I can extract side effects

Chapter 144 Mr. Wei Becomes the Spokesperson of Sanqing Beauty Makeup

This charity gala was originally an unremarkable public welfare activity, and the report would only be mixed in with many news and become an inconspicuous one.

However, due to the presence of many well-known actresses, it immediately attracted the attention of the media.

Relying on their keen sense of smell, they unearthed the truth of the matter in a wrong way.

Most of the reports briefly covered the events of the charity gala, and the whole article focused on the scene where the major actresses competed for beauty.

Wei Kang also unfortunately became the focus of the incident because of the false scandal last time.

"Shocking, the story Sanqing Weizong and the actress in the entertainment industry had to tell."

"Mr. Sanqing Wei attended the Rare Disease Charity Gala and hugged a well-known actress, confirming the previous scandal."

"Reveal the secret! The man in the hearts of the four little Huadans is actually him?"

"Sanqing Weizong and Yan An'an are intimate, but Yang Bingbing is jealous of Hai Shengbo's cold face."

""Temperature of Love Charity Gala" Tang Yan and Li Xiaotong compete on the same field, let go of chasing love."

Once this kind of news headline comes out, it is impossible for the majority of netizens not to get excited.

"My heart is broken. It turned out to be true. Mr. Wei really had an affair with a female celebrity."

"Wuuuuuuuu, although I always knew that such a handsome man could not be mine, I am still very sad."

"Is the national husband going to change hands again?"

"Actually, I don't mind being a little three or a little four, I don't even mind being a little seven or a little eight."

"Upstairs, I guess you can only be a little seventy or a little eighty. Slow down, maybe even a little eight hundred may not be ranked high."

"Hehe, man, I really love the flirtatious bitches the most! Is it true that pure girls like us can't find true love?"

"Mr. Wei is awesome, female celebrities are jealous of him, you fight over me, you are really a role model for my generation of men!"

"Fuck, is Mr. Wei going to choose a concubine? Thinking about it, I'm a little excited."

"There's nothing to choose. A grown man's choice, of course, is everything."

"Tsk tsk, thinking about Yan Anan's long legs, Yang Bingbing's career line, Tang Yan's cute loli face, and Li Xiaotong's femininity, my mouth is watering."

"Cracking the wall and begging Mr. Wei to live broadcast, I want to watch the life of the tall, rich and handsome!"

It was also rare for female celebrity fans to reach an agreement. Instead of complaining about their rumored boyfriends, they lashed out at each other crazily.

"I could tell it was An An in the last photo, and it was true. Judging by this posture, she must be in love."

"Hey, Yan An'an is also worthy, she has a bone frame, how can she be as beautiful and sexy as us."

"Hehe, for Yang Bingbing, a bitch who knows how to sit on the rich man's lap, President Wei has his eyes on her? Just dream."

"Didn't you see the way Mr. Wei is hugging left and right? The main palace hasn't been settled yet, so why are you arguing?"

"I think it's probably Li Xiaotong. Mr. Wei looks at her from a distance, with affectionate eyes, and it's obvious that he loves her very much."

"That flirt, she has the most gossip, and Mr. Wei is not blind. He must like pure love, like Tang Yan is his favorite. Didn't you see the two of them smiling sweetly in the group photo? A man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful face are a natural match."

Wei Kang watched the news reports on the Internet, unable to cover his face, feeling deeply speechless.

What is this all about?

What does it mean to look at her from a distance, with affectionate eyes, that is because he was distracted listening to the host's words, and stared at her in a daze, okay?

He didn't even know that there was a female celebrity sitting there, let alone that the reporter would secretly take pictures.

What is a group photo with a sweet smile? Is that a polite yet elegant smile?

What does it mean to hug left and right? It was a group photo arranged by the organizer. All the female stars squeezed closer to him, okay? The reporters now know how to open their eyes and talk nonsense.

What kind of intimacy is there, it is a complete headline party, and there is not a single real photo.

Reporters, if you deceive people like this, won't your conscience hurt?

This group of media knows how to spread rumors every day to attract attention, and there is not a single truth in the entire report.

It was a good charity gala. I didn't mention a word about my donation, and the whole article was just gossiping and chasing after rumors. This scandal seemed to be true, it was simply outrageous.

As for the comments from netizens, they are nothing.

He shook his head, turned off the computer, and decided to watch less online news in the future.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Sheng Changya walked in excitedly and handed over a document.

"Mr. Wei, take a look at the marketing plan for my super moisturizing factor. It took me a day to write it out."

Wei Kang paused and leaned back quickly, with a look of resistance on his face.

"You don't really want to use some beauty trick, do you?"

Sheng Changya shook her head like a rattle, and put the document in front of him.

"How is it possible? I'm a professional, how could I use that kind of marketing plan that can't be put on the table."

Wei Kang just took over the marketing plan and looked through it.

After reading it, he looked at the other party in shock, speechless for a long time.

Sheng Changya asked expectantly, "How is it?"

Wei Kang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Well, this seems to be not much different from a beauty trick."

Sheng Changya waved her hands again and again: "How could it be? Boss, don't think too much, I'm considering it from a purely commercial point of view."

"The fact is," she put her hands on the desk, leaned over to look at Wei Kang, her eyes were all staring.

"Boss, you are of great commercial value, and your popularity is no worse than that of a popular female star."

"With a top star like you here, why can't we make good use of it?"

She looked excited and talked about her thoughts incessantly.

"Cosmetics is an ancient industry that pays great attention to marketing, and many brands started their business through marketing."

"A good story can bring a brand back to life, and it can also make a product a hit."

"One of the most famous examples is Yadai Group's top brand La Mer. In fact, the ingredients of its face cream are nothing special, not much different from ordinary face creams."

“But the brand marketed it with a story that an M.D. used a miraculous active serum to repair the explosion-damaged face, and then the brand used this miraculous formula to create a cream that miraculously repaired it.”

"However, the dermis is damaged by burns, and modern medical technology cannot completely repair it. Can skin care products from 50 years ago really do it? I don't believe this as an amateur."

"Its facial cream does have the effect of moisturizing and repairing, but there are many products with the same effect on the market, and the price is less than one-tenth, because there is no moving story, so it can't make a name for it. Can't sell it."

"I think this super moisturizing factor can also be marketed with a very touching story, just like this, Mr. Wei of Sanqing discovered this miraculous moisturizing and repairing function during the research and development of anticancer drugs. The super moisturizing factor, so it is used in Sanqing's skin care products."

"Of course, I can add a little more perfection to make it look more fleshy and touching."

"For example, you are deeply influenced by your mother and are very interested in skin care products. You have always wanted to develop a powerful skin care product for your mother. However, after a tragedy happened, the magic factor you developed can only be used In memory of her, this way..."

Sheng Changya watched Wei Kang's face turn ugly, and his voice became much quieter in an instant.

"Well, let's forget about this story. I'll think about something else later."

"In short, in terms of storytelling and high technology, we have an advantage over other brands."

"Because we have you, and this is indeed the result of your research and development, so it is a true story, and a true story will be more touching."

"How about it? Mr. Wei, you can be the spokesperson of Sanqing Beauty Makeup."

Wei Kang fell into deep thought, Sheng Changya's plan was indeed very reasonable and completely convinced him.

As long as the story is not outrageous, it is not impossible.

Female celebrities rely on their fame to cash in, and can earn hundreds of millions a year.

He is no worse than them, he is the husband of the people.

There are hundreds of millions of fans on the whole network, and the traffic is not inferior to any popular star.

It means that the popularity of the former Great Commander of the Eagle Kingdom on the Internet is comparable to him.

This popularity is not in vain, anyway, it is the endorsement of my own product.

It should be able to promote a wave of sales of new products, and save a lot of advertising costs.

Thinking of this, he pinched his nose and agreed.

Sheng Changya was as excited as a chicken blood, and left in a hurry, saying that he was going to arrange a photographer and shoot posters in the afternoon.

Wei Kang rested his chin on his hand, and fell silent.

He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, whether his ability to carry goods could withstand the test of reality.

It won't be slapped in the face, wouldn't it be a laughing stock?

He couldn't help correcting his posture, sat at his desk, and took a selfie.

I also took the P picture very carefully and carefully, and then posted it on the Internet.

"Sanqing Beauty Marketing Department finally agreed to my request to endorse new skin care products.

I personally developed a super moisturizing factor, moisturizing and repairing the skin, it can be said to be quite versatile.

It is agreed to try it for a month first, and if the sales are not good, then change the spokesperson.

I prepared an advertisement photo first, what do you think?

How long you can be a spokesperson is up to everyone.

The official poster will be released soon, and it will only take one month. Everyone is welcome to check in and take a group photo.

Let's shoot and cherish. 【Pitiful】"

As soon as the photo was sent out, it was spotted by sharp-eyed fans in an instant.

Immediately, the Internet exploded, countless netizens flooded into his homepage, and the poor Langbo server almost collapsed again.

#卫康证言 Sanqing also instantly reached the top of the hot search.

"Wow, Commander Wei is stunned."

"The number one internet celebrity in Sanqing is actually Mr. Wei."

"It's the first time I've seen Mr. Wei take a selfie, my wife, come out with me to see my husband."

"The marketing department is blind. Where can I find such a handsome spokesperson? They are only given a one-month trial period. You must be a permanent spokesperson."

"Is it because President Wei's endorsement fee is too high, haha."

"Nonsense, Mr. Wei can save a lot of endorsement fees by acting for himself."

"Mr. Wei, Sanqing's new product this time must be a hit!"

"The president of Sanqingwei recommended himself to endorse new products. The reason is heartwarming. It turned out to be to save endorsement fees and benefit fans."

"Mr. Wei, the female employees in the marketing department must be coveting your beauty and want you to sleep with them all night before letting you pass the probationary period. Don't worry, with our support, the sales will definitely explode, and they will be slapped in the face. "

"I swear, I won't buy any skin care products without Mr. Wei's endorsement!"

This is indeed Wei Kang's first time posting a selfie. Although he is very serious about his P pictures, fans mainly look at his face.

In an instant, he expressed strong support for his endorsement, which also restored his confidence.

"Let me just say, I should still be a little popular." Wei Kang's mouth was raised, and he was in a very happy mood.

In the afternoon, Sheng Changya called a photographer and carefully took many posters.

Wei Kang chose three endorsement posters, each with three poses, and posted them on Langbo.

The first one is wearing a white shirt, sitting at the desk, with a serious expression, working hard, and a set of skin care products beside the table.

The second one is leaning lazily on the chair, stretching long legs, and sipping the coffee in his hand leisurely.

The third one is a profile photo. He is standing in front of the large French windows, looking into the distance, his facial features are extremely deep, and his whole body is shining brightly in the sunlight.

He takes his questions from fans very seriously.

"Which one do you like?"

Fans had been waiting for the official poster to come out, but they didn't expect to see it so soon, and expressed their opinions in an instant.

But everyone seems to think that the three posters are very handsome, each with its own style, it is really difficult to make a choice.

"I like the first one. A serious man is the most attractive, especially a billionaire who works hard."

"I like the second one. It's more free and easy. I didn't expect Mr. Wei's legs to be so long."

"I like the third one. Mr. Wei's profile is so handsome, I'm already licking the screen."

"I think all three are fine. In fact, everyone is here to see Mr. Wei, as long as Mr. Wei is on the poster."

"When will Mr. Wei enter the entertainment industry, and try to get rid of the little fresh meat as soon as possible."

"Three photos, different scenes, same handsomeness. I must buy it, and make Wei Zong a regular as soon as possible."

"This is the real high-quality idol. He has good looks, talent and kindness. I am a fan and I am proud."

"Mr. Wei's personal endorsement is better than everyone else."

"Our whole family is a fan of Sanqing. My grandmother is taking AD special drugs, my dad is taking anticancer drugs, my mother is taking painkillers, and I am using Sanqing skin care products. We all have a bright future.【 dog head]"

"Now the boss is also rolling up, and they have personally advertised to bring the goods."

"Come on, Mr. Wei, more new medicines are coming out. Our patients are all your fans. Although the wallet is limited, we can still support the skin care products."

Seeing the fans' compliments, Wei Kang felt warm in his heart.

Sure enough, the eyes of the crowd are discerning, and they can see his truly beautiful heart through the appearance.

He is also very proud to have such fans.

The enthusiasm of a wave of fans must be returned.

He thought for a while, and sent another message.

"On the day when the new product is launched, I will start a live broadcast and bring the goods in person. At that time, there will be many discounts to give back to fans. I hope everyone will join us!"

As soon as the news was sent out, the fans were instantly excited.

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