I can extract side effects

Chapter 318 A Major Breakthrough in Brain Neural Stem Cells

Wei Kang didn't know about Cook's anger, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Because, at this moment, his full attention is focused on one thing.

A very important event that will leave a strong mark in the history of science.

After three years of painstaking research, Sanqing's neuroscience laboratory finally had a major breakthrough.

A drug capable of awakening dormant neural stem cells in the human brain.

Already found it!

When Sanqing was developing a specific drug for Alzheimer's disease, it was unable to save the shrinking brain nerve cells of the patient due to technical reasons. Relief.

This is indeed very effective for some mild to moderate Alzheimer's patients, and they quickly recovered and were able to lead a normal life.

But for some patients with severe neurodegenerative diseases, it is of little use.

Because the patient's brain nerves have been largely damaged, even if it does not deteriorate, it will be difficult to restore the previous state and consciousness.

For many family members, this is still an unbearable burden.

What's the point of the patient losing consciousness and memory, and living a life like a walking corpse in a daze.

They still have no ego, no past, no present, and no future.

It is the deepest feeling of these family members that life is better than death.

Therefore, over the years, the family members of critically ill patients have not given up, but persistently petitioned the Sanqing Group, hoping to develop a radical cure.

But how difficult it is.

The whole world is helpless in the face of this problem, and can only continue to explore and try.

At first, scientists were not even sure whether there were neural stem cells in the human brain.

In recent years, some evidence has been slowly found that proves that there are still a small number of neural stem cells in the brain, but they have entered a resting state and cannot be activated.

This is the main reason why the human brain cannot regenerate after damage.

The neural stem cells in the human brain differentiate into neurons from the embryonic period, take shape in early childhood, and then gradually grow and develop.

During this period, if damaged, there will be a certain ability to repair and regenerate.

Therefore, brain development in early childhood is very important. If you miss this opportunity, you will basically never develop again in your life.

Most geniuses emerge as teenagers, because this is the peak period of brain growth and development, with unlimited potential.

Normal human brain neuron cells complete development around the age of twenty, and then gradually die.

At this time, the neural stem cells that can generate neuron cells are basically gone.

When a person begins to age, this process begins to accelerate, and by the time a person dies, more than half of the brain neurons have died.

This is why when people get old, the brain will continue to degenerate, lose memory and thinking ability, and suffer from various Alzheimer's diseases.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, in fact, the last three words all lead to the same goal by different routes, and they all come down to one old word.

When large numbers of neurons die and there are no glial cells to populate them, the brain shrinks.

Therefore, to treat Alzheimer's disease and most other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, the most important thing is to repair damaged neurons and even activate dormant neural stem cells. After all, only neural stem cells can divide new neuron cells.

However, most of the neural stem cells in the human body have been transformed into mature brain cells, including neuron cells, glial cells, etc.

The few remaining neural stem cells have fallen into dormancy, which is also a kind of self-protection. If they do not go dormant, the result may be complete death.

When neural stem cells are dormant, they cannot regenerate more neuron cells, and brain damage will become irreparable.

If neural stem cells are activated, there is an opportunity to regenerate neurons in the brain, thereby restoring brain tissue to normal.

Although some lost memories may be irretrievable, the patient's illness can be completely cured, and then he can become a normal person by relearning, recalling memories and other methods.

In fact, stem cell therapy has become very popular all over the world since its introduction, and there are various clinical research directions.

A foreign company is trying to differentiate embryonic stem cells into insulin-secreting β cells to solve the clinical problem of insufficient donors for islet transplantation.

Scientists in Sakura Country also used iPS cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) to grow retinal pigment epithelial cell layers, and then transplanted them into eyes with age-related macular degeneration to treat blindness.

These research pioneers are groping in the dark and faltering. They are likely to fail, but they will eventually provide valuable experience for stem cell therapy to clinical application.

However, there are also some unregulated commercial stem cell treatments for the purpose of making money, ignoring the health of patients, and providing immature and high-risk treatments.

Because stem cells differentiate in different parts of the human body, if the technology is not mature enough, abnormal differentiation often occurs, leading to cancer and tumors in various parts.

If embryonic stem cells or human brain stem cells are directly transplanted into the brain, it is easy to abnormally differentiate into gliomas instead of neurons.

In short, with the current level of human technology, the risk of transplanting stem cells for treatment is very high.

It is not impossible to transplant neural stem cells into the brain, but after transplantation, if they cannot differentiate into ideal neuron cells, these transplanted stem cells will turn into a mass of brain tumors instead.

This is undoubtedly dancing on the tip of the knife with the patient's life.

I am afraid that only Putian hospitals dare to be so desperate.

This is why Sanqing chose to activate neural stem cells in the brain.

Safety first, putting patients' lives first.

At this moment, Wei Kang was sitting at his desk, solemnly looking at the experiment report in his hand.

On the opposite side sat an excited Chen Yiqing, with his hands on the table, his eyes fixed on Wei Kang's fingers, and he kept explaining as the paper turned.

"Foreign countries are indeed very powerful in stem cell research, and they are at the forefront of the world. I also saw a research report by them a few years ago, which found that the ups and downs of gene expression may be affected by the research on the chemical mechanism of the brain of mice. Unlocking the regenerative potential of the brain by awakening neural stem cells from their slumber."

"By directly comparing active stem cells in embryos to inactive, quiescent adult stem cells, they found that at least two genes and their associated proteins that regulate viability were involved."

"Drilling down, they focused on a protein called Hes1, which is strongly expressed in adult cells, and which normally represses the production of a protein called Ascl1. Over time, the researchers monitored how these two production of a protein and discovered a wave pattern that prompts stem cells to wake up and transform into neurons in the brain."

"When the researchers knocked out the genetic code needed to make the Hes1 protein, the cells started making more of the Ascl1 protein, which in turn activated almost all neural stem cells. Crucially, the same gene was responsible for both the active and resting states of these stem cells. Thus, a better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underpinning the dynamics of different expression patterns could help researchers switch on dormant stem cells and harness them to treat a range of neurodegenerative diseases."

The more Chen Yiqing spoke, the more excited he became, waving his hands in the air, constantly strengthening his expression.

"Although this is only the result of the study in the mouse brain, it gave us a strong inspiration, and later we also detected the same excitation mechanism in the human brain."

"After three years of research, we finally figured out the basic principle of these neural stem cells switching between activation and resting states, and at the same time developed a drug molecule that can greatly inhibit the relevant basic expression, thereby activating all neural stem cells."

"At the same time, we also believe that there are similar quiescent stem cells in other organs. If we continue to study, we should be able to develop drugs that activate stem cells in other organs. This will greatly promote the development of regenerative medicine and the development of new drugs. "

"At present, this new drug has been successfully tested in mice. Next, we will conduct toxicology studies and pharmacokinetic studies, and strive to start clinical trials as soon as possible."

Wei Kang couldn't help being infected by his passion, and a joyful smile appeared on his face.

"Great, this is great news!"

"Then keep going, many dementia patients and their family members can't wait."

He put down the experiment report, affirmed the other party's results, and then seemed to think of something, and couldn't help laughing.

"You can publish a paper first. I think your discovery deserves a Nobel Prize."

"Hahaha, I guess you didn't expect that this Nobel Prize would come so soon."

When Chen Yiqing didn't talk about work, he was still quite steady and generous.

He waved his hand and smiled reservedly: "I really didn't expect it. I was just on the right path. It was purely accidental whether I won a Nobel Prize or not. Compared with my achievements, it is not important at all."

Wei Kang nodded and gave a thumbs up: "That's right, Lao Chen, your pretense skills have improved a lot now."

Chen Yiqing was taken aback for a moment: "Huh? I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart. It's my lifelong wish to completely conquer Alzheimer's disease. It really doesn't matter whether you get a prize or not."

Wei Kang was completely convinced: "As expected of you, Lao Chen, come on, I am optimistic about you, you will definitely become the greatest neuroscientist in history."

The fine wrinkles at the corners of Chen Yiqing's eyes blossomed in an instant, he adjusted his glasses embarrassingly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Wei, you are so boastful, I can't compare to you, I will be satisfied if I have one-tenth of your achievements .”

As he spoke, he couldn't help becoming fascinated, and said leisurely.

"The greatest neuroscientist, hey, if I can be called so respectfully, I, Old Chen, will not be in vain in my life."

Wei Kang laughed loudly and said: "Look at you, you obviously want it very much, but you are always stubborn. In front of your own people, you can be more direct."

Chen Yiqing hurriedly shook his hand and said, "I'm a reserved person, and I can't learn the tricks of hearing people and dragons."

"Okay," Wei Kang tapped his fingers on the table, and said with a smile, "Hurry up and publish your paper. What awaits you is a tsunami of cheers and praises, Dr. Chen."

As he spoke, he sighed again: "Fortunately, I didn't ask you to help me receive the Nobel Prize last time. It's better to receive my own prize."

Then he shook his head and sighed: "If I had known this, I shouldn't have let you go for the Lasker Award. Let Wenrenlong go. His virtue is probably the last one among you to win the award."

Chen Yiqing smiled and didn't answer.

Not long after, he got up and left, and went back to work.

While Wei Kang looked at another stack of documents on the table, he couldn't help frowning.

After a long while, he rubbed the space between his brows and brought it in front of him.

This is another new drug research and development project.

Complete cure plan for HIV virus infection

However, the same project has two new drug development directions.

They were proposed by Tang Que and Wen Renlong respectively.

The reason is that a month ago, the world's fourth AIDS cured patient appeared.

The "cure" of these four patients all had the same coincidence, that is, they all suffered from AIDS and acute myeloid leukemia at the same time.

So they all chose to undergo hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treatment, and found a donor with a rare genetic mutation.

The donor's CCR5 gene has 32 bases missing, which prevents the CCR5 protein from appearing on the cell membrane normally, which in turn prevents the HIV virus from invading the human body normally, making its carriers resistant to HIV.

It's a modified version of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation that is better tolerated by older adults with blood cancers, reducing the likelihood of transplant-related complications while also providing relief from AIDS.

As soon as the news came out, the entire medical community was excited.

Because this proves that HIV virus infection can be completely cured, and CCR5 gene expression is the most critical target.

Aiming at this target, adopting different schemes, we can develop a drug that can completely cure AIDS.

There are tens of millions of AIDS in the world. So far, in just a few decades, more than 30 million people have died because of this disease.

Although with the current human technology, AIDS has changed from a fatal disease to a chronic disease that can survive to old age with long-term medication.

However, it is still the dream of people in the medical industry to completely overcome this century's problem.

Naturally, Tang Que was no exception. He immediately wanted to start research and development of new drugs in this area, and discussed related plans with Wen Renlong.

Unexpectedly, the two soon quarreled for their respective plans, and fought against each other for a while.

They all feel that their own plan is the best. It can not only achieve the goal of completely curing HIV patients, but also has wide feasibility. In short, they are not convinced by each other.

Wei Kang also had a headache because of this, he didn't say much at first, he wanted the two to convince each other.

However, the dispute intensified, and both sides were already on fire and could not step down.

In this case, the two of them could only sit in front of him, have a good discussion, and then make a final decision.

"I hope there will be friendly negotiations and there will be a plan acceptable to both parties."

Wei Kang sighed and thought to himself.

As the boss, he is the one who makes the final decision.

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