I can extract side effects

Chapter 489 The life of a great doctor in the endoscope

Haishi, Ruiji Hospital, Endoscopy Center.

In the clean and spacious ward, small blue beds are placed neatly, with white shutters, and the sun shines through the glass, giving people a warm and bright feeling.

Outside the ward, in the long corridors on both sides, there are 16 examination rooms arranged in sequence, and each examination room is equipped with brand-new electronic endoscopy and surgical equipment.

Zhou Ruping is leading a group of doctors among the equipment, concentrating on the diagnosis and treatment of patients. The blue surgical gown can't hide his bookish look, and the black-rimmed glasses make him look stable and elegant, which makes the patients feel a sense of humor at the first sight. Peace of mind.

As for the doctors behind him, they come from all corners of the country, and there are all kinds of people. There are blond-haired and blue-eyed Eagle country doctors, dark-skinned Filipino doctors, curly-haired black-eyed Latin American doctors, and East Asian doctors from Sakura and Bang countries. .

These people, without exception, are all sent by top hospitals around the world to study, no matter how respected they are in their own country, but in front of Zhou Ruping, they are all humble and courteous students, seeking the truth , to learn China's most exquisite endoscopic surgery skills.

At the end of the crowd, He Shengcai stood there, inconspicuous, but his spirit of learning did not slacken in the slightest.

It was the morning, and Zhou Ruping started his routine gastroscopy examination. When he came to one of the examination rooms, there was an old man with white hair and wrinkled face.

He took the case, glanced at the CT, frowned, and then smiled: "Grandpa, you are already 101 years old, such a rare longevity."

"But don't worry, you are a typical achalasia, I will check it for you, and you can perform a minimally invasive surgery soon."

Zhou Ruping comforted him patiently: "The operation is also very simple. It can be completed in half an hour. The trauma is small, the complications are few, and the recovery is fast. After the operation, you will be better."

The old man was so tortured by dysphagia that he couldn't speak, so he could only nod vigorously.

The family's hanging heart fell, and they smiled happily, feeling that they had come to the right place.

Centenarian patients are rare, so Zhou Ruping personally performed an endoscopic examination on him to further confirm his condition, and quickly chose the most effective POEM operation plan.

"CT indicated that the esophagus was dilated and had fluid accumulation. Endoscopic examination revealed that the cardia was narrow, and the endoscopic resistance was high. Food could not pass through, and it was easy to reflux, vomit, and remain in the esophageal lumen."

After Zhou Ruping checked, he explained to the surrounding students.

"So far, the etiology of this disease is still unknown, and it is generally considered to be caused by neuromuscular dysfunction. The international general solution is to perform POEM surgery."

"POEM surgery simply means that we need to cut the esophageal mucosa under the endoscope, separate along the submucosal membrane to build a tunnel, expose the circular sphincter in the lower esophagus, cut the circular sphincter to relieve spasm, and finally seal the mucosal layer with titanium clips. small incision, the operation is complete.”

"Old people face three major difficulties in surgery: first, the organ function of the elderly declines, and the tolerance of surgery and anesthesia is poor; second, there are many underlying diseases; It is a severe challenge, and we must be more cautious."

The doctors who came to study were listening attentively and nodding their heads.

Zhou Ruping moved his feet and walked towards the next patient.

This turned out to be a baby who was only 25 days old and weighed only 3.5 kilograms. Due to congenital hypertrophy of the pylorus, the pylorus was narrowed, and he would spit out when feeding.

The symptoms of such children are repeated vomiting, skin like a little old man, dark and wrinkled, due to malnutrition, electrolyte imbalance and even life-threatening.

However, because the baby's stomach wall is delicate and as thin as paper, most ordinary endoscopic doctors are afraid to try endoscopic surgery, so the child can only choose the most harmful surgery. Even if it is cured, it will cause great harm to the body. .

Only people with superb skills like Zhou Ruping dare to use endoscopy to operate on babies.

After the examination, he decided to adopt the method of tunneling under the gastroscope to open up the digestive tract of the smallest baby in the world.

It wasn't until 12:00 noon that the gastrointestinal endoscopy, which started at 7:30 in the morning, was barely over.

In the afternoon, it was surgery. The students all showed intoxicated expressions when they saw his smooth and smooth surgical skills.

"It's so perfect. His surgery is as beautiful as Picasso's paintings." The brown-skinned, curly-haired doctor who seemed to have been kissed by the sun spoke fluent Chinese and couldn't help sighing.

"This is the first time I have connected surgery with art. This time, I came to the right place." The blond female doctor exclaimed, her eyes twinkling like stars.

"Amazing, unbelivable, OMG..." The dark-skinned doctor only kept gushing out exclamations.

He Shengcai also nodded secretly, thinking: "Professor Zhou's description of minimally invasive surgery as a trilogy of skinning, tumor digging, and hole drilling is really vivid. His technology has reached the peak, how many years will it take for me to catch up?" .”

In this way, he followed Zhou Ruping for endoscopy in the morning, surgery in the afternoon, and hard training in the evening.

In order to hone his ESD skills, he went to the vegetable market to buy a pig stomach every day, and practiced in the hospital until midnight.

Since this is the best hospital for POEM and ESD treatment in China, patients from all over the country flock here, and even some overseas patients also come here admiringly.

On this day, he carried a pair of pig stomachs and walked to the practice room.

Just passing by the examination room, I faintly saw bright lights in one of them, and the sound of someone operating the equipment came from inside.

"It's already 8:30 in the evening, the patients are gone, who will be inside?"

Curious, he stood at the door and took a look inside, just in time to meet a smiling face.

"Come in, what are you looking at at the door?"

He Sheng scratched his head, and walked in with some embarrassment: "Professor Zhou, that, you haven't gone back yet."

Zhou Ruping looked at the plastic bag in his hand, and raised his eyebrows: "You have worked hard, and you have the energy I used to study."

He Shengcai hurriedly waved his hands, and said with shame on his face, "I dare not compare with you. You are a world-class endoscopy expert in your thirties, and I am in my 40s, and I am still a student."

Zhou Ruping looked at him seriously and said, "I didn't come here for no reason. As long as you are not stupid and dare to try, sooner or later you can achieve the same achievements as me."

"There are hundreds of students who come to me for advanced studies every year, but students in their 40s are rare. Many people at your age have already given up their technical requirements, lying in their comfort zone, waiting to be arranged according to their salary. senior promotion."

"You can come here to study, whether it's for promotion or to make money, it can be seen that you still have certain pursuits, and you are not willing to be mediocre."

"From this point of view, there is not much difference between you and me."

He Shengcai smiled wryly in his heart: "Isn't this being targeted by the director, in order to be promoted, there is really no other way."

However, he was still moved by being so favored by the teacher, and quickly thanked: "Thank you for your encouragement. I will definitely follow in your footsteps and keep improving on the road of endoscopic surgery."

Zhou Ruping nodded, but he didn't let him go. He pointed at the table and said, "It's been a while since you've been here. Come, let me see how you're doing."

"You're holding a pig's stomach? Then show me an endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) here."

"Okay." He Sheng agreed without hesitation. He has been studying for more than a month. After hard training day and night, he is no longer the rookie when he first came.

Because the pig stomach is a single part, there is no need for an endoscope, and only surgical instruments are needed.

He placed the pig stomach on the operating table, and the scalpel seemed to be alive, waltzing gorgeously in his hand, like shoveling sod, he cut off the whole tissue under the gastric mucosa.

This set of movements, he performed very well and smoothly, without a trace of sluggishness, and without any redundant movements, just like a piece of music, the rhythm is smooth and pleasing to the eye.

"Okay!" Zhou Ruping couldn't help but cheered: "Well done."

As if he remembered something, he asked, "You are from Kunming, right? You are indeed recommended by Old Jane and his daughter. Her vision is undeniable. You do have a good talent in this area."

"Of course, in this line of work, you can't go on without talent. The most important thing to go on is hard work, and the mentality of constantly making progress and daring to be the first."

"20 years ago, that's how I came all the way."

Maybe seeing the hardworking and promising juniors reminded Zhou Ruping of some past events, and he immediately talked about prosperity.

"I am a child from the countryside. After graduation, I was assigned to the general surgery department of the hospital. But at that time, I did not perform surgery every day. I operated in the morning and slept in the afternoon, which wasted two years of my time. Later, I saw that something was wrong, and it would be abolished sooner or later. It is required to go to the endoscopy department to learn and master one more technique."

"At that time, there was still no endoscopic minimally invasive surgery in China. I won the opportunity to study endoscopic ultrasonography in Sakura Country, and began to explore ESD surgery."

"At that time, Olympus's endoscope was not available in China, so I made my own, and found a worker to use a vise to bend the tip of the needle knife into a sickle shape, so that I could practice this operation."

"In those few years, my life consisted of continuous learning and improvement. Not long after, I went to the hospital in Yingguo to learn laparoscopy techniques. My English was not good, and I had to memorize vocabulary every night after surgery."

"However, two years later, because my surgery is doing well, when I go abroad for surgery demonstrations, I don't need to speak English, but can speak Chinese directly. Because they started to provide me with an interpreter, hehe."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ruping showed a trace of complacency on his face. It can be seen that it is very comfortable for him to be able to speak without using foreign languages.

"Huaxia's doctors went out. At the beginning, no one took them, and they were all on their own. So every time you encounter an opportunity, you must seize it, and you have to shine, and then there will be a second or third time."

Afterwards, he exhorted with a serious face, his tone full of encouragement to the younger generation.

He Shengcai was immediately overwhelmed and stuttered: "You, do you think I, I have a chance to go out?"

Zhou Ruping chuckled, "Didn't you sign up for the World Cup of Endoscopy?"

"You even know this?" He Sheng was shocked.

"That's what the girl from Jian's family told me, but I'm also the referee for this session. I hope you can go further."

"By the way, no one in China has won the championship yet, and the best result is the second place." Zhou Ruping said with a smile: "If you really participate in the competition at the conference, you may have a chance to win the championship."

"Win the championship?" He Shengcai muttered to himself, "I am already very satisfied to be selected on behalf of Huaxia."

"Dreams are always necessary, what if they come true." Zhou Ruping said with a smile.

"En." He Sheng didn't say anything more, nodded, and buried this thought in his heart.

He is a person who is quick in action but slow in speech, he will not speak out what he is not sure about, so it is naturally impossible for him to brag in front of the teacher, pat his chest and say that he will work hard to win the championship.

"What did you say just now, oh, let's go out." Zhou Ruping continued: "Over the years, thanks to the hard work of our generation, who have proved their own strength, foreign doctors have gradually changed their views on Huaxia doctors."

"Especially the World Cup of Endoscopy 10 years ago. It was not an ordinary competition, but a competition in which I officially represented the country and doctors in China, made an international appearance, and was recognized by the whole world."

Zhou Ruping's face was calm, but there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"I remember very clearly that I performed POEM surgery that time, which is my unique skill. I did half of the 5,000 cases of POEM surgery in the world."

"So I am full of confidence. Although I am the fourth on stage, I am the fastest."

"In 5 minutes, I completed the establishment of a 12 cm submucosal tunnel in the esophagus. The wound surface was clear without bleeding."

"However, a smooth start does not mean that the process will be smooth. When the operation reached a critical step, an accident occurred, and the laryngeal artery hemorrhaged."

"I was very nervous at the time, and I could even hear the sound of everyone in the venue gasping for air. The audience was applauding wildly, but fell into silence in an instant."

"In such a situation, the most important thing is not to be cowardly. No matter how nervous you are, you can't show it on your face. You must always have a smile on your face. During the operation, the commentary must not stop."

"Fortunately, I did all of these, and completed the hemostasis in the shortest possible time."

"So, I heard thunderous applause from the audience again."

"The chairman of the conference is a big fat guy from Europa, with a sharp voice, I can hear him shouting, 'Camera, stare at Dr. Just like ordinary people, there are only 5 fingers, but there are no 6 fingers for you to stare at."

"After 20 minutes, I successfully completed the game, and as expected, I heard the cheers of 'incredible' from the audience."

A faint smile appeared on Zhou Ruping's face again: "After another 5 minutes, the patient woke up and made a 'V' sign with his right hand. We looked at each other and laughed together. The roof is off."

"When I came out, the chairman of the conference ran over to check my surgical gown to see if I had any sweat stains on my back. He said he made a bet because my expression was so calm that no one was sure if I was nervous or not. , can only be judged by the sweat stains on the clothes."

"Haha, this guy's unbelievable expression when he found out that there were no sweat stains on my clothes is really unforgettable for the rest of my life. I still remember it clearly, and I have to use this to tease him every time I meet."

"In that competition, I finally let the whole world remember my name and the strength of Huaxia doctors. Since then, doctors in China have participated in the competition every time, and they have all achieved good results."

"However, I only entered the final that time and won the runner-up, but missed the championship."

"I still remember that that summer, China Football lost 1:10 at home to Siam for the first time in China. The competition was all zero eggs, and there is no better result than this time."

"Huaxia football can't do it, but endoscopy can." Zhou Ruping concluded.

"That year was a humiliating moment for the national football team, and it was also a moment for us to win glory for the country."

"Afterwards, there was nothing to talk about. I was invited to be a referee in the second year, and I could no longer play by myself. There is no hope of being a champion in this life."

Zhou Ruping sighed, with regret on his face, as if to say in the subtext, brother still wants to win the championship, but it's a pity that the competition is too stubborn and doesn't give me a chance to kill the Quartet.

He Shengcai listened silently, his heart was surging, and he didn't know where to start after a thousand words.

It was also the first time he heard the story of the World Cup of endoscopy from the mouth of the person concerned, which was so vivid and brilliant.

Zhou Ruping was very satisfied with his attitude, and patted him on the shoulder lightly, with encouragement and blessing in his tone.

"The trials are about to start, you have to prepare the surgery video carefully, and you can ask me if you don't understand anything."

"Remember, if you can stand on the field in any international competition, it means that you represent not only yourself, but the motherland behind you, and the thousands of medical colleagues behind you."

"Promise me one thing, you must go all out and leave no regrets!"

He Sheng nodded heavily.

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