I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 72 Children who are warriors

The wall of Rose, the pioneering land.

Spring is the season for sowing. It is already May. All the fields that should be sown have been sown. All that is left is to spread fertilizer and pull out weeds every day.

Reiner was at the back of the queue, holding a barrel in his left hand and right hand.

At the end of the team is the rotating waterwheel. This is the team that comes to fetch water.

There were only a few people in front of Reiner, and soon it was his turn. He put the bucket on the ground, and when the waterwheel turned, he scooped water into the bucket.

He took two buckets of water and walked back steadily. There were green rice seedlings on both sides. Dragonflies flew over the water, causing ripples on the water.

He and Bertolt lived in a small wooden house on the edge of the pioneer land.

When they first came here, the place was completely deserted. They slept in the wilderness every day and could only pick up some wild fruits to eat.

Fortunately, after a while, a construction team came and helped them build a waterwheel for free. Under the organization of the soldiers, everyone also began to build houses and cultivate fields.

Relying on subsidies from the glass greenhouse, they survived the cold winter.

Although he barely managed to survive, compared to Marley's life, it was really different.

He hadn't had a good night's sleep since breaking into the wall.

“When can I go back?”

Reiner murmured in his heart.

After Yani went to the royal capital, she only wrote one letter to them.

Why haven't I found the King of Walls yet?

I really want to take away the power of coordinates quickly and return to my hometown.

He was thinking wildly and carried the bucket into the house.

Bertot, who was lighting the fire, raised his head and took out the roasted potatoes from the ashes, one for each of them.

No one said anything, they both remained silent, eating the baked potatoes in their hands.

Bertot was a taciturn type, and it wasn't the first day they met, so they had nothing to say.

The atmosphere was depressing, as it had been every day since they broke into the wall.

They placed all their hopes on Yanni, hoping that Yanni could quickly find out the location of the King of Walls and send them a signal.

After completing the task, they can go back.

As long as they wait at the port, someone will come to take them home. This will make up for the crime of being robbed of the "Giant of Hubei", and they can still survive as honorary Malay people.

"Hey Reiner," Bertot rarely took the initiative to initiate the topic: "What if something happens to Yani and we are left alone, what should we do?"

"Idiot!" Reiner suddenly yelled: "Do you hope that something will happen to Yani?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Bertot held his head and wiped marks on his face with his dusty hands: "I just have a very uneasy feeling."

"I've felt very uneasy since I came here."

"What will happen to us? Will we be eaten by giants like Beliku?"

"Why do the four of us have to come here?"

"What's the point of talking about it now." Reiner grabbed Bertot's shoulders: "We can't look back."

"Believe me, we can definitely go back!"

Bertot looked into Reiner's eyes and slowly calmed down.

"Thank you, Reiner, it's a good thing you're here."

Fortunately, you are here. Reiner felt that these words sounded really harsh.

Reiner patted Bertot's shoulder: "Just wait until Yani contacts us. Yani is very smart, we will definitely be able to do it."

"Yes. You have to trust Yani."

But at this time, the door of the house was suddenly kicked open.

"Such a little brat again? What on earth are Marais doing? Are all the people over there idiots?"

It was a man wearing a soldier's uniform. His head only reached halfway to the door. He looked at Reiner and Bertot with some contempt.

In his eyes, he only saw two ragged children, sitting on the dirty ground, looking like two dirty potatoes.

This is the true form of the Armored Titan and the Super Giant, which is too shabby.

Reiner and Bertot's mouths were wide enough to fit an apple in. They breathed rapidly and looked at the soldier.


They heard the word from someone they didn't know.

After living within the walls for a year, they already knew what kind of place this was.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the people inside the wall to know about Marais.


Yani, something happened.

Bertolt reacted before Reiner,

"Reiner! Hurry up!" he shouted, stumbling up and reaching for the sharp knife that was close at hand.

Reiner reacted, he was wearing the ring, they cut the skin and blood flowed down.

However, they all felt a feeling of electric current running through their bodies.

The power of giants cannot be stimulated.

Without that power, they were just two stronger kids.

"Why. Why. Why!"

Bertot kept mutilating himself with a knife. The tip of the knife cut many wounds on his palm, and blood spurted out.

They screamed loudly, their expressions were horrified, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads and backs, and their limbs were trembling.

The soldiers at the door just crossed their arms and watched their performance quietly.

"The quality is too poor." Levi complained: "To be on the safe side, I laid an ambush for a whole day and searched your house. I really think highly of you."

"It's useless, you can't become a giant."

The light in the room dimmed and soldiers surrounded the stone house, covering the windows and doors.

Levi didn't say much, and together with his subordinate Elder, pressed Reiner and Bertot to the ground with their knees, tied their hands behind their backs, and shackled them.

Their mouths were sealed with cloth strips, and they made hesitant sounds.

"Don't worry. If you want to talk, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to talk. I will let you confess properly." Levi said calmly.

"Let's go and escort these two war criminals to the royal capital."


Bertolt and Reiner were bundled into the carriage and transported away by Levi Ban.

Allen and Dana were in another carriage, also in the procession.

There was a lot of discussion in the royal capital, the central government, and the parliament.

"If this kind of thing is made public, there will definitely be chaos within the walls. The society has finally become a little more stable. Should we think about it again?"

"It's just that even we don't know how important this matter is."

Many were unprepared for the release of Grisha's notes.

Ian raised his hand to speak in parliament:

"You don't seem to understand the status of the matter. It has nothing to do with whether we are open or not. The Malay government has launched an attack on us. If you cover your eyes and pretend you can't see, the matter will not be resolved."

"Whether the people know it or not, the Marais exist on the other side of the sea, always coveting the power of the ancestors and trying to destroy us."

"This is about the survival of all of us."

The parliament fell silent for a moment, and no one raised any objection.

"Then let's start the voting."

"Thirty votes passed, four abstained and two voted against."

"The proposal to release Grisha Yeager's notes is passed!"

Hannes' final word seemed to hit everyone's heart.

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