I can extract side effects

Chapter 380 The world sees the dawn of eradicating AIDS

Europa, Geneva.

The 25th World AIDS Conference is being grandly held.

In a huge dome meeting room, thousands of experts and scholars from all over the world, government representatives, medical workers, charities, and business people all sat upright and listened carefully to the speeches on the stage.

This is a high-level main meeting, which will directly determine the next AIDS response work of the league and have a great impact on all countries.

As officials from the ministries of health of various countries with different skin colors came to the stage in an orderly manner to introduce the situation of AIDS prevention and control in their countries, Byrne, who was sitting in the audience, couldn't help frowning.

As the executive director of the league's AIDS Program, his hatred of the HIV virus is deeply rooted in his bones, and he has always regarded the eradication of AIDS as his life goal.

Under his chairmanship, UNAIDS developed an aggressive global AIDS strategy that was unanimously approved by the league's council.

They even shouted the inspiring slogan "Eliminate AIDS by 2030".

However, when it came to the specific implementation later, the progress was not smooth.

At this moment, listening to the speeches of these government representatives on the stage, he felt indignant and hated iron for being weak.

"What the hell, Yingguo, you are too stingy, and the allocation for AIDS prevention and treatment is too little. Although your pharmaceutical companies donate a lot, you can't rely on free medicines from the company!"

"Countries in the Philippines really don't see it. They obviously give money to people, but they still add new ones every day, and the death toll is getting higher every year."

"It was well said at the meeting last year that the political declaration on AIDS prevention and treatment was passed, and countries also promised to take active measures to end inequality and end AIDS, but the data is still so ugly."

"The number of AIDS deaths in Europa and the Eagle Country is well under control and is declining every year, but the number of new infections is still rising."

"Pull mold and South Asia are also growing rapidly. This is mainly due to the government's lack of funds and limited investment."

"Forget about Feizhou. If I can, I really want to give up on them. I won't count their data anymore. Anyway, there is only one word, which is ugly!"


Byrne murmured in his heart and couldn't help shaking his head.

Although he has been working hard to promote the work and is committed to eliminating AIDS as a public health threat, but there are too many pig teammates, and all kinds of people are not good.

All kinds of money search, always find all kinds of excuses, and they are always in arrears of dues, and they will throw faces at every turn.

Those who have no money complained everywhere, made various promises in order to allocate funds, but turned their heads and went into private pockets. If you don't keep an eye on them all the time, who knows where the money will fall.

If it weren't for the support of private donations from companies and charitable foundations, he really wouldn't be able to carry out this global AIDS strategy.

"Next is a representative from Huaxia..."

Such a sentence suddenly floated by Byrne's ear, which instantly aroused his interest.

In his impression, China's AIDS prevention and control work is still relatively solid, and has been steadily advancing. It is not as exaggerated as other countries, but there are not too many bright spots.

It can be regarded as impartial, neither up nor down.

No, Byrne suddenly remembered that the biggest new drug breakthrough for AIDS this year came from China's pharmaceutical giant Sanqing Group.

This pharmaceutical company, whose rise is as fast as a rocket, has developed an original drug that can completely eliminate the HIV virus in the body. Although it is still necessary to take the medicine all the time, it at least blocks the infectivity, which is a major benefit.

"Unfortunately, the price is too expensive for poor countries to afford." Byrne shook his head.

This Sanqing is very stingy and refuses to donate medicines for free, so it is really useless to his plan to eliminate AIDS.

Even Gilead and GSK donate a lot of free medicines every year, but this Sanqing just doesn't know how to live and die, which is really speechless.

However, this drug seems to be selling well in their country, and it should be helpful for AIDS prevention and control. This is also good news.

Byrne thought for a while, with a glint of expectation in his eyes, and decided to listen to China's AIDS prevention and control results to see if there was any progress.

He looked at the Huaxia representatives in suits and leather shoes on the stage, and listened carefully.

"We, Huaxia, continue to pay attention to the current situation of AIDS in the world, and have made great efforts to eliminate the world's largest epidemic disease."

"Fortunately, our dedication has finally ushered in a rich return."

"Our company has not only developed a brand-new specific drug in the first half of the year, but is also willing to cooperate with the government to carry out an HIV elimination plan, determined to eliminate this public health hazard."

"After three months of hard work, HIV infection has been effectively controlled in our country, and the number of deaths has been greatly reduced. Of course, thanks to our country's free medicine policy, the death rate of our AIDS patients is not high."

"The most astonishing result is the rate of HIV infection. In the last month, the number of new infections was zero."

"It can be said that we have completely killed the terrible disease of AIDS in the cradle. Next, as long as we continue to track the existing infected people, it will be a matter of time before the complete elimination of AIDS."

The representative of Huaxia just said these words——


As if struck by lightning, Byrne was speechless, speechless in shock.

All the participants were in an uproar.

Exclamations resounded throughout the audience, and people stood up one after another, waving their hands excitedly, opening and closing their mouths, as if they were talking about something.

The entire venue instantly changed from a high-end summit to a vegetable market, and it was extremely noisy.

"Everyone, please be quiet! If you have any questions, you can raise your hands to ask questions." The Huaxia representative couldn't help but reminded.

People quickly quieted down and raised their hands one after another, and the audience instantly became a sea of ​​arms.

Facing the hustle and bustle in the audience, the representative of Huaxia always smiled, as if he was prepared for such a scene.

Soon, questioners stood up one after another and asked the questions on everyone's minds.

"I would like to ask, is it true that the number of HIV-infected people in China has been cleared to zero?

"Data, is there any specific data?"

"What exactly is the HIV eradication program in your country?"

"Why is there such a good effect?"

"What enlightenment do you think this incident has for other countries?"

"What do we have to do to get the results of your country?"

Huaxia representatives answered one by one, trying their best to give everyone a satisfactory answer.

"This matter is absolutely true. Please see the screen for the specific data. In addition, we have submitted a detailed report to the official meeting. You can check it after the meeting."

"The HIV Elimination Plan is an all-out cooperation between my country's Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Sanqing Group in order to completely eliminate AIDS. It is specifically divided into three stages..."

"After the successful implementation of this plan, it has brought gratifying results, which is enough to prove that HIV infection is controllable and can be completely killed in the cradle."

"In view of the time of the meeting, if you want to have in-depth communication on this issue, you are welcome to visit after the meeting."

"If the representatives have time, they can go to Huaxia to observe and learn after the meeting. We will welcome them."

The Huaxia representative held his head high, with a smile on his face, and said proudly.

At this moment, he and the motherland behind him.

He is no longer a transparent person, but has completely become the focus of the audience's attention and stole the limelight.

No one at the scene wanted to hear the speeches of other representatives.

Everyone wanted to know more about how Huaxia eliminated AIDS.

Byrne sat under the stage, his mind was buzzing, and he was still digesting the sensational news.

Watching people keep asking questions and taking every opportunity to discuss with Huaxia representatives.

He showed a gratified smile. It seems that Huaxia really brought good news this time.

It not only brought significant progress in AIDS prevention and control, but also caused great shocks to countries all over the world.

After this incident, they saw the hope of eradicating HIV completely.

It is bound to seize the opportunity brought by this meeting and strive to control the spread of AIDS.

This unfinished business finally ushered in a new dawn.

Byrne couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, his face flushed.

This is an opportunity for all countries, so why not his opportunity.

Take advantage of the situation, mediate from it, and make every effort to promote the global anti-AIDS strategy.

In this way, great things can be achieved!

Finally, after a period of intense question and answer and discussion.

The Huaxia representative showed a trace of fatigue. Although his eyes and expression were still excited, he stepped down and returned to his seat.

Byrne coughed lightly and strode onto the stage with his head held high.

He will draw a glorious and meaningful end to this morning's meeting.

At the same time, open a new era of fighting AIDS.

When he came to the stage, he looked around, looked passionate, and started his speech with great emotion.

"Everyone, you have all seen the results of China's AIDS prevention and treatment. What a surprise. Faced with such exciting news, what are you waiting for?"

"For everyone everywhere, for those disproportionately affected by AIDS, we must end AIDS! The right to health belongs to each of us."

“We need to restore the positive momentum in our response to AIDS, and to defeat AIDS we must re-engage, and every country needs one.”

"In fact, although the international community has made amazing progress in AIDS prevention, treatment and cure research, in the past two years, the world except China has been losing ground in the fight against AIDS, and the most vulnerable groups have been hit hard. most serious."

"Last year, 1.5 million people were newly infected with HIV worldwide, 1 million more than expected. 650,000 people died from AIDS-related diseases, and a life was lost every minute."

"Just as Huaxia demonstrates sharing experience, sharing science, uniting society, and acting bravely are the keys to success."

"We can end AIDS by 2030, but we have to do it together."

"Since the emergence of the AIDS epidemic, people have mustered the confidence and courage to confront the enormous risks they face and pursue a fairer world."

"Whether they are male sex workers in the Eagle Country, women's groups in the Philippines, surname workers in Tianzhu, or transgender people in the Samba Country, or HIV-infected people around the world, these people with determination and dreams, Desiring to end this forty-year-old battle once and for all."

"Their struggle has morphed into an unprecedented national commitment and a beacon of global solidarity."

"Let us, like Huaxia, act bravely, unite as one, and end AIDS once and for all!"

Byrne's expression became ferocious, he raised his fist suddenly, and let out a roar from the bottom of his heart.

"Act bravely! Eliminate AIDS!"

Listening to this provocative speech, the emotions of all the participants burst out instantly.

Deafening shouts resounded throughout the venue.

The huge sound wave shook the dust on the crystal lamp in mid-air.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to these.

They were all in a frenzy, really wanting to do something to eradicate AIDS.

Huaxia's achievements made them discover that "Eliminate AIDS" is not an empty slogan, but an achievable goal.

And the time to achieve it is much earlier than expected.

2030, no, before that, they can do it.

The meeting ended in a frenzy, and the Huaxia delegation received a great welcome.

They have become the center of the entire AIDS conference, and they will automatically surround themselves with people wherever they go.


Not long after the meeting, Byrne quietly knocked on the door of the Huaxia representative's office and walked in.

Facing this important person who can help him realize his dream, he kept his posture very low and his expression was very sincere.

Between the words, high hats were thrown out one after another.

"Any action Huaxia takes in the field of public health is crucial. Whether it is fighting tuberculosis or fighting AIDS, Huaxia is a world leader and has set an example for many countries."

"You have a great plan and can really implement it. This is the most important factor for success, and it is very worthy of reference for other countries."

"China plays an important role in the goal of ending AIDS by 2030, because many countries can benefit from China's sharing and support."

"And I am here for this sharing and support."

However, after listening to his appeal, the Huaxia representative smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, we can't achieve such results without Sanqing's medicine."

"It is precisely because Sanqing provides the drug Duanailing at a discounted price that we can eliminate the new HIV infection so quickly."

"However, whether Sanqing is willing to provide you with medicines at a low price, I cannot guarantee this, nor can I make a request, because our country is a free market, and we cannot interfere with the independent behavior of enterprises."

"We can continue to invest in keeping China's AIDS eradicated, and we can also donate a certain amount of money to you, but we can't promise too much, because we also spend a lot on this aspect."

"If you want to completely eradicate AIDS, I'm afraid not only the Sanqing family is required to join, but all the major pharmaceutical companies in the world must be tied to the chariot."

The Huaxia representative smiled meaningfully and reminded him friendly.

"Only when the governments of various countries, global pharmaceutical companies, and charitable foundations all get involved, and if they have the money to contribute, and they have the strength to contribute, then there is hope for this matter."

"Unify all the forces of mankind, twist them into one rope, and fight against the enemy in unison, so that AIDS can be completely eradicated, what do you think?"

"Of course, whether you can do it or not depends on your efforts. I am very optimistic about you."

Byrne's heart sank immediately. Of course he knew this, but he had to find out what Sanqing said first, and now it seemed that there was no way.

Huaxia's meaning is very clear, if he can unite all forces, then Huaxia will not be stingy in contributing.

If it can't be done, then everyone can only sweep the snow in front of the door.

Go all out and fight!

Byrne gritted his teeth and nodded solemnly.

The two sides quickly reached a cooperation intention.

However, both of them knew in their hearts that which step they could achieve depended on his follow-up efforts.

Before leaving, Byrne couldn't help but turn his head back. The trace of unwillingness in his heart made him want to struggle again.

"I will try my best to facilitate this matter, but Sanqing's role in it is very important. I want to talk to Mr. Wei personally."

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