocious and terrifying beast. enemy.

Little Curly Tail came behind him and guarded the entrance of the cave with him.

Meimei and Jasmine also came over.

Father Leng, Maya, Aisha, and Xier all came over.

Even two lion cubs followed, bravely showing their sharp fangs.

The cute bear mother and her son were guarding the second cave entrance, their round and fat bodies blocked directly there.

Three warthogs stood behind them, and even Xiaomi stood there.

Brother Jerry also walked over.

The Huabao family of four stood guard at the third cave entrance.

They could have been hiding in the trees without risking coming in. With their ability in the trees, the enemy would not have done anything to them, and the enemy was obviously not coming for them.

However, when they saw the enemy and heard the siren, they rushed over without any hesitation, ready to help the lions defend themselves against the enemy.

Alyssa walked behind them.

Every member of the pride has taken the initiative to find his or her own place and is ready to give everything he has to the pride.

Except, their king.

Wait, there is the big black bear, its owner, and Catherine who has been guarding the door of the tree hole like a stone sculpture, not letting anyone in.

The big black bear stood in the middle of the cave, looking left and right, taking a step forward and then taking a step back, cowering and not daring to go anywhere.

It had no choice but to raise its head, blinking a pair of panicked little eyes, and looked upward.

However, its god of spirit and strength, the little girl, did not appear.

Even hearing the uneasy and anxious roars of the lions.

The tree hole above was quiet.

All the members couldn't help but turn their heads and look up, their eyes flashing.

At this most critical moment of life and death for the lions, their king and the little human girl were still hiding in the dark cave, seemingly not even interested in coming out to take a look.

Without the mane, without the hair, have you also lost your courage and strength?

Disappointment and frustration, fear and sadness, all kinds of emotions spread in this dark and cold cave.


Alyssa glanced up, feeling disappointed and angry.

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