I can extract side effects

Chapter 609 From Night Run to Marathon


Xue Shen was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and saw several familiar faces appearing in front of his eyes.

It was the few colleagues who had greeted them, and they were looking over excitedly at this moment, with lights shining in their eyes.

Before they knew it, they had already run back.

But judging by his out of breath look, it's likely that he didn't run the full distance and ran all the way back.

"That's right, Xue Bo, I see you coming every day, you must be a runner too."

"You ran 5 kilometers in one breath without panting. It's really amazing. You are definitely a good seed for running a marathon."

A colleague with short stature and thin limbs said excitedly. .

Xue Shen knew this person. His surname was Liu. He seemed to be a colleague from the department next door. He had cooperated on the project before, but he forgot the specific name.

He shook his head subconsciously: "Forget about the marathon. It's been too long. I don't have that time. I run purely for exercise."

Xiao Liu seems to be a long-distance running enthusiast, and he has no intention of giving up at all, and still talks enthusiastically.

"The marathon is mainly about exercising, aerobic exercise, which can also lose weight, enhance cardiopulmonary function, and keep fit, so I come to run two laps every day."

"Xue Bo, in fact, there are different types of marathons. There are full marathons, half marathons, and 10 kilometers. It is not as difficult as you think. This 10 kilometers is a bit more than the 5 kilometers you run every day. leave."

"I think you have elite level strength. As long as you do a little exercise and run a marathon, you will definitely get a big bonus."

"Bonuses? There are bonuses for the marathon?" Xue Shen was finally moved. Although he knew about the sport of the marathon, he never knew that there were bonuses for this thing.

Seeing the change in his calm expression, Xiao Liu immediately spoke more vigorously.

"That's right, there are not only bonuses, but the bonuses for international marathons are particularly high."

"Take the Haishi International Marathon as an example. This is a platinum event in world track and field. The prize money for winning the full marathon is 45,000 US dollars, which is about 300,000 RMB."

Xiao Liu salivated and said, "The prize for the runner-up is also 20,000 U.S. dollars, and the latter is a little less, only a few thousand U.S. dollars. But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. There is no such thing as too much, right?"

"Take the Lanma this summer as an example. If the world record is broken, there will be an additional bonus of 100,000 US dollars. If the national record is broken, there will be 50,000 US dollars. Even if only the Lanma record is broken, there will be 10,000 US dollars."

"A lot of professional marathon runners rely on participating in global competitions to eat, and they can earn millions of dollars a year with excellent results."

"A bonus of 100,000 US dollars!" Xue Shen was instantly moved.

Although he has no interest in marathons, but for extreme sports, the focus is on participation. It is great to be able to exercise, and it really doesn't matter whether it is money or not.

"Not only that, the championship bonus is 40,000 US dollars. As for 50,000, 100,000, that is a record-breaking additional bonus."

Xiao Liu immediately corrected his mistake: "If a game can break the record, it will usually be the champion, so the bonus should be 145,000 yuan, rounded up to one million yuan."

Xue Shen's tongue became dry all of a sudden, he swallowed uncontrollably, and asked.

"What is the marathon world record?"

Xiao Liu looked at the sky, pondered for three seconds, and said casually: "It seems like two hours and a few minutes, and it hasn't broken through two hours."

"In general domestic marathon competitions, the whole marathon is 42 kilometers, and if you can run in less than 2 hours and ten minutes, you can win the championship."

Xue Shen nodded thoughtfully: "Understood, so as long as you run within 2 hours, you will definitely be able to break the world record, right?"

The two simple and clear data of 2 hours and 1 million bonus were instantly imprinted in his mind.

Xiao Liu nodded yearningly: "Yes, but that's all about professional athletes, and it has nothing to do with us. We amateur players can be thankful if we can run within 4 hours."

Xue Shen asked curiously: "Then is there any standard for this marathon? For example, how long does it take to run 10 kilometers, and what is the result?"

"Yes, marathon enthusiasts divide their scores according to age, and they are divided into several levels."

When Xiao Liu said this, he paused, and said hesitantly: "Xue Bo, I think you should be in your early 30s."

Xue Shen nodded and jokingly said, "I'm 33 years old, am I already in the senior group?"

"Haha, how can you? You are in your prime." Xiao Liu laughed loudly.

"There are tens of thousands of participants in each marathon. It can't be that they are all young people in their 20s. There are also many elderly people in their 50s and 60s who are running."

"It is the only competition where amateurs can compete with professional athletes. There is no threshold at all, or it is a mass sport."

"Like other sports such as basketball and football, a group of professional athletes compete on the court. No matter how much amateurs love it, they can't participate in it. It's not like a marathon. You can even sign up for the Olympic Games."

"You should belong to the 30-34 age group. According to the standards of this group, you only need to run 10 kilometers for 38 minutes, and you are considered an elite."

He said enviously: "Xue Bo, look at you just ran 5 kilometers, that is called a fast walk, the whole run is like a walk, you don't even need to rest, I am really envious of me."

"Tsk tsk, your running is no worse than professional black athletes in the Philippines. If I had your physical fitness, I would have quit my job to run a marathon a long time ago."

Xue Shen chuckled, the corners of his mouth curled up, but he said, "Where, where, I've only been running for a few months, so I can't be compared with a professional."

"By the way, the standard you just mentioned is for amateur athletes, so what is the standard for professional athletes?"

Xiao Liu scratched his head and said somewhat uncertainly.

"Professional runners seem to have several levels. For a full marathon, you can be a sixth-level athlete within 4 hours, a third-level athlete within 3 hours, and a first-level athlete within two and a half hours."

"For the half-marathon, I don't remember very clearly. It's about half the time and then a little faster."

Xue Shen nodded secretly, feeling that this data is not difficult, and he should be able to get it with his own efforts.

So I plan to run a 10km test tomorrow.

He is still relatively cautious. Before going to participate in the marathon, he must first check his own strength.

If the gap is too big, he won't bother to participate. If the results are not bad, he can try it.

At the moment, he did not explicitly refuse to participate in the marathon. He only said that he was too busy with work and had to think about it again.

When the test results come out tomorrow, if you really plan to participate in the competition, it's not too late to ask Xiao Liu for advice.

However, the two chatted happily, added WeChat to each other, and bid farewell friendly.

The next day, Xue Shen had no intention of working all day, and the word "one million" kept popping up in his mind from time to time, as if engraved on the cerebral cortex, and he couldn't get rid of it.

At the end of the day, he deliberately went for a run two hours earlier, intending to stagger the time with others.

After simply eating dinner and injecting 120ml of nano blood into his vein, he came to the river with a calm face.

It was still early, and most people were either working overtime or eating.

At the entrance of the flat track, he was the only one left.

Xue Shen took a deep breath, stretched his limbs skillfully, and began to warm up.

Soon, he felt his body heat up, sweat slightly, and his heart beat a little faster.

"Okay, this time it's 10 kilometers, run back and forth twice."


Watching the countdown on the smart watch gradually go to zero.

He mentally simulated the gunshot, and let out a yell with a bang.

With force on the soles of the feet, it rushed out instantly like an arrow leaving the string.

Since it was a physical fitness test, Xue Shen didn't dare to hold back. Instead, he used all his strength and ran fast.

Of course, he also considered that 10 kilometers is a bit far away, and it is best to run a long-distance run at a constant speed, so he has been controlling the speed.

Make sure that during the whole process, you will not be too strenuous and you can retain a certain amount of physical fitness.

It is not too late to start a sprint after the last mile.

In this way, Xue Shen concentrated on running, ecstatically immersed in running.

It wasn't until I came to the familiar entrance again that I realized in an instant that I had already finished running.

"Before I knew it, I actually ran 10 kilometers."

At this time, he was a little out of breath, but overall, he was a little tired, but not too tired, and he didn't feel exhausted after running in the past.

However, he had no time to pay attention to his physical condition.

Instead, he immediately looked at the smart watch on his wrist that was timing.

At 30:06, several big numbers came into view.

Xue Shen couldn't help being stunned, this result was a bit too good, it was beyond his expectation.

Even if he doesn't know much about long-distance running, he knows that only professional athletes who have undergone long-term training can achieve this result.

"It turns out that the effect of artificial nano blood is so good!" He muttered to himself, feeling a little complicated for a while.

I am not only happy for my excellent grades, but also have a sneaky feeling of being a thief.

After all, injecting high-tech nanoparticles into blood vessels is considered cheating, and it is a bit guilty to say it.

He knew very well in his heart that if he hadn't been injected with nano blood, it would have been impossible for him to achieve this result.

If you can run 10 kilometers in 50 minutes, you can break through yourself.

After running for 40 minutes, the ancestral grave is already smoking.

As for 30 minutes, it is really unthinkable.

It belongs to the level that can represent the country to participate in international competitions. After a year and a half of hard training, maybe you can get a gold medal back.

After all, he is now an amateur among amateurs, and has never trained at all.

To be able to achieve such results by just running around is simply extraordinary talent, and he belongs to the genius of the track and field field.

"Hey, do you want to run a marathon?"

"With my grades, if I practice hard, I should have a good chance of winning the championship."

"I only injected 120ml today. If I had a little more, would I be able to run for twenty minutes?"

"In this case, is there hope to break the record?"

Thinking of this, Xue Shen's breathing became short of breath.

"A million, a million, that's a million."

"The most important thing is that it's free money. I don't need to do anything. I just need to secretly inject a few injections of nano blood developed by myself before the game."

"I don't even have to pay anything, just keep it a secret."

"Participated secretly once, won the championship and prize money, and won't attract any attention at all."

"Emma, ​​which cadre can stand such a test!"

Xue Shen was very entangled in his heart. He wanted to participate in the competition and get the money, but he felt that his conscience could not bear it.

Most importantly, if you get caught cheating, wouldn't your reputation be ruined.

He thought about it, but couldn't make up his mind.

In this way, he returned to the dormitory with a tangled face.

However, just lying on the bed like this, no matter where you look, whether it is the ceiling, or the screen of your mobile phone, or even when you get up to wash and look in the mirror.

There is a long string of fluorescent colored zero eggs flashing in front of your eyes.

Even if you close your eyes, there are countless zeros shining on the retina.

"Your sister, don't force me to cheat. I have lived in my 30s and have always been a top student. I never bothered to do such a thing."

Xue Shen couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and buried his head deep in the quilt, intending to be a dying ostrich.

The next day, he came to the office with big dark circles under his eyes.

It wasn't until I was immersed in work that I gradually forgot about it.

Came to the cafeteria at noon, ordered a portion of braised pork, found a seat, just sat down, saw a man jogging in front of him, plopped down and sat down.

When I looked up, my heart tightened, and it turned out to be Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu said eagerly: "Xue Bo, have you thought about the marathon in Lancheng? Do you want to participate?"

Xue Shen felt like knocking over a miscellaneous sauce shop, full of mixed flavors, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiao Liu mistakenly thought that he had acquiesced, and immediately beamed with joy: "Great, I'm just about to sign up, and today is the last day."

"Because I have to ask for leave to go to a different place, many colleagues don't want to go far away. They are really a bunch of guys who love dragons."

"It's still Xue Bo, you are enough, with you to accompany me, I will not be alone anymore."

"Okay, I see. I'll go get vegetables first. I'll report to you in the afternoon, so we can have a companion."

After finishing this series of words, Xiao Liu happily waved his hands, stood up quickly, and disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, you know, what do you know?" Xue Shen became impatient, and was about to express his objection, but saw that the other party had already disappeared in a hurry.

"He should just talk, and won't help me sign up. He doesn't have my ID card, and he will have to ask me for it later. I just ignore him then."

He comforted himself like this, and finally calmed down.

It's just delicious braised pork in the mouth, but it's chewy and loses all flavor.

In the afternoon, Xue Shen was working restlessly, picking up his phone from time to time to take a look.

It's a pity that I waited until night, but there was no news from the other party.

He was suddenly very disappointed, and secretly regretted it. He knew that Xiao Liu was just talking casually, and it seemed that he should take the initiative to send his ID number to remind him vaguely.

Now that the deadline for registration has passed, it seems that he will completely miss the million dollar prize.

Hey, why didn't I have the fate to make a fortune.

He blamed himself here, and even forgot to do the nano blood experiment.

Frustrated, he went straight back to the dormitory.

As soon as I was lying on the bed, I heard the phone beep twice.

After a look, Xiao Liu sent a message.

"Haha, Xue Bo, I just got feedback from the administration and signed up for both of us."

Xue Shen was at a loss: "What the hell? What does it have to do with administration?"

"It's like this. I saw that the company has a benefit. In order to encourage everyone to exercise more, if you participate in a regular competition such as a marathon, you only need to find the administrative agency to report all the expenses. So I went directly to the administrative office and gave our names They all went up."

Xiao Liu said cheerfully: "Administrative registration is very convenient. You can check it in the system and you will find all the information on your ID card. You don't need to ask for your ID number. You can just register online."

"Thinking about the fact that we will go to Lancheng to participate in the marathon at the end of June, I'm so excited."

"Haha, the administration even booked a hotel for us, one room per person, don't be too comfortable."

Seeing this string of information, Xue Shen was numb.

He never expected that Xiao Liu would have such a trick, and he would sign up without his ID card.

Now it's really a rush to put ducks on the shelves, so I have to go if I don't go.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, it's useless to think too much."

"It's fate, I can't refuse."

"This million-dollar prize seems to be right for me."

"Since it is destined to have such a windfall, I can only accept it."

"If you don't take the gift from heaven, you will be blamed instead."

With that thought in his mind, all the anxiety disappeared in an instant.

Not only did he accept the arrangement of fate with peace of mind, but he even faintly looked forward to it.

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