I can extract side effects

Chapter 394 Nobel Peace Prize?

"Ho Ho!"

Williams' throat twitched uncontrollably, and he let out an unconscious growl.

Then he sat up suddenly, sweating profusely, as if awakened from a nightmare.

Looking around, touching his chest, he couldn't help but rejoice that this was just a dream.

"Since I came to Huaxia, I haven't had a nightmare for a long time."

"I didn't expect to dream of those scenes back then."

Williams smiled wryly, and lay down again, only to realize that he was completely soaked.

Unable to sleep now, he got up to take a shower and felt better.

Back on the bed, resting his head on his arms, looking up at the ceiling in a daze, he couldn't help but think of the nightmare just now.

The specific details are a little fuzzy, but he still remembers one scene clearly.

He was wearing a bulky protective suit, walking alone in the cold and damp isolation corridor.

After walking for what seemed like a century, I came to the end of the corridor.

Pushing open the door in front of him hard, the scene in front of him was terrifying like hell.

In a spacious room with snow-white walls, iron cages are stacked on the floor, all the way to the ceiling.

And in the cage, there are groups of dead monkeys, all of which are horrifying and hideous.

The room was clean, except for the group of dead monkeys, there was not a single drop of blood.

His stomach kept churning, he bent down with difficulty, and kept retching, but he couldn't vomit anything.

Thinking of this, Williams' heartbeat became violent again.

He knew why he was having nightmares.

Whenever he was under too much mental stress and was particularly tired, he would have this nightmare.

The scene in the nightmare was the scene where he went to the virus laboratory for the first time and carried out humanitarian destruction of experimental animals.

The piles of dead monkeys were victims of various experiments with bacteria and viruses.

Because he was a novice, he was assigned the lowest job.

During that time, he was still a little soft-hearted when he was young, and he couldn't bear such a job.

Who can stand coming to work every morning and seeing only piles of dead monkeys.

After a while, he almost collapsed.

Fortunately, he passed the probationary assessment in advance and was transferred to another position before his mental illness.

Later, I spent most of my time traveling to different countries and working in laboratories. The objects of observation and treatment also changed from dead monkeys to microorganisms and living animals.

Although this period was only three months, it became a lingering nightmare for him.

Once the mental pressure is too great, I will dream of this scene again.

The same scene would keep repeating in the dream until he woke up with a start.

"Recently I've been busy with Super Enzyme. I've lost myself in my work and haven't had a good rest. Maybe I'm too tired. I can't go on like this. It will affect my working status."

Williams thought to himself, pulling out his phone to check the time.

But found a strange text message.

"Everything is done, remember your promise."

With a movement in his heart, he immediately understood the meaning of the news.

Can't help showing a smile, it seems that the Nobel Prize is stable.

After a while, the exhausted Williams fell asleep again.

After sleeping until dawn, I simply washed up and went to the cafeteria to eat.

The cafeteria was full of people, he lined up to buy a bowl of beef noodles, a scallion pancake, and a bag of soy milk, and began to eat it happily.

Probably because he was resting well, he has a particularly good appetite and eats very sweetly.

Suddenly, a familiar colleague saw him and ran over excitedly.

"Dawei, congratulations! God, you have won the Nobel Prize." The colleague gasped.

"Ah?" Williams showed a hint of surprise at the right time: "What are you talking about? Isn't the Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded long ago?"

"Hey, it's not the Medicine Prize, it's the Peace Prize. Take a quick look at the online news. The Nobel Prize Committee announced a Peace Prize winner in the middle of the night last night, and that's you."

"I couldn't believe it at first. I didn't know it was you until I saw the photo and the reason for the award, saying that it was because of the development of a drug to cure AIDS and saved tens of millions of lives."

The colleague looked at him with a hint of envy in surprise, and talked a lot.

Williams stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief, took out his phone, swiped to open it.

After a long while, he said in a trembling voice, "I, I actually won the Peace Prize???"

"Yes, this news should have spread throughout the laboratory. You are too powerful."

Williams had calmed down at this time, and said with a smile: "The Peace Prize is not a medical award or a chemistry award. It has no gold content, and it is nothing to scientists."

"But that's a Nobel Prize too. At least you're famous now."

While talking, another acquaintance came over and shouted from afar.

"Dawei, congratulations on winning the Nobel Peace Prize."

The man's voice was so loud that half of the cafeteria heard what he said.


Everyone looked over and stared at Dawei with shocked expressions.

Indeed, this is a pharmaceutical company, and all the people present are scientific researchers.

To win an award is to win other awards, such as chemical awards, medical awards, but I have never heard of a peace award given to scientists.

Even a literary award is not impossible. After all, there are scientists who have written global bestsellers.

The main reason for this Peace Prize is that it has too much political meaning, and the previous winners have been relatively controversial.

Generally speaking, it is issued by the international community to commend some politically correct people.

For example, during the Second World War, it was awarded to the Germans who opposed Fasis.

During the monthly war, it was awarded to the peace negotiators of both sides. In recent years, it has become even more outrageous, and it has even been awarded to environmental protection fighters.

Therefore, from the perspective of the academic community, this award is a pool of muddy water, very unfathomable, and it is better for scientists to watch it while eating melons.

It never occurred to me that a scientist would win this award.

In particular, everyone knows that Sanqing has been blocked by the Nobel Committee.

The meaning of winning the Peace Prize at this time is somewhat thought-provoking.

However, everyone immediately felt relieved after seeing Williams.

It turns out that he is from the Eagle Country, so it is normal to win the award.

Even if ordinary people from the Eagle Country chanted some slogans or did something out of the ordinary, they could win the Peace Prize.

Not to mention experts and scholars who have really made some contributions to all mankind.

Some colleagues sat down with breakfast, didn't even bother to eat, quickly scrolled through the webpage, and kept whispering and discussing this matter.

After a hasty breakfast, Williams came to the laboratory.

Here, too, he received warm congratulations.

But everyone knows that the Peace Prize is useless to their work, so it is more of a kind ridicule.

Williams smiled and finished dealing with his colleagues and came to his seat.

He was full of joy and wanted to share it with more people.

Thinking of the last time I was forced to ask questions, netizens gave friendly suggestions.

So I logged in and updated a sentence after my question.

"Thank you very much for your replies. They are very constructive and have given me great encouragement. Knowing that I have won the Nobel Prize today, I feel full of confidence, so I will immediately apply for Chinese citizenship."

After posting this passage, he happily opened the page of "Service Guide for Accepting Permanent Residence Qualification for Foreigners", intending to prepare application materials according to the instructions above.

However, after watching it for a while, I realized that the difficulty is really great, and the fellows on the Internet are really not lying.

Only those who hold positions of vice president and vice-senior or higher in enterprises or institutions in Huaxia Investment Company, and very important talents are eligible to apply.

"I'm not the vice president of Sanqing, I don't have a deputy senior title, and I don't have an investment company. It seems that I only meet the special contribution personnel."

"Applicants must obtain scientific research achievements with world influence or great value, which I am quite qualified for."

"Then you have to get a recommendation letter from the national competent authority before you can go to the Exit-Entry Administration for processing."

"Hiss, this is a bit difficult."

Williams muttered to himself, feeling tired.

Pity him wandering for many years, but he just wanted to find a safe haven, and he has been working in Sanqing, why is it so difficult.

"Here, it seems that I can only find President Wei. I don't know if he is willing to help me."

"In this case, I must confess my identity to him."

"However, I didn't disclose the company's secrets, and I didn't cause any major losses to the company. There should be salvation."

He scratched his head, thinking a little uncertainly.


At this time on the Internet, the news that Williams won the Nobel Peace Prize has spread all over the world.

Originally, the attention of the Nobel Prize was very high, and every year the awards will attract crowds from all over the Internet.

Not to mention that there was a sudden exception this time. After a lapse of one month, a peace prize was actually reissued.

He is still a foreigner working in Sanqing, and his award-winning achievements are also related to Sanqing.

This quickly pushed the heat to a new level.

Netizens are talking about it, but there is no praise.

"This Nobel Prize is really shameless. For such a big thing as curing AIDS, instead of awarding the award to Sanqing, it was given to a staff member inside, and he never mentioned Sanqing. This is taking credit."

"That's right, either give them all, or don't give them, just give it to a little guy, who is disgusting."

"He was the only one who contributed to the co-authorship, right? The others are just decorations, and they don't even mention it."

"It's not because this person is from Eagle Country. This is blatant racial discrimination."

"Bah, as expected of a double standard of fame, the Peace Prize is rubbish."

"Sooner or later, China Huaxia must have its own award, otherwise watching this thing every day will cause trouble to people."

"It doesn't matter, the reputation of the Peace Prize is stink anyway."

After overseas netizens learned about this, they were all beaming and congratulated one after another.

"Thankfully, this Peace Prize is finally well-deserved and awarded to a great person who has benefited mankind."

"The scientist who cured AIDS certainly deserves the Peace Prize, but I think the Medicine Prize might be more suitable for him."

"Medical awards are generally awarded to scholars who conduct basic theoretical research. AIDS gene medicine is a breakthrough in applied technology, and the basic theory already exists. Therefore, no matter how great he is, he cannot receive this scientific honor."

"Unfortunately, I just used the drug he developed and completely cured my HIV infection. I have been off the drug for three months and have not relapsed. I sincerely hope that he can get all the honors."

"This is a very good microbiologist, the pride of Eagle Nation, the light of Eagle Nation."

"It's a pity that he is working for Sanqing, not for our Pfizer, Merck and other pharmaceutical companies."

"The brain drain is really heartbreaking. If the Eagle Kingdom wants to become great again, it cannot do without such a talent. It must bring him back, and it will cost as much as it wants."

"I believe that his pharmaceutical company or scientific research institution in Eagle Country will surely develop achievements that shock the world."

"He can win the Peace Prize in Sanqing now. If he was in Pfizer, wouldn't he be able to win the Medicine Prize?"

"Great, I'll be his fan from now on. Do you know his Twitter? I'll pay attention to it."

And in a hurry, just after Williams updated the question, he was discovered by sharp-eyed netizens.

"It seems that the little secretary's fishing skills are getting worse and worse. It's time to catch the chicken legs."

"I don't know how to edit, and I won the Nobel Prize today. The Nobel Prize is awarded every October, and the time is wrong."

"Pfft, it's okay if you don't update it. If you update it, it will be more convincing that it's fake. No wonder when I saw this question last time, I thought it was weird. It really was a fake reply."

Amidst Yi Shui's cynicism, an answer suddenly popped up.

"Fuck, don't you all know? A Nobel Peace Prize was reissued last night. Maybe the subject of this topic is telling the truth."

"Hiss, it's scary to think about it carefully. It's really possible for you to say that. The new winner was announced last night. This person will come to update it immediately. It's too timely."

"So this is the new Peace Prize winner? Williams Goodman? That makes sense. This person works at Sanqing."

"Hey, isn't he from the Eagle Country? He won the Nobel Prize again. It's the hottest time. You must have money and money to return to China. If you want people and people, it's easy to call the wind and rain. Why do you want to become a Chinese citizen?"

"Hehe, you ask me, who should I ask?"

"This wave is a slap in the face, forcing users to break their defenses."

"Isn't it? He is a pure-blooded white man, a Nobel Prize winner, cured of AIDS, a doctor from a prestigious school, and his buffs are all stacked up. He just wants to abandon the Eagle Country and come here to apply for Chinese nationality. How dare you believe it?"

"I dare to believe it, but those gangs are so forceful that they don't believe it."

"If you ask me, I don't believe it. If I have to believe it, wouldn't my dreams be shattered, my beliefs collapsed, and my worldview completely subverted?"

"I really don't understand, why did he stay in Huaxia?"

"I understand very well. It must be because I have a bad life in Eagle Country. If I have a good life in China, I will naturally stay."

"Analyze this matter. You can see that before he came to Sanqing, he was unknown and had no sense of existence. But after coming to Sanqing, he has achieved such a great achievement in a short period of time. Doesn't that explain everything?"

"This old man is very clear-headed, understands the importance of the platform, and knows that Sanqing has created him. If he wants to have greater development in his career in the future, he can only hope to stay in Sanqing instead of returning to Eagle Country. I bet, if he returns to China, he will be lost again."

The popularity of the post continued to rise, and it quickly reached the hot list, which aroused great attention.

However, on this day, it seemed to be extremely quiet, and some familiar faces who used to surprise the situation and had a great sense of presence suddenly disappeared.


Just when netizens were arguing in full swing.

Williams has arrived at the door of Wei Kang's office.

He looked at the closed door in front of him, raised his hand, and put it down again.

When he got here, he realized that it was really difficult to take that step.

On one side is the homeland I want to escape from, and on the other side is the new hometown I dream of.

If you take this step, you will be completely separated from the past.

His life will also change completely.

The past was like smoke, and scenes flashed before my eyes.

The two thoughts in my mind are constantly fighting fiercely.

Williams stood in the doorway, motionless, like a statue.

Finally, he finally took a deep breath, his eyes became firm, and he slowly raised his hand.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened by itself.

Wei Kang's slender figure appeared at the door.

When he saw Williams standing outside the door, he was stunned.

"Are you that Williams who just won the Peace Prize?"

"I'm looking for something about you."

"come in."

Wei Kang walked back again.

Williams let out a long breath, and suddenly felt a burst of relief, as if a heavy burden had finally been lifted.

Well, don't worry about it.

Fate has made a choice for him.

Next, it is how to confess.

It is best to show your own value so that the boss can forgive him and help him.

After all, he is still very useful.

Thinking of this, he walked up to Wei Kang and spoke after deliberation.

"Boss, I also have something to say."

I'm sorry, sometimes I can't finish writing a few hundred words at night, and I have to catch up with full attendance, so I only sent part of it, but I will make up it within an hour, and the number of words will exceed a little, so it won't have much impact, trouble Just refresh it.

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