I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 167: Unpleasant Feeling

"Master, about Soul Nurturing Grass..."

After leaving Dusky Tavern, Yin Chen was unable to hold back. He had wanted to ask his master this question for a long time.

Soul Nurturing Grass is essential to his elder sister.

Could it be that he forgot about that?

"Are you thinking I forgot about your elder sister's condition?" Qin Yi couldn't help but smile at Yin Chen.

"No, Master." Yin Chen shook his head and explained hastily, "I just don't understand..."

"Don't worry. I have treated your elder sister. She is fully recovered. However, she needs time to wake up from her long slumber. Do you want to see her?"

Yin Chen was relaxed and shocked at the same time.

My elder sister is fully recovered?

He answered excitedly, "Master, please let me see her!"

Qin Yi nodded and immediately took out the Mystical Garden. After that, it absorbed Yin Chen into it.

It was not Yin Chen's first step into the Mystical Garden. However, he was still mesmerized every time he saw the scenery.

He truly admired his master's arrangement.

Yin Chen's elder sister was sleeping in one of Willow Tree's wooden houses; her face was rosy and healthy without showing any sign of discomfort— she looked like a sleeping beauty.

Seeing her elder sister like this, Yin Che walked over without making any sound.

After a while, he turned around and immediately bowed before Qin Yi, saying: "Master, thank you for saving my elder sister. I swear I will always be loyal to you."

Qin Yi sighed and said helplessly, "I told you before to stop kowtowing. Saving your elder sister is part of my responsibility. As long as you do your job well, I will not mistreat you and your elder sister."

"Stand up! You can stay here to accompany your elder sister for a while. I'll brew some medicines somewhere. If you want to go out, you can find Little Star..."

Yin Chen looked up as his face turned complicated.

He knew the little black cat called Little Star; it was an agile and playful cat.

Yin Chen had tried to catch it several times but never succeeded. Unless he goes to play and coaxes the children, Little Star would never voluntarily allow itself to be captured by him.

Meanwhile, on Qin Yi's side, he is busy extracting attributes from Mind Soothing Dew.

Mind Soothing Dews are Rank 1 heaven and earth material; they have the role of calming the mind of anyone who consumes them.

However, although Mind Soothing dews are only Rank 1 heaven and earth materials, they are not easy to obtain. Even Qin Yi only had 300 drops.

If Qin Yi wanted to make Rank 3 medicine from Mind Soothing Dew, 300 drops would not be enough. He had to collect another 700 drops.

What's more, apart from lacking the number of Mind Soothing Dews, he also didn't have any treasures that could help improve concentration.

Thinking about this problem, Qin Yi had no choice but to enter the storage system using his consciousness and read Medicine Saint Journal, hoping he could find an answer.

Time is ticking. Qin Yi finally found the answer he was looking for.

It turns out that there are many treasures that can help to increase concentration. However, as far as Qin Yi was concerned, only three of them were available in the Azure Dragon Region; Ash Burning Tea Leaf, Serenity Moon Dew, and Enlightenment Stone.

The Enlightenment Stone is, needless to say, that thing is incredibly rare even in the entire Four Sacred Regions. However, it's not impossible to acquire.

As far as he is concerned, there's an available Enlightenment Stone in the Secondary Profession Association. However, not just anyone can access it. It's more impossible for Qin Yi, a nobody despite his status as an official member.

Putting aside the Enlightenment Stone, Concentration Incense and Serenity Moon Dew are easier to acquire. However, they are all Rank 2 heaven and earth material. Naturally, the price is relatively high.

Of course, the word "expensive" was mean little to him. A mere Rank 2 heaven and earth material, he could even buy a thousand of them.

"It seems like I have to go to Black Water Auction House..."

The Black Water Auction House wasn't just a place for auctions. In fact, it is also a store that sells many things.

If Qin Yi can't find what he wants from the Black Water Auction House, he can go to Three Great Clans or Merchant Union.

After making that decision, Qin Yi headed straight for the Black Water Auction House.

"Welcome, Mr. Collector~"

Arriving there, Qin Yi received an unexpected welcome.

"Thank you for your warm welcome, Seductrees Jiang~"

Qin Yi had expected someone like Manager Lu to greet him, but the appearance of Seducttrees Jiang surprised him.

She is still attractive and seductive as ever; the aura she exudes is exceptionally enchanting. Even Qin Yi, who is usually immune to beauty, couldn't help affect a little.

Seductress Jiang chuckled lightly, "No need to be so surprised, Mr. Collector. The day you donated your medicines during the auction the other day, your name was already written on the VIP list. Also, we have heard your agreement with Manager Lu. Therefore, we are truly anticipating your arrival. According to the rule, Manager Lu is supposed to be the one who handles this matter since he is the one who brought it up. Unfortunately, he met an unexpected end..."

"My condolences..." Qin Yi grieved, "I didn't think Manager Lu would go, not even the day after our meeting. He's a nice and honest person. Also, he did his job very well. I hope he will be a boss in his next life instead of a manager..."

Qin Yi's acting is too natural, which stunned Seductress Jiang.

"Anyway, let's get down to business. To tell you the truth, Seductress Jiang, I need lots of Mind Soothing Dews and some Ash Burning Tea Leaves or Serenity Moon Dews. Does your Black Water Auction House have the items I just mentioned? "

"Mind Soothing Dew, Ash Burning Tea Leaf, and Serenity Moon Dew... they are available in our storage but not much in stock. Can Mr. Collector detail the quantity you want?"

"Only a thousand drops of Mind Soothing Dew, a hundred Ash Burning Tea Leaves, and a hundred drops of Serenity Moon Dew. That's not much, right?"

Seductress Jiang smiled meaningfully at Qin Yi with "what do you think?" looks expressed on her beautiful face.

"We can provide a thousand drops of Mind Soothing Dew. However, Ash Burning Tea Leaf and Serenity Moon Dew are scarce; even our stock is not much; thus, we can only provide a maximum of ten for each. What do you think, Mr. Collector."

"What a shame... but that's also fine. I'll take them."

Following these words, Qin Yi made a price bargain with Seductress Jiang before they closed the deal.

After Qin Yi paid the bill, Seductress Jiang suddenly spoke: "Mr. Collector, some people have come to our shop and inquire about your whereabouts. They may want to order medicine or treatment from you..."

Qin Yi shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I can't make medicine or treat patients this month because I'm busy treating a patient with troublesome illness at the moment. They can only wait for next month if they still require my service."

"That's really unfortunate. This girl will convey your words to them."

Even though they couldn't make the deal, Seductress Jiang didn't feel down.

The fact that Mr. Collector goes here instead of to other big stores to buy many goods proves that he trusts and is satisfied with their store.

Qin Yi was about to leave, but suddenly, Seductress Jiang warned him.

"Mr. Collector, be careful of the person called Nether Son. He is the Core Disciple of the Underworld Palace. This person was also the one who killed Manager Lu and Liu Yi for your whereabouts. Manager Lu was very loyal to our store, but Liu Yi was still questionable since he recently joined our store."

Liu Yi also died?

"..." Qin Yi went silent for a moment before he sighed.

Two acquaintances died because of him; how could he not feel anything about it?

Moreover, those two people belong to the Black Water Auction House. The fact that Seductress Jiang did not blame him but instead warned him out of good intentions meant that he was indebted to them.

"Thank you. I will remember this favor, Seductress Jiang. By the way, do you know where that Nether Son- something lives?" Qin Yi asked.

The feeling of being hunted is unpleasant.

He would rather reverse their position than be passive.

In the first place, why did they even madly search for him?

He doesn't recall offending such a person lately... or perhaps during the auction, he indirectly offended them?

Qin Yi shook his head, thinking there was no point in brooding about it.

The other party had already made a move, even killing two unrelated people.

If he doesn't make a move soon, who knows what will happen next.

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