I can extract side effects

Chapter 473 Redeem points, withdraw again

"By the way, it's been almost a year, and I must have accumulated a lot of points. It's time for me to go shopping in the system mall."

After reading the financial report, Wei Kang suddenly remembered something and immediately became excited.

He couldn't wait to open the system panel to check how many points he had.

A reminder quickly popped up and flickered slowly.

Host: Wei Kang

Points: 13520062

"Haha, there are a lot of points. It is estimated that it was saved from selling medicine and equipment in this year. It is estimated that it can be exchanged for a lot of good things."

Wei Kang glanced at the points, nodded in relief, and immediately opened the system mall.

A light curtain appeared in front of him, on which appeared colorful pictures and brief introductions.

"This time there are more points, it seems that you can buy it hard."

Wei Kang was secretly delighted, and slid down gently, directly turning to the third page.

"Last time I wanted to change to a surgical robot, but it cost 50 million points. Looking at the others this time, it's impossible for everything on this page to cost 50 million points."

"Artificial heart, artificial nervous system, biochip, surgical robot, bionic prosthesis, nanorobot, advanced medical cabin..."

"Well, let's start with the first one."

He clicked on the "artificial heart" carefully, and a pop-up window immediately popped up.

"10 million points exchange, please confirm!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not too expensive, at least it's not as far away as fifty million!"

Wei Kang thought thoughtfully, canceling the redemption of points.

Now he figured it out.

The equipment on the first page is all 100,000 points, the equipment on the first half page is 100,000 points, and the equipment on the second half is 500,000 points.

The equipment on the second page has millions of points, the front is one million points, and the back is five million points.

As for the third page, it is obvious that they all belong to the 10 million level, with 10 million and 50 million points each accounting for half.

It seems reasonable, after all, they are arranged according to the technical content, and the prices must be different.

"Don't even think about 50 million. This time, there are a lot of points, so I have to exchange them for a device worth 10 million."

"Although artificial organs are expensive and not long-lasting, they are awesome and high-tech. They may also be helpful for the research and development of autologous organ cloning."

Wei Kang pondered for a moment, and instantly made up his mind.

"Or, just this artificial heart."

"However, other artificial organs are also very attractive, and they are also cheap. They are all on the second page. It is estimated that only five million points, ten million points, can be exchanged for liver and kidney."

Thinking of this, he began to hesitate again.

"However, organs such as the liver and kidney are not as unique as the heart."

"The human body can still regenerate after a small part of the liver is cut off. There are two kidneys, and if there is a problem with the lungs, it can survive on a ventilator for a long time."

"There is only the heart. After it stops beating, the person is really gone."

"Hey, the temptation of an artificial heart is too great, I really can't bear it."

"This is the most complex and precise medical device. It has always been hailed as the 'jewel in the crown of medical devices'. Every leap is a huge scientific innovation."

"So, let's choose an artificial heart."

Wei Kang slowly stretched out his hand and tapped again.

"10 million points exchange, please confirm!"

"Confirm the exchange!"

After he clicked on the screen, seeing the 10 million points disappear, he couldn't help but feel a throbbing pain in his heart.

"Hey, my points!"

"Saving money is like picking dirt with a needle, and prodigal is like pushing sand away from water!"

"It would be great if all the 100 million points from upgrading the system could be kept and exchanged. It would be absolutely cool."

Wei Kang sighed secretly, swiped his finger up, and turned his gaze to the second page.

After browsing for a while, he selected the three items that he liked last time but gave up because of insufficient points.

"Ultrasonic knife, bionic blood vessel, bionic painless syringe."

"Just these three."

"The ultrasonic scalpel also exists in reality, but the system gives higher precision and stronger controllability, and can reach cell-level precision."

"If the technology here is thoroughly studied, can it also be used in endoscopes?"

"The bionic blood vessel uses a new type of biological material, which is made of nano-scale protein fibers layer by layer, which is very similar to the real blood vessel, and there will be no rejection reaction after transplantation."

"Nanoscale protein molecules are very technologically advanced, maybe they can be used to make nanorobots?"

"The bionic painless syringe is modified from the mouthparts of mosquitoes. It can suck blood and inject drugs painlessly. It can be used to transform insulin pens."

"This thing is very interesting. Try another one. I was most afraid of injections when I was a child. It would be great if I had this thing."

Wei Kang clicked on the light curtain and quickly replaced all three.

"Okay, the points have been spent again."

After finishing the settlement, he returned to the system panel and looked at his points that had almost returned to zero. He instantly felt empty in his heart and felt a strong sense of loss.

"We still have to develop new drugs and medical equipment, and we need to make them available to as many patients as possible, so that we can get more points and exchange them for better prizes, forming a positive cycle."

"The remaining 500,000 points should be used to extract the medicine."

Wei Kang silently turned on the computer and began to look for discarded prescriptions suitable for extraction.

Since it has been a while since the last extraction, he still has a lot of inventory.

However, points are limited and can only be withdrawn five times.

Therefore, Wei Kang cherished this opportunity of extraction very much. After searching carefully for a while, he finally found five side effects that made him very excited.

"A hypoglycemic drug, the side effect is to enhance the glomerular filtration rate, which is too outrageous, it is a disaster for diabetic patients, no wonder it was abolished."

"Diabetic patients already have a high glomerular filtration rate. If it is strengthened, does it mean that the kidney damage is not fast enough?"

"However, it can be extracted to make a drug for treating chronic nephritis. The glomerular filtration rate of patients with chronic nephritis is constantly decreasing. If it drops below 15ml/min, it is uremia. If it can be improved, it is just the right medicine."

The side effects of drugs are like this. For patient A, it is honey, and for patient B, it is arsenic.

However, it is impossible for a drug to contain only effective drug molecules, and there are many impurities, which lead to side effects.

Fortunately, Wei Kang has the golden finger to extract side effects, so that he can turn waste into treasure and make the best use of it.

"A drug for autoimmune inflammation, which has the side effect of increasing antioxidant enzymes, is so good that it can be extracted and made into an antioxidant drug."

Reactive oxygen species are important products of normal aerobic metabolism, which affect the function of cells by regulating intracellular metabolites and signal transduction pathways. Under normal circumstances, the production and removal of reactive oxygen species maintain a dynamic balance and are maintained at the low levels necessary for cellular function.

However, with the aging of the human body, the mechanism for maintaining cellular homeostasis is gradually damaged, leading to excessive production of reactive oxygen species, damage to cellular antioxidant mechanisms, loss of cell membrane integrity, changes in protein structure and function, and nucleic acid damage.

In turn, the accumulation of this oxidative damage will cause cell aging and further accelerate the production of reactive oxygen species, forming a vicious circle.

Antioxidant enzymes can neutralize excessive active oxygen in the human body, effectively eliminate oxygen free radicals produced by cells during metabolism, and delay the aging process.

Of course, high levels of antioxidant enzymes can also trigger immune stress in the body and lead to an inflammatory response.

Therefore, such drugs are not suitable for healthy young people, but more suitable for people who have begun to age and have too much active oxygen in their bodies.

Weikang is very optimistic about the prospect of this drug. You must know that the concept of anti-oxidation is very popular in the field of health care products.

Vitamin C, L-carnitine, taurine, etc., are full of advertisements everywhere, under the banner of anti-oxidation.

Don't ask whether it is effective or not, the question is that basic research shows this, but clinical research has not yet concluded.

"A side effect that dilates airways and can be extracted to make an asthma drug."

"A side effect of inhibiting glucosidase, which can be extracted to make hypoglycemic drugs."

"A side effect that can rapidly reduce white blood cells can be extracted to make anti-inflammatory drugs."

"Okay, just these five."

Wei Kang clicked "Extract Side Effects" to extract them one by one.

After counting the harvest, he closed the system panel with satisfaction.

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