I can extract side effects

Chapter 316 Sudden death statistics, people from spaceflight

Wei Kang has seen the success of smart watches one by one.

Since this period of time, due to the rapid popularization of smart watches, users' health data has been collected in large numbers, and massive data has poured into the database of Longtu APP.

As the owner of the ECG monitoring module and the Longtu APP, he naturally has access to these real data.

Of course, individual personal data belongs to the user's privacy, and he is not so boring to peep.

However, the analysis and statistics based on the health big data of all users are an unparalleled treasure for any pharmaceutical company.

Among them, a shocking statistic attracted Wei Kang's attention.

At this moment, he was staring at the series of capitalized red numbers on the screen in front of him, a haze flashed between his brows, and he fell into a long silence.

This is a user sudden death rate statistical report.

The smart watch will not only alarm crazily before detecting the possibility of sudden death of the user, but also automatically contact 120 and emergency contacts when the user suddenly dies, so a large amount of sudden death data is recorded and counted.

These are first-hand data, very real and credible.

Therefore, it is also particularly shocking and shocking.

Sudden death refers to the sudden death of those who are usually healthy or seemingly healthy due to natural diseases in an unexpectedly short period of time.

It is divided into sudden cardiac death and non-cardiac sudden death.

Sudden cardiac death, also known as sudden cardiac death, refers to the loss of consciousness within 1 hour after the onset of acute symptoms, and natural death caused by cardiac causes.

This kind of sudden death occurs frequently in patients with organic heart disease, and sudden death caused by coronary heart disease and its complications is the most common.

In addition, various types of cardiomyopathy, fulminant myocarditis, etc. are also the cause of sudden cardiac death.

Non-cardiac sudden death refers to the sudden death of a patient due to a disease other than the heart.

Common clinical diseases include aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, acute cerebrovascular disease, acute severe pancreatitis, and severe electrolyte disturbance.

The leading cause of sudden death was sudden cardiac death (58%), followed by sudden pulmonary death (22%), followed by sudden cerebral death (9%).

Middle-aged people aged 30 to 63 are the age group with a high incidence of sudden cardiac death.

There are 550,000 sudden cardiac deaths in my country every year, which is equivalent to 1,500 people die suddenly in the country every day, and one person dies suddenly due to cardiac causes every minute, and the success rate of rescue is less than 1%.

Judging from the statistics of sudden death in recent years, the proportion of young people in sudden death is getting higher and higher.

A series of bad living habits such as overtime, overwork, smoking, drinking, and staying up late will eventually make cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases younger.

Compared with the elderly, young people are more likely to die of sudden myocardial infarction.

Due to the long course of underlying diseases, common coronary heart disease, hypertension, pulmonary heart disease, diffuse cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, etc., the elderly have recurrent attacks, and their body functions will have a kind of tolerance or compensation.

For young people, because the heart has not formed a compensatory protection mechanism, many people have malignant arrhythmias induced by acute myocardial infarction.

For example, the common ventricular fibrillation is equivalent to cardiac arrest, which can cause people to lose consciousness instantly and lead to sudden death.

The main cause of sudden death is agitation and fatigue.

Long-term staying up late, high tension, etc. may also induce sudden death.

Sudden death of young people may be due to some basic diseases themselves, leading to heart problems, or poor physical condition before the onset of the disease, such as colds and low-grade fevers. In this situation, strenuous exercise may cause the virus to invade the myocardium and induce fulminant myocarditis.

The last possibility is heart attack.

Nowadays, more and more young people are suffering from myocardial infarction, and coronary blood clots form at a young age. Once the thrombus falls off, there is a high probability of myocardial infarction.

In fact, the occurrence of sudden death is often accompanied by certain signs, and before the occurrence, the body will also have signals.

These signals often manifest as vomiting, dyspnea, chest tightness and sweating, dizziness, chest pain, abdominal pain, convulsions, headache, palpitations, cough, disturbance of consciousness, etc.

But what is worrying is that after these symptoms appear, many young people often don't know what it means, and they don't think that their heart will have problems. Therefore, for various reasons, it is easier to delay the illness and lead to missing the disease. The best treatment time.

You know, after sudden death, it is really difficult to save.

Sudden death first aid, the key lies in the golden 4 minutes!

If the cardiac arrest lasts for more than 4 minutes, the brain tissue will be permanently damaged, and if it lasts for more than 10 minutes, it will cause brain death.

If the patient can be rescued immediately after cardiac arrest, the success rate of first aid is as high as 90%, which is also called "golden 4 minutes" in medicine.

For every minute of delay, the success rate will decrease by 7% to 10%. Timely cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr) and cardiac defibrillator (aed) first aid is crucial.

However, for various reasons, it is difficult for most patients with sudden death to be treated within the golden 4 minutes.

This has also resulted in an extremely low success rate of sudden death first aid, often less than 1%.

Most of the sudden death patients are unable to return to heaven after the occurrence, and they die soon.

Therefore, prevention of sudden death has become the top priority.

It is far more effective and important to discover the signals sent by the body in time and pay attention to it, so as to kill the sudden death before it occurs, than to race against time to rescue it after the sudden death occurs.

The emergence of smart watches is filling this gap, allowing patients to pay attention before the onset of the disease, keep alert, and take timely measures to prevent the disease from worsening.

To a certain extent, this has indeed saved countless people, which can be described as immeasurable merit.

Therefore, the report in front of Wei Kang, although the column showing the incidence of sudden death is bright red, the data is very high.

But the rest of the data, those who took measures based on the alert and the number of people who were in remission, was also surprisingly high, reaching 80%.

The remaining 20% ​​are those who failed to see a doctor in time due to various objective reasons, or who were unable to recover after the emergency time.

It can be seen that everyone who bought a smart watch basically went for the health detection function. After obtaining a detailed and positive diagnosis, they all chose to seek medical treatment, thus saving their lives.

From this point of view, the existence of smart watches has successfully completed its mission.

Wei Kang was naturally satisfied with the result, but seeing the high proportion of young people among the sudden death patients, he frowned again.

Standing in his position, let him see deeper and farther than ordinary people.

The sudden death rate of young people is getting higher and higher. In addition to bad living habits, overtime, staying up late, and fatigue are often the three major killers of sudden death.

Those who play games all night and work overtime are the group with the highest incidence of sudden death.

Especially after comparing with foreign data, it is even more sad.

Most of the smart watch users who received alerts in foreign countries had heart disease, most of them were middle-aged and elderly people, and few died suddenly due to fatigue or overtime.

The main reason for their young people to have myocardial infarction is the three highs caused by obesity, various unhealthy eating habits, staying up late and playing games, etc.

Looking at the data comparison at home and abroad, Wei Kang's originally happy mood became heavy, and he could only sigh.

It's a pity, such a situation, he knew it was wrong, but he was powerless to change it, and it was difficult to do anything.

Maybe it's because I'm not strong enough now, and my influence is too limited to change the world.

When he develops slowly and the company's technology and products can truly trigger social change, then he can realize his ideal.

Now, the only thing he can do is to fully promote smart watches, so that everyone can prevent them in advance and save every life as much as possible.

If he didn't have a system, he might be alone and live his own life.

But now that we have a system, we can do something meaningful for the society and China, so why not do it?

After many people have money, they spend a lot of time and drink, and live a life of drunkenness and dreams.

Or they are immersed in desire, wanting more money, more power, and higher status.

But he is different. It may be the reason for studying at the University of Medicine. He has always had the heart of a doctor.

Therefore, when the family business was in trouble, it was not sold directly.

Instead, he struggled until the last moment, until he was taken away by the system and reached the pinnacle of his life.

He is a person with ideals and dreams, not the kind of rice bug who is purely driven by desire and addicted to rice vats.

If you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. This is the simplest belief and the simplest ideal.

Sanqing Group is now rich enough to spend a lifetime.

Being able to take the money and do something meaningful and change the world can bring him the greatest achievement and satisfaction.


Suddenly, the phone rang, and the caller ID showed Academician Xie.

Academician Xie is an expert in the field of aerospace. He suffered from Alzheimer's disease before and was cured by the drug developed by Weikang. He has kept in touch with him since then, and even visited Sanqing Group for inspection during the awards.

"Hi, Xiaowei, long time no see." Academician Xie smiled without airs, which made people feel very kind.

Wei Kang was a little puzzled, what did Academician Xie ask him for? Are there any medical problems?

"Academician Xie, hello, it's been a long time since the last farewell, how are you doing recently?"

"Hehe, I am an old bone, and I can still hold on. By the way, the ECG monitoring function of your Sanqing is very easy to use. My son also bought me a smart watch, which is very convenient to wear on my hand. , you can check your physical condition at any time, our family is full of praise."

Before Wei Kang could speak, he asked again with a touch of excitement: "Xiaowei, our researchers here are very optimistic about this smart watch, and they said they want to try whether it can be used on astronauts. I think it is very interesting." Reasonable, what do you think?"

Wei Kang was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously, "Do you mean private use or other aspects?"

When astronauts go to the space station, they can carry some personal electronic products, such as mobile phones and computers, Wei Kang thought they were taken as personal items.

Academician Xie said with a smile: "It's still young people with more flexible brains and more ideas. I'll let them tell you the specific situation."

After finishing speaking, an excited voice sounded.

"Mr. Wei, I'm Fang Heng from the Aerospace Center. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've known you for a long time. It's a great honor."

Wei Kang asked curiously: "What are your thoughts?"

"It's like this. We saw Mabus saying that he wanted to wear a smart watch to go to space. This gave us a lot of inspiration, especially after experiencing the powerful functions of the smart watch. So we also had an idea and thought of Do, prepare astronauts to wear smart watches to the space station, so they can monitor their physical condition at any time."

Hearing this, Wei Kang immediately laughed. In fact, Mabuse’s speech was reposted everywhere, and he saw it too. He had this idea at the time. Before it could be realized, the people from the space center came to him Sure enough, all the smart people thought of going together.

"Great, I have the same intention. I wanted to contact you in the next step, but the situation in space is much more complicated than that on the ground. Our models and algorithms are all set according to the parameters on the ground. I'm afraid You need to make some adjustments according to the specific situation.”

Fang Heng nodded repeatedly and explained in detail.

"That's right, astronauts' bodies will undergo great changes in space. Take the cardiovascular system as an example. On Earth, relying on the contraction of muscles, the tension of veins, and the action of the heart pump, the blood in the lower limbs can flow back to the to the heart."

"But in the case of weightlessness in space, the heart and blood vessels will undergo completely different changes. The cardiac output will decrease, the heart rate will slow down, the blood pressure will drop, and the ventricular myocytes will shrink due to the reduced burden on the heart."

"When returning to Earth, the astronauts' cardiovascular function cannot be recovered quickly. Affected by the gravity environment of the earth, the astronauts' ability to return blood to the heart is poor when standing, and they are prone to hypotension, fainting and other phenomena."

"After living in space for a period of time, astronauts will also have arteriosclerosis. Studies have found that some astronauts who have lived on the space station for half a year have arteriosclerosis equivalent to 10-20 years of illness on the ground. Fortunately, After returning to Earth, the degree of arteriosclerosis will gradually ease with the passage of time and the progress of recuperation, and it will return to its previous state after a few months."

"In general, space is still very dangerous. Without long-term training and a very healthy body, it is impossible to work and live on the space station for a long time."

"Of course, we also have body detection equipment in the space station, but it is relatively bulky, and we can only do routine inspections, and the frequency is not too many, and we cannot grasp their physical status in real time, so if there is a smart watch, it can be 24 hours. Monitor their body parameters and see changes in advance.”

Wei Kang was immediately in awe: "You aerospace personnel have worked so hard and contributed so much for the country. I want to pay tribute to you. If you need help from Sanqing Group, just ask."

Fang Heng smiled and said: "Mr. Wei has said so, then I will accept your kindness with a smile. Our first step is to let astronauts use smart bracelets in space to collect all body data on the computer , not only can control it in real time from above, but also send it back to the base on time, so that the experts below can provide medical advice.”

"This move is of great significance to our medical research in space, so we need the help of Sanqing Group."

"However, this is actually not the focus of my contact with you this time. We have further ideas, but this idea is a bit special. We need to reach a deeper cooperation with Sanqing and invest a lot of time in research and development."

"Oh? What kind of special law?"

"We hope to have a relatively portable device, preferably the size of a smart watch. Of course, if there are difficulties, it doesn't matter if it is bigger, but the functional requirements are relatively high."

"It is necessary to have the 24-hour monitoring function of six routine vital parameters such as heart rate, electrocardiogram, real-time body temperature, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate. Gravity, large temperature differences, air flight, etc."

"Hiss!" Wei Kang couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air. Even he couldn't help feeling a little numb when he encountered such a need.

Good guy, look at these functions, are you going to develop a portable universal monitor?

Although the drawings given by the system can be upgraded with points.

But he has just launched a new product, his mouth is full of greasy food, and he still wants to squeeze some more toothpaste, so don't upgrade too quickly.

According to the laws of the electronic product market, Sanqing now has a near-monopoly position. As long as it upgrades every year according to the rules, it can make a lot of money.

He originally planned to launch a new monitoring function every year, so that after five years, the portable universal monitor will be on the market.

He never expected that Sanqing's outstanding performance was like a firefly in the dark, so dazzling that he attracted olive branches from the space center.

This, he couldn't help pondering.

Fang Heng also seemed to know that his thoughts were too shocking, which was a bit stressful for Wei Kang, so he said quickly.

"Mr. Wei, this is just a long-term research and development goal. It can be regarded as a five to ten-year goal. We can take it slowly and add functions one by one. It is more realistic than developing all functions in one go."

"Besides, Sanqing already has the most important ECG monitoring function, other functions should... not be so difficult, right?"

He asked cautiously, with some expectation.

As soon as the words fell, I heard Academician Xie reprimanding: "You guys are too young, too naive, be careful if you take too big steps, and you will not be able to walk steadily. The road has to be taken step by step, and things have to be done one by one. Research and development is not as easy as you think, so hurry up..."

Wei Kang smiled slightly and suddenly thought of something.

If a company like Juwei or Dami wants to cooperate with him to develop such a product, he might have to say no.

Because it is a commercial behavior for the mass market, commercial interests must be considered, and excessive force should not be used, otherwise it will not conform to the business logic behind it and cannot obtain the greatest benefits.

However, this is the equipment used by the space center for astronauts on the space station, so there is no hesitation.

Astronauts risked physical damage to serve their country on the space station, and when he was needed, he could do the same.

It is his honor to contribute to the aerospace achievements of the motherland.

Rounding it up, he is also heading towards the sea of ​​stars.

Even if the portable 10,000-year monitor is really made, it will be used in aerospace scientific research anyway, and the subsequent commercialization, then he has the final say, so there is no need to worry too much.

Thinking of this, thinking of this group of respectable and lovely people, who will use the equipment developed by themselves.

Wei Kang couldn't help feeling hot in his heart, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I promise you, Sanqing and the Aerospace Center will work together to develop this portable universal monitor. Although we don't have a research and development plan in this area, we can start it at any time."

"It's just that how long it takes to develop it depends on the progress of the project. I can't guarantee it."

"What? You agreed? Great, thank you Mr. Wei."

Fang Heng's excited voice came over, followed by Academician Xie's trembling voice.

"Xiaowei, you have a heart, I, an old man, saw you right, thank you!"

Wei Kang hurriedly said: "Mr. Xie, don't say that. This is what I should do. It is my duty to contribute to the aerospace industry of the motherland."

"Well, let's start with the smart watch first, and first figure out the impact of the space station's environment on the ECG function. With a reliable parameter for comparison, we can start developing other functions."

"Great, no problem!"

Fang Heng's constant thanks came from the phone, as well as faint cheers.

Wei Kang smiled gratifiedly, he was still thinking about how to change the world just now.

Why not, let's start by taking the first step towards the sea of ​​stars.

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