I can extract side effects

Chapter 438 Five words, make investors go crazy for me

After a week of waiting, Sanqing’s test results came out, and the CMOS chip sample passed the test, meeting Sanqing’s imaging requirements.

However, this is only the first step, proving that Kewei has sufficient technical strength to enter the threshold of Sanqing suppliers.

In the next step, the two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation and conduct adjustments from the integration of software and hardware, so as to truly apply it to capsule endoscopy.

As for meeting the same technical parameters as Sony CMOS and thus sharing mass production orders, that is the next step, and it is still a bit far away from now.

But this is enough for the two parties to sign the first contract and reach a long-term cooperation agreement.

Looking at the contract in his hand, Zhao Xing was so happy that he danced and laughed wildly.

"Hahaha! With the contract in hand, I own the world."

Immediately turn on the computer and find the web page you browsed last time.

"Hehe, stock market right, call me rubbish, right? Today I'll show you what a comeback is!"

He gritted his teeth and said that when the announcement of becoming a Sanqing supplier was announced, the stock price took off instantly, and the stockholders praised him in unison, he felt itchy.

So he immediately called the secretary and impatiently gave instructions.

"Hurry up, hurry up and announce the cooperation with Sanqing to raise the stock price."

"Okay." The secretary ordered to leave.

Soon, the news that Kewei was squeezed into the list of Sanqing suppliers spread all over the Internet, causing strong repercussions in the stock market.

A few hours later, Zhao Xing finished the work at hand and finally had a little free time, so he opened Kewei's stock bar page again, ready to enjoy the cheers of stockholders.

Sure enough, the online evaluation has begun to reverse, and Yishui's optimistic voice.

"Finally got a little bit of gas."

"Very good, the high-end chip has Sanqing's takeover, and it can be bought."

"Suppliers of Sanqing, awesome, increase positions and work hard, definitely eat big meat, start on 18.8, buy, buy, buy!"

"The iron tree is blooming, and the old sow is on the sedan chair—for the first time, the price has risen continuously!"

"What's the use, the base price is too hot, and the mud worth more than ten yuan won't support the wall, and there's not much room for it to go up!"

"Junk stocks are junk stocks, and the price limit is 22, can you believe it?"

"Worthy of being the medicine king Sanqing, with a shot of a booster, junk stocks can also be brought back to life. Tomorrow will definitely continue to increase the limit, and it will be able to reach 60 in a week. Let's go!"

"It's really hard to earn a few thousand yuan for an old cow pulling a broken cart."

"The grandson of the semiconductor sector has finally risen. It's not easy. He was raised by Sanqing. Keep this growth rate. From now on, he will call you grandpa every day."

"I just sold the liquor stock yesterday, and I just bought it. If Sanqing can keep supporting it, I can consider holding it for a long time."

"Don't say that I didn't remind you, now is the last chance to start the phone, if you miss it, it's gone."

"I want to make up my position but I can't make it up. I feel so sad that I want to cry. I lost a lot before. This time I want to make it all back in one go."

"Buy, buy, buy, go crazy, see 100 in this wave."

"Become a shareholder, wait for the shareholders meeting to call me."

"The localization of semiconductors is a major trend. It seems that after Sanqing enters the market strongly, medical devices will also be localized."

Zhao Xing pulled down one by one, the corners of his mouth crazily raised, and his eyebrows were elated instantly.

I couldn't help turning over seven or eight pages before stopping.

"Hahaha, being able to hug Sanqing's thigh is the greatest happiness!"

He crossed his legs, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, feeling as refreshed as drinking iced watermelon on a hot day.

After laughing, thinking of the hard work and hard work along the way, I couldn't help but burst into tears, my mood was extremely agitated, and all the ups and downs rushed up.

Years of unfulfilled ambitions, such as today's nobleman, finally got his wish, the feeling of it is not for outsiders.

Kewei has been practicing internal skills for so many years. No matter how hard or tired it is, it has never thought of giving up. It insists on the CMOS localization route starting from the low-end, and has never wavered.

Competitors are rushing into the battle lightly, only doing chip design, and completely handing over the manufacturing to the foundry.

He walked in the opposite direction, walking the most painful and difficult road. Although the difficulty was max, he was always making steady progress.

Finally, the heavens were moved by his spirit, and they sent down the outlet of Sanqing to let him take off completely.

When Sanqing enters into endoscopes, when manufacturers in island countries cannot be trusted, Kewei is their best choice.

Because all CCDs are monopolized by the Cherry Blossom Country, the only way to win is to overtake from the CMOS detour.

And Kewei wants the high-end market, Sanqing is the only chance.

Because mobile phones, automobiles, and security control fields have many choices and a wide range of production lines, Kewei is just a low-end CMOS supplier for them.

For the high-end, they are unwilling to give Kewei a chance, and they are not as courageous as Sanqing, who are willing to spend a lot of money to support Kewei.

This point, Zhao Xing is really convinced, and he admires Sanqing's Wei Zong completely.

Therefore, he must firmly seize this opportunity, go all out to do his best, and convince customers, so that he can truly gain a firm foothold in the high-end market.

Wait until Sanqing is conquered and gain a firm foothold in the field of high-end medical chips.

Will the olive branches of Juwei, Hikvision, Xiaojiang, and rice industry giants be far away?


Haishi, Tianhong Fund Management Company.

Gu Bin, dressed in a neat suit, hurried into the spacious and bright office.

He put down his briefcase, hung his suit on the hanger, and was about to sit down when he glanced at the tall mahogany shelf beside him.

A golden horn-shaped trophy was placed in the middle of the wooden frame, shining brightly under the sunlight coming in from the window.

Gu Bin stepped forward to pick up the trophy, gently rubbed his fingers on one of the horns, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As a senior fund manager, he has a deep fascination with the Golden Bull Award, which is called the "Oscar" of the fund industry and represents the highest honor for fund managers.

Since he won the first Golden Bull Award in his life last year, every day at work, he couldn't help holding it in his palm and admiring it carefully.

When rubbing his fingers on the golden horns, he was immersed in a mysterious and mysterious realm, and the desire deep in his heart suddenly stirred up, giving him endless motivation and allowing him to devote himself to his work without selfishness.

After all, this glittering trophy is the greatest recognition of his hard work besides money.

There are also two types of fund managers, Taurus fund managers and other fund managers.

The former doubled his net worth, had an annual salary of one million, was surrounded by headhunters, and gained both fame and fortune.

The latter, however, is striving to become the former.

The awarding of the Golden Bull Award is extremely demanding, and the fund managers who have won the Golden Bull Award for many times in a row are all big names in the industry. The existence that makes fund rookies look up to them will shock the industry if they stomp their feet casually, and attract the attention of the circle.

The sensational effect is no less than that of a trader's family posting their wages on a small fan book.

Since Gu Bin won the Golden Bull Award, he has become a popular fried chicken in the company and a gold fund manager.

Of course, such an honor is also well-deserved for his annualized return rate of up to 20%, which exceeds the industry average.

After a while, he reluctantly put down the Golden Bull trophy, came to the desk, turned on the computer, and started to work.

The Celestica Select A Fund managed by Gu Bin is a mixed fund with a bias towards stocks. Under his careful management, the returns have always been good.

So he immediately opened the stock market and browsed carefully.

After watching for a few minutes, I couldn't help but widen my eyes, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Hey, 688147.SH has reached its daily limit?"

"Coway Semiconductor? I remember that it seems to be a junk stock. For a long time, the mud can't support the wall. The stock price has been hovering around a dozen yuan, and it has never been above 20 yuan. It is straighter than a dead man's electrocardiogram."

"This time, the daily limit has reached 22 yuan. Could it be that it is taking advantage of the spring breeze of semiconductors and is about to take off?" He couldn't help but speculate on the reason.

"No, semiconductors have been in the air for four or five years. Even if it is a pig, everything that should take off has taken off. It can only be said that it is not as good as a pig."

Gu Bin sneered and quickly denied his guess.

As a senior funder, he was keenly aware that there must be something strange in this, so he quickly dug up the company's information to see.

"In my impression, this company has always been making low-end CMOS chips. When it was first launched, there was news that it was selected into the fruit supply chain, saying that it was going to supply the front lens, but after it was launched, it didn't know why it stopped."

"Since then, the stock price has been falling to the bottom and has never turned back. The boss has been focusing on selling low-end chips, and the shipments have gone up, but the revenue is not good, and the profit is even meager. , It is said that it is going to build its own fab, but it is quite ambitious."

"It's a pity that we say we want to enter mid-to-high-end chips, but we haven't won any heavyweight customers. According to insiders, there are almost no high-end orders, and the mid-range shipments are pitifully small. The market is very pessimistic. That's clearly reflected in the share price as well."

"If there is no accident, it is a junk stock, the kind that is a waste of time at a glance."

"It can be regarded as an outlier among semiconductor science and technology innovation stocks. I have been working hard, but there is no result. It can only be regarded as the bottom of the existence, and retail investors are still dreaming of a big rise."

Gu Bin shook his head, and began to search the Internet again.

This time, he quickly got the answer he wanted, and suddenly his eyes shot out a bright light.

"It actually hugged Sanqing's thigh, no wonder the daily limit will rise, it seems that this is the rhythm of taking off."

"There will definitely be a sharp rise in the future, and you have to buy it immediately."

"Kewei's announcement said that it has passed the assessment of Sanqing and entered the list of core suppliers. It will reach a long-term strategic cooperation with Sanqing and grow together. These words are very meaningful."

He stared at the computer screen, lost in thought.

After a full minute, he slapped his thigh suddenly: "No, I have to find an insider to find out the news."

As soon as he took out his mobile phone, the phone on the desk rang.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, the meeting is now? Yes, yes, I will come right away."

After hanging up the phone, he quickly got up and trotted all the way to the meeting room.

As soon as he sat down, he saw several figures rushing over.

When I took a closer look, my heart was suddenly shocked.

I saw the vice president in charge, the investment director, the research director, three senior fund managers, and the director of the transaction management department, etc., all of whom were members of the company's investment committee.

The investment decision-making committee does not usually meet very often, and only appears when deciding on some major company matters.

For example, the progress of fund building, the upper limit of investment for a single product, the ratio of fund asset allocation, etc. At this time, they will often give guiding opinions, and then the fund managers will implement them.

If it is said that fund managers are the main team responsible for tackling difficulties on the front line, then they are the headquarters.

In the midst of strategizing, the decisive victory thousands of miles away is talking about them.

A few minutes later, Chen Ming, the general manager of the company, came to the meeting room.

He is over forty years old, with thick ears, regular facial features, neat crew cut hair, black-rimmed glasses, and a neat suit. There is no wrinkle on his body, and he looks energetic.

Gu Bin instantly cast eyes of admiration and admiration.

This Chen is always recognized as a top expert in the industry. Unlike those folk gods who are widely sought after by netizens, he is an industry benchmark and a god worshiped by many investors. He is known as the "ceiling of fund managers".

He debuted for many years, and his record is outstanding. Many fund products in his hands have an average annualized rate of return of more than 20%.

The most famous Guangming No. 4 earned nearly 458% in eight years, which can be described as a legend in the industry.

Even in the big bear market that year, many fund managers were caught off guard, and their returns turned into a bleak green light in seconds, but Guangming 4 still maintained a positive return of 50% under his divine operation.

With his outstanding performance, he was promoted from a fund manager to a general manager, and he is a well-deserved soul of the company.

He is also Gu Bin's idol since his career. He has always felt that it is his honor to work under such a great master, and he has benefited a lot.

"Ahem, I have called everyone here this time because there is an important announcement to be made."

Chen Ming coughed twice, interrupting Gu Bin's contemplation and announcing the official start of the meeting.

"Today's theme, there is only one, and that is—"

Chen Ming turned around and picked up a marker pen, and wrote "Kewei" in big red characters on the whiteboard.

Gu Bin's body was shocked, and he was both surprised and happy. Sure enough, he was better than Mr. Chen, and he also paid attention to this garbage stock that behaved abnormally.

"I believe that when you were in the office in the morning, you should have noticed that Kewei is on the daily limit board today."

"Why does such a junk stock that has been in the market for five years and has remained at a price of more than ten yuan for a long time, and has never been above 20, suddenly have a daily limit?"

"The reason is very simple. It is these five words."

Chen Ming splashed ink again and wrote five large characters on the whiteboard.

"Sanqing Supplier"

The five characters occupy more than half of the whiteboard, and the bright red strokes, thick ink and heavy brush strokes make people look shocking.

"With these five words, Kewei, a junk stock that focuses on low-end stocks, can turn around and completely stir up the muddy water in the stock market."

"So, that's also the purpose of my emergency meeting today."

He tapped on the whiteboard, making a crisp sound.

"This company has already bottomed out and rebounded, and it will soar all the way, becoming a big bull stock."

"The company will buy Kewei's stock heavily, buy as much as it has, and hold it for a long time."

Having said that, Chen Ming looked around at the expressions on everyone's faces, and immediately smiled.

"Hehe, don't you think it's okay? Do you think I'm making a fuss out of a molehill?"

"It's okay, if you have any ideas, you can say them directly."

"Gu Bin, you are the youngest and the most junior, what do you think of Kewei stock?"

Gu Bin swallowed, and said nervously: "Mr. Chen, I, I am also optimistic about Kewei. I expect it to rise to 150, or even 10 times. It is not impossible to exceed 200."

Chen Ming smiled slightly, noncommittal, and then called another name.

"Wu Ce, you are the investment director, and your views should be more professional. Tell me?"

The investment director pondered and said: "To be honest, I am also optimistic about Kewei, but I am not so optimistic about it."

"If I want to buy heavily and hold it for a long time, I need more convincing data."

"The news disclosed so far is that it has become a supplier of Sanqing and has reached a long-term cooperation, but this is not unusual. Sanqing has many suppliers and even several foundries, but their stock prices are just like that. , did not show any characteristics of a big bull stock."

"Of course, if it's the stock of Sanqing Group or any of its subsidiaries, then I definitely agree with your opinion, buy it immediately, and never sell it in this life."

These words seemed to express the aspirations of everyone present, and others smiled knowingly and nodded in agreement.

"I agree with Gu Bin, the increase should be about 10 times."

"That's right, Sanqing has a lot of suppliers. Although it can boost a company's stock price, it won't be too exaggerated."

"At the beginning of the semiconductor industry, Kewei didn't fly. Now that the industry is halfway through, I think there is limited room for growth."

"The ceiling of CMOS low-end chips is there. No matter how well it does, it still has Sony and Samsung on its head. If it is not the industry leader, I don't see the possibility of becoming a big bull stock."

Everyone chattered and talked, and they couldn't agree with the meaning revealed in the conversation.

They are optimistic about Sanqing, but not so optimistic about Kewei.

I feel that the status of the Sanqing supplier can drive a wave of stock prices, but that's it.

"Hehe, you guys are still a little conservative." Chen Ming smiled.

"It's because we are stupid and can't comprehend Mr. Chen's brilliant ideas. Please explain, we are all ears."

In his fifties, the deputy general manager in charge with gray hair spoke on behalf of everyone.

"Okay, I'll explain it to everyone." Chen Ming crossed his arms and asked back.

"I don't know how much everyone knows about the Sanqing Group?"

"I know this," Gu Bin raised his hand, and said like a few treasures: "Sanqing is the domestic pharmaceutical leader, well-deserved No. 1, and also the top five in the global pharmaceutical industry. Although they do not release financial reports every year, they are There will still be a briefing internally, and it will not be difficult to get that information."

"Sanqing's research and development capabilities are extremely strong. Every year, it launches a number of best-selling new drugs. It has a number of ace drugs in the track. Even foreign pharmaceutical giants cannot compete with it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful technology company in China."

"In the past two years, Sanqing has started to enter the field of medical devices. Although the development of this area is not as big as the pharmaceutical market, it is also remarkable. Several products are very distinctive, and they have achieved a monopoly share of 90% in the segmented market. "

"And the medicine and equipment industry is also a well-known profit-making industry. Even though Sanqing is not famous for its high prices in China, it is still highly sought after overseas and has great potential."

"It can be said that this is a company that investors have dreamed of. If it can be listed, the shares will definitely be snapped up. It is estimated that more than half of the state-owned assets will be divided up. We will not be able to grab many, and it is definitely a scarce stock, which is worth holding for a long time. "

"However, I think the most worthwhile investment is its boss, Wei Kang, who is extremely capable. It can be said that he is the Chinese version of Mabuse. He not only has strong scientific research capabilities, but also has top-notch business capabilities. In just five or six years, the Sanqing has developed from a small pharmaceutical company to such a giant, such a person is the favorite of investors."

"It's a pity that Sanqing has not yet established an investment department, otherwise my fund will definitely follow in the footsteps of Mr. Wei. Whatever he invests in, I will follow him immediately. I will definitely make a profit without losing money."

"Papa papa!" Chen Ming clapped his hands violently: "That's absolutely right."

"Since you have said everything, if Weikang invests, you will definitely follow suit, then my decision is obvious."

"Kuwei Semiconductor is the company he invested heavily in. It is rare to have an opportunity to follow up with the investment. Would you give up?"

Gu Bin was dumbfounded for a while, before hesitating to ask: "Sanqing is really so optimistic about Kewei?"

"Of course, do you know that Sanqing has entered into endoscopy? A capsule endoscope was released at the Medical Expo, which caused a sensation and was very popular."

"The most important core technology of endoscopes is the CMOS chip. Sanqing obviously has ideas about medical imaging, so they will strive to be the first in the industry."

"I think this Mr. Wei is not someone who likes to be inferior to others. Hehe." Chen Ming couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Chen, what you say makes sense. I decided to raise my expectations for Kewei to 20 times." Wu Ce nodded in agreement.

"Wu Ce, you haven't figured out the situation yet. Tianhong is not the only one in the investment circle. There are also a large number of fund companies with huge sums of hundreds of millions and billions. When they see companies with potential, they want to pounce on them." Wipe it clean."

Chen Ming finally turned serious: "Sanqing's suppliers were not so important before, because the core technology is in Sanqing's own hands, and these suppliers are replaceable."

"But this time is different. CMOS chips are the core technology of the semiconductor industry. Without accumulation in a short period of time, there will be no results. In addition to medical care, aerospace, scientific research, industry, mobile phones, automobiles, monitoring, and many other industries All are needed, and the prospects are bright.”

"Sanqing can't find a satisfactory domestic supplier at the moment, but is worried about being stuck in the neck by the same enemy of the Sakura country, so it is necessary to support a family of its own. This is the true meaning of a core supplier. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded involuntarily.

"Also, everyone knows that Sanqing's annual revenue is as high as 50 to 60 billion U.S. dollars, and its net profit margin is at least over 20%. Such a fairy company has not been listed for a long time, and may never be listed."

Chen Ming continued: "However, the less Sanqing is listed, the more eager investors will be for it."

"Sanqing is like the goddess you dream of, always close at hand, so attractive, yet so far away."

“Every time investors see news about Sanqing and how rich it is, the desire to share in its success reaches new heights.”

"But the goddess always refuses to approach her, so what should I do?"

"We can only do everything possible to pursue the people around the goddess, and take a roundabout way to indirectly share the fruits of Sanqing's success. Only in this way can we satisfy our inner desire and restrain our eagerness to move."

"The so-called, those who are favored are always confident, and those who are not received are always in turmoil. That's probably how it is."

"As Sanqing's core supplier and long-term strategic partner, Kewei is bound to become Sanqing's substitute, attracting a large number of investors who are crazy about it."

"As long as the boss is not an idiot and has a little bit of ability, this time holding Sanqing's golden thighs, he can take off no matter what."

"Well? Do you agree with me now?"

Everyone was amazed immediately: "Agreed, as expected of Mr. Chen, he always has such a bright and far-sighted vision."

"So, Mr. Chen, how many times do you think Kewei will eventually increase?"

Wu Ce still asked unwillingly.

The corners of Chen Ming's mouth curled up, and he slowly raised two fingers.

"200 times, on the CMOS chip, I believe that Kewei will become China's Sony within ten years."

"What?" Everyone was shocked, Qi Qi exclaimed: "Mr. Chen, why do you have so much confidence in Kewei?"

Chen Ming smiled faintly, his expression full of self-confidence of a strong man.

"I don't have confidence in Kewei, I have confidence in Sanqing."

Huh, sorry, the word count is a bit too much, so it is late, but this chapter is 6500 words, it is considered a big chapter. . .

There are a lot of sheep around recently, and I feel shivering at work. Everyone should pay attention to their health and take precautions.

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