I can extract side effects

Chapter 386 The whole world is of one mind

At eight o'clock in the morning, Wei Kang walked into the office, opened the window, felt the fresh and pleasant air, and instantly felt refreshed.

The computer has automatically turned on and is quietly logging into the network.

In fifteen minutes, this industry conference that will have a major impact on the whole world is about to begin.

The participants are all CEOs of the top ten multinational pharmaceutical companies in the world, such as Pfizer, Novartis, Roche, Bayer, Merck, GSK, Gilead and so on.

It can be said that they are all giants who stomp their feet and cause shocks in the industry.

It basically includes all the top original drug manufacturers in Europa and Eagle Country.

The host was him, and Sanqing was the only Chinese pharmaceutical company present.

Wei Kang took a deep breath, and before he knew it, he had reached this step.

Not only has he become the leader of pharmaceutical companies in China, but even the entire East Asia.

The strength is so strong that it even reaches the existence of resisting the ten giants with its own strength.

If he was not in the middle of the game, but just a passerby, I'm afraid he couldn't help but gasp and spit out the four words "so horrible".

"Mr. Wei, there are still five minutes until the meeting begins."

Anmei's reminder sounded at the right time.

Wei Kang sat in front of the computer and saw that all the participants had logged in.

In the small squares on the screen, there are strange western faces, men and women, looking solemnly at the camera.

Good guy, this is already here ahead of time, waiting for him to start, Wei Kang thought to himself.

At this point in time, it was eight or nine o'clock in the evening in Eagle Country, and it was past twelve o'clock in the morning on Europa.

It's not that Wei Kang insisted on choosing such a strange time, but mainly because the time zone issue was difficult to coordinate, and it was difficult to get an answer that satisfied all three parties.

Therefore, as the host, Wei Kang could only prioritize meeting his own needs, and chose a time that was more convenient for him.

Others can only accommodate a little bit, why do these people ask for something from him.

Fortunately, these presidents have very rich experience in working across time zones, and they are all well prepared and present on time.

When the time came, the camera and microphone were turned on, and Wei Kang's face appeared in the center of the screen on time.

Everyone's faces were instantly filled with smiles, and they nodded to him with a smile.

Wei Kang responded with a smile and announced the start of the meeting.

"Thank you for coming to this meeting. Without further ado, let me introduce HIV genetic medicine in detail..."

"As we all know, there are more than 30 million AIDS patients in the world, one-third of them live in Europe, Eagle Country, Asia, Latin America and other places."

"The plans to end AIDS in various countries are being implemented steadily, and the progress is gratifying, and this new drug from Sanqing will undoubtedly fill the last bullet."

"Unfortunately, Sanqing only has one biopharmaceutical factory with limited production capacity. It can only be supplied in China in a short period of time, and cannot cover all parts of the world."

"Recombinant genetic viruses not only have a very high technical threshold for production, but also require a cold chain for transportation and storage. The conditions are quite harsh. Sanqing has not yet met the requirements in this regard, so we can only search globally. Strong and sincere collaborators.”

"There will not be too many collaborators, about 3-5, mainly responsible for markets outside of China. I hope everyone can cooperate sincerely and establish long-term friendship."

"The eradication of AIDS requires the whole world to unite and work together. Only relying on the Sanqing family, but with a lot of money, this great goal cannot be achieved."

"Please believe me, Sanqing comes here with an attitude of win-win cooperation, and is willing to be the one who divides the cake and makes the pharmaceutical industry bigger and stronger, instead of being a person who smashes the plate."

"Everyone, what do you think?"

After saying this, Wei Kang looked at the crowd, waiting for them to speak.

He secretly sighed in his heart, but unfortunately, most of the AIDS patients are abroad, so it is beyond reach.

Moreover, this is a public health issue, and all the prevention and control work is in the hands of the governments of various countries, which is completely different from diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's that are treated at their own expense.

If you want to make money from HIV-infected people abroad, you can't get around these local snakes.

Moreover, the production of biological agents is more complicated than chemical pharmaceuticals and has a higher technical threshold.

This is not a rare disease that affects only tens of thousands of people in the world. AIDS is a mass infectious disease.

Even if there are 1 million patients in China, it takes 90,000 doses a month to get everyone to take the medicine within a year.

Not to mention the tens of millions of overseas patients, if Sanqing alone produces the product, I am afraid that there will be a ten-year war of resistance.

This greatly violated his original intention of developing this drug.

And people all over the world can't wait.

He must make good use of the production capacity and technical personnel of these multinational giants, as well as the intricate relationships behind them.

Fortunately, this is a one-time cooperation. Together with these giants, it is over to eliminate AIDS, and there will be no follow-up entanglements.

Albert, the CEO of Pfizer, was the first to speak, emphasizing his old friendship with Sanqing.

I saw a smile on his face, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes, and he said in a flattering tone.

"Pfizer and Sanqing have a five-year friendship starting from anti-cancer drugs. They have been very smooth and have become strategic partners. This time, we will definitely show the greatest sincerity and become Mr. Wei's best friend."

The faces of the others sank. With Pfizer's statement, it would be unrealistic to unite to lower the price.

At present, some pharmaceutical companies that have no market for anti-AIDS drugs have a faint heart to retreat.

Oscar and Emma glanced at each other, and soon formed a tacit understanding.

As the well-deserved kings in the field of anti-AIDS drugs, GSK and Gilead are about to be killed by Sanqing's new drug, but now they have this opportunity, which can be described as a flashback.

As long as the two of them grab the cooperation quota, there will be a buffer period, and they can completely transition smoothly, and smoothly transition to other directions while maintaining their own market share.

With a hint of respect in his self-confidence, Oscar said with a smile: "Mr. Wei, Gilead currently occupies more than 60% of the anti-AIDS drug market. The factory, three biological research and development centers, have absolutely strong strength in the technical support and production of biopharmaceuticals."

"There are specialties in the technology industry, like Johnson \u0026 Johnson and Bayer, which are all very good pharmaceutical companies," he glanced at the other CEOs one by one with his unruly eyes, but when he looked at Wei Kang, he instantly became as docile as a puppy.

"However, compared with Gilead, they still have a big gap in the field of anti-AIDS drugs. I believe Mr. Wei must understand this point."

"If we are lucky enough to become an authorized partner of Sanqing, we will be able to sell HIV gene medicines to all parts of the world as soon as possible, so that no patient will be spared."

"At the same time, we are also very experienced in negotiating prices with other countries. As we all know, we also developed antiviral drugs for hepatitis C, which is also an infectious disease very similar to AIDS. The situation at that time was very similar to now, but We did it, sold the drug all over the world, and completely cured hepatitis C patients in the West."

He puts his posture very low, and when he comes up, he puts out all his advantages. He looks like I am very strong and capable, and means that he will never suffer from looking for me.

Wei Kang couldn't help but nodded. Gilead's experience in eradicating hepatitis C seems to be very useful in eradicating AIDS.

Moreover, this company has a strong background, and is inextricably linked with the major virus laboratories in Eagle Country.

Emma, ​​president of GSK, also hurriedly spoke, expressing her strong willingness to cooperate.

Weikang is also quite satisfied with this pharmaceutical company representing Europa, which has rich experience in the field of anti-AIDS and a broad market.

Alright, just these three companies, Europa to GSK, Eagle Country to Gilead, and Third World to Pfizer.

He secretly made a division in his heart, and gave Pfizer the third world, not only because of his strong background, but also because of Pfizer's corporate philosophy.

Unlike Sanqing, Pfizer is a profit-seeking pharmaceutical company, and the only criterion for measuring everything is profit.

This principle is clearly engraved in the spirit of the enterprise and written in the articles of association of the company.

If it is in China, Pfizer will definitely have a bad reputation for doing so, but if it is abroad, it will be fine at all, and it will even become a favorite in the eyes of capital.

It is quite easy to use to make money in other regions.

For example, the high-priced sales of anti-cancer drugs are Pfizer's forte, and of course Gilead is not bad in this regard.

Although Sanqing has a reputation for selling medicines at high prices overseas, to be honest, the bottom line is still much higher than these foreign capitalists.

Many drugs, such as painkillers, health care drugs, and even some genetic drugs for rare diseases, are sold by Sanqing at prices that are not as exaggerated as the prices of anticancer drugs authorized to Pfizer.

After all, it is a dragon crossing the river, with limited foundation, there is no way to suck the marrow and knock the bones like a local snake, and it will use everything to the extreme.

Therefore, Weikang immediately thought of Pfizer when thinking of licensing cooperation.

Since you want to sell medicine overseas to make money, how can you do it if you don't find an excellent capitalist to cooperate with?

As the meeting continued, anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

Authorized cooperation will inevitably fall to these three companies.

Bids from others have also become lethargic.

Sure enough, the meeting came to an end, and Wei Kang announced the result.

Sanqing will enter into strategic cooperation with Pfizer, Gilead and GSK, authorizing these three companies to produce and sell HIV gene medicines outside of China.

These three companies will be responsible for a series of follow-ups such as overseas clinical expenses, marketing and promotion expenses, and production and transportation of new drugs.

As for the payment method, all three are the same.

$1 billion upfront, with development and commercial milestone payments of up to $2 billion cumulatively, and royalties on future sales in licensed territories.

This is also a common authorization cooperation scheme among multinational pharmaceutical companies.

Milestones mainly refer to the beginning and end of clinical trials, the launch of new drugs and other stages. Such phased payment terms are mainly to prevent the drug from dying halfway, so as to prevent the buyer from being damaged because the drug fails to pass the clinical trial and cannot be launched.

Of course, this is not a problem for Sanqing.

After the cooperation was concluded, all parties were very satisfied, talking and laughing happily.

The few remaining pharmaceutical companies were not too discouraged. Anyway, they knew well that they were here to accompany them this time, but next time, if they switch to the drug field they are good at, then it may not be so.

The attitude shown by Sanqing this time has made all major pharmaceutical companies see the hope of sincere cooperation.

Unknowingly, Sanqing has become an industry leader in this global AIDS end plan by relying on the authorized cooperation.

Soon, the CEOs of the three companies flew to China to sign the authorization contract.

Not long after, Wei Kang met Director Han again and agreed on the implementation plan of HIV genetic medicine.

The third phase of clinical trials will be carried out first, and there will be more successful cases when the participating AIDS patients can fully recover.

After listing, it will be given to patients in batches for treatment.

Because the technology is too advanced, it can only be produced in the Sanqing factory at present, and the production capacity is limited. We must take our time and strive to give all patients new drugs within 3-6 months.

During this period of time, the patient will be fed with the spirit of detoxification to cut off the chain of infection. In this way, not only can the cure be cured, but the number of infected people will not increase.

Fortunately, as long as the patient is given an injection, he can be cured, and then keep observing.

Therefore, the workload is not too large, and on the whole, the stock of patients is a process of continuous reduction.

In this way, no more than one year at the latest.

All HIV-infected people in China can get a shot, and the whole country will be free of AIDS.

In the short term, as long as the ports of entry and exit are controlled and AIDS patients are not easily allowed to enter, the domestic AIDS will not recur.

In the long run, it is natural to wait until the whole world, at least the West, has eradicated AIDS, so as to ensure that it will not be re-infected in the future and achieve complete success.


Eagle Country, DC City.

After Oscar and Albert returned home, Javier called them over immediately.

The three muttered for a long time, and finally reached a consensus.

Eagle Nation's End AIDS Program will also be upgraded to version 2.0.

All AIDS patients in China can use Sanqing's HIV gene medicine, but because the price is relatively expensive, naturally they cannot all be free.

Genetic medicines can only be purchased at their own expense or medical insurance, and the free medicines given away are only given to Duanailing and Bitovil.

If an HIV-infected person has no money, he can only take free medicine for a long time, or if he is lucky, there are charities willing to donate money to pay for his genetic medicine.

Rich celebrities, even high-net-worth middle-class people, can buy genetic medicine at their own expense for the first time.

Of course, the reason announced by the Ministry of Health must be the problem of insufficient production capacity of biological agents.

At the same time, Javier promised that this is only temporary. After the production of pharmaceutical companies comes up, there will be more funding and donations, and genetic medicine will also be popularized to the poor who take free medicine.

If things go on like this, the persistent disease of AIDS will definitely be eradicated within a few years.

As soon as the news came out, the people of Eagle Country immediately cheered and praised it.

Rich patients were completely cured of AIDS, and poor patients also received free drugs with better efficacy.

Javier has made remarkable achievements, pharmaceutical companies have gained huge income, and the government has won the support of the people.

All parties are happy.

The same is happening in the European countries, as well as around the world.

Pfizer is worthy of being the number one pharmaceutical company in the universe, with a network of relationships all over the world, and even the Sakura Country, which has always been a closed market, has its tentacles that penetrate into it.

Gilead took away the anti-AIDS drug market in Eagle Country, and Pfizer got other countries besides Europa.

There are also many rich countries, such as the desert country, the stick country, the cherry blossom country, the maple leaf country, and the kangaroo country.

Although there are few AIDS patients in these countries, the disease is contagious and can be eradicated at once. Naturally, all countries will spare no effort to eradicate this damn HIV virus even if there is bloodletting.

Other countries have also come up with their own treatment plans after urgent discussions.

AIDS is a vicious infectious disease that seriously endangers public security. As long as it can be eliminated, no country is unwilling to do its best.

Even the Tianzhu Kingdom, because of the big price cut of Duan Ailing, reluctantly bought a large number of them and provided them to the domestic people.

As for the genetic medicine, they can only come in batches first, and let the capable ones be treated first.

At this very moment, the whole world is united in one mind, and only seeks to eradicate AIDS.

However, in this mighty plan to end AIDS, the Philippine continent has been completely forgotten.

After losing the donations from the donors, it is very difficult for the Philippine countries to control the increase of HIV infection and maintain the status quo.

They have fully interpreted the saying that "there has always been only one disease, and that is the disease of poverty".

Some rich people are okay and can go to Eagle Country for treatment, while the poor in the Philippines can only eat free generic drugs.

These generic drugs have serious side effects, and they belong to the kind that no one would like to take as a gift.

In the past, the WHO had to pay for it, but now the prices of original drugs have been greatly reduced, and the prices of these generic drugs have also become particularly cheap.

Just like they don’t want money, pharmaceutical companies send anti-AIDS generic drugs abandoned by rich countries to the Philippines before their expiration date in exchange for charity subsidies.

AIDS patients around the world are quickly divided into three classes.

On the first level, the Chinese people, overseas rich and middle class, took Sanqing's genetic medicine, cured AIDS, and completely recovered their health.

The second level, poor people in rich countries, have obtained free antiviral drugs, and taking medicine for a long time can keep the virus in their bodies undetectable, and live like healthy people.

The third layer, people in poor countries, can only take the charity medicines eliminated by rich countries, and low-end generic drugs with various adverse reactions. Although they are painful, they maintain their lives and will not die soon.

The classes in this world have never been so distinct.

The veil of tenderness in the past was completely torn off in front of money and life.

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