I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

206 Sirius’S Attitude And Draco’S Excessive Worry (Please Subscribe)

The matter finally ended with Dumbledore's smoothing over and Sirius's nagging.

Confronted with their disappearance.

Obviously, the adults were frightened this time.

Even Dumbledore did not stop Sirius from educating Harry.

After a night of education.

The five Chen Fan groups returned to their dormitories.

Obviously, among the five people, only Hermione and Chen Fan "survived".

No one criticized them.

Hermione's reason is that her family is originally Muggle, and her parents don't understand these things.

And Hermione has always been smart, and her abilities are among the best.

I usually get good grades in class, and I like to study hard after class.

So in the entire Gryffindor, even when facing senior students, she is still the best.

As for Chen Fan, let alone that.

Snape and the others didn't know how powerful his abilities were.

But they know that Chen Fan’s ability cannot be underestimated!

So I was extra tolerant towards him.



While copying the family rules, Draco complained about how Malfoy had so many family rules!

"When I become the head of the family in the future, I will definitely not let my children remember so many family mottos!"

Malfoy does have a lot of family training.

The main reason is that as a noble, it is naturally impossible for him to be like ordinary people.

Therefore, each term of Malfoy family head will add some regulations to it.

It must be added every term.

As a result, there were only a few Malfoy family mottos at the beginning, but after a long period of inheritance, they became more and more popular.

more and more!

Damn Merlin!

Draco complained for a long time, feeling embarrassed again.

It seemed a little un-Malfoyish for him to talk like that!

Chen Fan won't look down on him for this, right?

Chen Fan said: "Of course not...Actually, I think your family's family training is a bit too much."

"Actually, a few basic rules are enough. Your family rules are so specific that they even include how to take care of your hair!

"What a wonder!"

Draco coughed a few times and said, "Dad added this point. He said this is also one of the etiquettes of the nobility!"

Draco could hardly speak anymore.

In fact, he also felt that this was indeed too... outrageous.

He also didn't understand what the relationship between maintaining aristocratic etiquette and hair was.

In fact (cfad), half of the Malfoy family rules are like this.

Draco hadn't thought anything was wrong before.

But since Chen Fan talked to him, he felt that this matter was not quite right.


In fact, according to his analysis, most of them are actually unnecessary!

Draco gulped.

He said helplessly: "Forget it, let's not talk about it... I really envy you. What do you want during the holiday?"

"It's almost Christmas, and I want to invite you to Malfoy Manor!"

In fact, Chen Fan was invited to Malfoy Manor.

It wasn't just Draco who meant it.

At the same time, I also want Lucius's meaning.

Although it is said that Lao Fu deceived his subordinates because of lies.

Let Malfoy and the others plan to follow Chen Fan.


Before that, Lucius still wanted to see what Chen Fan was like with his own eyes and have a good talk with Chen Fan.

Take a look at what’s so great about this young man!

Otherwise, they would not be able to take sides so rashly.

There is a certain gap between having an idea mentally and taking action immediately.


Big Malfoy just wanted to meet Chen Fan for Christmas.

Children don't have so many ideas.

Draco just thought Lucius recognized his friend, so he was happy.

But Chen Fan knew in his heart that this was a key to whether Lucius could be on his side!

Considering that he wanted to go to Mowgli Square at Christmas time.

Chen Fan thought for a while and said, "Yes, but Christmas is so long, we can't always spend it at Malfoy Manor!"

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

Draco said: "Somewhere else?"

"But, my father might not let..."

After all, the Malfoy family needs to hold many dinner parties and dances at Christmas time.

The purpose is besides inviting other nobles to show them the splendor of the Malfoy family.

They also need to let the outside world know what their future heir to Malfoy looks like now!

Anyway, Draco had to attend those parties!

This is his duty.

Of course, in fact, he doesn't really like to attend boring banquets.

He couldn't eat it, after all, he had to maintain etiquette.

Otherwise, if the future head of Malfoy's family eats steak without caring about his image, the price will simply drop!

At the same time, he had to wear a decent dress, which was actually not very comfortable!

It's really strange.

The fabric is also of good quality, but I feel uncomfortable wearing it!

I remember that he was still very interested in it at the beginning.

But after a long time, Draco found those banquets boring and uninteresting.

A bunch of people were chatting about what they thought were advanced topics, but he found it boring and had to smile and cooperate.

So, thinking of this, Draco said with an ugly expression: "Yes, Chen Fan, my father will not agree..."

"What he means is, I get every banquet"

"This way everyone will remember Malfoy as the future head of the family."

Chen Fan patted Draco on the shoulder: "Actually, I think you only need to go to the banquet once."

"Children should still have fun and not be so rigid."

"Besides, who doesn't know that you are the next head of the Malfoy family?"

"It doesn't need to be like this!"

"In this case, I would like to have a chat with Uncle Lucius when I see him!"

"Thank you." Although Draco felt that it was indeed unlikely that his father would agree.

But he still thanked Chen Fan.

"By the way, you said you wanted to play. Where do you plan to go?"

Chen Fan said: "No. 12 Mowgli Square, don't you want to go and have a look?"

Draco opened his mouth in surprise: "Where to go? Isn't that Sirius's residence?"

Chen Fan rolled his eyes: "What's wrong!"

"We are good friends with Harry. Didn't he also invite you?"

"Besides, I heard there are a lot of interesting gadgets there, and it must be very lively!"

"Don't you want to go and see it?"

Draco hesitated: "I really want to go see..."

"But I don't know if they welcome me..."

"You know my dad and Sirius didn't have a very happy relationship."

Chen Fan said helplessly: "Please, you are you, Big Malfoy is Big Malfoy!"

"Who would transfer his anger to you?"

"Besides, if Sirius doesn't welcome you, do you think Harry will invite you again and again?"

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