I can extract side effects

Chapter 607 Cooperation of Disabled Persons' Federation

The back of the takeaway boy who is physically disabled and sprinting like the wind touched many netizens.

All of a sudden, he became an Internet celebrity, and the media scrambled to report on his deeds, publishing news after news.

At the same time, people also found that there are more disabled delivery workers on the Internet.

"I ordered a takeaway today. When it was delivered, I opened the door and saw that the deliveryman was wearing two metal arms. I couldn't help being stunned for a moment. At that time, there was only one question in my mind. Is Iron Man here to deliver food to me?"

After the netizen finished speaking, he snapped up two pictures.

On the screen, a delivery man wearing two metal bionic hands smiled at the camera and made a heart-to-heart gesture with his hands.

"Haha, me too. But I met another Iron Man. I live on the 7th floor. The elevator is broken and has not been repaired. I am used to waiting, but today the takeaway was delivered very quickly. When I opened the door, I saw I was shocked when both legs of the delivery man were prosthetics."

"The takeaway boy said that this prosthetic is awesome. It can climb stairs very fast, and it can't fall down. He even showed me running back and forth on the spot. There is a video with the truth."

This netizen uploaded a video of a boy in a yellow delivery suit, with silver-gray prosthetics on both calves.

But this is not the usual prosthetic limb made of a steel rod, but a pair of plump and slender legs, ignoring the color of the metal, the lines of the entire leg are very smooth, and it seems that there is an inexplicable sense of harmony.

The little brother smiled and waved in front of the camera, looking very happy, then turned around, sprinted forward, and ran seven or eight meters away in the corridor, at the end he stopped suddenly and turned around, and ran back quickly.

And those two metal prosthetic legs crossed forward at an incredible speed, running like a black whirlwind.

Every sudden stop and turn is so natural and smooth, without any feeling of stuttering, as if the two legs naturally grew on the little brother's body.

Seeing such a picture, the netizens in front of the screen all gasped.

"Nice! I seem to see a gust of wind."

"My God, am I dazzled, I actually saw afterimages?"

"Upstairs, you should go see your presbyopia. This little brother is fast, but not that fast."

"Even this is amazing. It should be the limit of ordinary people's running, but this is actually run by a disabled person."

"My little brother is in good physical condition, but what's even better is the two prosthetic legs, which are much better than ordinary prosthetics."

"That's right, my uncle is a disabled person. He is missing a leg. After wearing a prosthesis, it is very difficult to even go up and down the stairs, especially when going down the stairs. It is absolutely unnatural to walk sideways step by step."

"It looks like a foreign bionic prosthesis, but it's very expensive. Two legs are at least one apartment in a third-tier city. How can a delivery boy afford it?"

"If I can afford it, I won't come to deliver food. Isn't it good to stay at home? It must be sponsored. I seriously doubt that this video is the soft advertisement of a prosthetic company."

"Is your brain broken upstairs? Do you know how poor the disabled are? You can't find a job at all, and you can't live any longer. You still have money to buy hundreds of thousands of prosthetics? Enterprises are making money at a loss, right?"

"Yes, if you want to sponsor, you should also look for athletes from the Paralympic Games. The delivery staff are all low-level workers, so the target group is wrong. Isn't it crazy to find them for advertising?"

"Perhaps it is to reflect the adaptability of the prosthesis in the complex environment of the city."

"No matter how complicated the urban environment is, rich people who can afford hundreds of thousands of prosthetics will not experience it."

"Fart, after spending so much money, I naturally want the strongest performance. I don't have to experience it, but you can't."

After the netizens posted the video, they saw the comments arguing, and quickly posted another video explaining it.

"Family, I didn't make it clear just now. In fact, this takeaway boy participated in the company's trial, so he can experience such a high-tech bionic leg for free."

"As for this company, I also asked about it. It is the famous Sanqing Group."

"Last year, Sanqing launched a brain-computer interface product, which became very popular in the gaming circle and benefited many high-level paraplegia patients. It can be seen that Sanqing has strong technical strength. Now it has further developed bionic prosthetics, which is really normal."

"If you have any questions, you can ask Sanqing for confirmation. Please don't ginseng roosters in the comment area, thank you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the netizens immediately boiled.

"Sanqing, it really is Sanqing, I'm not surprised at all."

"Some people say that only foreign countries have bionic legs with this technology. I'm dumbfounded now, xswl."

"It's reasonable to say it's Sanqing."

"If you have to find a company that can develop bionic prostheses, there is no doubt that it can only be Sanqing."

"After watching the video, I feel inexplicably envious. My real legs can't run so fast."

"I just want to ask, has Sanqing ever considered making a prosthetic for normal people?"

"Upstairs, is the prosthesis you are talking about serious?"

"There are still unscrupulous prosthetics? It's a bit of a mess upstairs."

"Is there anything serious or not? The upstairs is probably a transvestite who wants to be gay and needs an indescribable prosthetic."

"Damn, you're still having fun. Why don't I have such a rich imagination?"

"I often feel out of place because I'm not perverted enough."

As the netizens talked, their style of painting suddenly changed, and it went in a strange direction.

But there are also normal netizens, most of whom have disabled people at home. After hearing the news, they immediately called Sanqing's customer service number and asked about prosthetics.

Not long after, Sanqing officially announced the news of the bionic limbs on the Internet, and even disclosed the price.

A bionic hand with a neural machine interface costs 60,000 to 100,000 depending on the missing limb.

The bionic legs with the same function cost RMB 30,000 to RMB 60,000 for the basic model, and there are also advanced models, which can be customized with various functions for more money.

It can be paid in installments, 3-5 years are acceptable, and the maximum is ten years.

At the same time, a test video was released, showing various functions of the bionic prosthesis in an all-round way.

Wearing prosthetic limbs, disabled people can go up and down mountains, climb rocks, run long jumps, swim and surf, and are almost omnipotent, almost no different from normal humans.

Netizens were dazzled after watching this video, and a yearning heart spontaneously arose.

Some imaginative netizens have begun to discuss whether it is possible to add some magical functions to the prosthesis.

"It's so cool. If I wear Sanqing's bionic hand, I will definitely install a light, a built-in electronic watch, and a charging function to wirelessly charge my mobile phone."

"Your imagination will stop here. If it were me, I would equip the bionic arm with a small drone. Imagine stretching out your hand, a cover on the arm slowly opens, and then a drone flies Come out, this scene is enough to attract attention."

"Why don't you say add a bazooka to the arm?"

"Isn't that nonsense? If I want to go abroad, I will definitely pretend it. I can't imagine how many weapons can be loaded with a bionic hand and a bionic leg."

"Have you ever thought, in this case, wouldn't the weight be overwhelming, and you can still walk?"

"I estimated that the drone plus the pistol and bullets, plus the weight of the arm itself, is at least 5 kilograms. If it weren't for Schwarzenegger, you should stop thinking about it."

"Damn, I don't believe that I'm 1.8 meters tall, and I've developed a body full of tendons, and I can't carry a 10-pound bionic hand."

"I'm different from you guys. I just want to modify it and make it an Iron Man-themed prosthetic. It doesn't have to be functional, but it definitely can't be cool."

"I think it's more practical. You can put your mobile phone in it, so you don't have to worry about losing your mobile phone anymore, and you don't have to take your mobile phone out of your trouser pocket. You can put your mobile phone in when you are working, and take it out when you want to use it."

"You can have this. You can put the screen on the back of your hand, the camera on your fingers, and the arm can also be made into a retractable mode, which can be used as a selfie stick, and then the other one can be operated. It must be very convenient."

"The idea is great. Maybe you can ask Sanqing to authorize you to modify the arm. It might be a way to make money."

"Although amputation is an extremely painful thing, after adding high-tech elements, it seems that the life of wearing it can be made easier. Perhaps, this is the ultimate meaning of technological development."

"It's also related to the current social atmosphere. Everyone is becoming more and more tolerant of some personal things. This may be the luck we live in this era."


Su City, Disabled Persons' Federation Rehabilitation Center.

A prosthetic fitting activity for the disabled with the theme of "Love without hindrance" is being held here.

The activity hall is very spacious, nearly two hundred square meters.

The other side by the window is a place where disabled people practice walking and perform rehabilitation training.

On the green track, a disabled person with a skeletal prosthetic leg is holding on to the stainless steel railings on both sides, trying to walk with difficulty.

A staff member stood next to him, patiently guiding the movement and gait of the disabled.

The whole picture is happy and harmonious.

At the other end is a small conference room, where fifty or sixty disabled people are either sitting in wheelchairs or sitting on plastic chairs, holding their breath and listening attentively to the speeches of the people on the stage.

Liang Kai is the person in charge of this event of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation. He stood on the podium and introduced the content of the event impassionedly.

"The main purpose of calling everyone together this time is to tell everyone a good news."

"The Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation has reached a cooperation with Sanqing to provide brand-new intelligent bionic prostheses for the disabled population."

"As we all know, Sanqing Group is a leading enterprise in the medical industry with strong strength. It not only has bionic legs, but also bionic hands, which can help every disabled person in need stand up, move, better integrate into society, and improve their lives."

The voice fell, and the test video of Sanqing's prosthesis began to play on the screen.

In an instant, there was a commotion in the audience.

The disabled people all showed shocked expressions on their faces, and they began to whisper and discuss.

"So powerful?"

"Looks like it works!"

"Then won't I be able to stand up and find a job?"

"Such a good thing must be expensive."

"Yeah, it looks expensive, it shouldn't be free."

"I feel like I can't afford it."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Liang Kai said with a smile.

"Everyone, I know you must have a lot of questions in your mind, please let me solve them for you one by one."

"This video is mainly to let everyone understand the function of the new prosthesis. Seeing is believing. Only when you see the existence of this thing can you believe us."

"As for the price issue that everyone is most concerned about, since we can take it out, the price is definitely not a problem. There is definitely a proper solution to solve your difficulties."

"Everyone knows that in the past, the Disabled Persons' Federation provided ordinary prosthetics. Although they can solve the problem of walking, they are only usable. They are not comfortable enough, and the functions are not strong. Let alone running, even going up and down stairs is a bit difficult. .”

"There is no way. In the past, the level of domestic enterprises was only at this level, but fortunately, it is cost-effective and can meet basic needs."

"As long as 4,000 yuan, everyone can walk. What more can you ask for, so the Disabled Persons' Federation has been providing this prosthesis for free for everyone."

"However, everything is different now."

"With Sanqing's prosthetic limbs, you can not only walk as if walking on flat ground, but also run like a gust of wind. As for going up and down stairs and climbing mountains, that's trivial."

"The only problem is that such a product is newly launched, and the price will not be so cheap."

"Frankly speaking, it's even a little expensive, but it can greatly improve your life. I can only say that you get what you pay for."

Liang Kai paused for a moment, and slowly said the price under the expectant eyes of everyone.

"The price is more than five figures, starting from 30,000 for bionic legs and 60,000 for bionic hands."

"What do you think of the price? Is it expensive?"

After he said this, he thought that everyone would think it was expensive, and then criticized the manufacturer and complained to him.

In this way, when he comes up with a proper solution next time, everyone will be very pleasantly surprised, and there will be a feeling of pie in the sky, which will naturally lead to a burst of goodwill towards the Disabled Persons' Federation.

Unexpectedly, the disabled people in the audience shook their heads one after another, expressing opposite opinions.

"Not expensive, the price is worth it."

"Things with such good functions must not be sold too cheaply, and the manufacturers cannot lose money."

"Sanqing is a conscientious manufacturer. I don't think they can make much money at this price."

"Yeah, the price is not its problem, it's my problem."

"It's a pity that I can't find a job, otherwise I would have to work part-time to earn back the money for the prosthesis."

"I wish I had a hand, so I can put on a cheap prosthetic leg first, try to make money first, and then change this prosthetic leg."

Liang Kai smiled self-deprecatingly. It seemed that the masses had sharp eyes and understood the value of Sanqing's prosthetics.

It's my own idea, which is a bit too taken for granted.

At the moment, he no longer kept secrets, and directly revealed the plan.

"Considering that the economic conditions of the disabled are relatively difficult, Sanqing and the Disabled Persons' Federation have reached a cooperation and arranged a ten-year installment payment for everyone, so that they can use bionic prostheses in advance for only a few thousand yuan a year."

"For the first year's fee, below 5,000 yuan, the Disabled Persons' Federation will provide subsidies and pay directly. If it exceeds 5,000 yuan, the Disabled Persons' Federation can also pay half of the fee, which means half a year's expenses."

"In addition, after the prosthesis is installed, the Disabled Persons' Federation will also recommend jobs, so that everyone can find a job as soon as possible and earn money to support their families."

"In this way, everyone can use the bionic prosthesis for free for at least half a year. As long as they find a job in this half year, they will definitely make money, and the subsequent expenses will no longer be a problem."

As soon as this plan was announced, the audience immediately burst into thunderous cheers.

"Great, thanks to the country, thanks to the Disabled Persons' Federation, and thanks to Sanqing."

"With half a year to go, I'm sure I'll find a job and earn money for the prosthesis."

"This plan is very ideal and gives us enough buffer time."

"Yeah, it's very difficult to take out tens of thousands of dollars at once, but if you divide it into ten years and pay only a few thousand dollars a year, then everyone can take it out."

"And if there is a job, the money is easy to earn back."

"With the bionic prosthesis installed, we can find a job. Those with high salaries can't find it. There is still a great possibility of two to three thousand yuan a month."

"This prosthesis is very functional. It is not only a daily necessities, but also a tool for making money. My son bought a car to run Didi. This prosthesis is just like a car, and the price is similar, tens of thousands of dollars."

"Yes, with the bionic hand, I can be a normal person."

Everyone was very excited, some even choked up on the spot, and hot tears flowed down from the corners of their eyes involuntarily.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liang Kai also smiled in relief.

For the first time, he felt that his work was so meaningful.

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