I can extract side effects

Chapter 434 Extraordinary Sharp Questions

The Wuyang Wuyang crowd in front of Sanqing's booth soon alarmed other manufacturers.

Many manufacturers sent employees to investigate. At first, they were shocked when they found out that Sanqing was responsible for the big battle. Later, they were relieved when they learned that it was a newly developed capsule gastroscope.

"Fortunately, it's not a track with us."

"We don't do endoscopy either, it's okay, it's a false alarm."

"Hehe, Olympus is right next to them, it's their turn to suffer now."

"Recyclable, magnetically controlled capsule that can be used for biopsy sounds awesome, let's go and have a look."

As a result, representatives of the manufacturers also ran over to watch.

At the moment, the Olympus booth.

Ichiro Takeuchi, the president of Huaxia District, just returned to his booth. He went around the exhibition hall on the entire two floors. After spending a lot of time, he finally knew all the new products of each company like the back of his hand.

"Hehe, we are still the strongest in terms of endoscopy, and there is no single enemy."

With this in mind, he sat down in the booth, drank a glass of water, and prepared to welcome a large number of customers.

Unexpectedly, after sitting for more than ten minutes, there were no customers, and there was not a single interested customer.

There were quite a few pedestrians passing by, but they all walked past without squinting.

Ichiro Takeuchi couldn't help being puzzled, this is not the medical expo he had imagined, and when he participated in the exhibition before, his booth was crowded with people and crowded.

Look at the Medtronic, Philips, and Siemens next to them. Although there are some scattered customers, they are far less than the previous grand occasions.

This is not the traffic that the booth in the central area should have. He couldn't help frowning, and was about to ask his subordinates.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter, and Ichiro Takeuchi turned his head to look, only to see a group of people walking towards them, talking and laughing.

At first, there was a person in his early fifties, Yuanyuan's face was full of smiles, and he looked benevolent, followed by four or five middle-aged people, all of whom were elegant and bookish. It looked like the directors of a certain hospital's department walking together exhibition.

Ichiro Takeuchi recognized at a glance that the person walking in the front was Director Gu of Ruiji Hospital in Haishi, and his face immediately beamed with joy.

He suddenly rushed out of the booth and trotted all the way.

Ruiji Hospital in Haishi is one of the top ten hospitals in the country and one of the best hospitals in Haishi. It is also one of the major customers of Olympus, and has sold a lot of high-end endoscope equipment through him.

"President Gu, hello." Ichiro Takeuchi came to Ruiji Hospital and greeted them warmly.

Dean Gu stopped, looked up at the booth, and immediately smiled: "Oh, it's Mr. Takeuchi, long time no see."

Ichiro Takeuchi stretched out his hand and said with a smile on his face: "Is Dean Gu coming to see our Olympus booth? We have brought a lot of new products this time. Last time I mentioned to you a treatment device for endoscopic mucosal dissection." , you seem to be quite interested, it happens to be on display this time, why don't you go in and have a look?"

"Ah, that sounds good." Dean Gu showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "But we have something to do right now, let's come and see later."

Ichiro Takeuchi smiled suddenly, but he still maintained his polite way: "Okay, see you later."

Dean Gu waved his hand, and the group continued on their way.

Just as Ichiro Takeuchi was about to turn around and go back, he saw that several people hadn't walked for long, and stopped in front of the Sanqing booth separated by a passage, and quickly merged into the crowd.

There were a few excited shouts from afar.

Ichiro Takeuchi paused, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly. He snorted coldly, returned to the booth, and called an employee.

"Why are there so many people at Sanqing's booth opposite?"

Ichiro Takeuchi sat on a chair and asked with a gloomy face.

"Sanqing exhibited a magnetically controlled capsule gastroenteroscope. Because it can be operated magnetically and flies in the air, it attracted many people to watch." The employee replied cautiously.

Ichiro Takeuchi leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowed: "You, take some photos and videos for me, take them carefully, and come back and show them to me."

The employees left in a hurry, and returned in a few minutes.

Ichiro Takeuchi couldn't help sneering as he watched the flexible and dancing capsules on the video, as well as the excited crowd taking pictures frantically.

"Hehe, it's a small trick. We also have capsule gastroscopes. I can't tell the difference."

However, after seeing the detailed introduction on the poster next to him, he was suddenly shocked and his face changed drastically.

"Returnable capsule gastroscope, powerful magnetic control, you can do whatever you want, point and shoot?"

"What, you can still do a biopsy!"

"Damn it!" Takeuchi Ichiro stood up suddenly: "No, I have to go and see for myself."


Booth D26, which is a bit far from the main exhibition area, belongs to a private enterprise called Jinan Technology.

The company's main equipment is capsule gastroscopy, which has already reached a certain scale and occupied some markets.

Capsule endoscopy has entered the domestic market for 10 years, and the scale of the industry has been growing steadily at a rate of 8%, about 1 billion yuan per year. It is foreseeable that in the future, it will definitely continue to expand at a high speed.

Due to the high technical barriers of capsule endoscopy, there are not many players in the market. There are only 7 mainstream manufacturers, 4 in China, and 3 abroad, including Olympus, Medtronic, and one Chinese company.

The important thing is that this field is still relatively new, and no company has yet formed a monopoly situation, which gives domestic companies a chance to overtake in a corner.

Jin'an is undoubtedly the best company in the domestic market. It is currently ambitious and wants to overtake on corners. Therefore, it has spent a lot of effort on advertising, marketing, and attacking competitors. So far, the results have been good.

At this moment, the boss Xie Jin'an had just sent away a client and was planning to go out for a stroll.

Suddenly, an employee hurried in and came to report to his ear.

"Boss, it's not good. Sanqing has also developed a magnetically controlled capsule gastroscope. The booth is full of people, and all the customers have gone to it."

"What?" Xie Jin'an's expression became serious in an instant.

Sanqing is a pharmaceutical giant, no matter in terms of fame or size, he is not comparable to him.

Such a pharmaceutical company comparable to Pfizer's sudden entry into the device industry undoubtedly reminds people of the Johnson \u0026 Johnson Group, which is also a giant of both drugs and devices.

No one wants to fight hand-to-hand with such a beast.

Xie Jin'an only felt a toothache, why didn't these giants survive for a small factory like himself.

Capsule endoscopy is such a small market, but also to grab it.

The subordinate added: "Boss, guess who I saw at Sanqing's booth?"

Xie Jin'an glared at him, and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, talk quickly."

The subordinate said mysteriously: "I saw the president of Olympus, Takeuchi, he seemed to be very interested, and he was watching in the crowd. This time, Sanqing's booth is next to Olympus, separated by a passage. The capsule endoscope is on display again, you said, is this aimed at Olympus?"

Xie Jin'an said thoughtfully: "It makes sense. Sanqing is focusing on the big piece of fat endoscope. Let me tell you, how can it be valued in the market for capsule gastroscopes? That's how it is."

Immediately felt relieved: "Sanqing may want to make a differentiated brand, first make a capsule gastroscope, and then slowly make an endoscope, and cut the flesh piece by piece with a blunt knife."

"The idea is good. Who doesn't want to grab the Olympus market, but we also have to see if we have the strength."

He thought gloatingly, and stretched out his hand: "What about videos and pictures?"

"Here it is." The subordinate quickly handed over the phone: "However, Sanqing's product this time is really awesome. It turns out to be a recyclable capsule endoscope, and it can also perform biopsy. I don't know how they did it."

After watching the video and poster photos, Xie Jin'an suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Fuck, this, this, is simply going to drive us to a dead end."

His voice trembled: "No, I have to find a way to deal with it."

Xie Jin'an was fidgeting for a moment, walking up and down the booth, thinking hard.

"It's really not possible, even if you expose your shortcomings, you have to splash some dirty water."

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Come here, take the sign, and pretend to be a doctor in the hospital to ask a case."

The subordinate looked puzzled: "What case?"

"Come here." Xie Jin'an leaned close to his ear and whispered.

After hearing this, the subordinate said with admiration: "The boss is still wise. This is a problem that capsule endoscopy has always had. It is difficult to solve it completely. As long as you ask, Sanqing will definitely not be able to go around."

"Last time when Chongfeng Technology was about to go public, we sued them for patent infringement and dragged them down with the lawsuit. This time, the boss's brilliant move will definitely work." The subordinate gave a thumbs up and praised it.

"Hehe, of course." Xie Jin'an immediately looked proud.

Half a year ago, Jinan Technology backstabbed a competitor who was also a capsule gastroscope manufacturer. During the quiet period before the other party’s listing, it reported a large number of negative news, and at the same time carried out malicious lawsuits and reports.

This is his impressive record in the mall, and he is quite proud of it.

"Go, I'll wait for your news." Xie Jin'an waved his hand, watching his subordinates leave, with the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a cold smile.


At this moment, in front of Sanqing's booth.

Qi Liang had already returned, and he was overjoyed when he saw the crowd.

Seeing that everyone was coming for the capsule endoscopy, he hurriedly asked the sales staff to give an explanation, and arranged for Wang Dali to be on the side to answer technical questions from doctors and experts.

At the beginning, the people who came to watch were ordinary people who were watching the novelty, then it was employees sent by the manufacturer, and then there were more doctors in the hospital.

At the end, some strange western faces suddenly appeared in the crowd.

Due to the rapid advancement of China's medical technology in recent years, many new drugs have extraordinary effects, but some are not sold abroad, and some are expensive overseas, which has led to a boom in medical treatment in China and has become a new outlet.

Many foreign hospitals send their patients to Huaxia's cooperative hospitals for treatment, so they often come to visit and conduct technical exchanges with domestic cooperative hospitals.

In this way, a grand event like the Medical Expo will attract many overseas hospitals to visit. They also want to keep abreast of China's most advanced medical technology and see what equipment and medicines can be imported back.

Although Qi Liang didn't know these foreign doctors and experts with blond hair and blue eyes and profound facial features, he could tell that they were very professional, so he valued them very much and wanted to take the opportunity to open up overseas markets.

Fortunately, he has worked in foreign companies for many years, is fluent in English, and is familiar with overseas cultures, so he finally handled it properly.

"Hehe, hello Mr. Qi, we watched it for a while and found it very interesting. I wonder if we can try it out."

Dean Gu and his party walked out of the crowd, came to Qi Liang, and asked with a smile.

Qi Liang's eyes lit up immediately: "Dean Gu, long time no see, you are very polite, welcome to experience."

Ruiji Hospital is the top brand of the top three, and an absolute big customer. He did not dare to neglect, and personally brought a few people to the equipment, explained and demonstrated in detail.

"That's about it." After speaking, he handed the remote control to Dean Gu.

Dean Gu picked up the remote control and manipulated it carefully.

At this time, there are more than a dozen capsules piled up on the bottom of the table, all of which have been played for a long time and have run out of battery.

There are too many people today, and there is no time to charge slowly, so Sanqing’s capsules are well prepared.

Dean Gu played with great interest for a few minutes, and nodded with satisfaction: "The control is very good, and the strength and speed can also be adjusted, very smooth and silky. But it's a pity that we can't have a real experience at the exhibition."

He said meaningfully: "The market for capsule endoscopy is developing very fast now, and the demand will only increase in the future."

"You know, Hai City's economic conditions are not bad, and patients value medical experience more, and they all like to have capsule gastroscopy. Well, the hospital naturally wishes for it."

Dean Gu said in a low voice: "We bought an Olympus capsule endoscope before, and the experience is nothing to say, but there are some problems, and the price is also very expensive, so this time we want to check it out. Let’s see how the domestic capsule endoscopy technology is, and if there are good equipment, we can also purchase a few.”

Qi Liang immediately understood and nodded again and again: "President Gu, don't worry, everyone is a cooperative unit. I will send a prototype to Ruiji Hospital later, so we can have a good experience?"

Dean Gu laughed: "That's right. Then I'll wait for your news."

Suddenly, a voice from the side came in: "Mr. Qi, we are also very interested, can you send us a prototype too?"

Qi Liang's face darkened, who is this, talking so shamelessly.

He turned his head to look, and saw a very tall and strong white man, who looked almost 60, with white hair, ravines on his face, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

Behind this person were six or seven younger white men, both men and women, in their early thirties, all of whom had a bookish demeanor, and looked like high-level intellectuals.

"Hello, what's your address?" Qi Liang knew that the other party should be a doctor from a foreign hospital, so he asked politely.

"Hehe, I'm the president of Cleveland Clinic in Eagle Country, Dr. Harrison, these are some of my colleagues. We're on a business trip to China this time. We just came from the capital. We just happened to meet the medical fair in Haishi. I heard that here It is the sacred hall of Huaxia Medical Equipment, so come here to open your eyes and inspect it by the way."

Harrison is very talkative, and after introducing himself, he quickly talked freely.

"I saw Sanqing's booth and was very interested, because Sanqing's medicines are used a lot in our hospital, and the effect is very good. Patients like it very much, and they have brought us a lot of income."

"I came here to take a look and found out that Sanqing's equipment is also developing very fast. We tried these portable equipment, and they are very powerful. We like it very much and want to purchase a batch."

Qi Liang was overjoyed: "Great, please go this way, it's too noisy here, let's go to the conference room to discuss in detail."

Harrison waved his hand: "But, Mr. Qi, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Since you sent the samples to Ridge Hospital, can we in Cleveland do the same?"

Qi Liang's smile froze: "Yes, we can, but in foreign countries, we haven't passed the FDA certification yet."

Harrison sighed regretfully: "Oh, damn FDA, I forgot about them. Then can I really experience this magical magnetically controlled capsule?"

"I want to experience how it feels inside the human body. If you just manipulate it to fly around in the air, it's like making out with your lover through a membrane. There is no joy at all. Do you agree with me? Mr. Qi .”

"This." Qi Liang was a little embarrassed. As expected of a foreigner, he was so unrestrained.

However, he stayed all morning, and everyone was very concerned about this issue, and many customers were asking about it.

It seems that real products are going to be offered to customers, Qi Liang gritted his teeth, and said with a smile: "Dr. Harrison, let's do it, real people don't need to think about it, why don't we try to do an animal experiment."

Harrison's eyes lit up immediately: "No problem, animals are fine too."

Dean Gu's voice was also excited: "Yes, Xiao Qi, dare you still hide it, and you won't take it out unless forced."

Qi Liang ordered the staff next to him in a low voice, and then smiled wryly: "Where, I just ordered someone to buy a chicken half an hour ago. It just arrived, and it's still fresh and warm."

While talking, an employee took out a chicken, covered it with a cloth, and placed it on the table.

The chicken had been butchered, partially gutted, and then re-sewn, leaving only one incision.

This creates a chamber that mimics a stomach, and then inserts the capsule through the incision, allowing the tissue inside to be seen.

It doesn't need to be complicated, just let the experts experience the imaging and movement of the capsule in the body cavity.

He even left some internal organs so that people can experience the biopsy function.

Qi Liang smiled slightly: "You two deans, who will come first?"

Dean Gu waved his hand: "I'm not in a hurry, let the international friends come first."

Harrison laughed and walked up immediately.

Qi Liang shouted to the crowd: "Everyone, please look at the screen. Dr. Harrison from the Cleveland Clinic in Eagle Country will show you the inspection and imaging effects of capsule endoscopy in chickens."

There was a burst of applause in the crowd, and everyone was excited about the new scene they were about to see.

Harrison had already put on the gloves deftly, inserted the capsule into the incision, and inserted it into the chicken.

The staff nearby turned on the device, and immediately a very clear and delicate image appeared on the screen, showing the internal organization of the chicken.

Qi Liang explained at the side: "We are equipped with a 26-inch display screen, but today's situation is special, and the screen is projected to the big screen for display. You can clearly see that after our special algorithm processing, the enlarged image is also very large. clarity so that no detail is missed."

It is not too difficult to enlarge the image, but the difficulty is to increase the pixels, otherwise the image will look very large, but the definition is not high.

"Full touch-screen operating system, important information can be seen at a glance, and main functions can be accessed with one key..."

"The movement is accurate to the millimeter level, the force is controllable, and it will not cause damage to the gastric mucosa. It has two modes of wide-angle and close-focus, which are easy to switch, real-time image transmission, and image freezing function..."

"Next is the biopsy function..."

With the explanation of the advantages one by one, the crowd became more and more quiet, and they were all attracted by such advanced equipment.

Finally, when the capsule squeezed crookedly through the incision of the chicken, it lifted off in place and hovered in front of the audience.

Everyone burst into deafening cheers.


"Sure enough, it is very clear, and the controllability is very good."

"What kind of magnetic control mode is this? Can you explain in detail?"

"Can I try it, please?"

People are eager to try it, they keep asking questions, they want to try it out for themselves.

"Everyone, don't worry, as long as you are a doctor, you can queue up to try." Qi Liang comforted with a smile.

After speaking, he glanced at the white chicken on the stage, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching. It seemed that the chicken was going to be spoiled today, and he probably prepared a few more tomorrow.

Suddenly, a voice in the crowd asked loudly.

"As we all know, the current capsule endoscopy often fails to discharge due to intestinal obstruction or narrow small intestine, causing medical accidents, and even leading to the adverse consequences of segmental small bowel resection."

"After using capsule endoscopy in our hospital, we have encountered several similar accidents and suffered heavy losses."

"Excuse me, is there such a hidden danger when Sanqing's capsule endoscope is used for intestinal inspection?"

"If you encounter such a situation, can Sanqing take responsibility?"

The audience was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at him in unison, their eyes full of shock and curiosity.

This question is so sharp that someone actually asked it directly.

It's like slapping the face in public and kicking the hall directly.

However, everyone also wanted to know how Sanqing would respond.

Sorry, I didn't finish writing that day. I updated 3000 words first, and I made up for it an hour late. However, the number of words today is 5800, which is more than the paid 4000 words, which can be regarded as compensation.

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