I can extract side effects

Chapter 155 Adrenaline Flows Freely

As expected, in this legend, everyone has an annual salary of one million, a minimum education of 985, and Gao Hua loves the community the most.

The topics on the hot list are all layoffs, layoffs, layoffs! Shocking.

"Have you been laid off by a big factory today? What kind of experience is it like to be suddenly laid off?"

"How do you view the trend of intensified layoffs by major Internet companies? Are the major Internet companies still popular?"

"It is reported on the Internet that station B calls layoffs 'graduation day'. How authentic is it? What other ways of layoffs have you seen?"

"What do you think of a company's recruitment requirement of 007, and sleeping in the company, is it a violation of the labor law?"

"It is reported on the Internet that the recruitment channels of big factories such as Penguin are closed, and the number of people in major business departments has been reduced. How authentic is it?"

"What do you think of the saying 'the end of the universe is Kaogong'?"

"The major factories are laying off employees. As an Internet practitioner, do you feel anxious? How do you deal with the current situation?"

"Goudong lays off up to 50% of its employees. Under the tide of layoffs at major Internet companies, where will the laid-off employees go?"

"What is the root cause of the layoffs of major Internet companies recently?"

"After Mass Layoffs, Will Computing Be The Next Civil Engineering?"

The answers inside showed the recent wave of layoffs in the Internet industry with pictures and texts, and many elder brothers personally described their own experience of being laid off, which won countless tears of sympathy.

Suddenly, a new topic popped up, and quickly climbed to the top of the hot list.

"It is reported on the Internet that Sanqing will present a million-dollar president award to employees and claim that it will provide for employees for life. How authentic is it?"

The popularity of this topic rose rapidly, and soon reached more than 30 million, and there were more and more answers, growing all the time.

When I clicked in, I was shocked.

"Fuck, these days, there are still bosses who dare to provide for their employees' retirement, what kind of fairy boss?"

"Really, is there any insider to confirm?"

"Impossible. A capitalist is a capitalist. Who cares so much about you? Paying for the old age? Whoever believes this is stupid."

"My God, the Dao was reborn after being wiped out? There is a new road at the end of the universe?"

"The ecstasy of biochemical environmental materials! Not only is it not a major in Tiankeng, but it is even a golden job?"

"Such a happy thing, probably only happens on the news broadcast. 【狗头】"

"I have a classmate in Sanqing. This matter has spread widely, and the whole circle knows it. The people who questioned it upstairs are really ridiculous. There is no such thing as a frog in a well."

"Hehe, I'm in Sanqing, I just started the experiment, I have a stake in it, so I answered anonymously. This is indeed true, but it's not as simple as you think. Sanqing's president award is only awarded to employees who develop new drugs. Although the bonus It is true that there is 1 million, but it is not so easy to get. It is relatively easy to get the innovation award that can make prescriptions casually. The per capita is 10,000, and it is easy to do. Then the company will give you a lifetime pension after you have won three president awards, and the pension is calculated annually. Although it is difficult to calculate the average salary, it is not unattainable."

The anonymous answer of this internal employee was immediately praised wildly, becoming Gao Zan's first answer.

When netizens saw it, they were instantly blown away.

"It's really eye-opening, Sanqing's atmosphere, Wei Zong's atmosphere!"

"It turns out that the difference between a capitalist and a capitalist is greater than the difference between a human and a dog."

"Hahaha, I majored in biology. I wanted to teach myself computer transcoding, but now it seems unnecessary. After graduation, I will try to work in Sanqing. Struggle.jpg"

"Sanqing earns so much money every year, it should be given to employees."

"That's right, did your boss share the money with you? It's really generous."

"It is very reasonable for Sanqing to do this. Scientific research is still different from the Internet. It is not so eager for quick success and quick benefits. It pays attention to long-term research, so it is necessary to establish a long-term and stable working relationship."

"Can someone tell me, is it difficult to develop a new drug? I'm still young. If it's simpler than an algorithm, it's not impossible for me to change careers."

"A code farmer like me, the past few years have been miserable, and I have spent every year laying off employees. No company has worked for a full year. I have changed eight companies in five years. I really want to ask for one Stable. Even if the salary is low, it’s okay, I still understand the long flow of water.”

"Actually, don't underestimate the employees of Sanqing. Their salary is not low. For example, the monthly salary of a fresh master's degree in pharmacy starts at 20,000. It doesn't seem to be as much as a programmer's total package, but they pay 18 salaries. If you enter the cattle Forced projects are basically 24 salaries, with bonuses from time to time. There are more than 500,000 yuan a year, which is not far behind the big factories.

Usually 965, there is overtime pay for overtime work, the working atmosphere is more technical, and there is no intrigue. If you are single, the company will provide board and lodging. After three years of employment, the company will provide a million interest-free housing loan. The housing price in Kunming can basically buy a house in three years. . Moreover, Sanqing is still growing rapidly, and the future is promising, and it is not afraid of layoffs within a short period of time. Isn't this more fragrant than the sudden death of 996? "

"It turns out that Sanqing's benefits are so good, I feel very excited. I don't know if Sanqing recruits programmers?"

"Recruited, you see, this is a screenshot of Sanqing's official website. There are also senior code farmers who are recruited. The salary starts at 20,000, and the salary is 18. It is not as good as a researcher. Overall, it is medium, but the long-term stability is good, and there is not much overtime."

"It is true that the general contracting of a major Internet company sounds scary, and it can be tens of millions at every turn, but if the stock and option bubbles are removed, it is only five or six hundred thousand a year, and there is a risk of sudden death. It is not as cost-effective as Sanqing."

"Smell, it's so fragrant. I have already submitted my resume. Brothers, thank you for the information you provided. I feel that I have discovered a new path in life. I have been the scroll king for half my life. I am really tired and can't scroll. I want to Take a break."

"Fuck, look what I found. Sanqing's AI pharmaceutical laboratory recruits algorithms, modeling and data analysis. The director of the laboratory is a master's degree in computer science from Stanford. Dude, the income of the laboratory is much higher. Go for it."

"This is good, but I feel like I have to pick up high school chemistry and biology to learn by myself. Otherwise, I can't understand the data."

"Is there any coder who doesn't learn new technologies? Biochemistry is not as fast as this line of iteration."

"It's worth considering. If you're doing algorithms and development, Sanqing can indeed be considered a good place to retire."

"Brother, tell us about the internal situation of Sanqing again? Let me open my eyes? Is Mr. Wei as famous as the legendary one?"

With the deepening of the discussion, this topic became more and more popular, and soon the popularity reached hundreds of millions.

Haishi, in a 40-square-meter old and small room.

Sitting at the table, Wang Dong carefully read the topic about Sanqing.

He read it in great detail, and read all the details about Sanqing.

Afterwards, he let out a long breath, suppressed his excitement, opened Sanqing's official website, and began to submit his resume.

He is a senior algorithm engineer. He has been in the industry for five years and has worked in various factories and start-up companies. He had just joined a large factory half a year ago and thought he would be able to stay in peace for a few years. As a result, he and the entire department died last week. was cut.

So now he is tired of Internet companies, and his desire for stability overwhelms everything else.

As soon as I saw Sanqing's information, I immediately acted as if I had found a treasure.

Since his job has been unstable, he has not yet bought a house in Haishi. He plans to save more money for the down payment and strive for a lower mortgage.

But the price in Haishi's urban area really made him look up. Every time he thinks about the high mortgage and unemployment, he wakes up from his dream with fright.

He also considered going to second-tier cities, but his salary dropped too much, so he has yet to make up his mind.

Seeing Sanqing's opportunity now, I was instantly moved.

It’s not far from Haishi, the house price is not high, the pressure is not great, and the salary, if you can enter the AI ​​pharmaceutical laboratory, doesn’t feel much lower than it is now. It’s like spending the first-tier salary on the second-tier. Overall, I’m quite satisfied.

After submitting his resume, while waiting anxiously, he looked for some online courses on chemistry and pharmacy, and began to look around, hoping to make a good impression during the interview.

The next day, when Wang Dong saw the interview notice in the mailbox, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Yeah!"

There are not many people like Wang Dong who can make up their minds to change careers, and more people are still hesitating and waiting to see.

Internet coders are still more accustomed to wading around in this industry, and there are very few people who can escape.

After all, this business has not yet reached the stage of running with buckets, and they still have a faint hope in their hearts. If they encounter a storm, they will get up again.

At the same time, in the domestic academic circles, the follow-up impact of Weikang's Nobel Prize is still fermenting.

The Nobel Prize made Sanqing's laboratory well-known in the scientific community, and a series of new drugs followed to consolidate its reputation.

The tumor laboratory and the neuroscience laboratory have become the two ace laboratories of Sanqing, and a large number of graduate students and doctoral students from prestigious universities have come to join them.

Many graduate students come to apply for internships, and once the internships expire, they return to various corners of the scientific world to continue their studies.

Doctoral students are all looking for jobs, and Sanqing selects the best candidates, filling up the entire building of the R\u0026D Center.

The subject of the tumor laboratory mainly focuses on further research on anticancer drugs. Wei Kang has always claimed that he was lucky enough to find this magical molecular drug, but the underlying mechanism of anticancer drugs is not well understood. Researchers conduct in-depth research on the target and mechanism of action, as well as develop new application value.

At the same time, in-depth research on cancer cells is also necessary.

Cancer cells are essentially genetically mutated cells. Their mutations are caused by external causes as well as the patient's genetic problems. Some patients are born with some proto-oncogenes that can be mutated, which leads to a very high probability of suffering from a specific cancer.

For example, breast cancer gene, the most common gynecological malignancy, is mainly related to the two genes BRCA1/BRCA2. This gene mutation often occurs in germ cells, so it can be inherited in the family. Studies have shown that about 70-85% of BRCA1/BRCA2 gene mutation carriers will inevitably develop into breast cancer patients.

The famous movie star Angelina Jolie carries these two genes. In order to prevent breast cancer, she had a thoracotomy early.

The tumor laboratory is doing in-depth research on the mutated genes of cancer patients, so as to detect them as early as possible at the genetic level and prevent them as early as possible. After all, it is better to kill cancer in its infancy than to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on medication.

Neuroscience labs are also studying neural stem cells in the brain, while seeking solutions to the root causes of Alzheimer's and other brain diseases.

Alzheimer's disease has a lot to do with the APOE4 gene. People who carry this gene are more likely to get the disease than ordinary people. If they have double copies of the APOE4 gene, their chances of getting the disease are as high as 70%. For such patients, gene therapy would obviously be a better solution.

In both fields, the stakes are high, the competition is fierce, and the adrenaline flows freely.

And Sanqing's attitude towards scientific research is very aggressive and encouraging, because scientific research means continuous exploration, continuous trial and error, so as to find the right path.

"How will you know if you don't try?" This is Wei Kang's famous saying.

Every ultimate success is the accumulation of many small successes.

On the other side of the earth, the foggy capital of Bull Country.

Zhang Li is in her student apartment, frowning and thinking, she is now facing a difficult problem, where to go for the postgraduate internship.

Wudu University's graduate course in biology has ended, and she will either continue to study for a doctorate, or start an internship, and then find a job.

She has decided not to continue the scientific research path, but to enter the industry and start working.

In fact, a month ago, she thought that she would continue to study for a doctorate. However, a skin care product she bought with her sister completely changed her mind.

This super moisturizing factor made her deeply aware of how quickly the magic of scientific application can change the world.

She is a little eager to try, and wants to develop new drugs and products by herself.

Therefore, she opened Sanqing's official website and saw that there were open internship places, so she applied without hesitation.

Sanqing currently has four new drug R\u0026D laboratories, each of which belongs to a different research direction.

For a molecular biologist, she has a wide range of choices. Except for the AI ​​laboratory, she can go to the other three.

Different laboratories have their own director's unique style, which can be summed up in a famous saying that everyone can understand at a glance.

"Crazy, go study it!" This is the biology lab.

"Science doesn't realize how important imagination is to it." Here's the AI ​​Pharma Lab.

"Any scientist, no matter how old, who wants to make important discoveries must work on important questions." This is the neuroscience laboratory.

"New science and new discoveries must come from unrestrained minds." Tumor laboratory, Wei Kang's famous quote.

She first looked at the biological laboratory, and now the main project is gene therapy for rare diseases, in addition to a series of topics such as gene editing, gene testing, synthetic biology, and stem cell research.

They are all cutting-edge scientific research projects, which are very attractive.

But as a serious scientist, she didn't want to go crazy.

After thinking about it for a while, she clicked on Neuroscience Lab and started to apply.

Brain science research is also very attractive.

Studying brain neural stem cells and completely curing AD patients, just thinking about it, adrenaline begins to soar.

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