I can extract side effects

Chapter 350 The Gospel of Osteoporosis Patients

"Dear audience friends, this is the recording site of the Touching China program. This year's special tribute session of "Moving China" focused on a special group—Huaxia astronauts."

"The reporter from our station exclusively interviewed the representatives of the astronauts on the spot. The crew of Shenzhou 15 astronauts just returned to the voyage in more than two months. Now they have almost recovered, and they seem to be in very good condition."

On TV, a female reporter is smiling and introducing the interviewee to the audience.

The camera then turned, and three smiling astronauts in dark blue uniforms appeared in front of the audience.

With red national flags embroidered on their chests, they looked refreshed. On the screen behind them, the video of returning home was playing continuously.

The female reporter's voice was sonorous and powerful, and she seemed very full of emotion.

"They have been in orbit for 6 months, and they have successfully completed the space station mission and scientific experiments, which can be described as hard work."

"In the space station, they live broadcasted all kinds of daily life in space, and also gave a few aerospace lessons. The heroic appearance when they left the cabin also left a deep impression on everyone. Especially the eating and broadcasting programs are deeply loved by the audience and have become Tiangong A repertoire in the

"These three astronauts not only ignited the audience's love for spaceflight, but also became a hot topic of discussion. Next, we will interview them one by one."

"Tang Yamei's performance in the space station has won everyone's love, and she has also become the idol of women in the new era. Let's first ask a question that everyone is most interested in."

"Many netizens affectionately call you Sister Tang, and they are all asking, is the food in space really that delicious? How does it compare with the food on the ground? Is there a difference in taste?"

Tang Yamei was obviously well-trained, and said with a toothy smile: "I have always had a good appetite. Working in space will be harder, so it tastes delicious. Of course, it must be worse than the freshly baked food on the ground."

The female reporter seemed very satisfied with her answer, and continued to ask: "When you get out of the cabin, you can see the scenery in space. How did you feel?"

Tang Yamei's eyes lit up instantly: "When I opened the cabin door, I saw the beautiful scenery on the horizon as soon as I came out. I was really shocked at that time, and I couldn't say a word. I really felt like everything was wrong. It feels worth it."

"This is my first time in space, the first time I have been out of the cabin, and it is also a dream I have had for so many years, and it has finally come true."

The female reporter said softly: "Have you ever thought about going to space again?"

Tang Yamei nodded, her eyes became resolute: "I have thought about it, and I want to go to space a few more times. Now that we have our own space station, there will be many opportunities to go to space in the future. I actually have a few ideas. Let's see if it can be realized." .For example, I want to make a globe with water balloons in space."

"Wow, that's a very creative idea. I look forward to seeing it realized soon. Speaking of which, I have a question to ask."

The female reporter asked curiously: "When I returned to the voyage before, I saw that you could only lie down and couldn't stand up. It must be that you can't adapt to the gravity environment of the earth. How did you feel at that time?"

Tang Yamei smiled wryly and said: "I felt very weak at the time, like a child. In the first week, I couldn't even hold a mobile phone. The weight of 200 grams was like a brick to me, very heavy."

The female reporter opened her eyes in surprise, and asked, "Wow, I can't see it at all. You are in good condition now, and you look very healthy standing here. As far as I know, astronauts have to rest for half a year to recover. Your recovery speed is much faster than before, is there any secret?"

Tang Yamei's expression became a little excited: "There is indeed a secret. Originally, our bone atrophy was very serious in space, and it took a year to fully recover. Moon has completely recovered."

"Of course, the muscle atrophy in my legs hasn't healed yet, and I can't exercise vigorously for the time being, but normal walking is no problem, and it doesn't have much impact on daily life."

"Next, I will exercise according to the plan and strive to restore my body to its peak state as soon as possible so that I can participate in the next round of training."

The female reporter's face was full of admiration: "You have paid too much for the motherland. This is sacrificing your own health in exchange for the continuous development of the aerospace industry."

"Fortunately, technology is getting more and more advanced now, and there are Sanqing's medicines and portable monitors, so that your body will not suffer too much damage."

"You once said such a sentence during the live broadcast. We are all dream chasers, but we are also dream fulfillers. How do you explain this sentence?"

Tang Yamei said with fascination: "We in China have been looking forward to exploring the universe since ancient times. Whether it is thousands of households flying to the sky, or Chang'e flying to the moon, they all represent people's simple yearning heart."

"Through the unremitting efforts of several generations of astronauts, we have finally caught up with this great era. With such a good opportunity, we can go to the stars and seas and realize this beautiful dream."

"So, I am a dream chaser and a dream fulfiller. I have realized not only the wishes of astronauts, but also my personal wishes."

After the TV station's interview was broadcast, the response was huge, and after it was posted on the Internet, it immediately sparked heated discussions.

Netizens were all moved by the sincerity of the three astronauts.

"Seeing that the country is so strong, I feel relieved."

"Aerospace technology is developing so fast, Shenzhou 16 was launched before I knew it."

"The next step is definitely going to the moon. I hope to see Sister Tang on the moon."

"At that time, I will watch them eat and broadcast on the moon base. It's cool to think about it."

"I just realized that astronauts have to suffer so much, space is so harmful to the body, and they have sacrificed too much for the country."

"Yeah, fortunately, our medical technology is getting more and more advanced now, so don't worry about it."

"In the field of aerospace and medical treatment, who else is better than us?"

"It's thanks to Sanqing. Not only does it have a portable monitor, it can monitor the physical condition of the astronauts in space in real time, and it can also treat bone atrophy after returning to the voyage, allowing them to recover as soon as possible."

"At this time, I just want to say, Sanqing is awesome."

"As an uneducated me, I can only say that I am the same."

"Me too."

Domestic netizens were elated, but when the news spread abroad, overseas netizens instantly became unhappy.

Because, just a few days ago, NASA's restart mission to the moon, a mission that had been delayed 16 times, failed again.

The reason is that a Boeing-made engine was checked out and a hydrogen leak was found, and the rocket launch had to be postponed again.

After the announcement, thousands of space fans who came to watch the event left disappointed.

The performance of NASA's hip stretching spread all over the Internet in an instant, attracting a lot of criticism.

"Crap NASA, over and over and over again, a pig is better suited to be in charge than Nelson."

"Hmm... This is the seventeenth delay. Is it possible to go to the moon? I've lost confidence."

"After 50 years, our moon landing technology has not improved at all, and it has even gone backwards. It is unbelievable."

"The moon landing is more and more like a hoax. I have some doubts. Was the video of the moon landing back then shot in a studio?"

"The former industrial overlord is living more and more like a financing platform."

"You have all been fooled by Nelson. This is his usual tactic of blackmailing an additional budget. If the budget is increased to 100 billion U.S. dollars without delaying it fifty times, he will never succeed in landing on the moon."

"Fack, can you stop being ashamed, there are space stations in the east, and we are going to land on the moon soon, and we are still making such low-level mistakes."

"Going to Mars just now? It's a joke. From now on, our aerospace technology can only live in science fiction movies."

"Only Mabus can save NASA."

"Let's not talk about high-end products like rocket technology, they can't even make a portable monitor, and they have to use Sanqing's modules to fake it."

"Huaxia has solved the problem of bone loss in space. Their astronauts no longer have to worry about breaking bones in space, and our bureaucrats can't even determine the time for the next rocket launch."

"Eagle Country Pill!"

The comparison of the technical strength of the two sides, while the good news spreads continuously, and the tragedy frequently occurs, under the double stimulus, the mentality of Eagle Country netizens collapsed immediately.

They launched a "Save NASA" campaign calling for Nielsen to step down.

The public opinion is raging, even if it is just making troubles on the Internet, it is enough for Nelson to eat a pot.

But this little trouble can't affect the overall situation. For an old fox like him, it's nothing at all.

It was another thing that made him frown and couldn't help cursing.

The international cooperation project of Tiangong Space Station will start soon.

It is expected that after the Chinese New Year, it will officially open. At that time, two well-trained astronauts (learning Chinese) from the Europa Space Agency will also go up together.

Such a grand event in the aerospace industry has nothing to do with Eagle Country, and it has nothing to do with NASA.

It just made him outraged.

This group of dogs is too much, and if there is any meat, they will all run away.

Forgot about the big eagle that once stomped and shook the entire space?

Unfortunately, Nelson can only rage impotently in the office.

The surging trend of technological development does not change according to his will.

Whether it is Boeing or NASA, a boss for a day is not a boss for life.

Once you fall behind, you will be completely left behind.

He could only look desperately at the back of his opponent Yiqi Juechen, who was getting further and further away.

Eat dirt in the sky full of smoke and dust.


After Weikang received positive feedback from the space center, it soon started the third phase of clinical trials of bone resorption inhibitors.

Still in accordance with the previous practice, invitations for clinical trials were sent to osteoporosis patients registered on the Longtu APP.

This new drug is very effective in treating the astronaut's bone loss, and the effect is quick, which gave him full confidence.

However, the astronauts suffered bone loss due to the influence of the external environment. There was no problem with their own health, so after restraining the continued loss, they quickly recovered.

Just like a pool, after plugging the leaking pipe, water will continue to pour in, and the entire pool will be refilled in no time.

This is not the same as other osteoporosis patients.

Most osteoporosis patients are the elderly, mainly postmenopausal women and the elderly over 70 years old.

According to statistics, 30% of women over the age of 45 suffer from osteoporosis of varying severity, while women over the age of 75 have a prevalence rate as high as 90%.

The main cause of the patient is aging, and the formation of bones has been greatly affected. Even if the bone loss is suppressed, it is hard to say whether it can completely grow back.

It may need to be used in combination with other drugs to achieve the best effect of 1+1\u003e2.

As a result, the treatment plan and the dosage of the drug used by the patient are completely different from those of the astronauts, and the experimental model needs to be redesigned.

Therefore, phase III clinical trials are very important.

Patients with similar symptoms should be selected as much as possible, grouped into the same group, and then a combined drug regimen should be designed for different groups in order to successfully complete the clinical trial.

Long-term use of chronic disease drugs like this requires at least a few thousand people to test the drug, and the experimental data is convincing.

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease characterized by loss of bone tissue, most of which is due to increased bone resorption.

At the beginning, the patient manifests as bone pain all over the body, especially in the lower back, and then due to the bending and deformation of the spine, the person's height will be shortened and become hunched over.

At the same time, the chance of fractures will also increase greatly. A slight fall may cause fractures, or even inertial fractures.

If it is not properly cared for and treated in time, it may become disabled, unable to take care of itself, and cause life-threatening.

The best way to treat osteoporosis is to prevent it.

Increasing calcium deposits at a young age and increasing peak bone mass is the best way to prevent osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly people.

In this way, even in old age, bone calcium will be lost, but due to a good foundation, the situation of calcium deficiency will be greatly alleviated.

After menopause, due to the decline of hormone levels, a large amount of calcium will be lost, resulting in osteoporosis. In this case, estrogen supplementation is generally used to treat it.

Male patients can also promote calcium absorption, inhibit the activity of osteoclasts, and reduce bone destruction by continuously supplementing vitamin D and calcium, taking fluoride, anabolic steroids and other bone formation-promoting drugs.

If the condition is relatively mild, exercise therapy, physical therapy, and dietary adjustment can also be used to control the condition and enhance bone quality.

Soon, some osteoporosis patients received the notification of Sanqing’s clinical trial one after another, and they were all ecstatic.

They immediately followed the steps in the notice to apply for the drug test and obtained a precious quota.

Compared with tens of millions of patients, they are undoubtedly lucky and can receive treatment for free.

Sanqing's clinical trials are well-known, and every time a new drug is developed, the therapeutic effect is very good.

When a patient gets a clinical quota, it means that his life is guaranteed. Not only can he cure the disease, but he can also go whoring for nothing, which is not too cost-effective.

Such a drug tester is what patients dream of.

Liu Yurong is such a lucky one.

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