I can extract side effects

Chapter 548 Gusu University Sanqing Campus

"This Sanqing Group is truly incredible!"

Hou Yaofeng, the principal of Gusu University, put down the newspaper in his hand and couldn't help sighing.

Director Xie from the school office familiarized himself with refilling a pot of hot tea for his immediate superior, and asked with a smile.

"How do you say that? Could it be that Sanqing has any news?"

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the newspaper cover calmly, and saw that it read impressively:

"The largest taxpayer in Jiangsu Province, Sanqing pays 51.6 billion yuan a year, accounting for half of Kunming's fiscal revenue."

Sure enough, President Hou pointed to the newspaper while picking up his teacup: "Look at it, last year, Sanqing's pharmaceutical industry became the world's number one, with a revenue of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars and a tax payment of more than 50 billion U.S. dollars. Tsk tsk, it's really hot. "

Director Xie put down the kettle, picked up the newspaper, glanced at it, and said with a smile: "That's natural, which leader doesn't like such a God of Wealth."

Principal Hou sighed, with regret on his face: "It's a pity that I'm not in Su City. You said that Kun City is such a small county, why does Sanqing like to stay there?"

Director Xie shook his head and said with a smile, "That's not enough for outsiders."

Speaking of this, he seemed to remember something, his voice lowered, and he smiled lightly.

"It is said that Kunming City has issued a policy, claiming to be a global pharmaceutical valley, to create the best business environment, and to link corporate satisfaction with employee bonuses. Anyone with a discerning eye will know who the company is referring to."

"Now Kunming relies on Sanqing's tax payment. It's so rich and powerful that it doesn't even look down on the income from selling land."

"In the past few years, Sanqing has created a group of millionaires, all of whom settled down in Kunming to buy houses, pushing up the housing prices around Sanqing Garden from 10,000 to 30,000, and then the president of Sanqing expressed strong dissatisfaction , so frightened that Kunming City immediately issued a series of suppression policies, and Shengsheng suppressed the house price there to 20,000 yuan, and a bunch of real estate speculators lost their crotch."

"Everyone says that Sanqing is suppressing housing prices in Kunming alone. Unless Sanqing moves away, housing prices in Kunming will not be able to rise in this lifetime."

"Now it's the Huaqiao area, because it's so close to Haishi, and the housing prices are still rising, it's a different kind."

"Hehe, there is such a thing." Principal Hou couldn't help laughing and said: "Then this is a good thing. Mr. Wei is still very considerate of employees, and he even manages the housing prices in the city where he is located."

"It's a pity that we don't have a health manager in Su City. The housing price is so high that it ranks among the top in the country. Don't tell me, this housing price is really worthy of the GDP ranking. It's not much worse than Haishi."

"Yes," Director Xie echoed, "The school teachers complain every day that they can't afford a house, and so do the students. They all say that the house price is too expensive, that they can't stay in Suzhou City, and can't survive. Regardless of the situation, I recommend them to go to Kunming to find a job, especially in biology and medicine, where there are many opportunities.”

"That's not bad," Principal Hou nodded approvingly, "I remember that Sanqing would come to the school to recruit every year, and many students should have gone."

"Yes, Sanqing generally only recruits the best students from that wave, and they don't care about their academic qualifications, whether they are undergraduates, masters or doctors. They value learning ability and innovative thinking, and they like students with more flexible minds, those who are particularly hardworking. It’s not very popular.”

Principal Hou pondered for a moment, nodded slowly and said: "This is also a good inspiration. We should also try to start from this aspect in training students in the future. After all, students graduate to find jobs. The better the word-of-mouth, the better the biochemical work, which company can compare with Sanqing?"

"That's right, you still think long-term and deeply." Director Xie nodded like a chicken pecking rice, praising the wise leadership.

At this time, the phone on the desk rang suddenly.

Principal Hou picked up the phone, his expression changed immediately, and he took a deep breath.

"Yes, there is such a thing? This is a great opportunity. I understand. I must follow the instructions from above and go all out."

After a few short words, he hung up the phone and said seriously.

"Old Xie, the higher-ups called just now, saying that the Sanqing Group invited universities to open a branch in Kunming City. They have employees who want to continue their studies and plan to study part-time masters and Ph. D., but there are no suitable universities in Kunming City."

"From Mr. Wei's tone, it seems that he wants to give priority to universities in this province. Of course, he also welcomes universities in Haishi."

"As long as the branch school is established, Sanqing is willing to provide full scientific research funding. Of course, he also has requirements for the disciplines, which must be based on basic scientific research and clinical research. He is also willing to provide full scholarships to outstanding students, and even gives priority to admission every year."

"As for the branch campus, Sanqing has no requirement for a bachelor's degree. It's optional. The majors and courses are mainly graduate students. Master's and Ph.D., full-time or part-time are acceptable."

"However, Mr. Wei made a special request that there must be an on-the-job combined master's and doctoral program. It seems that this is tailor-made for Sanqing's employees who want to further their studies."

"What do you think about this matter?"

Director Xie was taken aback when he heard this, and it took him a while to react, and he immediately clapped his hands and applauded.

"Principal Hou, this is a great thing. Our school must take it down, and it will depend on it to become a world-class university in the future."

"Now the policies of colleges and universities have changed. Double first-class schools should focus on disciplines as the main funding body, highlighting the purpose of building a first-class discipline to drive the construction of a first-class school."

"If our school has Sanqing, the world's number one pharmaceutical company, to carry out production-research cooperation, it will definitely improve the level of scientific research and make medicine and biology into world-class key disciplines."

"At least, we don't have to worry about money when we do scientific research in the future."

Principal Hou was heartbroken when he heard this, and nodded again and again: "I think so too. The above said that this time we are close to the water, we must try our best to win the cooperation opportunity. I heard that Nanjing University is very tempting, but because it is far away, it is not good in all aspects. deployment."

"As for the schools in Haishi, Jiaotong University is also interested, but they have spread too many dishes, and the teachers they send may not be too strong. After all, our school has the best chance."

Director Xie pondered and said, "I have a good idea. Why don't we move the graduate schools of biology and medicine to Kunming City and directly establish a branch school."

Principal Hou was taken aback immediately: "You're not joking, biology and medicine are our strong subjects. Although the graduate school has few students, but, that's a school."

A trace of cruelty flashed in Director Xie's eyes, and he poked his neck and said, "Principal, I don't want our children to be caught by wolves. We are only a 211 school. If we can't show sincerity, how can we compare with famous C9 schools like Nanjing University and Jiaotong University?"

"Anyway, Sanqing is also an enterprise in Su City, and they are all integrated. Kun City is only 20 kilometers away, which is closer than the distance from downtown Hai City to the suburbs. Is this different from the branch campus? Anyway, I I can't see it."

Principal Hou hesitated to speak, his expression fluctuated, revealing the struggle in his heart.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh and said, "This is a big matter, and I can't make the decision. But this suggestion is really good, I will bring it up to see if I can agree."

Speaking of this, he can't help but be fascinated: "If the graduate school of biology and medicine is really moved to Kunming City, and a Sanqing campus is established, with a strong scientific research fund, a large number of Sanqing employees can enroll and publish various papers. Academic papers must be able to drive the rapid development of disciplines and make our school a world-class famous school as soon as possible."

"At that time, neither NTU nor SJTU will be able to compare with us in the field of biology."

"It's really exciting to think about it. I can't wait to see this scene."

He knew in his heart that Director Xie was right. Gusu University has four campuses in Suzhou City, and an independent School of Applied Technology in Kunming City as a branch campus. The bottom line is quite flexible when it comes to setting up a branch campus.

The only embarrassing thing is the division of disciplines. After all, biology and medicine are relatively strong disciplines in Gusu University, so he feels a little distressed if he just divides them up like this.

But after thinking about it, these two are not considered ace majors, and it won't hurt to separate them out.

Besides, Kun City is also a part of Suzhou City, the distance is really close, it only takes more than half an hour to drive, and it is no different from the branch campus.

These two children belong to a separate family and never leave home. After being sent out, someone will train them well, and when they grow stronger, they can repay the school. It is indeed a profitable business.

And didn't Sanqing leave all the undergraduates to the school?

After thinking about it, Principal Hou quickly reported this suggestion to the higher authorities.

After a careful study, the above also approved this plan, and even became more aggressive in order to compete with Nanjing University and Jiaotong University.

When the above decision was fed back, Principal Hou was instantly dumbfounded.

"What? Did the higher education assign undergraduates to the Sanqing Branch?"

"If we say we want to do it, we will do it to the end. Let's show our sincerity."

"Then isn't it necessary to rebuild a new campus, is there enough time?"

"Fortunately, the graduate school can be moved there first, and then the undergraduates can be moved there after the new campus is built."

Principal Hou breathed a sigh of relief, and his frown suddenly relaxed.

"It seems that there are still high-level people who understand education and understand the importance of working closely with the industry's No. 1 company, from undergraduates to masters and doctors, to cultivate practical and innovative talents from scratch."

"In the past few years, Sanqing has cultivated many leading figures in the industry. I believe that this joint school will definitely be able to make certain reforms to the domestic education system and explore a more suitable teaching path."

"By the way, we have to get this matter done as soon as possible, so that this year's college entrance examination will add another big killer, which will definitely attract many students who want to study biology. After all, for them, no company can be better than Sanqing. Naturally, our school will also be the best choice."

Thinking of this, Principal Hou's eyes lit up immediately, and he spun around in excitement.

He immediately formed a special team to discuss the matter with Sanqing Group.

Among the interested universities, Gusu University gave the most sincere plan, so it won the first place and won this precious cooperation opportunity.

With the full support of Su City, the establishment of the new branch school went very smoothly. It was finalized in less than a month and the entire process was completed.

When the New Year's bell rang throughout the country, the official approval documents also came down.

So far, the Sanqing Campus of Gusu University has been officially established.

Kunshi found a third-rate elementary school near Sanqing Garden, and completely vacated it for the Sanqing Branch School.

It is estimated that within two to three months, the graduate schools of biology and medicine will be moved here first, and then new teaching buildings and dormitories will be built slowly.

As soon as the end of the year, the new campus will be built and all students from these two majors will be moved here.

As for the employees of Sanqing, they can apply for the exam after the next year. The review will be conducted at the main campus of Gusu University first, and when the branch campuses are ready, they can officially enroll in the nearest one.

In short, this series of plans can be said to be quite thoughtful.

Seeing Wei Kang nodding repeatedly, he really couldn't find any faults.

He was overjoyed at the moment, and with a wave of his hand, he transferred the first phase of 50 million sponsorship funds to the exclusive account of the Sanqing Branch School in the name of the Sanqing Education Fund.

The annual income of Gusu University is about 3.8 billion, which is quite small compared with the tens of billions of income of Nantah University.

Among them, financial appropriations accounted for half, which shows that other income is not too much, and it relies more on local financial support.

The annual budgets of Beijing University, Zhejiang University, and Jiaotong University all exceed 20 billion.

Huaqing University even topped the list with more than 30 billion yuan, which is comparable to the educational expenses of top overseas universities.

You must know that the annual budget of Harvard University in Eagle Country is only more than 30 billion yuan, which is comparable to that of Huaqing University.

Of course, no matter at home or abroad, top prestigious schools do not rely on financial appropriations, but mainly rely on their own operating income and charity funding, which account for as much as 80% of their income.

The most important thing for famous overseas schools is donation income, which exceeds 40%, so the main task of the president of Harvard is to raise money.

However, the sources of income of domestic famous universities are mainly from scientific research and academic training and other business income, among which there are many project incomes in cooperation with enterprises, which belongs to the hard power of universities themselves.

Different fund-raising abilities have caused a huge gap in funding, which in turn has resulted in a gap in scientific research.

The gap in scientific research continues to increase the gap in income, completely forming a closed loop.

After careful calculation, it is estimated that the combined funding of the two disciplines of biology and medicine at Gusu University will not exceed 100 million a year.

But with Sanqing's support, everything is different.

Not to mention the entire school, the financial support received by these two disciplines alone is completely comparable to that of domestic or even international famous schools.

Gusu University has done this wave of affairs very openly and with full sincerity, and Wei Kang doesn't mind showing off his money-making ability as a funder and expressing his joy and appreciation.


At the same time, Huang Qin, who is far away in his hometown in Guizhou Province, is lying on a soft sofa, feeling the warmth brought by the floor heating, and enjoying a comfortable New Year holiday.

The Spring Festival programs were playing on the TV screen, Huang Qin didn't watch any of them, but was reminiscing about the blind dates he had seen in the past few days.

The story of his annual salary of one million in Dachang has been widely circulated among relatives, so the number of blind dates he introduces naturally increases.

When Huang's mother told him that ten blind date girls were arranged for one day, and they were all waiting in line for him to meet.

Huang Qin was tongue-tied all of a sudden, his whole body was in the air, and he felt a kind of comfort like a king in the world.

"This, this is too exaggerated, Mom, this is not good." His first reaction was a little bit of refusal.

"Oh, what are you talking about, my cub is the best boy in the county, so naturally you can choose any girl in the county."

"Those introducers heard that you have an annual income of more than 3 million. They were all scared to death. Those girls, what's more, they all wanted to call me mom right away."

The old mother said triumphantly: "I have carefully selected ten, and my eyes are blurred. I guarantee it will suit you."

Huang Qin opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Everyone is numb, and he doesn't have so many every year, how can he explain to the other party then.

Just thinking about it, suddenly, the phone rang.

Looking down, it was an internal company email.

"Warmly celebrate the establishment of the Sanqing Campus of Gusu University, and will start enrolling students for the on-the-job Master-PhD program in the next year."

He was stunned for a moment, and felt a strong mental shock again, his whole brain was buzzing.

"As expected of Mr. Wei, I want to study for a Ph.D. but I can't find a course. I worry all day long."

"As a result, he kept his composure and directly arranged a branch campus for him, and even tailored on-the-job master-doctorate courses for the employees."

"Nimma, this wave is simply lying down and winning."

Thinking of this, he instantly jumped up from the sofa, waving his fists excitedly.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to study for a doctorate."

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