I can extract side effects

Chapter 593: Love, Death, Artificial Kidney (Part 1)

Kun City, a community in the east of the city.

Zhao Xia lay upright on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, looking devastated.

The room was not turned on, and a light came in from the window, reflecting on half of her numb face.

From the mobile phone next to the pillow, there were continuous bursts of 'Didi' messages.

But she didn't realize it, and kept thinking about seeing the doctor in the afternoon.

"Zhao Xia, right? Your uremia is at an advanced stage, and the effect of dialysis is not satisfactory. Your condition has already begun to deteriorate."

"If I don't get a kidney transplant, I may not live for a year."

"Ah? Doctor, then, is there any news about the source of the kidney?"

"terribly sorry……"

"I can't live for a year" and "I'm sorry" these two words kept replaying in her mind, completely occupying her mind.

Until a knock on the door brought her back to reality.

"Xiaoxia, it's time to eat."

Zhao Xia didn't move, neither got up nor spoke.

After a while, there was a sigh outside the door, the footsteps gradually moved away, and the room became quiet again.

But Zhao Xia knew that her parents would come over and ask her to eat, so it was meaningless to continue lying down.

Lying in bed complaining and giving up on myself just like now, it doesn't make any sense to my illness.

People, you still have to save yourself.

She settled down, picked up her mobile phone, and opened a QQ group for patients called "It's Good to Live".

There are more than 400 people in this group, all of whom are terminally ill. We are running out of time, and we hug each other to keep warm and spend the last time.

She also joined this group under the introduction of others.

However, she didn't come here to keep warm, she has her own purpose.

Zhao Xia pondered for a moment, then typed in the input box.

"Marriage notice, female, 25, a native of Kunming City, not alone, with advanced uremia, and I am sincerely looking for a male patient to marry. After he passes away, I hope to accept his kidney transplant as a wife, and I will also Responsible for taking care of his parents and endowing him with retirement. The detailed rules can be signed with a prenuptial agreement, and I am willing to bear all legal responsibilities.”

After typing this passage, she was silent for a long time, with complicated emotions, a little ashamed, and a little uneasy, so she added the last sentence.

"After marriage, I will give each other the best care! In order to live, please forgive my humbleness and filth!"

After checking it again, she closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and sent it out after confirming that it was correct.

The originally lively group of patients fell silent for an instant.

A few seconds later, like water dripping into a frying pan, the whole group boiled.

"I'm going, is it true or not?"

"Is there still such an operation?"

"Is that you in the profile picture of the beauty?"

"It seems sincere."

"Is it really not a joke?"

"Honestly speaking, equal rights and responsibilities, if it can be achieved, it would be a good deal."

"I'm about to die. It's a waste to burn the kidneys properly. It's okay to get someone to take care of my parents."

"Hey, he is also a poor person, who was forced to take the edge of his sword."

To Zhao Xia's surprise, no one blamed her, but many people sighed and expressed sympathy for her.

Hovering on the edge of the cliff of death, they all know that when a person is driven by a strong desire to survive, anything out of the ordinary can be done.

What's more, the conditions Zhao Xia gave were not selfish, it was a reciprocal exchange.

Many terminally ill patients, many of them are only children, their only worry is, after they leave, who will take care of their parents when they get old?

The marriage announcement aroused enthusiastic responses in the group and quickly spread to other patient groups.

The next afternoon, Zhao Xia came to the hospital for dialysis as usual.

While waiting, her phone rang and she received a friend request.

This is a netizen named "Zombie Artist", and he was a bit rude when he opened his mouth.

"You posted a personal announcement? Is it a spoof?"

Zhao Xia smiled wryly. Since last night, more than a dozen people have asked this question so far.

Is this so outrageous? No one really believed her?

She opened the photo album, and sent the medical certificate and ID card photos together.

"Now, you should believe it."

The other party was silent and did not speak again for a long time.

Just when Zhao Xia thought this was just another curious passer-by.

The other party replied: "I am willing to marry you. My name is Wang Ping, I am from Kunming, I am 30 years old, I have suffered from ALS for 3 years, and I have type B blood. Two more years to live, no hope."

Upon receiving the reply, Zhao Xia was instantly overjoyed and couldn't believe her eyes.

The other party is not only willing to marry, but also has the same blood type as her.

Kidney transplantation can be done as long as the blood type is the same. Even if the other indicators are not ideal, there are ways to solve it, and she happens to be B blood type.

Is it really a manifestation of God? Don't want to see her go to a dead end?

Wang Ping sent another question: "My family members should be the best candidates for organ transplantation. Isn't there anyone in your family who is suitable?"

Zhao Xia suddenly smiled wryly: "My parents have chronic diseases and are not eligible for organ transplantation. I also have an older sister who is eligible, but she is married and has children, and my brother-in-law refuses to agree."

"Understood. It's really difficult. It's not easy to wait for a suitable kidney source."

"Then are you still working now? I heard that uremia requires daily dialysis, so it shouldn't be suitable for work."

"Do your parents know about your marriage proposal? What do they think?"

Wang Ping sent a series of questions, obviously wanting to know more about the situation.

Zhao Xia was about to type, but saw a nurse walking over: "Zhao Xia, it's your turn."

She had no choice but to reply: "I am doing dialysis, this is my phone number 13xxxxxxx, I will contact you later."

Wang Ping: "??? You're not kidding, are you?"

After a while, Zhao Xia sent a selfie video.

In the video, she is lying next to the dialysis machine, with bright red blood flowing from the infusion tube.

Facing the camera, her face was pale, but she smiled brightly: "You see, I'm really undergoing dialysis. After a while, my sister will change her old look and become a hero again."

Watching the video, Wang Ping was dumbfounded. This girl is a bit mischievous and dares to think and act. She is really different from ordinary girls.

He couldn't help admiring the other party's tenacious courage to survive.

"Okay, then I won't bother you anymore, my phone number is xxxx."

"I'm not a liar either. Let's make an appointment to meet later."

After saying this, he also sent his ID card photo and medical information.


A few days later, a cafe at the gate of a community.

Zhao Xia saw Wang Ping on crutches.

Although both parties were wearing masks, they recognized each other at a glance from a distance.

Zhao Xia suppressed her excitement, stepped forward to hug Wang Ping, and burst out laughing.

"Is this a blind date? Why is it a bit like a spy meeting, and the code is missing."

Wang Ping also smiled: "I can't help it. With my illness, I can no longer walk normally. I have to use crutches to travel. I can't go too far. I can only meet you near the community."

"Fortunately, I still have some strength and can speak and type, otherwise I wouldn't be able to communicate with you."

His voice was extremely hoarse, and his words were also stuttered, and his speech was not very smooth, like a stuck tape recorder.

Zhao Xia suddenly became worried: "Is your condition so serious now? Are you taking medicine for treatment?"

Wang Ping shook his head: "It's useless to take medicine, it doesn't matter whether you take it or not."

Zhao Xia was taken aback: "How can this work? You have to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor, otherwise the condition will worsen."

Wang Ping looked gloomy: "I don't care, it's better if it gets worse, sooner or later I will suffocate to death."

"I've had enough. I'll die sooner than later. Anyway, you're waiting for my kidney."

This was a heaviness neither of them could get around, and Zhao Xia fell silent for a moment.

Wang Ping squeezed out a smile, trying to restore the atmosphere: "Fortunately, you have an older sister. Parents don't have to worry about taking care of themselves."

"I can't do it anymore. My mother passed away a long time ago. There is only an old father in the family. He is over 60 years old, but he is still healthy."

"To be honest, I don't want to drag him down when I'm sick. Originally, at his age, he should be spoiling his grandchildren, but instead he wants to serve me."

"After I left, he didn't have anyone to send him to the end. He had to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person. Thinking about it, I'm really unfilial."

After saying this, he burst into tears instantly, and quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from crying.

Zhao Xia silently stepped forward and hugged Wang Ping again, feeling a little sad in her heart.

Wang Ping took a tissue from the table, wiped away the tears on his face, and said with a forced smile, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure and made you laugh."

His face became serious: "I have something to tell you."

"After getting married, if my condition worsens, I will most likely lie in bed and live with a ventilator. You don't need to take care of me."

"You just need to take care of my father for me after I die."

This request sounds very loose, but it is poignant.

Zhao Xia agreed without hesitation: "No problem. This is what I should do."

Wang Ping nodded and said, "Alright then, let's discuss the details of the terms and conditions and sign them together when we get married."

"My dad has a pension. He has no problems in life, but he is lonely and needs someone to take care of him, in case he gets sick."

He paused for a moment and said, "I'm not forcing you either. You can sell my house, see a doctor for him, and hire a nanny to take care of him. You can visit him at ordinary times and just hire a doctor for him. The money should be enough."

"I'm hopelessly ill, even if I sell the house. Hehe."

After saying these words, he felt uncomfortable. In fact, he knew in his heart that the agreement between the two parties was not legally binding, and Zhao Xia could have had a kidney transplant and let it go.

But he couldn't find a better way. He was alone, with no brothers or sisters, nor was he married or had children.

The old father was the same as him, even because of his deep relationship with his mother, he had no idea of ​​finding a wife.

In order to prevent his father from dying of old age and no one at home would notice, he could only try whenever he could.

It is probably worthwhile to exchange a healthy kidney for my father to have a daughter-in-law who can provide for the elderly.

Thinking this way in his heart, he watched Zhao Xia take out the computer from her bag and start drafting the prenuptial agreement.

In fact, he didn't know that Zhao Xia was just like him, she had a similar idea, she just wanted to give it a try out of desperation.

No matter how high the risk is, neither side wants to give up this last chance.

Three days later, the two registered their marriage at the Kunming Civil Affairs Bureau.

At noon, this special couple came to a small restaurant near Wang Ping's house to celebrate their marriage and signed a special agreement on the spot.

"In view of the physical conditions of both parties, the two do not live together, do not make public, and have independent property."

"If Wang Ping dies before Zhao Xia, he will donate a kidney to her voluntarily, and he will inform his father in the form of a suicide note."

"If the donation operation is successful, Zhao Xia will survive and will need to take care of Wang Ping's father until the old man dies."

"If Wang Ping's kidneys cannot be used, Zhao Xia does not need to bear the responsibility of filial piety."

On the desktop, two red marriage certificates were lined up side by side with an agreement written in black and white.

Seeing this scene, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, as if they had let go of a heavy burden.

The two sides looked at each other, showing a hint of relieved smile.

"Come on, replace wine with tea and have a toast." Zhao Xia picked up the cup and smiled happily.

"From now on, we are a family."

"That's right. I, I actually became a family just like that." Wang Ping smiled complicatedly, and there was a trace of longing in his melancholy eyes.

At this moment, he thought of a lot, including his mother who passed away early, his first love girlfriend, and an ex-girlfriend who left like a plague god when he heard about his illness.

In any case, he has already arranged his life and his father's life, so he should have no more regrets.

Thinking of this, he drank the tea in his cup.


Although the purpose of marriage is not pure, but after they got married, the two chatted naturally like lovers every day, and they also cared about each other's safety.

After all, this might be the only marriage in their lives.

What is different from ordinary marriages is that neither party has any requirements for each other beyond the agreement, but simply gets along like friends.

There is no need to please the other party, and there is no need to treat guests and give gifts, let alone consider economic issues such as house gifts.

The communication between the two is more pure and straightforward.

Surprisingly, under this mode of getting along, the relationship between the two parties heated up rapidly.

Although I haven't seen each other since I got the marriage certificate, I have to make a lot of phone calls every day and talk for two or three hours.

Maybe it's sympathy for each other, maybe it's finding mutual support.

Until one day more than half a month later, Zhao Xia's creatinine value suddenly soared, exceeding the normal value by more than 30 times, and she was rushed to the First People's Hospital of Kunming City.

Lying on the hospital bed, I looked at my calf, which was swollen and shiny.

Zhao Xia was frightened for a while, and couldn't help thinking that she had a patient friend who was like this before she died.

She felt cold and couldn't laugh anymore.

At this time, the phone buzzed, and Wang Ping was sending messages.

Zhao Xia didn't have the time to reply, she stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Immediately, the phone started to ring, and it rang again and again. It rang seven or eight times before it quieted down.

Zhao Xia was bitter in her heart, and her parents were sitting next to her, so she turned her phone to silent mode and put it under the pillow.

On the other side, Wang Ping was jumping his feet anxiously: "There won't be any accidents."

"No, I have to go see her."

Immediately, he went out and took a taxi to the First People's Hospital of Kunming City.

Zhao Xia once told him that she was seeing a doctor in the nephrology department here.

Holding two pairs of crutches, with trembling hands, he walked carefully step by step to the inpatient department.

Shuttle through the various floors, looking for one ward after another.

Finally, outside the door of the last ward on the third floor, I heard that familiar voice.

"Xiaoxia, why didn't you tell me when you were hospitalized?"

Seeing Wang Ping suddenly appearing at the door, Zhao Xia was startled, opened her mouth to speak but stopped.

When Wang Ping saw Zhao Xia's parents in front of the hospital bed, he quickly introduced himself: "Uncle, Auntie, hello, I am Zhao Xia's patient friend, come and see her."

After exchanging pleasantries, Zhao Xia's parents left the ward.

Wang Ping instantly lowered his face: "Why didn't you say anything when you were sick? You didn't answer my phone either. Do you know how worried I am?"

Zhao Xia squeezed out a smile, pointed to her swollen calf, and said with a forced smile.

"I'm sorry, I can't wait for the day when I get a kidney transplant."

"I may not be able to be filial to your father."

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