I can extract side effects

Chapter 459 Sudden sense of the hospital

"Didn't the patient be fine before I went on vacation? Why did I suddenly feel hospitalized?"

Jian Jianyun's voice became sharper, and his tone was full of anxiety.

"The patient is over 60 years old and had a craniotomy for cerebral hemorrhage. It is reasonable to say that he should have recovered almost in the past two weeks. How could he have hospital-acquired pneumonia?"

"What was the result of the sputum culture?"

"MRSA! Hehe, it's really a typical nosocomial infection."

"At least five hospitalized patients are infected? That's really serious."

"The ICU organized a hospital-wide discussion, and a set of anti-infection treatment plans have been initially drawn up?"

"Thank God, it's a pity that I'm currently in isolation and I can't help much. I hope that after I go back, the disease has been completely controlled."

After hanging up the phone, Jian Lianyun frowned, his face suddenly clouded with sadness.

Wei Kang asked curiously: "What's the matter? Listening to your phone call just now, it seems to be hospitalized?"

Jian Lianyun immediately vomited bitterness: "Yes, it seems that a girl was sent to the local hospital by her parents for transfusion treatment because of a cold and cough. Later, not only did her condition not improve, but it even worsened."

"So it was sent to our hospital for treatment. It was not diagnosed as MRSA at first, but it infected other patients in the ICU."

"Later, the condition did not improve. After doing sputum culture, I was diagnosed with MRSA. By this time, it was already too late."

"My patient stayed well in the ward, but the family members wandered around in the hospital and brought the germs to the patient from the ICU, and then got pneumonia. Now he was sent directly to the ICU. It was a disaster."

"I was going to be discharged from the hospital soon, but this happened, and now I'm lying in the ICU and I don't know if I'm alive or dead."

"It is estimated that all the treatment costs will have to be paid by the hospital. Now I am worried that the patient will not be saved, because he is over 60 years old, has underlying diseases, and has just had an operation. His body is really weak and his immunity is completely weak."

"Except for that girl, the other patients were all infected in our hospital. If they were not rescued, it would be a serious medical accident, and I really can't explain it to the family."

"It's really difficult." Wei Kang's face also became serious.

Nosocomial infection is the infection acquired by patients in the hospital, and it is currently a headache for the medical circles in various countries.

Man-made disasters such as non-compliance with disinfection procedures and poor management are the main causes of most nosocomial infections, and the industry regards it as a shame to the medical profession.

The cumulative incidence of nosocomial infection in foreign hospitals has remained at 4%, while the figure in domestic hospitals is about 8%. In any case, it is a relatively high number, and each occurrence will bring a lot of extra pain to patients.

Nosocomial infections are mainly caused by some superbugs resistant to common antibiotics, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA), Acinetobacter baumannii, etc.

Among them, MRSA is the most famous. The pneumonia caused by this bacterium is often very serious. It will first manifest as flu symptoms, and then the patient will deteriorate rapidly until respiratory failure.

According to data, the 48-hour survival rate of patients infected with MRSA is only 63%. If more than 50% of patients are not treated in time, they will die within an average of 4 days after the onset of symptoms. It can be described as extremely vicious and very dangerous.

Wei Kang asked with concern: "How effective is the antibiotic regimen?"

Jian Lianyun shook his head, sighed and said, "I don't know either. Now I only know that the patient is lying in the ICU, and his life or death is uncertain. There are three patients who are younger and may be able to survive, but it's hard to say about my patient."

"The ICU solution for the girl was intravenous infusion of vancomycin, but this antibiotic is very toxic to the kidneys. My patient may not be able to tolerate this adverse reaction, so I considered using linezolid for treatment."

"But you know, the side effects of these antibiotics are quite serious. Using too much will damage the body, but there is very little choice for not using other antibiotics. Sigh~"

Seeing her sighing appearance, Wei Kang couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Suddenly, his heart moved, thinking of Sanqing's new project.

Nanopills are literally a tailor-made solution for this situation.

So, he immediately put forward constructive comments.

"Honey, in fact, for the current situation in your hospital, Sanqing has a special nano-robot technology, which may be useful."

"This project has completed animal experiments, and the effect is very significant. In the pneumonia mouse model of acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, the nanopills significantly reduced the bacterial load and greatly reduced the mortality of the animals."

"It also had extraordinary effects in a mouse model of sepsis infected with Acinetobacter baumannii."

"What's more, this new method uses only a very small amount of antibiotics throughout the treatment process, which can be said to pave the way for the development of nanorobots to treat bacterial infections in humans."

Jian Lianyun's eyes widened in surprise, and he exclaimed.

"Really? Wow, hubby, you are amazing, to be able to develop such a powerful thing."

"You wait, I'll call Director Cui of the ICU right now, by the way," Jian Lianyun asked while dialing the phone: "How long will it take for this nano-pill to be ready?"

Wei Kang pondered: "The first clinical trial was tried on healthy people, and no adverse reactions were caused. In the next second clinical trial, some patients will be recruited to test the drug."

"If I remember correctly, the company has prepared finished products for the common types of superbugs, just waiting to be used on patients."

"MRSA is the most common superbug, even if it is temporarily produced, it only takes 6-8 hours to mount the required antibiotic molecules on the nanoparticles."

"That's great." The worry on Jian Lianyun's face was swept away, and he became extremely excited in an instant.

Wei Kang also took out his mobile phone: "I will immediately get the people in the Nano Lab ready to support the hospital at any time."


Kunming First People's Hospital.

Director Cui from the ICU was looking at the five patients in the ward, racking his brains for a treatment plan.

Among them, a high school student named Xiaofang is the one who has been infected for the longest time. After 20 days of treatment, he has improved.

In addition, there are two younger patients. Under the treatment of antibiotics, the condition has also remained stable and has not continued to deteriorate.

As for the remaining two patients, one has chronic lung disease for more than ten years and has been in the hospital for a long time. His body has developed resistance to many antibiotics.

The other was in his 60s, just after a major operation, and his body’s immunity was at its weakest, so he was recruited, and it was the worst infection of superbugs.

Director Cui was at a loss when he saw the condition of these two people, and almost burst into tears in an instant.

"Fortunately, these young patients have much better physical fitness and stronger immune systems, so they should be able to survive."

"The other two will depend on their fate." He muttered to himself, shaking his head slowly.

On the hospital bed in front of him, lay a teenage girl, her immature face showed a hint of pain, obviously suffering from the pain.

Xiaofang is a high school student in Kunming City. In the impression of most of her classmates, she is a girl who studies hard and gets good grades.

At the end of December, when the final exam was approaching, she stayed up for several nights in a row in order to review and prepare for the exam.

As a result, the body immediately became exhausted. Not only was the whole body sore and weak, but also symptoms of fever appeared.

At first, she thought she was just having a common cold, as long as she drank plenty of water and rested, she would get better soon.

As a result, after lying at home for two days on the weekend, not only did not improve, but it became more and more severe, coughing continuously, and the body temperature once reached 40 degrees Celsius.

In this case, her parents were also anxious and took her to a hospital near her home for treatment.

The fever-reducing infusion was one-stop, and the condition was good and bad, but the cough never stopped.

Three days later, Xiaofang developed a high fever again, and a CT scan showed small flakes of inflammation in the lungs, which meant that the lungs had already been infected.

The receiving doctor immediately arranged for her to be hospitalized for treatment.

Unexpectedly, less than half a day after being admitted to the hospital, Xiaofang's condition deteriorated rapidly, with symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath, her oxygen saturation gradually decreased, and she even began to suffer from respiratory failure.

The doctor continued to increase the amount of oxygen she inhaled, but she still felt out of breath, and her chest was so tight that she was about to suffocate.

The parents made a decisive decision and transferred directly to the best tertiary hospital in Kunming City, the First People's Hospital.

He went to the hospital for expert consultation and was immediately transferred to the ICU for treatment.

Various first aid measures were arranged immediately, including ventilator-assisted ventilation, lung CT re-examination, sputum culture, blood culture and other specimen cultures, none of which were missed.

At the beginning, the hospital didn't think about nosocomial infection, but within a few days of evaluating the condition and determining the treatment plan, patients in other beds in the ICU also showed similar symptoms.

At the same time, Xiaofang's condition continued to deteriorate. Not only was she on a ventilator all the time, but she also had a persistent high fever. The partial pressure of oxygen in her body barely reached the standard. As for both lungs, almost all of them were consolidated, and the inflammation indicators were very high.

If the condition continues to deteriorate, I am afraid that ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation), which is the so-called artificial lung, will be needed.

In just one week, a healthy and lively young girl became dying.

Director Cui of the ICU was keenly aware that Xiaofang might not be infected with ordinary viruses or bacteria.

At this time, the results of sputum culture also came out. It turned out that she was infected with the superbug MRSA, and the blood culture also showed that Gram-positive cocci were cultured.

The ICU immediately organized a hospital-wide discussion, and initially drafted an anti-infection treatment plan for positive bacteria and nosocomial infection.

Fortunately, Xiaofang's drug susceptibility test showed that it was effective against vancomycin.

The ICU immediately gave her intravenous infusion of vancomycin to suppress MRSA in all directions.

In the following days, Xiaofang's fever peak dropped slowly and steadily, and the support of the ventilator also slowly decreased.

However, other patients also broke out at this time.

A total of five patients were diagnosed with MRSA and all were pooled for treatment.

Soon, MRSA's vicious nature was exposed.

Complications followed one after another, pneumothorax, airway hemorrhage, all started a crazy counterattack in the patient's body.

Soldiers came to block, water came to cover, and Xiaofang's condition gradually stabilized in round after round of MRSA battles.

Her temperature slowly returned to normal, and the support of the ventilator was gradually reduced to the offline level.

What is even more gratifying is that other important organs in her body were checked one by one, and no signs of MRSA infection were found, and all the infections were only concentrated in the lungs.

All this shows that Xiaofang is gradually recovering.

A few days later, she was extubated. Although she was still weak, her condition had stabilized, and she was transferred to a general ward not long after.

She is expected to be discharged from the hospital in a week.

For her, these days seemed like a long nightmare, and finally regained her health and woke up.

But for all the doctors and nurses in the ICU, this battle that cannot be relaxed at all times is far from the moment of victory.

Xiaofang was the first patient to recover from the disease. Besides her, two other young patients also recovered after receiving antibiotic treatment.

Fortunately, none of the three of them left any sequelae, and they only needed to rest for a while before they could recover.

This is undoubtedly a good thing. After all, the body and resilience of young people are much stronger.

But for the remaining two patients, it was much more difficult to get rid of the pain.

These two not only had very serious lung infections, but after a week of treatment, the white blood cells and other indicators did not decrease significantly, and the CT images of the lungs showed no signs of improvement.

All these signs indicate that the infectious disease has not been effectively controlled.

Such a result occurs when superbugs encounter elderly patients, critically ill patients, those with weak body resistance, and patients who have been treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics for a long time.

The condition can be difficult to control and can even be life-threatening.

Because MRSA has multi-drug resistance to many antibiotics, if the bacteria cannot be controlled and allowed to continue to develop, when the superbug infection spreads to other parts of the body, it is likely to cause sepsis, eventually leading to organ failure, and thus death died.

Director Cui felt extremely heavy when he saw the result of the treatment.

"Vancomycin is too toxic to the kidneys, and the effect is not good when tried in small doses. The effect of linezolid is also mediocre. We can only try teicoplanin for injection. This antibiotic has a relatively long half-life and is resistant to vancomycin. Bacteria have a certain inhibitory effect."

"If it doesn't work anymore, we should try tigecycline for injection and daptomycin one by one."

"It's just that in this way, various antibiotics are used in turn, and the doses used are not small. I don't know if the patient can hold it."

He hesitated for a while, and finally settled on a treatment plan.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

"What, Sanqing's nano-pill?"

"It can precisely deliver antibiotics to the body, which has a very significant effect, and at the same time, the dosage is greatly reduced, and the adverse reactions are almost negligible."

"Such a good thing, you just took it out now?"

"Oh, it turns out that human clinical trials have just started, so it's okay."

"Okay, I will formulate a new antibiotic treatment plan immediately, and then you will bring the corresponding nano-pills as soon as possible."

The moment he hung up the phone, Director Cui's eyes lit up, his spirits lifted, and the worry on his face disappeared.

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