I can extract side effects

Chapter 533 Gospel for Uremic Patients

In the hemodialysis room, Uncle Liu was lying on the hospital bed, looking at his slack, blue-veined arm.

There is a blue-purple blood vessel protruding particularly obviously, and it looks extraordinarily thick.

He touched it with his hands curiously, and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Just like the pig's trotters and beef tendon that we usually eat, the Q-elasticity is soft and has a kind of toughness.

It looks and feels like a foreign body, but there is no feeling, no matter whether it is lightly pressed or kneaded, there is no pain.

As if it was born under his skin, it was born like this.

Uncle Liu touched it around and couldn't help being amazed.

Even though it had been several days since the surgery, he was still not used to it.

In order to prevent the recurrence of blood clots, an artificial vein was implanted in his arm, which was specially used for dialysis.

Is this thing really as good as the doctor said? Uncle Liu was skeptical.

"Uncle Liu, it's time for dialysis." Nurse Li came over with a smile and interrupted his feelings.

Uncle Liu looked at the shiny needle in the nurse's hand, and suddenly his neck shrank, and his whole body shivered.

Every time he comes for dialysis, he has to receive two injections. After a long time, he has formed a conditioned reflex.

"Hehe, don't be afraid, it will be fine soon."

Nurse Li comforted her casually, and quickly found the blood vessel with protruding veins. Her hands were like the wind, fast and accurate, and the puncture and fixation were completed in a blink of an eye.

The blood accumulated with toxins flowed out of one tube and was pumped into the nearby dialysis machine. With the continuous buzzing, the blood pump passed the filtered clean blood through another tube and sent it back to him. blood vessels.

Uncle Liu's muscles relaxed, and he sighed, "Xiao Li, your skills are getting better and better. I can't feel any pain when I pierce it. It's amazing."

Nurse Li was busy operating the machine, without raising her head, she said, "Maybe it's not long since the operation, and the nerve on the artificial blood vessel hasn't grown well yet, so I don't feel it for the time being. After a while, it will be the same as the real thing."

"Hehe, so it's like this." Uncle Liu looked at his arm, feeling the tremors of the blood vessels, and the surging arterial blood was rushing against the veins, making small murmurs.

He grinned, and the creases on his face unfolded like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"This artificial blood vessel is quite strong. It feels stronger and more durable than my own blood vessels. My blood vessels are all rotten, and they have been blocked four times in half a year."

"I heard from the doctor that this artificial blood vessel has a long lifespan and can be used for life."

Nurse Li explained: "As long as there is no thrombus problem, it is possible in theory, but it usually does not take that long in clinical practice, usually 10-20 years, and it will become old and narrow, and another one needs to be replaced."

Hearing this, Uncle Liu chuckled: "I'm sure I won't live for 10 years with this disease, and it's almost a lifetime."

Nurse Li smiled and comforted her, "As long as your disease is under control, you can still live for many years longer. You may wait for a kidney source in a few years and get another healthy one."

Uncle Liu waved his other hand, shook his head and said, "I'm so old, I don't have a few years to live, and it's a waste to change any kidney. If you really want a good kidney, you should give it to a young person. I'll give it to you." If you do dialysis, you can survive for a few years."

As he talked, he suddenly felt: "There are more and more young people with uremia now. I did dialysis last time, and I met a few young men in their twenties and thirties. They had my disease before. They are all a bunch of bad old men, and they don’t know what’s going on.”

"It's mainly a matter of living habits. The pace of life is too fast now, and it's easy to eat and drink indiscriminately, which can damage your body." Nurse Li said with a sigh, and she also noticed this phenomenon.

Uncle Liu sighed straight away: "Hey, tell me, life is getting better and better now, but everyone is getting more and more diseases. My son also has diabetes at a young age. I used to suffer from this disease. I didn’t see many people.”

"Diabetes is considered a disease of the rich and the rich. It is only acquired after the improvement of the living standard. People in the past could not have enough to eat, so naturally they would not get it."

Uncle Liu nodded with emotion: "Indeed, the society has changed too much now, and it changes every few years. As for my problem, I used to have no medicine, and there was no dialysis. I can only wait Death, now I can be rescued and sit here properly, thanks to the advancement of technology."

Nurse Li said with a smile: "You are right. There is a saying, a small step forward in medical technology, and a big step forward in patients' lives."

"Haha, you're right. You're still educated. That's a really good thing to say, and it makes people feel at ease."

Uncle Liu gave a thumbs up, and hearty laughter instantly echoed throughout the dialysis room.

It may be the result of dialysis. Now he obviously feels that his heart is no longer stuffy, and his whole body is not so tired.


Uncle Liu's case of successfully transplanting artificial blood vessels to create internal impotence inspired all doctors in the urology department.

They were pleasantly surprised to find that the small-caliber artificial blood vessel produced by Sanqing can be used as a perfect substitute for the patient's venous blood vessel and completely solve the main problems in long-term dialysis for patients with renal failure.

Hemodialysis is currently the main treatment for chronic renal failure. Establishing a good vascular access is the primary condition for long-term maintenance of hemodialysis. It has an important impact on the effect of dialysis and the long-term survival of patients. It can be said that it is the lifeline of patients.

Arteriovenous fistula has been used clinically since the 1960s, and it has irreplaceable advantages until now, that is, long use time, low infection rate, and convenient activities. It has always been the first solution for patients with dialysis.

In the production of impotence, the first priority is to use the own blood vessels, and then the grafted blood vessels. However, the grafted blood vessels usually come from the veins of the lower limbs, so that there will be no problem of rejection.

If the patient's own blood vessel condition is not good, even the veins of the lower extremities may be too thin, and it will not be able to meet the conditions of internal impotence.

In this case, artificial vascular endovascular fistula is also an alternative method.

However, the current artificial blood vessels are too thick to be implanted in the patient's body. They can only be hung on the patient's arm, connected to both ends of the blood vessel in the body, and punctured on it during dialysis.

The whole situation is very unseemly and unsightly, and it also affects daily life, and patients are generally quite resistant.

But now with Sanqing's small-caliber artificial blood vessel, everything is different.

It can completely replace the patient's own venous blood vessels, transplant them to the upper limbs, and create arteriovenous fistulas.

Not only is it strong and durable, it has excellent elasticity, and it has good biocompatibility, and it also has antithrombotic effect.

If used for a long time, it can be combined with the patient's own blood vessels to grow their own nerves and cell tissues, which is equivalent to completely strengthening this section of blood vessels.

Even if blockage occurs again, using various means to unblock it will withstand more tossing than the patient's original fragile blood vessels.

Therefore, when the small-caliber artificial blood vessel achieved the first clinical success, the director of the urology department could not wait to promote this solution to all patients immediately.

After all, in the dialysis room of the hospital, there are quite a few patients undergoing dialysis every day, not to mention, there is a steady stream of new young blood joining in.

Once the dialysis time of these patients is longer, it will be half a year later, or one or two months as short, and the internal impotence will be blocked.

And every time it is a time-consuming, laborious and troublesome job to unblock the thrombus for the patient, it takes an hour or two at every turn.

If the condition of the blood vessels is not good, it will be a waste of effort for an hour or two, and surgery will be required in the end.

In short, the senior director of the urology department is in a hurry now.

Hurry to replace an artificial blood vessel for every patient with blockage of internal flaccidity.

Of course, he has not forgotten to post his success stories to Moments and show them to many peers for appreciation.


Department of Nephrology, West China Hospital, Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

After seeing a patient, Dr. Tang stretched his limbs on the chair, and then twisted his neck, feeling a trace of fatigue creeping up his heart.

He has seen more than 20 patients this afternoon, and the outpatient tasks have already been completed. Seeing that he was leaving get off work in 3 minutes, he picked up his mobile phone and checked Moments.

As soon as I entered, I was a little confused. The whole circle of friends was swiped by the same operation, and Yishui's comments were all praises.

"Small-caliber artificial blood vessels are used in internal impotence, and the effect is no different from that of native blood vessels. It is really amazing."

"The 5mm artificial blood vessel is actually made in China? Sanqing is awesome!"

"This is good news for vein transplant patients and uremia patients, and it is worth promoting in many ways."

"Can our hospital apply for clinical trials of artificial blood vessels?"

Impatiently, he went to a circle of friends with the most pictures, and after reading all the text, he understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

In an instant, an uncontrollable joy welled up in my heart.

"Great, many patients in our dialysis center are also suffering from the deterioration of vascular access, and they desperately need such artificial blood vessels."

"I have to report to the director to see if I can also introduce this cutting-edge technology to treat more patients."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and just as he was about to call the director, the phone buzzed and vibrated.

At first glance, it turned out to be the director, and he immediately connected the phone.

"Old Tang, have you heard the news? The Department of Urology of Kunming People's Hospital can now transplant small-caliber artificial blood vessels to create impotence for patients for dialysis."

"Director, I just saw it in Moments, and I was about to call and report to you." Dr. Tang said quickly.

"Then come over here. I have already found the patient's information as soon as possible. Everyone has a meeting before get off work to discuss this case."

"If it is feasible, I will contact Sanqing Group tomorrow to see if it is possible to carry out clinical trials in Huaxi in advance."

"Okay, I'll come right away." Director Tang was overjoyed immediately, took his mobile phone and went out, trotting all the way to the director's office.

When I arrived at the office, I saw that people from the entire department were there, and the whole room was packed to the brim.

The director sat on the chair, saw that everyone was there, and waved his hand: "Go, go to the next meeting room. I also made an appointment with the urology department."

A group of people rushed to the meeting room, and after a while, the director of the Department of Urology arrived with a group of people.

"Okay, here are the detailed information I want to come over, including the patient's case, ultrasound images, and the comparison before and after the operation." The director of the Nephrology Department spoke and projected the information on the screen.

Everyone watched eagerly in an instant.

Whispering and discussing in a low voice while watching.

Ten minutes later, the director knocked on the table: "Okay, what do you think? You can speak freely."

Dr. Tang was the first to stand up and said excitedly: "Director, this is great news for the patients in our hemodialysis room. We must start clinical cooperation as soon as possible."

The director's face darkened: "I told you to talk about surgery, but I didn't ask you to talk about this."

Dr. Tang was stunned for a moment, and quickly sat down: "I have nothing to say about the operation, anyway, it's awesome and it's over."

The director looked at the others speechlessly: "What do you think?"

Everyone chattered about it.

"Removing the diseased blood vessel, replacing it with an artificial blood vessel, creating internal flaccidity, restoring the blood flow channel, and successfully completing dialysis are quite feasible treatment options."

"In general, damage to extracellular matrix components is one of the important factors in the occurrence and development of vascular diseases. During arterial and venous sclerosis, extracellular matrix components such as elastin and proteoglycans tend to fragment, or develop properties Change. Sanqing’s artificial blood vessel is mainly composed of elastin, which not only can heal itself, but also is not easy to be damaged. It will be a very ideal blood vessel.”

"Sanqing's artificial blood vessels seem to cover both large and small diameters. They can not only replace aortas, but also replace venous blood vessels. The parameters are much better than imported blood vessels."

"Actually, I think this is what artificial vascular impotence should look like. It is simple, convenient, easy to maintain, and will not cause any trouble to the life of the patient."

"That's right, whether it's artificial blood vessel internal fistula or internal jugular semi-permanent vein, they are just expedient measures. Sanqing's small-caliber artificial blood vessel has no intention of showing us a brand new solution."

"Actually, many patients reported to me that it is uncomfortable to hang a thick rubber tube on their arm for a long time, and they are also afraid that it will attract strange eyes if exposed. In short, the psychological pressure is still very high. Who can be a normal person? I don't want to."

"I have a few patients with internal flaccid blood vessels that are often blocked. Every time I perform blood clots on them, their hands are numb and the patients are in great pain. Once the blockage is prolonged, dialysis cannot be performed, and their lives will be in danger. "

"The last time I transplanted a thigh vein to a patient, the caliber was too small, less than 2 millimeters, and it was useless at all. It was too difficult. In the end, I had to temporarily make a semi-permanent jugular vein cannula."

"I sincerely hope that they can use artificial blood vessels to completely solve the problem of arteriovenous fistula."

Whether it is a physician or a surgeon, they are all in a state of excitement.

At this moment, the Department of Urology and Nephrology have, to a certain extent, completed the integration.

Doctor Tang looked at the scene in front of him, but he was a little absent-minded.

He didn't care about the content of these discussions, and he only had one urgent thought in his mind, that is when the artificial blood vessel will be used.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very enthusiastic, and it lasted for an hour before it ended.

The two directors even connected with the medical representatives of Sanqing on the spot, asked a lot of relevant information, and got satisfactory answers.

Finally, the cooperation of clinical trials was finalized.

At this point, Dr. Tang finally felt relieved and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Finally, I can make their dialysis more comfortable. Life is already very hard because of uremia. If you can add a little sugar to their bitter life and make life less difficult, that would be great."

Thinking of those familiar faces in the dialysis center, his eyes suddenly became sore, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

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