I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 411: Promo for Heroic Spirit Summoning

The original world is now almost complete.

Under Xia Ruo's arrangement, the promotion of the original world of the new game in the real world is also in full swing.

Unlike previous games, VR and virtual helmets are played at home, while AR is played outside, which will definitely affect the entire Tianbai City, so Xia Ruo did not stingy with publicity funds at all, and spent a lot of money in the entire Tianbai City publicity resources.

The subway station and billboards in Tianbai City, as long as they can be seen, there are promotional posters about the new game original world and AUGMA everywhere.

It even reached the point where as long as the citizens of Tianbai City went out, they could see the promotional advertisements in the original world. Even those who didn't play games knew about such a new game.

The virtual helmet and Mengzhan even advertise 24 hours a day.

The well-known up masters of Mengzhan, no matter which district they are in, are in various milklands. As a result, this game has surpassed many well-known games before it was released. There are endless stalks and jokes.

This is the first time for gamers to see Rising Officials use such a violent publicity, and they have more expectations for the upcoming Original Realm.


Five days passed.

There are more and more monsters coming to Tianbai City through the black hole.

The monsters in the Inuyasha world are creatures with extremely powerful vitality, and the number is endless. Although they came to a new world, these monsters did not recognize their own lives, and each found a suitable place to build a nest.

Powerful monsters began to divide their territories in the new world. I believe that in the near future, a complete monster ecology will appear in Tianbai City.

Now, when ordinary people walk on the street, there will be a monster flying over their heads from time to time.

Tianbai City has already begun to develop in an abnormal direction. When AUGMA is actually released, the original world will be truly displayed in front of everyone, or the demon world is more appropriate.

"There are already monsters, and the next step is the summoning of heroic spirits," Xia Ruo murmured as she looked at the gradually changing Tianbai City.

Xia Ruo is quite satisfied with the current development of the game. Although there is no player inside, as the first step, it seems to be quite perfect.

However, as a game, in order for players to have a sense of substitution, the original world also needs a main storyline, at least to introduce the world view, or to shoot a promotional video so that the heroic spirits can have a handsome appearance.

Now I haven't drawn the "fate" animation, if the players don't know about the heroic spirit, then there is something missing in the game.

Thinking of this, Xia Ruo took out her mobile phone and found a phone number.

Lin Chuyu.

Xia Ruo thought of the cute little girl who kept calling 'Brother Ruo' behind her.

Xia Ruo is a person who kept his promise, so he naturally did not forget the agreement with this girl at that time. At that time, he said well that he would invite her to be the protagonist of the first stage of the new game, and the image of that little girl is also quite good, she is still a high school student , which is very suitable for the protagonist role of the first stage, that is, the role of Emiya Shiro.

As for the content of the promotional video, Xia Ruo didn't intend to make an original, and just copied the Heroic Spirit Call in the first episode of "Fate".

When watching "Fate", Xia Ruo felt that Saber, the heroic spirit, was too handsome, so cool that he had no friends.

Especially the lines of saber are completely unforgettable classics in "fate".

With the surging blue spiritual power and the falling moonlight, a beautiful blond knight appeared in the summoning circle, with a sassy face and a sacred posture, protecting the Master in the desperate situation, accompanied by her calm oath...

"Excuse me, are you my master?"

"The Servant Saber came here following the call, Master please give me instructions."

"From now on, my sword will be with you, and your destiny will be with me."

"Here, the contract is established."


If such a scene can be perfectly replicated, it will definitely make the concept of heroic spirit deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Without hesitation, Xia Ruo called Lin Chuyu.


Lin Chuyu on the other side of the phone answered the phone, but the tone of the other party was obviously surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Brother Ruo, you finally called me. I heard that Rise's new game is about to be released. Brother Ruo hasn't forgotten my insider qualification, right?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten, by the way, do you have time now?" Xia Ruo asked on the phone.

"Yes, yes, I'm always free," Lin Chuyu sat up abruptly from the bed, rubbing her messy hair. She was still wearing bear pajamas, as if she had just woken up.

"Then you come to my place, the new game has been completed, you need to be the heroine, make a promotional video, I will send you the address later," Xia Ruo said with a smile.

"Ah! This... can I do it?"

Although Lin Chuyu's tone was a little excited, he still knew how much he weighed. With the name of Rising, he can find any celebrity to shoot a promotional video.

"No problem, I think the plot of the new promotional film is very suitable for you," Xia Ruo said firmly.

"Then...then I'll try," Lin Chuyu tentatively whispered.

"Well, come here quickly."


beep beep...

The moment she put down the phone, Lin Chuyu jumped up from the bed and turned around abruptly, without any image of a lady at all.

"I'm going to be the protagonist!"

Lin Chuyu was really excited, that was the heroine that Ruo Ge personally affirmed, with Ruo Ge's courage, maybe it could be directly made into an animation, and then maybe he could join hands with Ruo Ge to go to the second dimension.

It's hard not to be excited when this kind of opportunity falls on me.


Soon, Lin Chuyu went to the rising company by car and found Xia Ruo.

It was the first time for Lin Chuyu to visit Rising Company, so he inevitably looked left and right curiously. This place can be regarded as the two-dimensional sacred place in Tianbai City. He never thought that he would be able to visit here one day.

"You're here," Xia Ruo took her to her office after seeing Lin Chuyu.

"Well," Lin Chuyu obediently followed behind Xia Ruo.

"This is the script. Read it and familiarize yourself with the lines. We will start filming when you are ready. AUGMA will be released in a month. We will try our best to film it within this time," Xia Ruo smiled and handed Lin Chuyu a script.

A few thin sheets of paper, this is Xia Ruo's impromptu promotional film script.


Lin Chuyu took the script and read it seriously. Just looking at it, her mouth couldn't help growing slightly, and there was a hint of shock in her eyes.

Before coming here, Lin Chuyu didn't know the gameplay of the new game. After all, Rise didn't introduce too much information about the new game in the promotion, it just explained that this is an AR game.

But after reading the script, Lin Chuyu discovered that this game is actually a card-drawing game in the real world, and the way of summoning is so cool.

There is not much content in the script, the content is roughly that Lin Chuyu stayed in school until late because of reviewing homework, and then saw a monster on the way home, and was killed by the monster on the spot.

Xia Ruo happened to pass by and found Lin Chuyu's body. The kind Xia Ruo couldn't bear the loss of a young girl's life like this, so Lin Chuyu was resurrected with the power of the jade of the four souls, and the jade of the four souls also remained in Lin Chuyu's body. .

After the resurrection, Lin Chuyu was completely confused about the situation.

Xia Ruo kindly told Lin Chuyu that in Tianbai City, there are all kinds of monsters from different worlds, but ordinary people cannot see them, only those with inspiration can see them, but having this ability also represents Danger.

Monsters will attack people with inspiration. It is difficult for this kind of human beings to survive in this world. If they want to survive, they must get the help of heroic spirits.

Under Xia Ruo's kind guidance, Lin Chuyu drew the magic circle summoned by the heroic spirits in the warehouse of her home.

However, the monster who smelled Lin Chuyu's breath came again, and at the very moment, the heroic spirit from another world was summoned by the summoning circle, and appeared handsomely, protecting himself as the master.

The heroic spirit used his powerful power to destroy all the monsters, and as the master, he started the road to save the world.

From then on, the promo ends.


The plot is probably such a plot, and it is not complicated.

When Xia Ruo was writing the script, she found that she couldn't come up with any good script after much deliberation, so she directly copied all the plots of Gong Shirou in "fate" ubw.

Shirou Emiya is played by Lin Chuyu, Rin Tohsaka is played by herself, the role of Saber is played by Kikyo, and the spearman can just find a monster as a supporting role.

Xia Ruo stared at Lin Chuyu's expression, as if she wanted to see her opinion.

Lin Chuyu slowly put down the script. After reading the script, her body couldn't help shaking, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

"This script is just... so cool!"

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