I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 76 The place of ceremony

Reis Territory, church ruins, Ian looked at the new church rebuilt on the charred stones.

There was a fire here in the past, almost everything was burned, and all the surrounding plants were reduced to ashes. However, more than a year later, the seeds took root and sprouted in the soil, and it became overgrown with weeds.

Back again.

Ian is no stranger to this place. He is a child born in the Leith Territory. During the time when he was working as a housekeeper's assistant, he often traveled to various areas of the Leith Territory, and he has also been to this area.

That church is the private church where the Reis family worships, and it is also the only church in the territory. During important festivals or New Years, the lord will give soup near the church and perform religious activities with the people who believe in wall religion. .

But there is something else going on underground in the church. Down there is the place where the kings of walls of all ages performed handover ceremonies.

When the lifespan of the previous Wall King ends, the next chosen heir will be injected with spinal fluid medicine in the underground cave of the church, turning into a giant and cannibalizing his own blood relatives.

Ian breaks into the church with others, looking for the entrance to the crypt.

Just as Rhodes said, he found the entrance near the priest's prayer platform. After using Rhodes' key, he opened a door. Behind the door was a staircase leading underground.

"It's very dark, support team, go get the kerosene lamp." Hanji said, looking at the deep passage.

"No need for a kerosene lamp." Kenny waved: "Come with me, it's very bright and spacious down here."

"It's very spacious, I understand? Will there be light underground?" Hanji scratched the back of her head, a little confused, but she soon understood what Kenny meant.

A bright light shines from the ground.

Kenny pushed open a door, his shadow reflected on the steps.

Everyone looked at each other, put down the kerosene lamps they had brought, and followed Kenny through the narrow steps going down.

The moment I crossed the threshold, I suddenly felt enlightened.

This is a huge underground cavity. Looking up, you can see the top of the wall dozens of meters high. It is not made of ordinary stone, but some kind of transparent crystal that shines in the dark.

The crystal envelops the entire underground cavity, and many thick crystal pillars serve as load-bearers to support this place. It is quite spacious at a glance. The luminous crystals illuminate the space as bright as day, as if entering a dream world. .

Hanji stroked a crystal pillar: "This feels very similar to the hardened shell of the female giant. Are all these the hardened shell of the giant?"

"It should have been made by the King of Walls on his own initiative." Ian looked up and said, "After mining, these stones can be installed in glass and used as a light source at night, but that is something that will happen later. Let's go find the instrument that Rhodes mentioned first. "

"This place is a bit too big. Let's spread out and search, everyone, in groups of three." Hanji commanded: "After you find the iron box, bring it to the door."


The soldiers dispersed, and about twenty people entered the underground space. Hanji felt that it was not enough, so he called twenty more soldiers from the one hundred soldiers stationed on the ground to come down and help find them.

By the way, she asked someone to knock out some crystal fragments with hammers and nails, and she started researching and observing them on the spot.

Ian took Alan around to see the beautiful scenery, shocking and grand.

"I saw it in my memory." Allen stopped and looked towards the high platform.

There are iron shackles and shackles on that high platform. It is not difficult to see that when the succession ceremony is held, the previous King of the Wall will be bound there.

Counting over 100 years, at least 6 ceremonies have been held so far.

"Dad, he attacked the Lacey family here." Allen's expression looked stiff: "He smashed two boys who were about the same size as me with one palm, and trampled to death Lord Lacey's wife and her pregnant wife. The child was hit, and finally a teenager was crushed to death with his hands."

"He crushed such a small child like a bug to death." Allen's hand was trembling: "That touch. I still have that touch on my hand."

"Ian, what do you think I will become like?" Allen's breathing was a little rapid.

"Alan, calm down, that's not something you should consider right now." Ian put his hand on Alan's shoulder: "If you feel uneasy, just follow me."

Under Ian's guidance, Allen took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down.

At the entrance, someone reported.

The equipment for making spinal fluid medicine was found.

Ian and Allen came to the entrance, and Hanji was sitting on the ground, tinkering with the iron box.

The shell of the iron box was taken apart, and Ian squatted down to observe the structure with her.

In fact, the structure is not that complicated. There are many tracheas used inside. When you shake the rocker, the hollow drill bit will drill through the spine. Once it touches the spinal fluid, the air pressure will suck out the spinal fluid, and then mix other materials. , injected into a special container.

"This kind of structure, with our technology, should be able to be restored, and it feels like it can be improved." Hanji pondered.

"Let's do an experiment first." Ian suggested: "Alan, become a giant."


Allen turned into a giant in the wide space, and then left from the back of the neck, leaving behind a giant body that continued to evaporate.

The soldiers used knives and hammers to dismantle the giant's spine.

Following the formula given by Rhodes, Hanji added the material into the small funnel of the instrument, then aimed the drill bit at a spine and shook the rocker with a creaking sound.

You can clearly see how it works internally. The silver spinal fluid in the spine is sucked out, mixed with crushed herbs and ore powder, and finally injected into the syringe-like container.


"It seems that making a sealed container is more difficult than the instrument itself for extracting spinal fluid."

"It shouldn't be too difficult. Mass production will definitely be possible before July."

"But..." Hanji sighed after getting excited: "Is it really right to make this kind of thing?"

"Just strictly monitor the production and transportation channels." Ian said: "Anyway, it's just turning the people who were originally going to be executed into the labor of giants."

"That's the problem. If this potion is accidentally lost, it will be a big trouble."

"This is a problem of internal management. After the liquidation of the government, we can no longer let it have any management problems."

"Alas" Hanji sighed: "Forget it, I still don't care. Go and discuss these things with Erwin. Give me a predetermined quantity first. How many do you plan to have?"

"Preliminary estimates suggest that approximately three thousand spinal fluid medicines will be needed."

"Three thousand." Han Ji took a breath: "Do we have that many death row prisoners?"

"Three thousand is an estimate of the number of people who will be convicted next. It is just a conservative estimate. It should actually be more."

“Are our laws a little too strict?”

"It's already very relaxed. After all, the past year was chaotic, and the number of criminals will naturally increase."

"Because Grisha's notes were made public, people with ulterior motives also jumped out." Hanji looked complicated: "Is our approach really correct?"

"There's just no other choice."

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