I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 4 Gunpowder Production

As night falls, the sound of crickets and frogs can be heard outside the window, as well as the tireless summer cicadas.

Three or two moths flew into the house and bumped into the swaying flames.

Ian was whittling willow wood with a knife and making a simple scale.

He whittled the willow wood into a small stick, used rice grains to stick the bamboo slices to both sides of the stick, then carefully drilled a hole in the middle of the stick, inserted a small iron rod from the hole, and fixed the iron rod on two concave pieces. Among the stones.

A crude balance was ready like this. He tested it with two pieces of maltose and found that the sensitivity of the balance was pretty good, so he began to adjust the ratio of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal.

According to the formula on the bed board, the materials were divided into small portions, and a small amount of gunpowder materials were successfully prepared.

Then grind it into powder and mix it, crush the charcoal and sulfur with stones, and mix the three things together.

He could smell the smell of gunpowder. The weight was only as much as a packet of granules. He packed the gunpowder with leaves and placed it on the ground. He picked up the flint and struck out the sparks.


The black powder ignited instantly, exploding into dazzling sparks.

In an instant, it burned out, leaving only a few embers and black smoke floating upward.

Ian swallowed, looked around like a thief, wrapped the burned waste in the mud prepared in advance, went out at night, and threw the thing into the river.

On the way back, his heart was pounding.

The formula was real, it wasn't his dream!

He definitely learned from Asuka, including the collection of materials, and he actually learned how to make gunpowder!

He quickly returned to his room, hid the scales and materials, and lay down on the bed.

Don't get too carried away. It's just some gunpowder. Compared with the soldiers who can use three-dimensional mobile devices, they are still too weak.

Besides, there was gunpowder, so it was difficult for him to get a gun. He didn't have the skills to make a gun, but he could make some homemade bombs, which might be useful in the future.

"I really want to see Asuka again and let her teach me more."

Asuka's world is far more developed than the giant's world, and the technology on the two sides is not at the same level at all.

You know, in the EVA world, there are mechas and underground mechanical cities. It is a real science fiction world.

At this moment, Ian deeply understood the true meaning of the saying "knowledge is power". If he knew more knowledge, if he had read more books before, he might be able to think of a way out of his predicament.

He glanced at the moon outside the window and turned over to sleep.

He still fell asleep peacefully today, but when he got up the next day, he was a little disappointed. Maybe it was just a coincidence, and he could only rely on himself.

One month later.

Ian came back from the town in a carriage and moved the boxes one by one to the warehouse under the instructions of the housekeeper.

After returning from his first trip to town, he convinced the butler, gained his trust, and joined the weekly shopping team.

Although he is only ten years old, he is already quite strong, not inferior to those grown men at all.

The housekeeper didn't suspect him. After all, he had basically lived on this farm since he was a child.

After he showed his ability to calculate when calculating accounts, the housekeeper seemed to intend to cultivate him as a confidant and no longer gave him the job of feeding cattle and sheep. Instead, he began to teach him numbers and let him help with accounting.

In just one month, when Ian consciously demonstrated his abilities, he was promoted to a small management team, responsible for the command and recording of each purchase. On weekdays, he went to the warehouse to count various materials every day.

After all, he is a person who has been influenced by modern society. His knowledge and ability are much better than those of farmers in the countryside, especially in calculations. People here often have trouble calculating clearly when buying things and doing calculations. For them, addition and subtraction are difficult. , are all somewhat difficult.

As someone who has learned the multiplication tables, those "complicated" calculations are a piece of cake in his eyes, and he doesn't even need to write a draft.

Of course, he was very careful not to appear too "genius", but just a little special so as not to attract too much attention.

"Ian, have you finished accounting?" The butler asked the servant to take the horse to the stable.

"Remember it, sir." Ian handed over a pamphlet: "Please take a look."

The housekeeper took it, glanced at it, and nodded: "Okay, I remember well. From today on, you will be responsible for all future purchases. Tomorrow you will go to the lady's room with me for class and learn how to read."

"I know." Ian responded, lowering his head.

It seemed that the butler really wanted to train him, and actually wanted to teach a slave how to read.

This is normal. It is impossible for a housekeeper to take care of the entire farm in every aspect. This is essentially a confidential place at the previous national level. Histria is not only the daughter of the Reis family, but also the hidden heir to the ancestor.

To be a housekeeper in a place like this, he must be from the royal family, and he knows many secrets. It is very difficult for a housekeeper to ask outsiders for help. It is better to train him yourself. Ian is a good seedling, with a clean background and a good personality. He is smart, young, and has a lot of room for cultivation.

Ian works hard to express himself for the sake of the steward's appreciation, which means that he has more power and more freedom to deal with the upcoming crisis.

It's just that he is a little worried.

Will there be any potential problems if he and Historia take classes together?

But he can never refuse. This is both a risk and an opportunity. He cannot be afraid of everything. If he is timid, he will not be able to accomplish anything.

The next day, he got up early and followed the butler to Historia's bedroom.

"Listen up, you are only qualified to observe. When I am in class, you are not allowed to sit down, ask questions, or make a sound." The housekeeper held the textbook: "After class, I will assign homework. You have to do it next time." Leave it to me before purchasing.”

"I understand, sir," Ian said respectfully.

The housekeeper knocked on the door and asked, "Miss, can I come in?"

"Please come in." A childish voice came from inside the door.

With a creaking sound, the housekeeper opened the door.

Historia was already sitting on a chair with her textbook in hand, her short legs shaking back and forth.

She seemed to enjoy the class very much, as if she had been sitting there waiting for a long time.

The butler smiled slightly and sat across from her, while Ian stood aside, pouring tea and water for them, bringing the desserts and biscuits prepared by the chef to the table, and then stood aside obediently, learning about the world. Word.

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