I can extract side effects

Chapter 568 The Third Way

"The third way?"

"That's right, it's a semi-intrusive brain-computer device. It's a path between invasive and non-invasive, so it's called the third path."

Wang Dali seemed to have returned to the classroom and entered a brand new world, so he quickly pretended to be listening attentively.

"Chen Bo, I don't understand what you said, please explain it to me carefully."

Chen Yiqing adjusted his glasses, smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll try to explain it in an easy-to-understand manner. In fact, you don't need to know much about neuroscience, you just need to have a certain understanding."

"The semi-interventional method is quite complicated to say, but it is actually very simple. It is to insert microelectrodes into the blood vessels of the brain's motor cortex through interventional surgery. fixed on the vessel wall."

"Cerebrovascular interventional surgery is very mature, and there is no technical difficulty, and we can perform surgery from the spinal cord, which can be said to be basically non-invasive, and long-term implantation will not damage the human brain."

"The nerve scaffold is placed in a suitable blood vessel, which can extract the brain nerve signals related to movement and transmit them to the outside. After being amplified and translated by a customized nerve chip, it is processed into an external motor signal, so as to meet the brain control needs of paraplegic patients."

"That's the general principle."

Wang Dali nodded, suddenly realized: "So that's what happened, I understand."

"So you neuroscientists are responsible for the neural electrical signals of the biological part, and I am responsible for the motor signals and mechanical parts, right?"

"That's right." Chen Yiqing gave him a look of approval and continued.

"In short, the entire brain control system is divided into three parts."

"The most important part is to implant the microelectrodes in the brain and then extract the electrical signals related to the movement, and this part of the work will be done by me."

"Then the neuron electrical signal is processed and converted into an external drive motor signal, which requires the establishment of an independent calculation model, and then continuous optimization based on feedback in animal and human experiments. These tasks are mainly in charge of my assistant Zhang Li. , of course the algorithm model also needs Aaron's help."

"Ultimately, all of this work falls to the actual device, which is the brain-computer interface and the exoskeleton it controls."

"These work will be done by you. Of course, we will try to make it as simple as possible at the beginning. The so-called exoskeleton device may be just a mechanical handle or knob. We will not go to the real outer skeleton until we have some results." Skeletal development."

"In any case, a customized neurochip is necessary. It can not only process neuroelectric signals, but also must combine low-power, multi-channel wireless technology to transfer the combined information generated by thousands of neurons to a network of comparable size. in the wearable processing unit of a mobile phone."

"This processing unit will be responsible for running multiple independent computing models, optimizing the electrical signals of the brain, and at the same time controlling all training procedures, and sending out dynamic digital motor signals to control the motors distributed at each joint of the mechanical exoskeleton. Actuator."

"Using this latest brain-computer interface device, the brain's motor commands will interact with the electromechanical circuits distributed throughout the exoskeleton to simulate spinal cord reflex arcs for feedback and training."

"This creates a continuous interplay between brain signals and mechanical reflexes, resulting in a shared pattern of brain-machine control."

"After weeks of interaction, the patient's brain, through this plastic adjustment, fully assimilates the exoskeleton as an extension of its own body image."

When Chen Yiqing said this, his flat tone finally became excited.

"Eventually, maybe the patient will be able to start walking, adjust their pace, and adjust their posture and gait as the terrain changes. At that point, the patient will be able to move around freely using an exoskeleton controlled by a brain-computer interface."

"Of course, this is the most ideal result and our long-term goal, and we are still unable to achieve it at present."

"However, within one year, the initial goal of enabling patients to use brain-computer interface devices, type on mobile phones and computers, and play games can still be achieved."

"As for the medium-term goal, it is about two to three years to allow paralyzed patients to achieve basic self-care ability through brain-controlled equipment."

"Even if you just use your mind to control the robotic arm and bring yourself a cup of hot tea, it's a remarkable achievement."

"This is my entire vision for the project." Having said that, Chen Yiqing finally stopped and asked with a smile.

"What do you think about the technical principles of brain-computer interface and exoskeleton? How about it? It shouldn't be difficult to understand."

Sitting aside, Wang Dali was already stunned. He quickly shook his head, and then nodded immediately.

"You said it very clearly, I understand it all, and the basic principle is really not difficult."

This whole process was full of high energy and a huge amount of information, and he was dazzled by it for a while, and his mind started to run wildly, imagining what kind of mechanical device would be more suitable.

Chen Yiqing smiled with satisfaction: "That's good. In this way, our core team only needs five people."

"A first-class neurosurgeon, an excellent algorithm expert, a top engineer, plus me and my assistant, a team of five people worked together to complete this project."

Having said that, he suddenly showed embarrassment.

"Algorithm experts and engineers already exist, but first-class neurosurgeons are hard to find, but they are very critical. After all, the blood vessels of the brain are much finer than those of the heart. If the technology is not superb, it is likely that the microelectrodes cannot be placed accurately s position."

"In other words, even if the microelectrode is placed where it should be, if the operation is not good enough, it may cause certain damage to the brain."

Chen Yiqing pondered and said: "Anyway, we must be cautious about choosing this candidate. I guess we have to find a well-known supernatural doctor from the tertiary hospital we cooperate with. But I am also a little worried. Even if we are satisfied, there is no guarantee that the other party will be interested in participating in this project. "

Wang Dali thought for a while, and then said: "Isn't our lady boss a neurosurgeon? You can ask Mr. Wei and ask her to recommend it. They are all colleagues, and they must know which hospital in the country has the best neurosurgeon. "

Chen Yiqing was overjoyed instantly: "That's right, I was confused, and I didn't think of this. Fortunately, you reminded me."

Wang Dali grinned: "That's not right, it's our project after all, so it's worth paying attention to."

He didn't regard himself as an outsider, and immediately threw himself into it, starting to think about the project.

The two exchanged for a while, discussed some work ideas, and even finalized the time for the first project meeting.

When Chen Yiqing was about to leave, Wang Dali suddenly asked casually, "Chen Bo, are there any volunteers for this project?"

Chen Yiqing showed a wry smile, and replied: "In the past few years, we mainly conducted experiments on animals, and then some experiments on human brains were mainly performed on me and my little assistant in turn."

"After all, you know that if you don't dare to participate in the research of neuroscientists, then others are even more afraid to come."

"Besides, because there are not many participants in the brain-related experiments, we recruited a few patients with ALS through the CRO, but after a few years, the results have not been great, and they have gradually lost patience. Basically, they all left the project team.”

"Overall, for our new project, volunteers should not be enough, and a new group of people may need to be recruited."

As soon as Wang Dali heard it, he immediately understood that this must be because the patient couldn't bear the long-term life of a mouse, and ran away after a few experiments.

Brain experiments are thankless. Healthy people don't want to come. Those who come are all terminally ill. The main purpose is to seek a chance.

These patients have inherent neurological deficits, and some experiments that require healthy people to participate can only be carried out by the researchers themselves.

For patients, life is already miserable and they are in a bad mood, and they have to cooperate with long-term experiments, and there are a lot of restrictions.

It’s okay if the experiment makes progress, but if there is no hope for a long time, no one can bear it and can only run away.

Sometimes this cannot be solved by money. Many patients are very fragile and easily collapse under long-term pressure.

If the brain experiment is only in the research and development stage, it will naturally not be able to recruit as many people as clinical trials.

If the patient can't persist, the progress of the experiment will naturally be limited. Over time, it will become a vicious circle.

Therefore, it has to be said that Chen Yiqing's choice of brain-computer interface as a breakthrough is considered a wise behavior.

At least the brain-controlled equipment is going from small to large, step by step, the effect is obvious.

Patients can see progress from the beginning, get positive feedback, and it is easy to stick to it.

It's better than doing the experiment for more than half a year and still not changing at all.

Thinking about this point clearly, Wang Dali suddenly had some other ideas in his mind. He had worked with Zhu Jun before, left a deep impression on him, and had a deep affection for him, so he was willing to continue to cooperate.

He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Speaking of volunteers, I would like to recommend someone to you. He has just used my latest mouth control device, and he will definitely be happy to participate in my new project."

"He is different from ordinary patients. He is very optimistic and strong. He has learned to play computer games with a mouth-controlled joystick by himself, and even won the honor of king. He is very famous on the Internet and belongs to an Internet celebrity with millions of fans."

"I'm sure, he can definitely withstand your torture and become an excellent guinea pig."

After hearing Zhu Jun's deeds, Chen Yiqing was also a little moved: "Then he is so popular, can you agree? After all, the ugly words come first, and this is a new project. I can't guarantee that he will stand up."

"And it's not the same as taking medicine or something. At the beginning, he has to accept relatively boring training, and he has to persist for several months."

Wang Dali slapped his chest loudly and said, "Don't worry about that, I'm pretty sure about people, how about this, I'll call him now and ask him face to face, maybe I'll know."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhu Jun's brother Zhu Ming's number.

Sure enough, I just told the other party about the recruitment of volunteers for the brain-computer project.

He heard Zhu Jun's excited voice coming from the opposite side.

"Mr. Wang, I can. When can I go to Sanqing?"

In Zhu Jun's mind, when he was repeatedly rescued by Sanqing from the ghost gate, he was already a loyal fan.

To him, the Sanqing headquarters at this time was like a holy place in the medical field.

And he can go to participate in scientific research projects as a volunteer, even if it is just as a guinea pig.

That is also a pilgrimage mouse!

Absolutely willingly!

Therefore, he agreed without hesitation.

Wang Dali gave Chen Yiqing a look of "Look, I'm not wrong", and then comforted Zhu Jun, telling him to wait for the news at ease, and then hung up the phone.

"Great, it seems that the brain-computer project is quite attractive, so don't worry about not having enough volunteers."

Chen Yiqing couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth naturally rose, revealing a brisk smile.

In just half an hour, a general was settled and a steadfast volunteer was recruited. He was in a good mood immediately.

Wang Dali was about to say something when the phone started buzzing.

At first glance, it was Zhu Ming who called again.

"Could it be repentance?" He sank in his heart, muttered to himself, and connected the phone at the same time.

Zhu Jun shouted loudly on the phone: "Mr. Wang, do you still need volunteers for the brain-computer project at Sanqing? I just told the patients about this in the group, and they are all rushing to come."

There is such a good thing? Wang Dali was startled and said, "You didn't just tell them the good, but not the bad, did you?"

"This is something that enters the brain. It is of great importance and has certain risks. You must be mentally prepared."

Zhu Jun's hearty laughter came over: "Mr. Wang, I have explained it several times. When they heard that it was Sanqing's brain-computer project, they were all like mad dogs. They couldn't be stopped no matter what."

Wang Dali couldn't help but said speechlessly: "Okay, how many people do you have?"

"There are more than 400 people in our group, all of whom are paralyzed patients. More than half of them want to come. There must be more than 200 people anyway."

"What?" Wang Dali and Chen Yiqing on the other end of the phone were both stunned when they heard this.

Zhu Jun said with some embarrassment: "Is it too many? I also know that everyone is too enthusiastic. You definitely don't need so many people."

Chen Yiqing couldn't help but said: "It's still in the research and development stage, it really doesn't need so many people, only three are enough."

"However, if we want to conduct clinical trials in the future, hundreds of people will be needed, and you will definitely be given priority at that time."

Wang Dali hurriedly added: "This is the boss of the brain-computer project, Dr. Chen, the one who researched the brain nerve regeneration factor."

"Ah, hello Dr. Chen, it turns out that you are in charge of this project. Nice to meet you."

Zhu Jun was overjoyed all of a sudden: "I met another big man from Sanqing, it seems that my luck is really good."

Wang Dali laughed from the sidelines: "Boy, you are lucky. There are many big bosses in this project. After you participate in an experiment, you may be able to get to know all the big bosses of the company's R\u0026D."

These words made Zhu Jun even more excited: "Mr. Wang, when will the experiment start? I can't wait."

"Don't worry, our team is still short of a supernatural doctor. After it's done, it's your turn to enter."

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