I can extract side effects

Chapter 525 Long-term anti-aging experiment

Eagle Country, Minnesota.

"What? I can participate in the clinical trial of Radiation Elimination's new drug? That's great."

Jim hung up the phone and cried out excitedly, waving his clenched fists in the air, expressing the joy in his heart.

As soon as he stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket, he rushed out the door, trying to tell Jamie the good news.

Since the last drug-buying incident, the relationship between the two has gone a step further, and has been sublimated from fishing friends to true brotherhood.

As soon as he rushed out of the yard, he saw Jamie running wildly in this direction, screaming excitedly while running.

"Jim, did you get the call? I have a test tomorrow."

Jim stood where he was, arms outstretched, and embraced Jamie passionately.

"Man, I also received the notice. It seems that we can travel together."

Jamie laughed, very happy: "My son also passed, and our whole family will go."

Jim couldn't help but be filled with emotion: "This action is really fast enough. I didn't even expect that the problem would be solved just like this. It's like a dream."

Jamie smiled and said, "Of course it's because we did a good job and made the authorities feel the pressure. Otherwise, they wouldn't have compromised so quickly."

Jim's expression became serious: "They also refused to admit it at first, but after the country in the east came forward, they quickly took action. It seems that the pressure from outside cannot be ignored."

"That's nature, double pressure, nature stimulates double action." Jamie said nonchalantly: "Whatever it is, as long as the result is good."

Jim spat hard on the ground and cursed: "The result is a fart. This matter can be solved by external pressure. We are also taking the medicine of Sanqing. Our situation has not changed at all. This is still a shithole. We're still the smelly, hard rock in the shithole."

Jamie shrugged: "At least the nuclear power plant has been shut down for rectification, which is at least a good thing."

"Hehe." Jim sneered and didn't speak again.

Jamie changed the subject tactfully and asked, "Where's little Jim? Is he all right?"

Jim shook his head: "He goes to school in another place, and the impact of pollution is relatively small, so he doesn't need it for the time being."

"That's good, we'll go to St. Mary's Hospital tomorrow." Jamie patted him on the shoulder and grinned.

Early the next morning, the two drove out happily in the car.

Just a few minutes after he was on the road, Jim looked out of the window inadvertently, and suddenly his eyes froze.

I saw the nuclear power plant in the distance, with white smoke continuously emitting from the towering chimneys.

He patted Jamie hard, and said in shock: "Look at the chimney of the nuclear power plant, why is there white fog?"

Jamie glanced at the back seat, shrugged and said, "Dude, don't make a fuss, this is white water vapor, no radiation, don't shout, don't scare the kids."

Jim gave him a hard look: "Nonsense, but isn't the nuclear power plant shut down for rectification?"

Jamie was stunned for a moment: "You mean, they restarted secretly again?"

Jim immediately cursed: "Fuck, isn't this obvious?"

"But, it's too obvious, isn't it fined again?" Jamie scratched his head, unable to figure out why.

"You are still too naive. Without permission, can they start it secretly? What is the fine? I have heard that the government will charge a million dollars for disposal of waste. As long as it is secretly discharged If we drop ten tons of waste, we can save ten million yuan, which is enough to pay our medical bills."

"Ah, this..." Jamie opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a long time.

He was really surprised by the operation of the nuclear power plant. In fact, when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that the nuclear power plant really didn't care about the lives of people nearby. He was fined because Sanqing's medicine can treat radiation sickness, and he was willing to pay some money to settle the matter. .

If there is really no cure, the other party may not pay a dime, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

After protesting for so long, this is still the result, without any change to reality.

Only because of Radiation Elimination Ning, their lives can be preserved and they can continue to live.

"Well, after all, we are not rocks, but ants that fell into the pit, and there is nothing we can do except struggle to escape." Jamie smiled wryly, and said with a self-deprecating smile.

Jim's face became gloomy, and he drove without saying a word.

The two fell into silence, and soon, St. Mary's Hospital arrived.

After signing, physical examination, and a series of operations, he successfully became a drug tester.

When Jim was about to go to the ward, he was stopped by a doctor.

"Jim, male, 45 years old, 6 feet tall, 86 kilograms in weight, 3 years history of high blood pressure, currently participating in the clinical trial of Radiation Suppression due to chronic radiation sickness? Is the information correct?"

The doctor flipped through the documents in his hand and asked blankly.

"That's right, what's the matter? What's the matter?" Jim looked at the other party with doubts on his face.

"That's right. I have a new long-term clinical project here, which is related to Radiation Elimination. I think your conditions are more suitable. I would like to ask if you are interested?"

"What conditions? Can't my friend Jamie?"

"We mainly recruit middle-aged and elderly people, preferably with some underlying diseases. Your friend Jamie is not yet 40, and his body is healthier than yours. Of course not."

Jim froze for a moment, thought for a while, and it seemed reasonable, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sounds great, tell me what clinical trial it is first."

Only then did the doctor show a smile, and introduced slowly.

"Come on, please sit down and let me explain to you in detail. In fact, you may not know that Radiation Elimination Ning was originally developed as an anti-oxidation catalyst. Eliminating radiation damage is not its main function."

"There has always been a free radical aging hypothesis in the medical field. Due to the imbalance of oxidation and anti-oxidation, the body is not enough to completely eliminate the free radicals produced by metabolism in the body, which leads to the accumulation of oxidative damage, which is the cause of aging and related diseases."

"This is because, as a strong oxidant, free radicals can cause protein, nucleic acid denaturation and lipid peroxidation, and the content of its metabolite malondialdehyde increases, thereby enhancing oxidative stress to damage cells and tissues, leading to or accelerating aging."

"In layman's terms, your high blood pressure, even aging, may be the result of a decline in the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and excess free radicals in the body."

"Xiaofangning has many effects. In addition to anti-radiation, it can also promote the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes in the body and restore the body's antioxidant capacity, thereby enhancing immunity, eliminating inflammation, and delaying aging."

"Of course, aging is not actually a disease, but a systemic consequence of the decline in human performance."

"Unfortunately, the free radical aging hypothesis has always been a theory and has not been proven clinically."

The doctor said happily: "Sanqing Group is very ambitious. They want to conduct a long-term clinical trial and conduct research on anti-oxidation to confirm the close relationship between free radicals and aging."

"The experiment will recruit tens of thousands of volunteers from all over the world, and divide them into the control group and the test group. Under the same living conditions, the test group will take Xiaoradining for a long time, and the control group will take a placebo. Let's see what happens in 5 and 10 years. In terms of time span, improving the body's antioxidant capacity and restoring the oxidative balance in the body can delay aging."

"For as long as five years, you will have to take this medicine, come to report regularly for physical examinations, and record your diet and physical health. Of course, in the later stages, the frequency of physical examinations will drop a lot, and it may be through telephone follow-up. track."

"Let me remind you that this drug has not been verified by a large number of cases. We don't know if it will have any side effects if it is taken for a long time."

"In addition, we are not very sure about the efficacy of the drug. It is likely that after one or two years, there will be no progress, or if it is found that it has no anti-aging effect, then the trial will be stopped directly."

"Anyway, I've told you all the possibilities."

"This is a clinical trial with unclear results, but it is also a significant basic scientific research."

"How about it, do you still want to participate after listening?"

"I am willing." Jim agreed immediately without any hesitation.

The doctor showed surprise on his face and said, "Jim, don't you need to think about it again? It's okay to give me an answer a few days later. There's no rush."

"No need." Jim shook his head and stretched out his hand: "Where is the informed consent form? I can sign it right away."

The doctor raised his eyebrows and handed over a document.

Jim didn't even read it, he turned to the last page and signed it impatiently, only then was he completely relieved.

Now it's all right, no longer afraid of the radiation from the nuclear power plant.

As early as when he saw the nuclear power plant being sprayed with white mist again and restarted, he had always had a strong sense of crisis, and he always felt that this nuclear wastewater pollution would not just end like this.

After the black-hearted capitalists have tasted the sweetness, they will never stop, they will only intensify.

Then, as a resident living nearby, he will naturally bear the brunt and will continue to suffer from the accumulated damage of radioactive elements.

Only by participating in the long-term clinical trial of Xiaofuning, can the damage in the body be minimized and survive for a long time.

The side effects of medicines are no longer within his consideration, after all, Sanqing's medicines have not been heard of serious adverse reactions.

Pharmaceutical companies dare to take it out for long-term clinical trials, and must have their own considerations and responses to adverse reactions.

In this regard, China's Sanqing is a capitalist with a conscience, and his reputation is far better than capitalists like Yingguo.

At least Sanqing still has a bottom line, and what he has been doing is treating diseases and saving lives.

Facing the big pie that fell from the sky, Jim agreed without hesitation, for fear that the other party would regret it.

The only thing he regrets now is that this clinical project seems to only recruit middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 40, and his relatives cannot participate. Even his good buddy Jamie was excluded because of his age.

"Either way, if this drug actually works against aging, it's a real miracle, and I'm giving it at least a smidgen of power."

Jim comforted himself in his heart: "Just wait for 5 years. They can still afford to wait for 5 years. When the drug is on the market, they can also take anti-aging drugs."

"Very good, Jim, then you should take part in this phase III clinical trial first. This is the early part of the anti-aging trial. After the trial is over, I will come to you and continue with the next course of treatment."

The doctor was very satisfied with his attitude, and extended his hand with a smile: "The barbecue in the hospital cafeteria is very delicious and well received by patients. I hope you like it."

The two looked at each other and smiled, holding hands tightly together.


Sakura Country, Osaka Detention Center.

Yasuo Nishimura sat in a closed room, wearing a prison uniform, looking numbly at the lawyer opposite.

The lawyer said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Nishimura, congratulations. Your application for medical parole has been approved, and you can go to Jingdong First Affiliated Hospital for treatment in the afternoon."

"Because the victim's life is not in danger, you are just an attempted murder this time, and it is justifiable. Many people are supporting you. We have great confidence in the case. It may be difficult to exonerate, but at most you will be sentenced to 1-3 Year."

"Besides, you are seriously ill and need urgent treatment. You can also apply for probation for 3 years. If you calculate it in this way, it may be enough to stay in the prison for a maximum of 1 year."

"During the medical treatment, you can also see your family members. Except that you cannot leave the hospital, you are no different from ordinary patients. When you leave the hospital in good health, if you behave better, you will be able to return home and reunite with your loved ones soon."

The corners of Yasuo Nishimura's eyes twitched, and there was no trace of joy on his face. He muttered to himself: "I would rather exchange this life for his. Unfortunately, I missed it."

The lawyer smiled embarrassingly, and persuaded: "The result is already very ideal. The nuclear power plant was shut down, the victims were compensated, and the sick were treated for free. This is all thanks to you, Nishimura-kun. You have now become Sakura country's hero."

"Your family is deeply proud of you, your peers praise you, and the public admires you."

"When you go back, they will greet you like a hero, and your reputation will be remembered in people's hearts."

Yasuo Nishimura showed a smile that was uglier than crying, his lips trembled, and he struggled to utter a few words.

"But, but, I can't fish."

The lawyer comforted: "Don't worry, you have such a great contribution, the Fisheries Association will definitely arrange a new job for you."

"The most urgent thing is to cure the disease. Fortunately, with the anticancer drug of Sanqing, leukemia is no longer an incurable disease. I believe that after a period of treatment, you will be cured soon."

"And we have also applied for a clinical trial quota for you, that is Radiation Elimination Ning. It has a very powerful therapeutic effect on radiation sickness. It only takes two courses of treatment, and the disease can be cured."

"After your leukemia is cured, you can participate. In this way, you can completely eliminate the adverse effects of this nuclear pollution on your body."

Nishimura Yasuo twitched his lips and nodded slowly: "Thank you, you are very thoughtful."

The lawyer saw that he was still expressionless, not showing the slightest joy, and was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions, and after explaining some precautions again, he left.

When the door closed behind the lawyer and Yasuo Nishimura was alone.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the sadness in his heart gushed out like a tide.

Two lines of tears flowed down, and he threw himself on the table like a child who lost his parents, crying hysterically.

"Ah, ah, ah, no more fishing."

"The jobs of three generations of grandparents are gone."

"Damn it, why didn't I aim and shoot at the heart and the head?"

"Woooooo, grandpa, dad, I'm sorry for you..."

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