I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 260: Almost equal to a successful assassination

The three-headed dragon demon king really has three heads... a man!

It was a person, but he used a technique that Jiang Sibai didn't understand, connected two dragon skulls to his body, and used them as magic weapons to guard him.

Isn't this the 'Three-headed Flood Demon King'?

And the way he appeared on the stage was also beyond expectations, it turned out to be descending from the sky, directly descending from the clouds in the sky.

He had been hiding in this thick rain cloud before impressively.

And his goal was not Headmaster Yuanling, who was fighting with the four of them, but aimed directly at the top of the huge earth dragon, that Taoist Moshang who was reciting "Miao Ran Qing Yin"!

Obviously, the opponent knows how to break the game.

As long as Taoist Moshang's "Miaoran Qingyin" is broken, all the cultivators of the evil way can display at least 90% of their strength.

Jiang Sibai's eyes turned fierce, it's fine to bully Master Yuanling, but he actually wants to bully his master?

At that time, he immediately complied with the 'Three-headed Flood Demon King', stopped playing, and then shouted angrily: "Everyone, attack with me!"

Following his angry reprimand, Shennong's Ten Swords promised on the spot, with an extremely loud voice.

Taoist Moshang's chanting was interrupted, and then he realized something, and Taoist Gusang also looked at each other.

All the essence of Shennong Valley worked together, and the huge earth dragon under its feet suddenly raised its head like a living thing, opened its big mouth to meet the 'three-headed dragon demon king' and bit it.

At this time, there were two Luoyunmen who were receiving treatment on the dragon head, their faces were pale and frightened, this was much more exciting than riding a 'roller coaster'.

It's hard to imagine how these guys from Shennong Valley did it.

It turned out that the entire branch of the ground veins under the feet was pulled out abruptly, forming a complete dragon body!

This is the real earth dragon!

Moreover, this earth dragon also showed some unique earth-moving abilities, and it was able to defy gravity and suspend in the air.

With such a huge body, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone present would never have imagined that it could actually fly.

Then he aggressively greeted the 'Three-headed Flood Dragon King' who was still so full of demonic flames.

In fact, the devil from the Demon-Enchanting Jedi already felt that he wanted to ask for forgiveness if he could.

This feeling is like the days when I just crossed the Marco Polo Bridge and was about to have a feast, when I suddenly found that there was an elegant and shy 'Miss Qiu' looking forward to it...

He Dehe Neng, I haven't done anything yet, just use this kind of super-standard thing to embarrass my face!

The Three-Headed Flood Demon King wanted to cry at that time, but under this level of attack, he didn't even have time to make any expressions, so he was swallowed by the earth dragon on the spot.

The three-headed dragon demon king wanted to exert force in the earth dragon's stomach, but he felt the strong suppressing power of the earth veins and the banning power of the five elements.

Not long after, he was wrapped in mud and sealed on the rock wall in the mouth of the earth dragon.

The 'Food Preservation Technique' produced by Shennonggu, you will always be trustworthy.

After swallowing the 'Three-headed Flood Demon King' in one gulp, the earth dragon swung its head in the air again, and turned to look at the stunned people on the ground.

After that, he crashed into the battle situation of Headmaster Yuan Ling without hesitation.

"Miao Ran Qing Yin" was cut off just now, and these chief priests are still preparing to use their true strength to deal with Master Yuan Ling.

As a result, the sinister ghosts they summoned were crushed by the earth dragon without any hindrance.

Foul, too foul, how can there be such a terrible thing?

People in the evil way don't think about others at all. When they see that this thing is too high, they immediately think of saving their lives first.

So it is not difficult to find that the four priests turned around and ran away at the same time!

At that time, Jiang Sibai manipulated the earth dragon to stick out its claws and grab an officiant.

But since the other party was determined to run away, he directly used some kind of secret method of running away, turning into a cloud of black smoke and dispersing in one go.

Master Yuan Ling reacted immediately, and raised his hand to strike the vowel bell with his finger knuckles that had been refined into fairy bones, and a resonant bell sounded immediately when the two touched.

This was a ruthless blow, directly causing the remaining three chief priests to enter a short-term state of shock.

The other dragon claw of the earth dragon immediately stretched out, holding one of the deterred priests into the claw, and then Gusang Taoist was responsible for allocating part of the force to suppress the ban.

On the other hand, Jiang Sibai violently controlled the dragon's tail and threw it at the remaining two.

These two chief priests have strengths and weaknesses.

The stronger one reacted at that time, and escaped directly with the secret method.

The other was too slow to react, and was smashed head-on by the dragon's tail, exploding into a cloud of blood mist in the air.

The scene was extremely violent.

In this way, the surprise attack on Luo Yun Wonderland should come to an end.

With Luo Yun's profound background and Jiang Sibai's continuous treatment, there was almost no damage.

On the other hand, the side of the evil way lost a lot, and I don't know how many lives were lost.

However, just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the sudden change occurred again!

Headmaster Yuan Ling, who had spent a lot of energy just now, was recovering, and at the same time he was slightly relieved by the victory.

But suddenly, under the cover of the rain curtain, a group of ghosts came to the back of Yuan Ling's head teacher, and took out a pitch-black dagger and stabbed it out fiercely.

This is a shadow assassin hiding in the dark!

Headmaster Yuan Ling reacted very quickly, and struck the vowel bell again at that time, which made the shadow assassin stagger and pause for a while.

But at this moment, Headmaster Yuan Ling had already set up a shield of zhenqi in front of him regardless of the loss of his zhenqi to resist the opponent's attack.

This zhenqi shield seems simple, but it is actually the most embodies of cultivation.

As profound as Headmaster Yuan Ling, this zhenqi shield is enough to resist any sorcerer's attack.

But the dagger in the shadow assassin's hand was extraordinary, it actually directly pierced the body-protecting qi of Headmaster Yuan Ling, and pierced into her left chest...

Headmaster Yuan Ling's expression changed at that time, and then he slapped him hard and knocked him into the air.

This palm is not light, enough to seriously injure the opponent, but unfortunately, he is also a cultivator with five vigor, so it is impossible to kill him.

Everyone shouted to take revenge, but the shadow assassin had already disappeared into the shadows everywhere around him.

Seeing this, Jiang Sibai immediately jumped off the dragon head.

At the same time, he used his probing secrets to detect shadow assassins.

A circle of fire spread out, and immediately blasted out several shadow assassins hiding in the dark.

He said loudly: "Form formation, protect the headmaster!"

A group of cultivators Luo Yun immediately left the battlefield and gathered towards Headmaster Yuan Ling.

Seeing this, Bai Ningzhi in the dark nodded secretly. Although her subordinates suffered heavy losses this time, at least they achieved their goal.

Jiang Sibai noticed this, and suddenly deeply regretted letting her go too easily.

Then he focused his eyes and said: "Bai Moji, this enmity is over!"

Bai Ningzhi paused for a moment, then left without looking back.

Jiang Sibai's face was ugly, and he hurriedly came to Teacher Yuanling's side and said, "Let me see."

Headmaster Yuan Ling quickly said: "I'm fine, don't look."

The expressions of the people around changed when they heard the words.

Because Jiang Sibai had saved many people before, everyone believed that his medical skills would be able to help the master.

So a group of people gathered around, pinned down Headmaster Yuanling, who was still struggling, and persuaded them together: "Sister Headmaster, it's not good to hide your illness and avoid medical treatment, so let Xiaobai see it. He is very powerful now, he must can make you better."

Yuan Ling broke out in a cold sweat, not sure if it was pain or what.

She quickly changed her words and said: "I was wrong just now, I'm hopeless, so don't look!"

However, everyone didn't want to let her go after hearing this, and even a certain senior sister reached out and untied the clothes on her chest...

Good guy, everyone fell silent all of a sudden.

The black dagger was easily removed, and a small white latex pad was strung on it.

At a glance, Jiang Sibai found that there was only a piece of aroused goose skin on the delicate white flat chest, and it didn't look like any injury.

So, when did he invent such a thing as a chest pad?

As for Headmaster Yuan Ling, she had a disheartened look on her face. She felt that she had really succeeded in being assassinated this time.

She's dead, she's dead.

Well, today is the last day of this week to add updates. There must not be so much time code words on weekends

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