Chapter 116: New Project! Ask for subscription 5 more.

On the other hand, Minister Lee learned of the news, although he had previously speculated that it could affect the real world body in the game world.

But after getting the accurate argument at this moment, I was still shocked!

“What if: How nice it would be to give us this device! ”

Minister Li couldn’t help but sigh. But then he shook his head:

Never mind.. It is not that your own demands do not come, if you do something, it is not good to provoke the peak.

“Continue to train in the game and at the same time follow my previous orders to study the technology of weapons and other technologies in the game.”


Major General Tan received an order from Minister Li.

On the other side, in the staff building, inside the fifth floor, Gao Feng received a call from a lawyer.

“Mr. Gao, it’s over, Factory Pictures loses the case, we sue Factory Film Company for portrait infringement and win the case, and the other party will compensate us $500 million in compensation..”

The lawyer said on the phone.

Gao Gao heard that and 23 smiled and said, “Okay, thank you very much.” ”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Gao, feel free to contact me about anything next.”


After chatting for a while, Gao Feng hung up the phone. On the factory side, Gao Feng has not been taken to heart.

After all, now its own playground has become a special existence, an absolute behemoth! Although his playground is not large, there are really few people who dare to move the peak now!


At this time the outside door opens:

Vanellop’s trotted in from outside.

“Hey, little Winnie, have fun?”

Gao Feng asked with a smile.

Hearing Gao Feng’s words, Yunilop suddenly pouted and looked at Gao Feng angrily.

Seeing Vanilop’s appearance, Gao Feng knew what the little guy was thinking, so before she could speak, Gao Feng took the lead and said, “Gametime things don’t need to be discussed..”


Vanellop snorted and then ran to Peak’s bedroom. She wants to file a complaint with Elsa’s mother.

At this time, Calhoun and Sister Flash also walked in from outside.

After the two came in, they looked at the peak at the same time, and then opened their mouths to say something: But before the two could speak, Gao Feng shook his head directly.

It was clear that Gao Gao knew what they were trying to say.

Seeing Gao Feng shaking his head, the two also glanced at Gao Feng, and then walked to the sofa and sat down. Half an hour later:

Mevis returns from the Horror Land, and then the crowd begins to eat dinner.

After dinner, Elsa took Anna directly to the bedroom to learn magic together. These days:

Or maybe it was since Gao Gao gave the magic book to Aisha, Elsa hadn’t been out for a few days, and even the Ice World Park didn’t care, staying in the room all day watching the magic in the magic book.

The worst part is that Anna is now pulled in to study with her! This led to peaks for several days without sleeping in a room with Elsa.

Watching Aisha and Anna disappear into the back of the bedroom, Gao Gao sighed in his heart.

At this time, Mevis next to her suddenly said, “I haven’t been with Elsa in a few days?” Do you want to go to my place tonight? ”

Hearing Mevis’s words, Gao Feng was stunned:

“Oh, I’m full, you eat slowly.”

Gao Feng said a hurried stand up and walked toward Anna’s bedroom.

Anna now sleeps in Elsa’s bedroom, so Peak can only sleep in Anna’s bedroom.

After the peak had left, Calhoun glanced at Mevis at the dinner table and skimmed his lips. Mevis looked at Calhoun with a smile.

Time flies fast:

A week has passed:

In this week’s time, Gao Feng went to the world of dragon trainers and brought back six different types of dragons, and now the number of dragons in the Wyvern Paradise has reached more than thirty.

In addition, because Elsa and Anna learn magic, this week the peak is in charge of the Ice World Park.

So every morning, he would make a tour of the Ice World, then go to the other side of the island to expand the island, and then have a full meal in the middle of the sea into the dragon.

Other than that..

In the past few days, the horror park has received applications from teams from all over the world.

The Huaguo side was the first to register, and the ten people in the team included five dumb brides and others, and the remaining five were selected through various selections.

The second person to sign up was the Free State.

Their team is ten mighty bald men who look like they are powerful and powerful. The third is the bear country:

With the increase of the registration team, the flow of people on this side of the horror park began to explode. Every day, each participating team will come to the horror park for the first time to play. To say that play is actually to train:

However, because there is only one horror park, you can only enter three people at a time, so you can enter three teams at a time. In the course of a day, some teams simply don’t have much time to practice.

To solve this problem.

Summit intends to build a few more horror parks.

However, because the island is only so large, this idea can only be temporarily dispelled. Time flickers:

Another week passed:

The heat of the Dragon Park gradually dissipated, and the visitors to the three attractions of Ice World Park and Horror Park and Dragon Park became balanced.

After seeing this, Gao Feng began to prepare to take out a large virtual game project! This day:

Gao Feng dialed the forward phone of Dragon 093.

After the phone was connected, Gao Feng said directly: “Do me a favor and prepare some people to build a wall around my new project.” ”

“Okay, Mr. Gao.”

The dragon on the other end of the phone went straight ahead.

On the same day, Dragon Forward, with a regiment of sappers, arrived at the island and began building a wall near the virtual game building.

In fact, the virtual game building does not need any protection, because the building is all made of special metal, the exit and entrance have only one gate, even if someone sneaks in, it is impossible to play without authorization on the other side of the console, even if you want to remove the equipment.

The phone on the peak side can also receive some hints at any time.

Taking advantage of the time when Long Qianqian led people to build the wall, Gao Feng contacted Xu Qian again, and then told Xu Qian about the new project of the playground.

“The new project is a large-scale virtual game, which is expected to officially open in three days, and you can promote it in the next few days.”

Peak Road.

Xu Qian hurriedly said, “Okay, boss, I’ll arrange this.” ”


The official website of the playground has released the announcement of the latest project!

The countries that have been paying attention to this playground received the announcement as soon as the announcement was issued! Minister Lee over there: After seeing the announcement, Minister Lee sighed. It’s still coming!.

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