I can extract side effects

Chapter 503 Don't Need Everyday Injections


With the sound of the siren, an ambulance rushed into the hospital at high speed.

A ten-year-old boy was lifted out of the car. He was unconscious, short of breath, and seemed to have fallen into a coma. He was immediately sent to the ICU for emergency treatment.

Zheng Jie was always by her side. Seeing her son Xiaolong's condition was so critical, she couldn't help but panicked and wiped her tears.

She sat slumped on a chair outside the ICU door and waited, suffering every minute.

After more than an hour, the pneumatic door opened, and a young doctor came out.

Before Zheng Jie could react, he walked over angrily.

"You are Tang Xiaolong's mother?"

Zheng Jie nodded blankly, then suddenly realized, jumped up and grabbed the doctor's arm, and asked anxiously.

"Doctor, is my son okay? He's only 13 years old, nothing can happen, he must be rescued."

The doctor stared at her for a long while, then suppressed his anger and said: "The patient is being rescued, and it is not known whether his life is out of danger."

"When he was admitted to the hospital, his condition was already very serious. His blood sugar level reached the extreme limit, which could not be detected at all. The blood test results showed that this is a typical ketoacidosis, a serious complication caused by diabetes."

"I saw the hospital records. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes three years ago. During these three years, he was sent to the hospital several times every year because of the same symptoms."

"I was hospitalized 5 times in the year before last and 6 times last year. Each hospitalization lasted as little as a week and as long as half a month."

"This is the third time this year."

"Each time the first aid is sent for the same reason: ketoacidosis!"

The more the doctor spoke, the louder his voice became, and in the end it was a kind of anger that hates iron and steel.

"As a parent, don't you know your child's condition? Why don't you control your diet and insist on daily insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring?"

"Don't you know that poor blood sugar control can easily lead to serious complications, and may even kill the child?"

"He is only 13 years old now, and he is always hospitalized for emergency treatment due to complications. What should we do in the days to come?"

"No matter how poorly the blood sugar is controlled, more serious complications will occur after two years, and the rest of life will be completely ruined."

Zheng Jie heard the doctor's blatant accusations, but did not refute them.

She covered her face with her hands, her shoulders couldn't help shrugging, and tears flowed from her fingers like running water.

This scene frightened the doctor, and he couldn't help but shut his mouth.

After a while, the doctor coughed lightly. He wanted to comfort him but didn't know what to say, so he could only say awkwardly: "Well, don't be too sad, he just finished his insulin injection and is in the middle of an infusion..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden sob.

Zheng Jie's face was full of tears, with a painful and desperate expression, and she began to cry with snot and tears.

"Doctor, I know, I know everything you said, but what can I do? I'm also desperate."

"This kid, he is just disobedient. He said something he couldn't eat, but he wanted to eat it, and he ate it violently."

"Let him get 4 injections a day. He is afraid that his classmates will make a fool of himself and refuses to take it to school, so he will be given twice in the morning and evening. How can you control this blood sugar?"

"I, I really have nothing to do with him. The child has grown up and won't listen to his mother, even if he beats him. I'm really helpless."

"It's because I'm useless that the child gets this disease, woo woo woo~"

In Zheng Jie's tearful accusation, the doctor finally knew everything.

It turned out that the couple ran a small business and were usually very busy. Fortunately, the children were sensible since they were young, and they didn't need to take care of their studies.

But three years ago, the child was diagnosed with diabetes. Although he was discharged from the hospital after treatment, he changed completely when he learned that he needed life-long insulin injections.

From lively and cheerful, smart and sensible, to taciturn and grumpy, he never likes to go out, and stays at home after school.

Affected by this, the children's academic performance also plummeted, and the teacher called the parents every three days to remind them to care about their children's studies.

They wanted to justify and told the teacher about the child's condition, but the child strongly opposed it.

Later, when they received a call from the teacher, they didn't know what to say.

In order to control blood sugar, they often remind children to eat less for this and not to drink for that.

At first the child could still listen, but after a period of time, he gradually developed a rebellious mentality.

Especially after entering adolescence, the child will get annoyed if there are too many reminders, and often contradict and fight against the parents.

Not only is he unrestrained in his diet, but he refuses to comply with insulin injections, and he doesn't even bother to measure his blood sugar.

They have to support their families and work, so they cannot stay at home and stare at their children every day, and their insulin intake is not enough, so blood sugar is naturally out of control, and accidents will happen after a long time.

After several first aids, the child began to break and fall.

Because of poor grades, the teacher will say, and the parents will say that the blood sugar control is not good, the child is like being in a pressure cooker, and it will explode at any time.

Several times, the child was unhappy after talking too much, and ran away from home directly after a big fight.

Fortunately, after he calmed down, he came back by himself.

Over time, they can hardly communicate with their children.

If you want to say anything, but dare not say it, you are worried that you will not be able to control your emotions, which will make the child angry, which will backfire.

During this period, she also tried to find psychological counseling for her children, but she often gave up halfway.

"I don't know what will happen next."

Zheng Jie was already numb, her eyes were dull and lifeless, she muttered to herself.

"Diabetes has revolutionized children, and it has changed our entire family."

"Whether the rest of the child's life has been ruined or not, I don't know, but right now, our lives are ruined."

"Hey~" The doctor felt ashamed when he heard this, knowing that he had been impulsive in the past, and got angry at the parents without a clue, which put too much pressure on the parents, and almost crushed the poor mother's weak shoulders.

He handed over a tissue, not knowing what to say for a moment.

At this moment, he felt helpless and could only express his deep sympathy to Zheng Jie.

On the contrary, Zheng Jie wept bitterly, vented completely, and quickly returned to normal.

"Doctor, I know you can't do anything. Diabetes is a chronic disease and cannot be cured."

"There is no specific medicine for chronic diseases. I can only take insulin all the time and raise it slowly. If I'm lucky, I can live for decades. If I'm unlucky, when kidney disease, diabetic foot, and retinopathy come to my door, I won't live long."

She wiped away the tears on her face, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Maybe Xiaolong will still walk in front of me, I've thought about it a long time ago."

The doctor opposite was silent for a moment.

After a while, he said: "The child is still young, so don't be so pessimistic. In fact, as long as you control your blood sugar well, you can still maintain your health."

Zheng Jie waved her hand and said casually, "Doctor, you don't need to comfort me. I also know some patients, and I have checked a lot of information on the Internet."

"As long as you have diabetes, there are no complications. A senior patient told me that there is a 50% chance of complications if you have been sick for more than 3 years, and the chance of complications is as high as 98% for people with diabetes who have been diagnosed for more than 10 years. %."

She smiled wryly: "98%, ten years later, Xiaolong will be in college. Other healthy kids are spending their youth on campus. At that time... Let me think about what he will be like when he is 20 years old."

She counted with her fingers: "The most obvious thing is blindness. I can't see clearly within half a meter. I can't find the way to the bathroom at home."

"Then there is a decline in immunity, numbness of the limbs, easy infection of ulcers, and it will come and go again and again, and it will not heal for a long time. In severe cases, amputation may be required. Hehe, these are inevitable."

"At this time, there will still be kidney disease. If the blood sugar is under control, it's okay. If it can't be controlled, kidney failure is waiting for him, and he will soon have to go for dialysis every week."

"I still have heart palpitations, shortness of breath, early angina, myocardial infarction, and even cerebral hemorrhage."

"When you get married, neurological and vascular diseases will lead to sexual dysfunction. ED is common, and it is impossible to find a wife."

"Maybe at the age of 30, he will die of kidney failure, heart failure, and systemic infection."

"Maybe before the age of 60, I will personally die for my son. I have already seen the end of this kind of life."

"You say, what hope do I have?"

She turned her eyes to the doctor, her eyes were extremely empty, like a black hole, deeply sucking in all the light around her.

"This..." The doctor couldn't help but took two steps back. He had also treated some diabetic children, but he had never seen any mother so desperate.

"Wait, your son's situation is quite special, maybe there is a way to solve it."

As if he suddenly remembered something, he said hastily.

"He is still very young, his body has a strong recovery ability, and his illness is still in its early stages, and it has not reached the point of no return."

"The reason why he couldn't control his blood sugar was that he was resistant to insulin injections because he was unwilling to get injections at school."

"If you switch him to oral insulin, you only need to take the medicine on time every day, and you don't need to expose your condition because of injections, then you can definitely control your blood sugar."

Zheng Jie's eyes widened, a little confused: "Insulin taken orally? But hasn't insulin always been injected?"

The doctor nodded, shook his head again, and explained eagerly: "It's not what you think. Insulin used to be injected, not taken orally."

"But recently, Sanqing Group has developed a new drug that can control blood sugar through oral insulin, just like you take cold medicine when you catch a cold. This drug has just started its second phase of clinical trials and is looking for volunteers to test the drug."

"Is there such a good thing? Then can my son participate?" Zheng Jie was instantly surprised and his voice trembled.

As a native of Kunming, she has naturally heard of the Sanqing Group, so she agreed without hesitation.

"Okay. Just wait a moment, I'll get you an agreement, and after signing it, you can participate in clinical trials."

The doctor nodded and quickly handed her a file.

"As long as your son is fine tonight, his life will be out of danger tomorrow, and he will be transferred from the ICU to the ward of the Department of Endocrinology."

"At that time, I will ask the nurse to test his blood sugar and take the medicine according to the required amount of insulin."

Zheng Jie nodded repeatedly, rushing to sign her name on the document, as if she was afraid that the other party would go back on her word.

When the doctor left with the document, she still couldn't believe it, and pinched her thigh fiercely.

"It hurts so much, it seems to be real, not a dream."

"My son is finally saved. As long as he can take the medicine orally at school, he will definitely not resist, and his blood sugar can be completely controlled."

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her face, and there was a little light in her eyes.


In this way, Cao Fang, who had just been admitted to the hospital not long ago, welcomed a new roommate.

And the number of such patients is increasing.

In just one month, the endocrinology department of the hospital admitted 20 to 30 teenagers with type 1 diabetes. Although there were no one-year-old babies, there were several seven- or eight-year-olds.

In addition to these, many patients with type II diabetes have been diagnosed in outpatient clinics, and most of them are young adults in their 30s and 40s.

Type II diabetes generally does not require insulin therapy, as long as you take hypoglycemic drugs to control the condition.

Only when people with type 2 diabetes can't control their blood sugar and their condition becomes severe do they need insulin therapy.

Therefore, when young patients have participated in the second phase of the clinical trial, in order to make up the number of people required for the trial.

Some patients with severe type 2 diabetes also joined in as drug testers, and most of them are young and middle-aged people.

This phenomenon reveals an increasingly obvious social trend.

Diabetes, which seemed to be only a patent of middle-aged and elderly people in the past, seems to be showing a trend of younger age.

With the change of living environment and the change of eating habits, not only young people are more and more prone to diabetes.

There are also more and more people suffering from childhood diabetes.

After the Chinese people's living standards have been greatly improved, diabetes, a disease of wealth, has become more and more popular.

In fact, in addition to genetic factors, the etiology of diabetes is mainly a problem of eating habits.

As long as you like to drink various carbonated drinks, eat all kinds of high-calorie foods, do not like to exercise, and are obese and overweight, everyone can be comfortable regardless of age and become a sugar person sooner or later.

The first step in the treatment of these volunteers is to control their diet and reduce their weight.

On this basis, oral insulin can be used for treatment, otherwise it will be difficult to lower blood sugar.

Because insulin works mainly by binding to insulin receptors in the human body, the number of insulin receptors on fat cells is very small. Only when a person loses weight, the number of insulin receptors will increase, and the intake of insulin can kick in.

Exercise can speed up the metabolism, so that insulin is better absorbed and combined with receptors in the body.

Therefore, if a fat person wants to control blood sugar, he must first keep his mouth shut while exercising to lose weight.

Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be firm, otherwise it will be difficult for one's own life.

While controlling their diet, they took different doses of insulin orally for treatment according to their blood sugar status.

Due to the excellent convenience of oral insulin, patients quickly adapted to it.

Every time they finished taking the medicine, they would touch the induration in their abdomen, tears filled their eyes, and they were very excited.

There is no need to have 4 needles in the stomach every day and inject insulin.

After long-term insulin injections, due to the repeated use of needles and the lack of attention to the rotation of injection sites, patients often develop subcutaneous fat hyperplasia, and feel hard knots in the abdomen.

Once induration occurs, injecting insulin in these parts will increase the risk of needle breakage, cause blood sugar fluctuations, and accelerate the arrival of complications.

For patients who must be treated with insulin, the daily insulin injections are extremely painful.

After a long time, the stomach was almost tied into a sieve, and in some places, new skins could not even be found.

Now, with oral insulin, they no longer have to stick needles in their bodies.

Diabetics finally have the same dignity as hypertensives.

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