I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 57 The first step away from the wall

After introducing Allen, the meeting went on smoothly.

Before arriving at the Toros District, all the squad leaders had already known each other. After twelve days of marching, everyone had become acquaintances through mutual cooperation.

But this was the first time that Allen appeared in front of everyone. In order to let the squad leaders remember Allen's face, a bench was moved for him and Allen sat next to Ian.

Little Allen's eyes were bright and his legs were shaking under the table. He probably thought all about "Tata goes, Tata goes". Like a fool, you could tell just by looking at his face that he was thinking. What.

Ian suddenly remembered where he had seen a chart before. He didn't know if it was an official chart or one made by fans themselves.

It records various attributes of the character, such as intelligence, force, and decisiveness.

Because so much time has passed, Ian has forgotten almost all of them, except for a few things that are particularly profound.

If he remembers correctly, Allen's intelligence is only three points, while Sasha and Kony's intelligence is four and five points. Historia's intelligence is also very low, but it is still higher than Ai's. Lun is a little higher, with an intelligence value of four points.

Allen is the person with the lowest IQ in the chart, commonly known as: Great Smart.

Judging from some of the performances in the original plot, he is indeed worthy of the title of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Child".

This kid is stupid, has only one brain, and can only think about one thing at the same time. Not only is he a single-celled creature, he is also a straight man who doesn't know the style.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours, making sure that everyone understood the entire plan and noted down everything that needed attention.

"Then that's it." Erwin announced the end of the meeting.

Everyone took their notes and left the tent, going back to the dormitory to sleep.

Tonight is the last night to stay inside the wall, the last peaceful sleep, and everyone still feels a little heavy at the thought of stepping into the territory of Wall Maria and facing the giant tomorrow.

After all, no one has ever seen the power of the "anti-giant Gatling" in actual combat.

I could only keep convincing myself that there would be no problem and I could kill all the giants.

Ian and Allen left the tent together, and Allen suddenly put his hands on his trouser legs and bowed.

"Thank you, Ian. If it weren't for you, I would never have been able to stand on the battlefield. And thank you for taking care of Mikasa and Armin."

"Aren't we friends?" Ian smiled and helped him up: "This is a matter of course."

"No" Allen shook his head: "If there were only the three of us, I'm afraid we would still be opening up the land and farming. Maybe we wouldn't even have enough to eat. But you are different. I believe you are right, so I will always support you. you."

"Do you feel uneasy?" Ian asked: "Armin and Mikasa are both staying in the capital. Are you worried that you will never see them again?"

Eren said: "The three of us are people without talents. I can still turn into a giant, but Mikasa and Armin have no talents at all. They should stay in the safe rear."

"Don't you have any talent?" Ian looked towards the direction of the royal capital.

This is impossible to say.

He showed a hidden smile and waved goodbye: "I'm going to bed first. You can rest too, Allen. Remember to get up early tomorrow and go to the city wall to see how effective Gatling is in actual combat."

"OK, good night!"

Ian listened to Eren's farewell, and the stubborn faces of Mikasa and Armin appeared in front of his eyes.

"The conditions in the training corps are very difficult. Are you sure you want to go?"

"Well, let's go. We don't want to be left behind by you and Allen again. Mikasa and I both want to be useful people, at least stand on the battlefield together!"

Who wants to be left behind?

When you have a firm belief in your heart, your potential is endless.

Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arnold, Ian believes that these two people will definitely provide him with huge help in a few years.

They are in the rough, they just need to be polished a little to prevent them from going astray.


The next day, the outer wall of the Toros District, six o'clock in the morning.

The sky was gray and it was raining lightly.

Ian was wearing an awning, standing on the fifty-meter-high city wall, looking down.

Although it was raining, the view was very wide. Outside the city wall was an endless plain covered with weeds.

From the sparseness of the weeds, it can be seen that there was a road extending from the city gate.

But now, no one has walked on that road for almost a year, and it has long been occupied by wildly growing green.

Ian stood by the wall and observed that strange life: a giant.

There were three giants in his field of vision.

The sun had not fully risen at six o'clock, and it was raining again at this time. The light was very dark, and the reaction of the giant, which was not exposed to the sun, was quite slow.

Only during the day can giants run full of energy, and at night they become tired.

The reason why we chose to take action at six o'clock is because the visibility at this time is enough to see the giant clearly, but the giant has not yet received enough light to restore its mobility.

The three giants that Ian saw were lying on the grass. He could only see the naked backs of the giants, and the rainwater flowed down their raised spines.

The heads of the giants were close to the ground, as if they were making a pilgrimage, and their backs were exposed without warning.

It’s hard to imagine how the giant recovered after having his hands and feet cut off.

Although they look like creatures made of flesh and bones, they are completely different in nature.

Ian feels that they are very similar to the elemental beings in some fantasy works. They have a "core" that serves as a key. As long as the "core" is intact, they can continue to regenerate.

All Eldians possess this potential.

He looked at his palm, he was also an Eldian.

On the city wall, there was the sound of creaking wooden wheels.

Workers are using a wooden pulley crane to transport the Survey Corps horses to the outside of the wall.

The first vanguard is Levi Ban, the strongest soldier in mankind leading the most elite soldiers of the Survey Corps, to clear the way for the expedition team.

Levi sat on his horse and twisted his neck.

"I ask again, are everyone ready?"

"You're in great shape today, Captain!" Elder drew out his double swords.

"Can you stop talking nonsense?" Petra patted the horse's neck: "This is a formal battle."

"Let's go when you're ready." Levi said coldly: "This time, everyone must come back alive for me."

Levi took a deep breath and shouted from the depths of his lungs: "——Forward!!!"

They waved their reins, the sound of horse hooves sounded on the plain, and a dozen investigators charged under the leadership of Levi.

Alarmed by the scent of horses and humans, the giant slowly raised his head.

Amidst the sound of the rope sliding, the hook line embedded itself into its flesh.

The three-dimensional mobile device led Levi's figure to spin in mid-air. He swung his two knives down hard, cutting scars.

The flesh of the back of the neck fell to the ground, and blood gushed out like a fountain. The giant's huge body fell into the grass, white steam rising.

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