I can extract side effects

Chapter 161 Gene Therapy Starting from Rare Diseases

After eight o'clock, the sound of "didi" continued to sound on all floors.

People walked into the R\u0026D building in twos and threes and swiped their cards to enter.

Those youthful faces walked into the office and laboratory with great interest and began to work day after day.

The canteen of Sanqing Headquarters starts to serve breakfast at 8 o'clock. The employees' badges are integrated with the meal card function, and 600 yuan of meal subsidies are issued every month, which is enough for three meals a day in the canteen, and there are usually dozens of yuan left to buy something. Milk and snacks to supplement.

Although the company does not encourage overtime, it encourages everyone to study hard after work, so many people are trying to seize the time after get off work, reading books and taking online classes, and doing experiments.

Single R\u0026D personnel have basically applied for dormitories. They are too lazy to run more than ten kilometers back and forth every day, so they simply live in the dormitory and devote themselves to work and study.

Anyway, the conditions of the dormitory are comparable to that of a hotel. They are all standard rooms and suites, and there are aunts who clean up. Isn’t this better than cooking and doing housework by yourself?

These young people in the prime of life and full of energy get up early every day, and they are more punctual than the chefs in the cafeteria. He rushed into the lab like a calf and got to work.

People with families don’t work so hard. They have already built a love nest nearby, drive to and from get off work every day, and occasionally, in order to escape family chores, work overtime in a brightly lit laboratory to experience the fun of middle-aged people .

The most regular place to go to work is the functional department. The standard nine-to-five work and rest time, the administrative building is pitch-black at night, which is in stark contrast to the brightly lit R\u0026D building next to it.

But today, no matter which department the employees are in, they will exclaim after not long after starting work.

"Fuck, why is the computer so fast today, and the company's system has been upgraded again?"

"I turned on the server really fast today, copying files is like flying, I'm not used to it."

"The page seems to have been changed, and it has become more concise and convenient. What used to take several steps can now be completed in one or two steps."

"The search function of the database is richer, and it feels much smarter. The same keywords before, the searched information is more relevant."

Everyone discussed eagerly, and found that they were similar to each other, and everyone's work efficiency improved a lot.

Surprised and surprised in an instant, I came to a conclusion that the company must have secretly upgraded the system in the middle of the night.

The surprise of the IT department was even greater. When some of them checked their profile, they suddenly found that there was an extra direct leader.

"Damn it, I seem to have discovered something important. You all look at your data cards. Does it show that our IT department has a big leader? She is also a big beauty!"

"Fuck, let me see, that's right, the leader's name is An Mei, she's really young, and she looks like Bai Fumei at first glance. Tsk tsk! Where did the boss find this skilled person?"

"The leader's information seems to be encrypted. I can't read it. Hasn't this position been empty all the time? It seems to be an airborne faction."

"Let me just say, when I went to work today, I felt that the system has changed a lot, and there are a lot fewer bugs."

"Hey, will President An summon everyone for an introduction meeting today? Do you want me to go back to take a shower at noon? I haven't washed my hair for three days, so I feel very embarrassed."

"It's strange, why didn't I find Mr. An's office. Could it be that it's not on this floor?"

"Maybe it's with Mr. Wei's office."

Wen Renlong also quickly discovered the existence of this handsome new colleague.

He clicked on Anmei's profile picture for the first time, and his pupils dilated instantly.

An extremely beautiful and perfect face suddenly appeared in front of him.

He stayed for a while before zooming in on the image and watching it carefully, not missing any details.

After reading it, he reluctantly right-clicked to save, and couldn't help but uttered a foul language.

"Fuck, this face is simply the most perfect face I've ever seen, perfectly in line with the golden ratio. The boss really found a treasure."

He put his hands on his head, leaned back in the chair, and couldn't help talking to himself.

"I really love the company more and more. Not only is the adrenaline soaring, but even the dopamine is also being secreted crazily."

After hesitating for a while, he sent Wei Kang a message.

"Boss, the new CIO is very punctual, when can we meet the real person?"

As soon as I sent it, the reply came in seconds: "This new colleague has social phobia and is used to telecommuting. I'm afraid you can only see her through video conferences."

Wen Renlong was stunned for a moment, isn't it, such a beautiful beauty has social phobia, it's unscientific.

Shouldn't beauties be socially obsessive patients, especially enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by stars?

He thought and thought, but he couldn't find a similar example.

I had no choice but to comfort myself, maybe this is a talented and beautiful girl, so she is extraordinarily different.

Thinking of this made my heart itch even more.

Couldn't help but quietly sent a message to An Mei.

"Hi, new colleague, I'm Wen Renlong, director of AI Lab, nice to meet you."

"Your avatar is very beautiful, but I believe that your real person must be ten thousand times more beautiful than the photos. By the way, is today the first day of work? If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

It took a while before I received a reply: "Hi, I'm Anmei, and it's also nice to meet you. It's true that I just joined the company today, but I already know this place well. Thank you for your concern."

Wen Renlong touched a medium-sized nail, touched his nose, and suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Okay, you're welcome."

After casually sending a polite word, he closed the dialog box and started to work seriously.

At this moment, in the biological laboratory, it is a different scene.

"Wow! Awesome! The first complete sequence of the human genome without gaps has been published."

"Damn it, "Science" magazine published 6 papers in a row, it's crazy!"

"3.055 billion base pairs and 19,969 protein-coding genes, man, I can't wait to test my genome."

"Quick, download the detailed data!"

"Bingo! It's done!"

The entire laboratory has fallen into a sea of ​​enthusiastic cheers.

Everyone looked at the computer in front of them intently, occasionally burst out a few passionate swear words, and then had a heated discussion with the colleagues next to them, and then continued to watch the information on the screen.

Today, a piece of news shocked the entire biological world.

Hailed as the life sciences 'moonshot', human genome sequencing has made another major advance: The Telomere-to-Telomere Consortium (T2T), an international scientific team, has published the first complete, gap-free sequence of the human genome, revealing for the first time highly Identical segmental duplication of genomic regions and their variation in the human genome.

This is a major upgrade to the standard human reference genome sequence released in 13 years. "Science" magazine not only published six papers reporting this achievement, but also published all the genome data.

In 2001, the International Human Genome Project, jointly participated by scientists from six countries, published the human genome map and preliminary analysis results for the first time. In 2003, it published the draft human genome sequence.

However, due to technical limitations, the original Human Genome Project left about 8% "blank" gaps. This part, which is difficult to sequence, consists of highly repetitive, complex blocks of DNA that contain functional genes as well as centromeres and telomeres, which are located in the middle and ends of chromosomes.

Now, after 20 years of hard work, a new gap-free version has been released, and all gene sequencing on the 23 pairs of human chromosomes has been completely overcome.

This complete, gap-free sequence will make a crucial contribution to a comprehensive understanding of human genome variation and to uncover genetic mutations underlying certain diseases.

Human chromosomes are composed of gene fragments one by one. These fragments are encoded by four bases C, G, A, and T, like a code library, which contains the design drawings and manufacturing methods of the human machine.

Yes, a human being is really much like a machine, but assembled from organic chemical molecules.

DNA contains complete design drawing information. When a part needs to be built, a messenger (mRNA) will be copied, and the messenger will produce proteins one by one in the cell factory according to the information it carries. It is these proteins that are Like each tool, it realizes various functions of the human body.

The protein tool is composed of 20 kinds of amino acid codes. Amino acids are like standard parts of tools. Each amino acid is pieced together according to the order marked on the DNA drawing to form different tools to achieve different functions.

For example, hemoglobin is produced in this way, and it is a special protein molecule used to transport oxygen in red blood cells. If the gene fragment related to hemoglobin has a mutation, it may cause the cells to fail to synthesize normal hemoglobin and transport oxygen normally, resulting in symptoms of anemia. die.

There is a kind of sickle-shaped hemoglobin, which is a genetic disease that exists in African blacks. On the relevant gene fragment, the codon CTT is mutated to CAT. The difference of one letter (base) means that the hemoglobin molecule produced is originally hydrophilic Replacement of glutamic acid by hydrophobic valine distorts red blood cells into a sickle shape, leading to hemolytic anemia.

This inherited genetic mutation was originally developed in response to malaria in the tropics.

The intention is good, if the patient lives in the Philippines, where malaria is common, because the sickle-shaped hemoglobin will kill the Plasmodium that invades the blood, thereby preventing the infection and spread of malaria.

It's just that the ancestral genes did not expect that the black Filipinos would go to other continents, so this genetic mutation becomes meaningless and even fatal.

I can only say one thing, good fortune tricks people.

After all, human genes are too old and too much, like a warehouse piled up with countless ancient objects.

Who knows what ancestral treasures are in it, a random ancient genetic mutation may be powerful and beneficial at the time, but it may be highly toxic to modern humans.

So gene mutations have always been full of unknowns, just like opening a blind box, you never know what is inside.

There is a certain possibility that it is a surprise, and a greater possibility is a shock.

After all, life is not science fiction, and every genetic mutation in science fiction corresponds to a lot of bones that have been proven wrong in reality.

The genome on each chromosome has many nonsense repeats, including some extremely critical parts of cell division, as well as new genes that may help the species adapt.

In the past, these duplications prevented scientists from assembling the genetic pieces in the correct order. They were like difficult puzzles with almost every piece the same, and people didn't know which piece to put where, leaving a gap on the genome map. Huge void.

Now that the latest results will no longer have any hidden or unknown parts, people have finally put together the whole puzzle.

A brand-new gene treasure house is slowly opening up in front of all mankind.

"Everyone!" Tang Que walked out of the office, with a pious expression like a pilgrim on his face, looked around, and uttered a declaration loudly.

"Today is the day when the door to the treasure house of human genes is completely opened, and it is also a day worthy of our commemoration. You will firmly remember this day."

"Today is the first day we enter the field of gene therapy."

"We will sound the horn and declare war on rare genetic diseases."

There are flames beating in his eyes, and his face is as firm as a rock.

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