I can extract side effects

Chapter 358 The whole family was infected during the Spring Festival feast

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, the weather warmed up and the sun shone warmly on my body.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Sun Chengren took his family and walked slowly towards the village square.

He is in his fifties, and his parents are old. Although he is taken care of by his brothers and sisters in his hometown, he still has to come back every year to honor his parents during the Chinese New Year.

Especially this time when a distant nephew got married, he stayed at home for two more days, planning to go back after the wedding banquet.

The relatives in my hometown are doing well. Every family has a new building. Everyone is acquaintances from childhood to adulthood, and they are very enthusiastic when they meet.

Along the way, someone from every family chatted with Lao Sun, while her daughter, Sun Xiaoshi, was all smiles on her face.

By the time we arrived at the wedding venue, everything was ready.

The shed was set up, and the tables and chairs were also set up. At a glance, there were about thirty tables.

There is a stage in the center, and bright red roses are placed around in bundles.

Flower stands were placed around the site, and red carpets were laid on the entire ground.

There are bundles of red balloons tied to the shed, which is extremely festive.

There are also a bunch of firecrackers and fireworks piled up outside, which are set off when the banquet is ready.

"Hey, it's quite impressive."

While watching, Sun Chengren nodded inwardly. The wedding was well arranged, very festive, and considered luxurious in the village. This nephew's family conditions should be pretty good.

Generally, at wedding banquets in rural areas, the man's house is full of excitement from the day before.

In the morning, I went to the market to buy vegetables and drinks, and in the afternoon I was busy picking vegetables, cooking vegetables, and arranging the wedding room.

In the evening, dinner, fireworks, theater troupes, singing, dancing, etc. all come down one after another, and the scene doesn't end until night.

As for the wedding banquet on the second day, the guests arrived one after another from the morning, and when it was almost noon, everyone arrived, and the square was suddenly very lively, with chattering voices everywhere.

"Oh, this wedding is well arranged, it's very beautiful."

"That's not right. Generally, there are 16 dishes in a wedding banquet, but today there are 24 dishes. It's very grand."

"It seems that the successful family has done business outside and has indeed made a fortune. I heard that they have bought houses in the county and provincial capitals. No wonder they spent so much on getting married."

"The woman is a girl from the city, and her condition is also good, and she looks pretty."

"Oh, this is Cheng Ren. Long time no see. This is your little poem? She looks so pretty. When will you get married?"

Sun Xiaoshi, who was looking around, turned her head in a daze.

You were talking about your wedding, why did you suddenly talk about her?

Sun Chengren chuckled: "She's still young, she just graduated from university this year, don't worry, we'll talk about it in two years."

While talking, he found a table to sit down and continued to chat with other guests on the table.

"It's already noon, why hasn't the person who picked up the bride come back?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, the cannons will be fired at the entrance of the village, and you can definitely hear them."

"I heard that the bride is very beautiful. She looks like a big star. Let's see her later."

Seeing that the time was getting closer, everyone became more and more anxious, and they stopped chatting much. They stretched their necks and looked towards the village entrance, waiting to see the legendary beautiful bride.

Not long after, there was a rumbling sound in the distance.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, with beaming expressions on their faces.

"I hear voices, the bride is coming."

"Let's go and see the bride~"

Children like to join in the fun. After hearing the sound, they all ran to the entrance of the village to watch.

The adults were quite stable, sitting at the banquet, waiting for the bride and groom to come over.

Soon, a train of wedding cars drove over slowly, with eye-catching flowers on the front of the car, and a luxury car in the lead, there were more than a dozen of them.

The wedding car circled the square and stopped.

A pair of young people in red Chinese dresses got off the lead car with smiles on their faces and walked onto the stage amidst the deafening sound of firecrackers.

The sound of festive music also sounded, and all kinds of fireworks continued to rise into the sky.

It was the first time for Sun Xiaoshi to attend a wedding banquet in the countryside, and she was so happy to watch, she took out her mobile phone and kept clicking.

"Hey, there's no one here, just sit here."

A tall, thin young man wearing glasses, who seemed to be coming with the groom, saw that there was an empty seat here, and walked over to sit down.

When he saw the youthful and lively Sun Xiaoshi next to him, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile, "Hi, my name is Gao Yuan, and I'm the groom's classmate. You are all his relatives."

"Well, just call me Xiaoshi." Sun Xiaoshi nodded, and was about to say something, when suddenly a strong smell came to her nostrils, and she felt like she was about to suffocate, and the smile on her face froze immediately.

She leaned back in the chair slowly, which made it easier.

Gao Yuan didn't realize it, he was still smiling, and kept looking for topics to chat.

A faint stench kept coming, and Sun Xiaoshi held her breath, feeling bad all over.

But she can't just say "you have bad breath, stay away from me", or even make it too obvious.

I can only move to the other side inch by inch, trying to open a suitable distance, so that I can breathe quietly.

Fortunately, when speaking on the stage, dishes were served quickly one after another.

She squeezed out a smile: "You have been busy all morning, you must be hungry, let's eat first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to speak, he quickly immersed himself in eating.

Although the banquets in the countryside are not as luxurious and exquisite as in big hotels, they are all solid hard dishes, with ample portions and a lot of oil and water.

As soon as it was served on the table, a mouth-watering fragrance wafted out instantly, and the guests' eyes lit up and their mouths drooled.

For this wedding banquet, they didn't eat much breakfast. They were hungry all morning, and their stomachs were growling.

Anyway, the bride has also seen it, and cooking is the most important thing.

Pairs of chopsticks were like spirit snakes coming out of their holes, hitting Huanglong directly, picking up a large piece of meat in an instant, and returning with a full load.

In the entire square, there were thirty tables of people, eating in full swing, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

Sun Chengren opened a bottle of white wine and drank slowly with a few familiar cousins.

Gao Yuan was very busy, he kept attacking with chopsticks in his hands, but he kept chatting uninterruptedly, with a grain of rice popping out from the corner of his mouth from time to time.

Sun Xiaoshi maintained an awkward yet polite smile on her face, ate in silence, answered a sentence or two at random, complaining endlessly in her heart.

"Damn it, why does this guy have bad breath without knowing it, and he likes to chat with people so much, ah, it's so uncomfortable, I can't even breathe. Woooooo~"

After finally waiting for the bride and groom to toast, the banquet was almost finished, and the guests began to disperse.

Sun Xiaoshi immediately got up and said goodbye like a Meng Dahe.

"Sister Xiaoshi, you're so close to each other, why don't you add a wechat." Gao Yuan hiccupped and took out his phone.

"Okay." Sun Xiaoshi readily agreed in order to get out as soon as possible.

After the two exchanged WeChat messages, she pulled Lao Sun's sleeve and gestured with her eyes.

"You girl, why are you so ignorant, you didn't see that I was chatting with your third uncle, you and your mother go back first."

Sun Chengren waved his hand and said with some displeasure.

"Ah, I'm anxious, I have to go back quickly." Sun Xiaoshi found an excuse, pulled her mother, and fled in an instant.

Gao Yuan looked at Sun Xiaoshi's hastily leaving figure, smiled indifferently, sat on Xiaoshi's seat, and moved over.

"Uncle, you guys are drinking. In fact, I also like this one. How about we have a drink too."

When he opened his mouth, thick bad breath gushed out with his breath.

Sun Chengren was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a jolt.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do at home, so I have to leave quickly, and we will continue to drink in the evening."

Watching him leave with windy footsteps, Gao Yuan couldn't help but frowned and scratched his head in doubt.

Sun Chengren walked on the road with big strides, thinking of the stench, he couldn't help feeling sick.

Only then did he understand why his daughter, who had always been well-behaved and sensible, left in such a hurry, and deeply regretted not going with her.

As soon as I entered the house, I heard my daughter complaining.

"Mom, you don't know, the person sitting next to me has a bad mouth, it's unbearable, I didn't finish my meal, I have to eat some more snacks to suppress this nausea .”

Sun Chengren shook his head, walked over and reprimanded: "We're all back, so don't chew people's tongues behind their backs. This bad breath may be due to a stomach problem, and it's not what he wants."

Unexpectedly, my daughter glanced at him, gloated and said in an instant: "Dad, don't you want to continue drinking? You won't be smoked too, so you have the nerve to talk about me."

"You..." Sun Chengren was at a loss for words, gave her a hard look, and walked into the house.

Three days later, Lao Sun's family returned to Kunming.

After dinner in the evening, sitting in front of the TV, Sun Chengren suddenly felt a churning in his stomach, a feeling of acid rising.

"Could it be that I've been drinking too much lately? Or is it because I've eaten too much meat and fish, and I'm a little indigestion."

He was muttering to himself, but he didn't take it seriously, but turned his head and shouted at his wife: "I've been eating too much oil recently, so I'll make it lighter tomorrow."

Seeing his wife nodding, he turned back to watch TV again.

However, watching and watching, he suddenly had a burst of flatulence in his stomach and belched, a sour smell poured from his stomach into his esophagus, and instantly he felt a strong burning sensation in his sternum.

Lao Sun immediately sat up: "Could it be the old problem again?"

He got up and rummaged in the room, and quickly found a box of leftover stomach medicine, took a few pills, and felt better.

Born in sales, he has a lot of entertainment at the wine table, and he often overeats and does not eat on time. Therefore, he always has a little stomach problem and often needs to take some stomach medicine.

"If it's still like this tomorrow, go to the hospital."

He thought in his heart that he may have overeated during the Chinese New Year, he ate a little greasy, and drank a lot, and he drank for fun, so he didn't like to take anti-alcoholic medicines, which resulted in stomach problems.

Early the next morning, as soon as he sat up, a feeling of nausea surged up.

At the same time, the upper abdomen began to ache.

"No, why didn't you get better after taking the medicine? Go to the hospital later."

Sun Chengren frowned, suspecting that the over-the-counter stomach medicine he bought from the prescription was not strong enough, so he decided to go to the hospital to see a doctor after breakfast, and prescribed some strong stomach medicine to suppress the symptoms of acid reflux and nausea.

After breakfast, I immediately took a taxi to a nearby hospital, where I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis and prescribed a bunch of medicines.

But after taking the medicine for a few days, the symptoms have not improved.

He even felt that the epigastric pain was becoming more and more frequent, showing a trend of periodic attacks.

In a hurry, I hurried to see a doctor again.

This time, the doctor fell silent while facing his test report.

"Doctor, what's wrong with me?" Seeing that the doctor didn't speak, Sun Chengren panicked.

The doctor raised his glasses and said slowly: "It seems to be more serious. Do you have chronic gastritis all the time, and then you like to drink alcohol? It is difficult to cure stomach diseases with such a life style."

Sun Chengren nodded: "Yes, my stomach has always been bad before, but every time I take the medicine, it will get better, so I didn't think much about it. Maybe during the Chinese New Year party, everyone drank too much alcohol and relapsed."

The doctor shook his head and said, "You are getting old, you should pay attention to your body. Alcohol is very irritating to the gastric mucosa, so quit it as soon as possible. You may have developed from chronic gastritis to peptic ulcer now. Things have already It is very serious and must be taken seriously, if this continues, it may develop into gastric cancer.”

Sun Chengren was shocked: "What? Gastric ulcer? Gastric cancer?"

He immediately said with a mournful face, "Then is my disease curable?"

"This is just my suspicion. Let's do a comprehensive stomach examination first. By the way, you just said that there are many dinners during the Spring Festival? Then there is a high possibility of Helicobacter pylori infection. Then do a C-13 breath test. "

The doctor quickly prepared the checklist, Sun Chengren paid the money, and went for the C-13 breath test first.

This is recognized as the gold standard for the detection of Helicobacter pylori. Just take a C-13 urea capsule. If there is Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, the bacteria will secrete urease to hydrolyze urea. After the urea is hydrolyzed, it will form carbon dioxide and enter the lungs with the blood. The part is discharged in the form of gas, so as long as there is no marked C-13 in the exhaled breath, it can be known whether there is Helicobacter pylori.

Sun Chengren waited for more than half an hour, and finally saw the test results.

Taking a closer look, the words 'HP positive, DOB value 80, strong positive infection' on the test report came into view.

His face instantly turned green.

After all, he also works in a pharmaceutical company, so he still has basic medical knowledge.

This report proved that he was not only infected with Helicobacter pylori, but that the infection was very serious.

He also knew something about this germ.

It is a pathogenic bacterium that lives in the stomach. More than 90% of duodenal ulcers and more than 80% of gastric ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori. Half of it has to do with it.

Under normal circumstances, the stomach wall has a series of perfect self-protection mechanisms.

Gastric acid, the secretion function of protease, the protective effect of insoluble and soluble mucus layer, regular exercise, etc., can resist the invasion of thousands of microorganisms entering through the mouth, so basically there is no place for bacteria to live in the stomach.

But Helicobacter pylori is the only killer that can break through this natural barrier.

Since Chinese people’s eating habits are generally based on a dinner party system, and they rarely share meals or use public chopsticks and spoons, the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori among Chinese people is relatively high in the world, with an infection rate of 59%, while the infection rate of foreigners is only 25%. about.

This germ is highly contagious, mainly through droplets and mouth-to-mouth transmission, so it is possible to be infected by eating and drinking together.

He recently went back to his hometown to have dinner every day, and once had a feast of 30 tables. The people who ate with him came from all over the world. It is not unusual to say that there is a person infected with Helicobacter pylori among them.

In addition, he drank a lot of alcohol, which stimulated the gastric mucosa and promoted the infection of bacteria.

Helicobacter pylori infection may not necessarily show symptoms. It is usually not obvious when the body is in good health, but it is easy to attack when the body becomes poor. Old people like him with poor stomachs have poor body resistance and various diseases. Seizures are normal when stimulated.

If not treated early, it is very likely to develop into stomach cancer.

Thinking of this, Sun Chengren broke out in a cold sweat.

He had a gastroscopy again and was diagnosed with peptic ulcer. Obviously, this gastric ulcer was mainly caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

The doctor read the examination report and shook his head again and again.

"For your disease, Helicobacter pylori must be completely eradicated to be effective, otherwise it will continue to recur. Try quadruple therapy and prescribe some medicine for you first. If you are not allergic to penicillin, then omeprazole + citric acid Bismuth Potassium + Amoxicillin + Levofloxacin. Take it for 7-14 days to see the effect."

"By the way, it's best to ask your family members to come and have a check. This germ is very contagious. Generally, if one person has it, the whole family will be infected."

Sun Chengren thumped in his heart, and the figure of his daughter Xiaoshi appeared in front of his eyes, and he was filled with regret.

He went home dejectedly and told his wife and daughter about it.

Both of them were taken aback, and went to the hospital for examination immediately, and sure enough, Helicobacter pylori was also detected.

However, due to her good health, the daughter did not show serious infection and escaped unharmed.

Due to his old age and frail health, his wife also had a certain degree of infection. It may be because she was not stimulated by tobacco and alcohol, and it was not as serious as him.

The family sat at home with the confirmed case, looking at each other, speechless for a while.

Sun Xiaoshi puffed up her mouth and said angrily: "I'm so mad. On a happy day, I ate a few meals and got infected with this germ. It's too much. I didn't do anything wrong."

She took out her mobile phone and began to search for relevant information on the Internet, and suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Dad, I know who infected us. After getting this germ, we will have bad breath. It must have been infected by the bad breath boy at the wedding banquet. Damn, I still have his WeChat account. You must scold him well." .”

Sun Chengren quickly stopped his daughter's nonsense.

"First of all, you don't have any evidence. It's best to remind him tactfully, just say that the germ has been detected recently, and it may be infected. Let him go for a self-examination. Secondly, this germ is very contagious. He may also have a dinner party. What's the use of scolding him for being recruited? He is also a victim just like you."

Sun Xiaoshi curled her lips, lowered her head and sent out the message: "Okay, got it."

Sun Chengren looked at his case and fell into deep thought. After a while, he suddenly cried out in surprise.

"I remembered, didn't our company recently released a specific antibiotic against Helicobacter pylori?"

"This drug is already in the third phase of clinical trials. I have to find a company to apply for a clinical quota."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the pile of medicines he took home with a look of disgust.

"Everyone says that this quadruple therapy has serious side effects, which are worse than the onset. There are specific antibiotics from the company. Why should I still take this?"

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