I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 107 Farewell to Luo Yun

Ignoring the exhortations from Yuan Daofeng's Master Shenji and his master's nagging, Jiang Sibai left Luoyunxian Mountain with a "gongjia" magic treasure "Hundred Treasure Bag" for storage.

What made him feel at ease was that although the stored magic weapon was filled with all kinds of spiritual materials, pills, talismans, magic tools and even magic weapons.

But Shenji Zhenren didn't ask him to return all the benefits from the sale of these things to Luo Yun, but made another list for him.

This list is all spiritual materials and spiritual goods that Luo Yun Wonderland needs. He can trade them or obtain them in other ways.

As long as all the items on the list can be collected, then as many items as there are left in the treasure bag can be counted as rewards for him.

As always, he showed the generosity of the sect.

Of course, Jiang Sibai would not be greedy for these petty gains, Luo Yun has always been kind to him, so of course he will treat him sincerely.

Because the mission was assigned by the head teacher himself, even if Han Qianjin wanted to come, he still couldn't make it in the end.

But he didn't go on the road alone, disciple Luo Yun couldn't follow, doesn't that mean pets couldn't?

Teacher Dabai went on the road with him as a pet.

Only in this way can the old Taoist Mo Shang feel at ease.


All the way to the south, one person and one fox quickly walked out of the mountainous area, and then appeared on a fertile field.

This is already within the territory of the great eastern country Xu.

Xu country's land is not small, and the land is fertile and suitable for raising people, but it's a pity that the population of native Xu people has never been able to increase.

Maybe it's because there aren't any big sects of monks in Xu State, and Luo Yun Fairyland can't stretch out its arms that long.

Similarly, this is also a place where Dongyi is active. Wars between Xu Guo and Dongyi happen from time to time, which also greatly consumes the potential of Xu Guo people.

Jiang Sibai would not interfere with the affairs of this land, but felt that it was a pity that such a good land was left unused.

I can't help but walk all the way to pick up some wild plants that I like.

It's like beans, mushrooms, leeks or something.

I can’t grow these in Shennong Valley, but now I’m living alone outside, so I wonder if I can grow some vegetables for myself.

I have been farming with my master for five years, and I always feel that some of the racial talents deep in my soul have been excavated.

Especially after he gave Doufeng a 'pedicure', now he sees a flat open space and wants to repair it with a sword...

Along the way, he picked up many seeds of wild vegetables and fruits, and hid them with the five-element banning technique, only to plant them himself when he had time and land.

Xu Guo continued to go south, and he saw a large swamp.

This big lake is so vast that the blue waves are so vast that you can't even see the end with your poor eyesight.

And the vast water pavilion is located on the other side of this big lake.

This Daze is not easy to cross.

There are not even fishing boats on the calm water.

It's all because there is actually a water monster under the surface of the water, and if the boat sails on it, it may capsize.

Jiang Sibai didn't intend to be the 'dragon crossing the river', so he chose to walk around this big lake.

Although it will waste some time, it is not a big deal to have the support of shrinking the ground.

On the contrary, I envy those sword repairmen in the Valley of Excalibur Yujian soaring, handsome and convenient.

He walked around Daze without rushing too much.

At night, you can rest on the spot without making yourself look too tired.

But on this night, he encountered something unexpected.

Night is a very dangerous time for him, because he has to go into the nightmare to wear off some of the mental effects of the sinister.

The vicious existence will release some negative energy to the host all the time, interfering with the host's mind and will.

The daily nightmare is when this kind of energy is concentrated and released. Only by defeating the nightmare can these negative effects be temporarily broken.

This is the truth that Jiang Sibai gradually comprehended through various studies during this period of time.

So even if he is the king in the nightmare, he must enter the nightmare to consume this part of negative energy.

What he did intentionally or unintentionally before was to forcibly destroy this nightmare, which is also a kind of consumption.

But what he has to do now is a method that he has slowly realized from what he has learned, and that is to let the general of the dragon symbol in the nightmare absorb these negative energies.

Jiang Sibai thinks that this method is actually used by many people, and it is a very efficient method.

"My king, Angelica!"

Suddenly, General Long Fu stopped the process of absorbing these negative energies, opened his eyes and warned Jiang Sibai.

Jiang Sibai felt something at the same time, and with a movement in his heart, a picture of the outside world appeared in front of his eyes.

In his nightmare, he was able to see the reality of the outside world!

This is a very incredible usage that he discovered not long after he became the Nightmare King.

Moreover, this kind of perspective has a feeling of being condescending by a third party, as if his soul has already left his body.

That is to say, the identity of the Nightmare King gave him some of the characteristics of the primordial spirit.

This time the dragon talisman suddenly issued a warning, and a big brown snake emerged from the water in the condescending scene!

The big snake meandered, and seemed to be aiming at Jiang Sibai's side.

"It's really not suitable for camping next to the big lake, so I'll go back now."

After he finished speaking, he was about to leave the nightmare, when he saw a snow-white figure jumping out of the screen, rushing straight at the big brown snake.

"Get the hell out of here, don't affect the great disciple Du Jie!"

Uncle Dabai's salty and wet voice sounded, full of sense of security.

But for the orthodox monks, every time they fall into a nightmare, it is a time to cross the catastrophe, which is a dangerous process.

Jiang Sibai had never seen Teacher Dabai so restless, and even spit out a mouthful of blue fox fire the first time he pounced on him.

The fox fire landed on the big snake's forehead, and immediately ignited the big snake's body, making it very eye-catching in the dark night.

The big snake rolled and crawled back into the big swamp, and only then did it extinguish the ferocious fox fire.

But this movement obviously also disturbed many things around, causing the surroundings to make rustling sounds.

Dabai lowered his body and bared his teeth, at the same time, a cloud of blue fox fire lit up on the tip of his upturned tail.

Just the next moment, the fox fire at the tip of the tail spread to Dabai's whole body, and a strong monster power reaction bloomed from his body, and his body rapidly swelled into a giant beast nearly five meters in length.

It was the first time for Jiang Sibai to see Dabai's fighting posture, a powerful and safe posture.

"Dragon Talisman, are you ready?"

He asked suddenly.

The dragon talisman said in a deep voice: "My king, please come back."

Jiang Sibai nodded, and then softly recited: "Back to the dream!"

In the nightmare, he closed his eyes.

And the next moment he opened his eyes in reality.

"Teacher Dabai, let's run quickly, there is no need to waste time here."

Seeing that Jiang Sibai had come to his senses, Dabai breathed a sigh of relief.

But it insisted: "What are you doing when you get up, sleep a little longer, there is no problem at all with this uncle covered here."

Although it was very stubborn, it still shrunk its body cooperatively, and jumped into Jiang Sibai's arms consciously.

Then Jiang Sibai shrunk three times in a row.

He carried Dabai to a place fifty miles away.

After landing, Teacher Dabai began to teach others.

"Xiaobai, you have to learn your lesson. Next time, you can't just sleep in the wild, especially in this special situation. It's better to find a place to sleep with people..."

After rambling on, he really took the place of the old Taoist priest and began to teach his apprentices.

Jiang Sibai just listened with a smile, while gently stroking the hair on Dabai's head. This scene is very interesting.

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