I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 60 Shiganshina, arrived!

Ian and Alan were in the center of the team, protected together with the team transporting supplies.

Most of the routes they choose are plains with wide views. Unless they really have to take a long detour, they will choose to go through forests and hills.

The march on the first day went smoothly. Whenever a red signal flare bloomed in the sky, the people in the middle of the team sat down to rest. The shooting squad and survey corps on the periphery cleared all the giants within a certain range before setting off to avoid stopping for a while. Yes, it will delay the march.

At the beginning, everyone was still very nervous, but after watching the giant sprinting hundreds of times in one day being beaten by Gatling, they gradually relaxed and chatted when they were free.

Many people in the team were originally from the Wall Maria area. In order to ensure that they would not get lost, they recruited many natives of Maria.

The resting place tonight is an abandoned village.

There are several people in the transportation team and construction team whose hometown is here, and it was they who brought the team here.

After cleaning up the giants, everyone, except those on guard, got into these old stone houses to rest.

Ian came to the entrance of the village and saw many people helping to dig holes. When he went over and asked, he found out that they were digging a grave.

Returning to my hometown and hometown, things have changed. There are no more living people in the once bustling village. Perhaps out of emotion, everyone spontaneously helped to bury the bones in the village.

A man in his thirties knelt before the grave and shed tears: "Mom, please go away. Your son has avenged you."

His knees and forehead were pressed against the soil where he grew up and spent the first half of his life.

When he was a child, did he play hide-and-seek with his friends under the plane tree at the end of the village?

Does his mother often take him through the village and work in the fields?

He once had everything, but now, there is nothing left.

Ian once again felt that what he did was meaningful. If he had done nothing, this man might have been sent to Wall Maria by the old government to be killed by the giants last year.

Life is precious and irreplaceable.

Learn to respect life.

When one's basic necessities of life are satisfied, people will inevitably think about other things.

The world beyond the sea is at war now.

How many children are displaced, and how many people, like the man in front of me, are unable to return to their hometown?

Ian felt somewhat emotional. He hated war and everything related to war.

If possible, he hopes that he can stay on the original farm until the end of his life, and he can fork cow dung on the farm for the rest of his life.

But no, he must move forward.

His hands are already stained with blood, from the gendarmes during the coup and the nobles from the Giantess incident.

Many people died indirectly at his hands.

This man may also die soon.

Parade Island will finally face the world outside its walls.

When everyone knows the truth, Ian will push the people inside the wall to get in touch with the world.

There are still many things that Parady Island lacks. It is very difficult to build it yourself. When necessary, you need to use negotiation or even plunder.

That future will not come too late. This man may join a new team and die in a foreign country.

But there is no choice but to move forward.

Ian lay on the bed, thinking that it is really difficult for people to understand each other.

He seems to understand the meaning of the "Human Completion Plan" to some extent.

But a world with only orange juice is a bit too boring, so I still want to see the scenery of the world.

It's really tiring, both physically and mentally. If this could be over, just leave everything behind and go travel.

With this dream in mind, he fell asleep.

The expedition continued its march, establishing outposts along the way.

In six days, they walked half of the planned journey and rested at the midpoint.

Supplies were sent from the front, and the outpost was protected by Gatlin and was quite stable.

The survey team and the shooting team were cleaning up the surrounding giants every day. According to the material delivery person, although they were wary along the way, they did not encounter any giants at all. All the giants near this route were killed.

After all, the advance troops took the lead in a major purge, and the following troops continued to slaughter giants.

Even if a giant accidentally breaks into the vicinity of the battle line, it will be immediately discovered and led to the sentry point to be killed.

As long as the firepower is sufficient, the giant is no threat.

There is still no news about Dana. I don’t know where the blond royal giant is wandering to now. The territory of Wall Maria is very large. They are only walking a very small line. They hope to capture her alive. Get up.

For the remaining half of the journey, the expedition had to cross a forest.

By the time we got here, the team had been reduced from 600 to 300 because of the establishment of sentinel posts.

In such terrain, it is safer to have fewer people. They will march through the night and quickly through the forest.

Allen came to the outside of the team, always on guard against Qixingzhong.

During this period, he encountered two strange species. One was attracted by a gun, and he was killed without Allen's transformation.

Once, it was a sudden attack in the evening.

Qixingzhong suddenly jumped over from the tree and almost jumped into the crowd. Fortunately, Allen reacted quickly and turned into a giant to hug Qixingzhong away before it fell.

During this period, a large number of trees were crushed. In this attack, Gatling was not used. Levi took action and eliminated the strange species.

Walking in the forest, there is an indescribable depressing atmosphere.

The enemies who don't know where they are are the most terrifying.

However, there was no danger and the crossing was smooth.

The road ahead will be much easier.

They waded across rivers, traveled day and night, rain or shine, and passed through old villages and towns.

The distance of one hundred and thirty kilometers would only take two days on horseback if there were no giants.

But they walked for eleven days without seeing the end. The number of people in the team became smaller and smaller, from six hundred to three hundred to one hundred.

The fifteenth sentry post was established, leaving twenty men and four Gatling machines to wait.

The remaining eighty people drove the cattle forward.

Allen suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the official road around him.

He knelt down and picked up a piece of dry wood on the ground.

"We're here," he said, "This is the Shiganshina area."

It was unmistakable that he and Mikasa once came here to collect firewood with their backpacks on their backs.

Ahead is his hometown!

He suddenly started running, following the route in his memory, and rushed to the front of the team.

The wind blew across his cheek, and after crossing the small slope, his vision suddenly became clearer.

In front of him was a fifty-meter-high wall. On the plain below the wall, red-roofed stone houses were dotted dotted with several giants wandering in the distance.

Come back, he's back!

After a year, he is finally back!

Shiganshina area, arrived!

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