I can extract side effects

Chapter 378 New ideas from human medicine to pet medicine

The high temperature still persists, but on the Internet, the style of trending paintings that dominated the list suddenly changed.

From "the sea city has reached 40 degrees", "how hot the capital has become in the past two days", "people in the south are going to heat up", "the top 10 high temperature list in the country, Zhejiang province occupies six places", and so on.

gradually became...

"Sanqing developed a new drug with special effects to completely overcome the deadly terminal disease of heat stroke."

"Heat stroke is high in various places, Sanqing magic medicine can save lives!"

"The man suffered from heat stroke and his organs were damaged as if he had been 'cooked', but he survived because he did the right thing!"

"There were 140 new cases of heat stroke in the country, but no one died, just because they used the same medicine."

"There is only one drug in the world that can cure this disease with a mortality rate as high as 80%!"

"Under the extreme high temperature, human beings are fighting with death, and the ending is too surprising."

All of a sudden, heat stroke spread across the entire network in a shocking manner, constantly swiping the screen.

But this time, netizens did not scold the unscrupulous media headline party.

Because they looked at the shocking title, clicked in, and were really shocked by the content inside.

"Wow, this disease looks terrible, but fortunately it has been overcome."

"I can't imagine what would have happened to these people if they hadn't been treated in time and if Sanqing hadn't developed a life-saving drug."

"What else can we do? With such a high death rate, it is natural to die."

"From this point of view, Sanqing can be said to have saved a life, and his merits are immeasurable!"

"They are all a group of poor people. If they were not forced by life, they would not have suffered from heatstroke due to working in high temperatures. Sanqing is really on the side of the people and considers the poor people."

"This disease feels very unpopular, and there are only patients in the summer. Are Sanqing's research and development of this drug not doing charity?"

"Indeed, seeing the number of patients as high as 140, my friends and I were silent."

"I'm really curious about how this drug came to the clinic. It is impossible for a normal boss to approve it. It is a waste of money and impossible to pay back."

"Unless it is sold at a sky-high price, the cost can be recovered, but migrant workers are so poor, how can they afford the sky-high price of medicine."

"You have a salary of 3,000 a month. Why worry about Mr. Wei? He is so rich and earns tens of billions a year, so he should spend some money on charity. Anyway, it's just a drop in the bucket for him."

"You didn't read the news. This drug is currently being distributed for free, so it is definitely not making money, or even selling at a loss."

"Sanqing was able to develop it, and it definitely didn't think about making money. I admire it very much. What's even more rare is that it was actually produced at a low cost. It's a miracle."

"A small transparent drug in the industry. Seeing this scene, I can't help but feel mixed feelings. You may not know what such a rare drug with only a few hundred patients means. You can only say that Sanqing is a great pharmaceutical company. Who wouldn't want to work for a company that really works to save humanity if given the opportunity."

"Upstairs, I understand you. They are all 996 social animals. They can do meaningful things and work to change the world. Naturally, they are completely different from those who spend their lives idly, going to work like going to a grave, and wasting their lives."

"Sanqing needs both conscience and money. I can only say, for such a company, give me more."

"Sanqing fully explained that as long as the strength is strong enough, you can have both fish and bear's paw."

"The more this drug is produced, the more it loses money. I don't know how long Sanqing can last."

"If it is an ordinary pharmaceutical company, it will definitely stop production directly to stop losses, but this is Sanqing, and I have confidence in it."

"Hehe, Mr. Wei didn't make a sound, so you know it. Are you a roundworm?"

"Anything that works, I don't want it discontinued."

"I have a civil dog, I beg Sanqing to persevere, maybe I will need his life soon on the construction site! If the production really stops, I can only run away with a bucket."

Discussions on the Internet have intensified, and netizens are very worried that Sanqing will not be able to persist due to losses, resulting in the suspension of production of such a good drug.

So they all ran to Weikang's homepage one after another, begging him to keep producing this medicine and not to stop production.

Wei Kang couldn't help but laugh when he saw the cute comments of these netizens.

These people are worrying too much, he is a majestic Chinese medicine king, even if he sells medicine at a loss, how can he not afford to lose money?

This is looking down on who.

It's so cute and silly.

But such a netizen, he likes it.

Although they go online every day and strike hard everywhere, they all have a pure heart and are willing to support some disadvantaged groups and speak out for them. Even if they are used again and again, they will not change their original intentions.

Without their support, many would not have a voice for their suffering or justice.

It is precisely because of them that ordinary people have a channel to speak out and a fulcrum that can leverage the real society.

This is the meaning of the existence of the Internet, and they are also the cutest group of people.

Now that they came to ask Sanqing, Wei Kang, as a people's entrepreneur, naturally had to respond.

He found a report, which was a summary of feedback from major hospitals recently after using heat stroke blockers.

As soon as it was opened, a shocking number came into view.

First aid success rate: 99%!

It's close to 100%.

Among the more than 300 patients, only 3 patients (1%) had multiple organ failures after being sent to the hospital due to delay in their illness.

Facts have proved that as long as the blocking agent is injected as soon as possible after the onset of the disease, the chance of saving the patient is 100%.

"Such emergency medicines should be promoted nationwide, and strive to be available in every county and city-level hospital, so that patients can be rescued in time."

"Even if there are only a few hundred patients every year, and each patient uses it once, the production must not be discontinued, otherwise these hundreds of lives will be voluntarily given up."

"The price should not be too high. It is absolutely impossible to sell tens of thousands of yuan. Thousands of yuan will be a relatively heavy burden for patients."

"Forget it, anyway, I'm already losing money on this drug, and it's impossible for other pharmaceutical companies to develop this drug. It's equivalent to being the only one in my family, so let's just be more generous, and do good things to the end, and only charge a symbolic cost. , sell it for two or three hundred yuan."

After a moment of contemplation, he had already made a decision in his heart, and then issued an announcement.

"Don't worry, everyone, I guarantee with my personality that as long as there is sanqing, this emergency medicine for heat stroke will never be discontinued, and it will always be provided to people who need it, and the price will be affordable by patients after it is released. In the range."

As soon as the news came out, netizens cheered and jumped up.

"Sure enough, Mr. Wei will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move."

"As expected of Mr. Wei, Thunder strikes, now those who doubt it should shut up."

"Okay, don't worry everyone, I know Mr. Wei never disappoints."

"Hehe, after earning so much money, you have to give back to the society. It's the right thing to do."

"There's another moral kidnapping upstairs, right? Your family has extra savings, are you willing to give back to the society? Do you want to support me, a poor man?"

"Wooooow, people are saved, but what about the little animals? Unfortunately, my cat died of heat stroke two days ago. If this happens again in the future, can I also use this medicine for cats?"

"Uh, this, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Theoretically speaking, it's not impossible. If there is no other way, you can try it. Many medicines can be used for both humans and animals."

"That's antibiotics. Can other medicines work as well?"

"This medicine feels good, and the principle is the same, but it's hard to say about the dosage. It may need to be tested to find out."

"Don't worry, this drug must have been tested on animals, and it will enter the clinic only if it has an effect. If you have an idea, you can try it."

"This is a prescription drug, can the pet hospital buy it?"

"It depends on the pet doctor. In fact, the pet drug market is very chaotic now. It is a common practice to use human drugs on pets. After all, no pharmaceutical company will develop new drugs specifically for pets."

"In my opinion, banning the use of human medicines on animals is a waste of pharmaceutical resources. Human medicines with good effects can definitely be used on pets."

"Nowadays, anything with the word "pet" on it is so expensive, it's cheaper to use medicine for people."

"The pet market is developing rapidly. Everyone treats pets like family members. However, there are no cures for many difficult diseases. I suggest that Sanqing's medicines also have a pet version, so that we can use them without worry."

The painting style turned to another direction in an instant, and it became a meeting of shit shovel officers complaining.

Wei Kang looked at these messages on the Internet, but his heart moved.

Although he doesn't have a pet, he also knows that more and more people keep pets in the society. The sales of pet food during the shopping festival every year are very large, and the pet hospital fees are expensive.

The main reason is that China's market is too big and has great potential for development. Even if only a small number of people are willing to pay for their pets, it is enough to support many manufacturers.

Especially now that all kinds of capital are constantly entering the market, filling the pet track.

It's just that the threshold for medicines is too high, even if it is pet medicine, it is not something that ordinary companies can get involved in.

Now most of the pet medicines on the market are imported medicines, mainly Sanqing’s old rival Bayer.

Domestic pet medicine has not yet formed a climate, and there are not many companies that can specialize in this area, and most of them focus on low-end veterinary medicine.

Sanqing had previously developed a pet medicine to treat feline diarrhoea, and the response was very good. After it was launched, it quickly occupied the market and formed a monopoly position. Generally, this medicine is the first choice for pets who are sick.

Later, some other common pet medicines were also launched, such as anthelmintics, antibacterials, anti-inflammatory drugs, cat and dog vaccines, etc., which are slowly eroding the market of competitors.

Mainly, the technical threshold for these drug development is not high, and the technology is very mature, and many drugs are obtained by improving people's medicines. For Sanqing, it is just a matter of convenience.

Therefore, Sanqing can make persistent efforts to transform some of its high-end human medicines and launch corresponding pet medicines.

There are not many patients in the world for human medicines such as heat stroke blockers, but if they can be used on animals, they can still make a lot of money.

After all, animals suffer from heatstroke in summer, and heatstroke is not a patent for humans.

By analogy, other medicines are similar. Anyway, there are not many changes, and a new and effective pet medicine can be obtained.

Even if they don't make much money, this is a blank market. With Sanqing's strength, it will be a matter of time before they can completely occupy it.

In the final analysis, it depends on whether he wants to do it, not whether he can do it or not.

Maybe other pharmaceutical giants have to think twice, and even give up the pet medicine market, because no one can make money quickly with medicine.

However, Sanqing is backed by the big tree of Huaxia, facing a vast market full of infinite possibilities, and it is still a piece of uncultivated virgin land that has not been occupied by anyone.

In this case, if he didn't go straight in and grab the big cake, it wouldn't be Wei Kang's style.

Wei Kang quickly made a decision that Sanqing's animal protection department should start working instead of being a marginally transparent team as before.

At the same time, his thoughts continued to diverge, and his thoughts became more profound.

Perhaps it should be combined with the advantages of Sanqing to conduct gene editing in animals, which is a very good development direction.

Cooperating with Syngenta has allowed Sanqing to benefit from agriculture.

Then, the next direction, you can think about it, start with animals.

There are so many animals in the world, choose a few of them, and perform gene editing according to their commercial value, to see if there will be any surprises.

Thinking of this, Wei Kang couldn't help but secretly praised his foresight.

He began to take out a list of key concerns, and looked through it carefully, intending to find a suitable leader for the animal protection department.

The people on this list are all young employees who have performed well at work and attracted his attention, and they deserve to be vigorously cultivated.

There are many potential talents among them. If they continue to develop, they will definitely emerge and shine brightly on the big stage of Sanqing.

And Weikang has also formulated a special plan for this, which is called "Stars Project 2.0".

As for the Stars Project 1.0, it is a group of veterans from when Sanqing first made a fortune. There are not many in number, but they are all his confidantes, forming the current core team of Sanqing.

Take a look at the 1.0 list, Chen Yiqing (Director of Neuroscience Laboratory), Wen Renlong (Director of AI Pharmaceutical Laboratory), Tang Que (Director of Biological Laboratory), Gu Xian (Director of Generic Drug Laboratory), Lu Tingfeng (Director of Medical Devices) Department President), Sheng Changya (President of Beauty Business Department, Head of Charity Foundation), Xiang Gaofei (President of Longtu Business Department).

All of them are the backbone team of Sanqing. They are either R\u0026D geniuses with many achievements, or independent officials in the frontier. They support the sky alone.

Facts have proved that he was right. These people are really capable and have made great contributions to the development and growth of Sanqing.

Therefore, the characters in the Stars 2.0 plan are also worthy of his expectation.

Wei Kang looked at them one by one, and decided to pick a few people and investigate them carefully.

Soon, he fixed his eyes and stopped on a name.

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