Hangzhou, Zhejiang Medical First Hospital.

There was a rush of horns, and the white 120 ambulance drove into the hospital and stopped downstairs in the ICU.

The accompanying medical staff quickly jumped out of the car and pushed the patient into the building.

Zhu Jun was lying on the stretcher, his mind was in a daze, his eyes were moving feebly, but he could only see everything vaguely.

He vaguely saw his mother's figure, and his brother's anxious face.

It's a pity that he couldn't do anything. He wanted to call out "Brother", but he wriggled his throat vigorously, but he could only utter a few inaudible groans.

In the blur, I saw figures surrounding me, and noisy voices buzzed in my ears.

Someone kept shouting, the sound was hurried and messy, like the sound of a radio broadcast at 2x speed.

Soon, Zhu Jun was dazzled by the lights on the ceiling. In the whiteness, he seemed to see his dead father standing in the distance, waving to him with a smile on his face.

Two lines of hot tears rolled down from the corner of his eyes in an instant, and he felt a burst of relief, as if he had let go of the burden of life. At the same time, thinking of his family, he felt a strong sense of reluctance.

"Am I going to die? After 7 years in bed, finally freed?"

All the experiences of the past seven years flooded into his mind in an instant, as if they had turned into slides, flashing before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

The first scene is on the school playground. 20-year-old Zhu Jun is standing in front of the two-meter-high horizontal bar, preparing to demonstrate the students' abdominal crunches and bar moves.

The playground is full of energetic young people, and as a firefighter, he usually has a muscular body, and his well-defined muscles stand out in the crowd.

Playing the horizontal bar is easy for him.

He jumped nimbly, grabbed the horizontal bar with both hands, and once he retracted his abdomen, he rotated his whole body in the air to a head-down angle, and then turned 180 degrees with his strength, and he could complete the upper bar with his hands on the horizontal bar.

Zhu Jun has done this kind of action countless times.

In the fire brigade, it only took him 40 seconds to climb the rope to the fourth floor, and he could pull 60 horizontal bars at a time. His physical fitness surpassed most of his comrades, making him the No. 1 combatant.

Give a student a simple demonstration on the bar, and he can do it beautifully with his eyes closed.

However, he never imagined that the moment his head fell down was the end of his life. From then on, he would completely lose his ability to exercise, fall into the abyss, and fall into endless despair and pain.

At that time, when his head was facing down, the horizontal bar suddenly loosened and fell to one side.

Before he could react, he maintained his original posture and slammed into the ground hard.

The next scene is the moment when he woke up. Not only was he unable to move, but a hole was cut in his neck, and a ventilator tube was inserted into his trachea. At the same time, his body lost all sense of touch and could not feel warmth or cold.

From the doctor's mouth, he learned that his central nervous system and spinal cord were injured. Apart from the ability to move his head, his whole body was paralyzed at a high position, and he even lost the ability to breathe on his own.

Some tortures can make life worse than death, but Zhu Jun felt that every second of the rest of his life would be worse than death.

At the age of 20, when he was in the prime of his youth, he suffered such a catastrophe. What is there to live in such a life? He completely lost his desire to live and only wanted to die.

However, the euthanasia law does not allow it, and his family members will not agree to it. Jumping off a building and hanging himself is an impossible luxury for him.

The mental torture that accompanied him like a shadow made his desire to die even stronger.

Since only the head could move, he chewed his tongue and killed himself.

The pain of this death method is not worth mentioning to the mental torture he suffered.

As long as one can be freed by death, the temporary pain is the happiness after liberation.

But he still couldn't do it by chewing his tongue and killing himself. He bit down one third of his tongue, and he no longer had the strength to continue.

An old man on the hospital bed next to him was also unable to speak like him. When the two were awake, they communicated each other's despair with their eyes.

A few days later, the old man passed away, and Zhu Jun even thought to himself: "Why wasn't I the one who left!"

He couldn't do it even if he wanted to die, which made his spirit break down even more.

As a firefighter, he didn't want to live a mediocre life, but now a mediocre life is like a star to him, and there will be only painful suffering in the long years to come, how can he bear it.

If he couldn't die, he used self-abuse to divert his mental pain.

Every day, I stare at the ceiling with empty eyes, and bite my lips so hard that I bite my lips bloody again and again.

This period of hospitalization was the darkest day in Zhu Jun's life.

Two months later, he returned home. Under the careful care of his family, he finally calmed down a little, and he no longer tried to seek death or life. bright.

Although he was able to speak later, and tried hard to learn to communicate with his family and surf the Internet, he completely closed himself in the spiritual abyss, let his life pass quietly, and waited for the arrival of the last day.

The slides flashed quickly and were frozen on a live broadcast screen.

It was a high-level paraplegic anchor from abroad, relying on an auxiliary device, playing online games with his mouth.

Zhu Jun became excited instantly, as if he saw a glimmer of hope in the desperate situation.

He has always liked playing games. Since high paraplegia cannot exercise or go out, it is also good to be able to realize the dream of various sports in the virtual world.

So, he immediately sent a private message to the high-level paraplegic anchor, asking about the situation of the auxiliary device, and ordered one from abroad through his acquaintance.

Afterwards, this auxiliary equipment was successfully delivered to Zhu Jun.

It has four straw-like devices, as long as you hold these devices in your mouth, you can operate the computer keys by inhaling and blowing air.

It is difficult to practice, but no matter how difficult it is, Zhu Jun still has to master it. After half a year of hard work, he is finally familiar with the equipment and can play games freely.

In this way, his heart knot was slowly unraveled, and he took a video of his daily life and posted it on the Internet, telling about his experiences and mental journey.

The video was put on Bilibili and received more than 3 million views in just a few days.

Zhu Jun was very encouraged, and since then he has become an amateur Up host, playing games live online every three days.

The screen stopped again, and it was time for him to recruit a group of disabled e-sports players to form an e-sports team, and defeated the team of healthy people in the game, and it was time to get a good result as the runner-up.

Seeing the 27 years of his life passing by in a flash, the corners of Zhu Jun's mouth couldn't help but rise.

In the last five years, his life has become wonderful, and there is a faint hope in his heart, thinking that even if he is paralyzed, he will live his life in vain and realize his dreams one by one.

He wanted to see Tiananmen Square in the capital, to go to the beach to see the sea, to leave a sum of pension money for his mother, and to give a lecture at the university to share his experience with more people so that everyone could bravely face the setbacks in life.

It's a pity that the long-term bed rest made his health deteriorate, especially with the ventilator and catheter inserted all the time. He suffered from bacterial infections and has been taking medicine to fight all year round.

After the flash was finished, it disappeared completely, and the sounds around him became clear again, and he could faintly hear his mother's silent sobbing, and his brother's hoarse calling.

A very penetrating voice came, it was the doctor comforting the family.

"The patient's condition is very critical, we will rescue him first."

Suddenly, Zhu Jun felt a sudden weakness in his body, his eyes went dark, and he completely lost consciousness.

Before falling into a coma, one last thought flashed through his mind.

"Are you finally going to be free? But, I haven't lived enough yet."

Seeing his younger brother fainted, the older brother Zhu Ming felt flustered and could only hold the doctor and beg in a low voice.

"Doctor Zhao, take a look at my brother's condition, what's going on?"

Dr. Zhao looked at Zhu Jun, his expression changed: "No, the patient has passed out."

"Hurry up and send him to the ICU for an intravenous infusion of 200ml of ceftazidime."

After finishing speaking, he turned back to Zhu Ming and said, "The family members go to pay the fee first, and then wait outside, I will notify you immediately if there is anything."

Zhu Ming nodded blankly, seeing Dr. Zhao and his younger brother disappearing through the door at the same time, he felt a little more relaxed.

He pulled his mother to sit down: "Mom, you wait here first, I will pay the fee, don't worry, my brother is already being rescued, and he will recover soon."

At night, when Zhu Ming and his mother were waiting anxiously outside the intensive care unit.

Dr. Zhao is in the ICU at the moment, looking at Zhu Jun who has a high fever, his expression is very serious.

"After the infusion, the patient still had a high fever and was unconscious. At the same time, the inflammatory index was still high."

"Green sputum was sucked out of the ventilator, and there were also green traces in the catheter. Based on the previous medical history, it was considered a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection."

"The patient's urinary tract infection is very serious and has spread to the lungs. According to the test report, the liver and kidneys have also been damaged to a certain extent."

"If the condition is not controlled and continues to deteriorate, it is likely to lead to liver and kidney failure, which will lead to systemic multi-organ failure."

"The third-generation cephalosporins don't work. Considering that patients have been taking antibiotics for a long time, could it be that they have developed drug resistance?"

Thinking of this, Dr. Zhao told the nurse, "Try changing the patient to the fourth-generation cephalosporin."

Speaking of this, he was still a little worried, and said: "Tomorrow morning, I will collect the first mouthful of sputum in the morning, and I will use it for sputum culture and drug sensitivity test."

Three days later, the Laboratory Department called Dr. Zhao from the ICU.

"Old Zhao, you patient is in a bit of trouble."

Dr. Zhao saw the other party's serious expression, and his heart sank.

"The results of the drug sensitivity test came out? How do you say it?"

"Come and see for yourself." The laboratory staff beckoned.

Dr. Zhao walked over, looked at the computer, and was instantly stunned.

I saw the column of the drug sensitivity results on the screen, all of which were marked with the eye-catching red of "drug resistance", densely packed, and I didn't know how many there were at the moment.

He held the mouse impatiently, and dragged it down until the end, only to see a few white "sensitive" results.

Dr. Zhao's lips trembled: "How could this happen?"

The laboratory doctor shook his head, poked his finger on the screen, and said:

"This result is abnormal. Generally speaking, even if Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant, it is impossible to be resistant to so many antibiotics. At least some usable antibiotics can be found."

"However, looking at the test results, all cephalosporins are resistant, and none of them were missed."

"Penicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, ofloxacin, imipenem, gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, minocycline, etc., almost all antibiotics are resistant. "

"And Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacteria, and it's not very sensitive to vancomycin."

"Old Zhao, this is going to be difficult."

"This kind of super drug-resistant bacteria is very rare and unusual. I suspect that it may contain a drug-resistant gene mutation. It is recommended to do a genetic test again."

Dr. Zhao suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and took a few clicks with the mouse, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Isn't there still one or two sensitive antibiotics?"

The laboratory doctor took a look and frowned: "Polymyxin! This is an ancient antibiotic that has been around for more than 50 years. It is called the last line of antibacterial defense. It is really effective against Gram infection. .”

"However, it has strong nephrotoxicity and serious side effects, so it is rarely used, and there are very few studies on its derivatives in recent years, but it is used more in animal husbandry."

Dr. Zhao sighed: "It seems that the source of drug resistance has been explained, so I can only use this now."

"However, the patient already has signs of liver and kidney damage. I'm not sure whether this medicine can be used."

"I can only apply for expert consultation and see what the directors say."

The laboratory doctor glanced at him sideways: "Then I wish you luck."

As soon as Dr. Zhao returned to the ICU, he saw the nurse rushing over in a panic.

"Doctor Zhao, it's not good. The biochemical test of the patient on the 6th bed has come out, showing symptoms of kidney failure."

"What?" He suddenly turned pale with shock.

Bed No. 6 is Zhu Jun. He just thought about a rough antibiotic treatment plan, but why the patient's condition suddenly deteriorated again.

Hurrying to the bed, I saw that Zhu Jun was still unconscious. He picked up the urine bag and saw a trace of blood inside.

"Quick, show me the biochemical test sheet." Dr. Zhao's expression changed, and he immediately checked the biochemical test sheet.

After reading it, his expression became cloudy and uncertain.

"Serum creatinine and urea ammonia are both higher than the normal range, but the degree is not very serious, and it is not out of control."

"However, in this way, polymyxin can no longer be used. This drug is very toxic to the kidneys. If it continues to be used, what should we do if the patient's kidney failure suddenly worsens?"

He frowned and thought for a long time, but still didn't have a suitable solution.

Looking at the thick stack of inspection reports in his hand, Dr. Zhao gritted his teeth and made a final decision.

"I'm not sure about this matter, I'd better go to the director and have an expert consultation."

Dr. Zhao walked out of the ICU ward in a hurry and was grabbed head-on.

"Doctor, what happened to my brother?"

When I looked up, I was startled, and saw that the man who caught me had a haggard face, disheveled hair, and bloodshot eyes, as if he hadn't closed his eyes for several days.

"Zhu Ming, right? Why did you become like this? I understand the anxiety of your family members, but you also have to pay attention to rest, so as not to break down your body."

"As for your brother, the current situation is not good. The infusion still hasn't improved after three days, but it has been diagnosed as Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, but this kind of bacteria is easy to develop resistance to antibiotics. We are conducting expert consultation, and I believe there will be one soon. Appropriate antibiotic regimens…”

Dr. Zhao told the other party about Zhu Jun's condition in detail.

As an experienced ICU doctor, he often has to face doubts from his family members. He knows that under such circumstances, he must not hide his illness.

Zhu Jun's situation is very serious. If the rescue is ineffective, he cannot be rescued, and he does not tell the truth. The family members will see that he will be sent in alone, and he will die in a few days. Then there will be a big trouble in the ICU.

Concealing the disease is a taboo for patients with conflicts.

Only by letting the family members have a clear and detailed understanding of the patient's situation can they be well appeased and prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

Zhu Ming stared blankly at the doctor, what the other person said kept echoing and buzzing in his mind.

All he knew was that his brother's condition had deteriorated, and the doctors seemed helpless.

When the words "expert consultation" came into his mind, he suddenly woke up with a jolt.

"Yes, expert consultation, I can also find an expert!"

"My brother is very popular on the Internet and has many fans. I can definitely spread the news and ask fans for help."

"In this way, we will definitely be able to find the best experts in the country and rescue him!"

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