I can extract side effects

Chapter 173 He is not the god of medicine, he is just a father

Cao Yang walked out of the gate of the Sanqing headquarters, the sun was shining on his face, birds were singing and flowers were scenting all around, and the world was fine.

For the first time, he felt that the world was so beautiful.

I just felt that the sea and the sky were bright, and all the haze that had been pressing on my heart for many years disappeared without a trace.

Tears welled up in his eyes, his mind was agitated, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart.

The child was finally saved!

God knows how long he waited for this day!

If there is no way out, how can we come to this step.

The scene three years ago appeared in front of his eyes.

When his son Xiaowei was 6 months old, he was not only thin and thin, but he couldn't even turn over easily.

At that time, he just thought that his son might be malnourished, so he discussed with his wife to go to the hospital for an examination without thinking too much.

All routine examinations, blood tests, urine tests, everything that can be checked, there is no problem.

In the end, the doctor, relying on his years of medical experience, suggested that he take the child to check for genetic problems.

At the First People's Hospital of Gan Province, Xiaowei was examined.

At that time, it was only recognized by the doctor as growth retardation, and it would take some time for a specific genetic test report.

The whole family fell into a long waiting process.

Half a month later, the doctor's examination results came out, and the son's disease was Menkes syndrome.

This is the first case diagnosed in the hospital, and the doctors have no way to deal with it, because the cause of the disease is really too rare, and it is harder than winning the lottery jackpot if it can happen by itself.

The doctor told him that there are only dozens of case records across the country, and there is no very detailed information database.

Even in first-tier cities, it may be difficult to treat them.

Cao Yang's heart instantly turned cold, and he was completely stunned.

The child is still so young, and he has to suffer such a big crime, and he feels distressed when he thinks about it.

But as the pillar of the family, how could he fall down at this time?

So, he simply packed up his toiletries, and hurriedly set foot on the road to seek medical treatment.

They went to many hospitals across the country, but they were all turned away for the same reason, terminal illness and no cure.

He even tried to find folk remedies and supplemented Xiaowei with trace elements through traditional Chinese medicine treatment, but there was no obvious effect.

After all the tossing and tossing, the child's originally thin body could no longer stand the test.

It is simply called every day should not be, called the earth is not working.

At that time, he was so desperate for the first time.

What made him even more desperate was that he hadn't given up yet, but the people around him began to persuade him to let the child live well in the last period of life.

As a father, there is no way to rescue his child when he is in danger. This has made him extremely distressed, how can he let it go.

He made up his mind that if no one could save the child, he would do it himself and must save the child.

When I checked the information before, I found that Xiaowei's disease was caused by the inability of the intestinal tract to absorb copper normally. Intravenous injection of copper histidine can be used to alleviate the deterioration of the condition.

In other words, supplementing the child with copper histidine may be cured.

Due to the small profit margins in the early research and development of this drug, no domestic pharmaceutical companies are willing to do it.

He found many pharmaceutical companies, and they all said that it would take 2 years at the earliest from the initial research and development to the market, and the cost was as high as tens of millions.

He hit a wall again, even if he went bankrupt, he still couldn't afford the tens of millions of fees.

This is his second despair.

He is just a father who just wants to find some medicine for the child so that the child can survive. Why is it so difficult to realize such a simple wish.

He joined a group of patients who purchased histidine copper from abroad, and gave him a share, and told him where to buy it.

He immediately went home and took it for Xiaowei, and the effect was obvious, which made him very happy.

But long-term overseas procurement is not a long-term matter.

The shelf life of the medicine is only 56 days, and he will fly abroad once in about a month.

Since Xiaowei fell ill, the family's business has been delayed, and the cost of this trip was at least 20,000 yuan.

After much thought, Cao Yang decided to make the medicine himself in order to save his son.

He converted a utility room into a laboratory, added instruments and equipment, and did what he said.

Everyone thought he was crazy, and it was undeniable that he, who only had a high school education, wanted to make medicine.

No one believed he could do it!

Doubts abound, difficulties abound, dangers abound.

When he first proposed the idea of ​​self-medication in the patient group.

The sympathetic parents refuted mercilessly: "It can't be done, it's a legal risk."

Even my wife didn't believe it: "If it's that simple, why is there no company willing to do it?"

Even the old dad said, "You think you're a scientist? I bet you can't."

All relatives advised him to give up: "You are still young, have another one, don't waste time doing this and that."

This is his third despair.

However, this time he was used to it.

No matter what, he will never give up, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he must hold on tightly.

Cao Yang started a race against time, looking at domestic and foreign papers.

English is not good, so he uses a dictionary to translate word by word, and learns chemical molecular formulas.

Even though he was getting dizzy from seeing it, but thinking that this might be his son's life-saving straw, infinite strength surged from his body in an instant, and he had to persevere no matter how difficult it was.

He developed and overthrew time and time again. Considering the safety of the medicine, he has been weighing the dosage.

I stay in the laboratory every day, day and night, and every time I can't think of a solution, thinking about my son gives me the motivation to persevere.

Finally, in the second month, the medicine was developed.

He excitedly bought a rabbit, injected the medicine into the rabbit, observed carefully for 24 hours, and the rabbit was still alive and kicking.

Although the experiment was successful, he was still afraid that the human body would develop immunity, and the child would not be able to withstand the toss, so he decided to try the medicine himself.

After injecting the medicine, I didn't have any uncomfortable reaction.

Only then did he dare to inject his son, and he had to keep an eye on the changes in the child's body, fearing that he would not be able to prescribe the right medicine.

After Xiaowei finished using the medicine, his mental state obviously began to improve.

He bit the bullet, persisted for half a month, and took his son to the hospital for an examination.

The doctor told me that the test results were normal, and the brain waves were restored through medication.

The son can now raise his head normally, urinating is easier than before, and his condition has not deteriorated further.

The hanging heart finally let go.

The successful development of copper histidine can delay the life of the son first, which is only the first step to success.

He was not satisfied with just delaying the disease, he wanted to cure his son completely.

Therefore, he began to pay attention to the national rare disease forum, and traveled to various parts of the country to participate in rare disease conferences to learn about gene therapy for rare diseases.

He started self-study undergraduate, decided to overcome new problems, research gene editing, and improve children's condition by cultivating stem cells.

After that, he also plans to go on to graduate school, so that he can have a better environment and get in touch with molecular biology.

As long as there is an opportunity, he will not give up, and he is also grateful to his son for stimulating his unlimited potential.

He is not the god of medicine, but he has tried all kinds of medicines.

In the face of life and death, everyone is vulnerable.

But in the face of fatherly love, it seems insignificant.

He, like a set of barriers between his son and death, is a light in his son's life.

At this time, the sick baby in the patient group passed away unfortunately.

Everyone also learned that Cao Yang had developed histidine copper medicine, and they all asked if they could help them.

But he knew that he didn't have a qualified research and development channel, so it was illegal to sell medicine like this, and he couldn't prove that this medicine was suitable for all patients.

He couldn't bear such a big responsibility, so he could only politely refuse.

This made him very painful.

Given the choice between the law and life, he would choose life if he could.

At this time, he knew that only by being stronger can he save more people.

Therefore, he began to appeal to more people in the society on social platforms to pay attention to patients with rare diseases and give them a hope of survival. He also began to seek help from various experts, and tried his best to follow the formal medical application process and develop gene therapy drugs.

Disease is ruthless, but there is love in the world.

Cao Yang's own medicine to save his son's incident has also attracted the attention of many people in the society.

He has also been fighting unremittingly on the road to research and cure Menkes disease.

Finally, his hard pursuit and hard work paid off.

Waiting for today.

When Sanqing came to lend a helping hand, he helped him with all his might.

The untold hardships along the way flowed through his heart one by one.

Cao Yang smiled, all the hard work seems to be worth it at this moment!

After a while, he came back to his senses, took out his mobile phone, and posted the good news in the patient group.

"Extremely good news, Sanqing has agreed to my request, and our child has been saved!"

"In the near future, we will start researching gene therapy drugs with experts from Sanqing. Brothers, wait for my good news."

"By the way, brothers who are free can also bring their children and participate in the treatment as soon as possible."

The patient group boiled instantly.

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