I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 29 Speech and the Assistance of Giants

The next day, all the workers were called together and Hanji gave a speech.

"Everyone in the factory, my name is Hanji Zoye, one of the squad leaders of the Survey Corps. I called you here today to explain some things."

"We are all refugees who fled from Wall Maria. We were forced to abandon our homes and our original lands. Some of them even lost their families."

"It has been several months since the wall was destroyed. You may say, Captain Hanji, I need a job and a piece of bread. Yes, you are right, life is too important, but I still want to tell you , there is something in this world that is more important than life, that is dignity and freedom!"

"The giant trampled on our home and killed our relatives, friends and lovers. We were forced to live within the walls. However, what did the central government and the nobles do for us? Have they ever combined the Survey Corps and the people Have you ever taken your life seriously?"

"For the sake of their own houses, property and power, they did not take the dignity and freedom of the lower class people at all. In order to prevent the refugees from rioting, they invented several means and methods to deal with the refugees."

"They are keeping the refugees in pioneer lands and building new towns and villages in the name of building new towns and villages. But so far, how many of you have received help from the government?"

"For them, refugees can be abandoned at any time. Now that Wall Maria has been broken, humans have lost one-third of the land, and the remaining two-thirds, can they feed the remaining humans? For the nobles For the government, there is still a question mark.”

"The autumn harvest is almost a month away, and the food situation inside the wall is already very tight. You all signed up to come here to participate in factory construction because you don't have enough to eat."

"The reason why I called you here is because the Survey Corps received a decree. If the food situation still does not improve during the autumn harvest, refugees over thirty years old will be sent to 'take back Maria'. wall'."

"Yes, you heard it right. They plan to let refugees without any training go to fight giants. The problem is caused by refugees, but they don't plan to solve the problem. Instead, they plan to let the refugees die and put the refugees to death. Treat your life, dignity and freedom as something you can trample on at will!"

"Gentlemen, I am sure that you will all understand the ugly face of the nobles. They enjoy the services of the common people, occupy all the resources, live in the safe hinterland, and they only care about their own interests! Why? Because they are born nobler than us? ?”

"No! No! We are all the same when we are born, we are all naked babies. They have no reason to trample on our life, freedom and dignity! If someone threatens us, we should take up arms to resist!"

"We are not machines! We are not cows and horses! We are human beings! Nobles are not nobler than us, they are also human beings, and they are only human beings!"

"Some of you may be afraid of the soldiers and weapons of the nobles, but I want to tell you that we now have more powerful arms and power than them!"

"This factory is not just an iron-making factory, but a weapons factory!"

"We do not fight for slavery! We fight for freedom! We unite in the name of freedom and fight for a new, fair world! We fight for jobs for all! Get out of the way for the nobles who enslaved us Fight down below! Fight to drive out the giants! Fight to liberate this country!"

The workers in the audience were silent. What Hanji described was what they had experienced in the past few months.

Leaving home and coming to a strange land, I tried my best just to survive.

The government ignored them, the soldiers guarded them like criminals, and now they even want them to die?

Everyone asks a question in their mind, why?

Why am I being treated like this?

Why can nobles live in the safe hinterland?

Why can nobles decide my life and death at will?

Why can't I resist?

When Hanji showed the assault rifle, the workers' emotions reached their highest point in an instant.

There were enthusiastic shouts from the audience. They raised their arms that were rough and strong due to years of labor, and their dark faces were covered with sweat.

When one person shouts, others also shout!

Everyone's accumulated emotions after the breach of Wall Maria, and the accumulated emotions caused by the unfair treatment they have encountered in the past few months, completely exploded!

They needed an outlet for their emotions, and Hanji detonated it.

The speech went better than expected. The workers were very enthusiastic, and their acceptance of Allen became much higher.

Everything is expected, because of the destruction of the wall, the country's conflicts have long been so great that there is nowhere to hide.

Then, the weapons factory entered into full swing of construction.

Allen tried to turn into a giant in the clearing. He cut his hand with a knife. He had a strong goal in his heart, he wanted to drive out all the giants!

In the golden lightning, he turned into the fifteen-meter-tall giant again.

Allen's consciousness was very clear. He adapted to this huge body. Under Ian's command, he helped transport iron ore and assemble parts of the blast furnace.

The workers would be afraid of Allen's figure at first, but after a few days, they became accustomed to Allen's presence and knew that this was their companion, completely different from those man-eating giants.

With Allen's physical strength, he can transform into a giant for almost five hours a day. He is like a flexible crane and excavator. The giant's hands are much more flexible than modern industrial machines, and their efficiency exceeds those of Eren. En and Hanji's calculations.

The power of the giant turned out to be such a powerful assistance.

But after thinking about it, it makes sense. You must know that Marais outside has dominated the world for many years with only the incomplete power of the nine giants. The Kingdom of Eldia has also been helped by the power of the giants. Down, once dominated the entire world.

However, Ian is different from King Eldia and Marley's government. Those people only want to use giants to kill and destroy. Ian wants to use the power of giants to create and build.

If we can make good use of the power of giants, building bridges, laying railways, and building factories will become a very simple matter!

A large biological labor force that does not need food and only needs the sun to work!

What value will Giant bring? How much wealth will be created for the world? How much land can be reclaimed to grow food?

That scene seemed to appear in front of Ian.

It can be done!

It can definitely be done!

I am the one who saves Eldians and the world!

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