I can extract side effects

Chapter 611 Accidentally Breaking a Record

On the street at the starting point, a thick starting line was painted with blue paint, and a huge blue banner hung high above the head, with the words "Lancheng Marathon" written on it.

Nearly 20 Filipino black players lined up in a row and stood on the blue starting line.

They were surrounded by emptiness, with a wide field of vision and a smooth road in front of them.

Except for the staff and spectators standing on both sides of the street, there are no obstacles.

There is no doubt that this is the best first batch of starting tracks. Black elite players will not have any congestion at the start, and they have a greater advantage in running good results.

And behind them, at a distance of about fifty meters, is the second group of starting runners.

This wave of people was much larger, tens of thousands of people, just crowded together in rows, shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow, front to back.

Xue Shen and Xiao Liu were squeezed at the end of the crowd, sweating profusely and unable to move.

After waiting for a long time, the energy and spirit of both of them were exhausted.

Xue Shen stood on tiptoe and took a long look ahead, feeling a little annoyed.

"Why can those black people stand comfortably at the front, have the best distance, the widest view, no one is crowded, no one is noisy, and they can run 50 meters ahead of us?"

Xiao Liu said listlessly: "Hey, they are VIPs, but you misunderstood them first."

"Although people will give priority to starting at a certain distance, everyone starts timing from the blue starting line, and we are the same."

"They run first and count first, and we run second and wait until we reach the starting line before timing."

Xue Shen looked at him like a fool, and said speechlessly, "Then we have to run 50 meters longer than them? Wouldn't it take a lot of energy?"

"Besides, the person who runs first can lead the way. There is no need to squeeze when running, and there is no interference when running."

"We are running behind. There are so many people in front. Everyone is crowded together, so we can't speed up at all. They are already strong, and they have a first-mover advantage over you. How is this different from recommending the champion?"

"And if you want to catch up, can't you overtake? Have you ever driven a car? How difficult is it to overtake a car behind? A little squeeze from someone can make you unable to run past."

He shook his head and couldn't help sighing.

"Damn it. I thought sports events were fair, but it turned out that unfairness is everywhere."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Liu also recalled it.

His previous grades were too poor, and he was directly at the bottom of the wave. He didn't need to surpass others at all, so he naturally didn't think there was any problem with others running first.

Now that I realized it, I was instantly furious: "Your sister, I'm already good at running, and I almost couldn't finish the run, but you asked me to run an extra 50 meters, which is too much, is there such a word as fair in this world! "

When he was angry, suddenly the surroundings became noisy.

A staff member ran over with a horn and shouted loudly: "Quiet, the game has begun!"

The two couldn't help but cheer up, and the anger that had accumulated for a long time already turned into a powerful force, pouring into every part of the body.

Soon, bang.

The starting gun sounded, the crowd on the track was turbulent, and the flags were flying.

All the emotions in Xue Shen's mind were instantly emptied, leaving only one thought.

Must win!

However, the next second, just as he was about to shoot the arrow out as usual.

But I found myself ignoring an important issue.

In front of me, there are tens of thousands of contestants, stretching for hundreds of meters.

He simply couldn't run as fast as he should in the dense crowd.

Not to mention taking the lead and catching up with those black players.

"Oops! How did I forget this one?"

Xue Shen patted his forehead in frustration, and could only chase forward with the greatest speed and the most flexible posture.

Only in this way, the speed inevitably slowed down.

It didn't quite reach the pace he expected.

He is like a needle, threading a needle through the crowd, moving forward at a turtle's speed.

In this way, one after another contestant continued to surpass the surrounding ones.

After running for a full kilometer, he finally saw a group of 300 rabbits in the distance.

These pacers were male and female, wearing yellow vests and long pink ears on their heads. While advancing at a constant speed, they waved to the audience outside the roadside railing.

Xue Shen looked around and found that there were a lot fewer people around, and his vision became wider.

At this moment, he had completely left the large team behind him behind.

Finally, I can move forward at the speed I set before the game.

He exerted force on the soles of his feet, and rushed up with an acceleration, quickly surpassing the group of 300 rabbits, leaving them far behind.

This also means that if you run at a constant speed at the current speed, you will not be caught up by 300 rabbits.

He will run the distance in 3 hours.

Such a result is good enough for a pure rookie.

But for Xue Shen, it was far from enough.

His goal is to run into 2 hours!

The current world record for the full marathon is 2 hours, 1 minute and 09 seconds.

He has to run faster and in less time!

No matter whether he can break 2 or not, even if he is only 1 second faster, he can set a new world record, and it is a world record unique to Chinese runners.

In this case, the current speed of 300 is not enough, and the pace must reach 3 minutes per kilometer to hope to complete the goal.

Thinking of this, Xue Shen immediately spread his legs, spinning like a top, and galloped on the track.

Running, running, the familiar pink rabbit ears appeared in front of her again.

This is a rabbit of the highest level, and the time plate on its body says 230.

This shows that I have already entered the first echelon and become an elite contestant.

He didn't speed up deliberately, but maintained a fixed pace.

Soon, he overtook the 230 rabbit and ran farther and farther under the surprised eyes of the other party.

At this point, there are no more rabbits ahead.

Only the shadows of the black players could be vaguely seen.

Xue Shen suddenly felt relieved. He looked at his watch and found that he had already run 5 kilometers.

Next, there are 37 kilometers.

This will be an extremely difficult and protracted battle.

And there was no one else by his side, so he could only move forward alone.

In the long journey of 42 kilometers, the road ahead is the easiest to walk, but it is also the most confusing.

Inexperienced beginners tend to take it lightly and keep accelerating.

When I run to the second half of the distance, about 30 kilometers, I will soon hit the wall physically and can no longer run.

Not just exhaustion, but muscle cramps, stiff legs, increased heart rate, and shortness of breath.

It's the feeling that I can't run a step anymore, I really don't want to run, even my legs and feet don't listen to me, and there is only one thought in my mind-retirement!

This is often caused by excessive physical energy consumption and accumulation of metabolic waste. In the final analysis, it is the cause of insufficient oxygen supply in the body.

Therefore, he must not take it lightly. He consumed too much in the first half of the schedule, which led to failure in the second half.

In the early stage, you must run at a stable pace, even if it is slower.

Wait until the second half, then increase the speed, and sprint to the end in one breath.

In this way, the adverse reactions of the body can be minimized and the whole course can be run smoothly.

With such a mentality, Xue Shen only has one word when running, steady!

Unknowingly, he was getting closer and closer to the black team in front.

When he ran more than ten meters away, a black man looked back at him with a surprised expression.

These people are the first batch of specially invited elite players to start.

They also didn't expect that a Chinese person would catch up so quickly.

The black people turned their heads one after another, as if they were curious about this outstanding Huaxia player.

When their eyes fell on the number plate on Xue Shen's chest and saw the big letter D, Qiqi suddenly showed a shocked expression.

Everyone who participated in the competition knows that the players in the D area are basically newcomers and beginners, and many of them can't even run a full marathon.

Anyone who participates in several marathons and can run for less than 4 hours will be placed in Zone C.

However, at the moment, a Chinese competitor in Zone D surpassed a group of outstanding runners, and ran behind the top 100 super elite runners of the Global Athletics Federation with a peerless appearance.

This shocking level is no less than a novice in the Qi training period fighting an even match with the Jindan Patriarch, and it is inseparable.

Almost instantly, a chirping voice came over.

It sounded like black people were talking about him.

But Xue Shen didn't care, because his whole mind was on another matter.

He was about to run 10 kilometers, and he had to replenish his energy.

Since the competition cannot bring water, it can only rely on the official to provide food and water.

He quickly looked around, looking for the official supply station.

Sure enough, after turning a corner, a blue pergola appeared ten meters away. Sports drinks and mineral water were neatly placed on the long table below.

Xue Shen was overjoyed, and he didn't care about speed control at the moment, so he accelerated and rushed over.

Panting heavily, he picked up a bottle of water from the table, unscrewed the cap and drank it in a big gulp.

Then he wiped off his sweat again, picked up a bag of energy gel, tore it open and took a big gulp into his mouth.

Energy gels look like transparent jelly, and taste like jelly, with a sweet and sour taste.

It is actually concentrated fructose and glucose in essence, which is very easy to digest and absorb, and can provide a lot of energy in a short time, which is very popular among athletes.

With a bottle of mineral water in his left hand and a bag of energy gel in his right hand, Xue Shen ran again.

Running while eating, occasionally drinking a sip of water to help swallowing, quickly replenishing energy.

Sure enough, after completing the supply, his physical strength quickly recovered.

Next, it is still a 3-point run at a constant speed.

Xue Shen was so immersed in the world of running that he completely forgot himself.

In addition to replenishing food and water every 5 kilometers, he is almost like a rigid robot, strictly implementing his own running program.

When he ran 30 kilometers, he stopped at the supply station again.

A black man suddenly walked over from the side of the road, smiled at him, showed his white teeth, and asked in fluent Chinese.

"Hi, who is your agent?"

Xue Shen froze for a moment: "What broker?"

"It's your boss. Or to put it another way, who told you to come to the competition?" The black man waved his hands, strengthening his tone.

Xue Shen shook his head: "I am a running enthusiast. This is my first time participating in the competition. I don't quite understand what you are talking about."

He could see that this person was not wearing a uniform, he was neither a staff member nor a contestant, he came out of nowhere, so he didn't need to bother with him at all.

After speaking, he walked away quickly and continued to run on the track.

After he walked away, the black man took out a mobile phone and made a call with a serious expression.

"Boss, I asked. It's not another team, but a rookie in the preliminary round. It seems that the talent is good, but that's it."

"Got it, I'll keep an eye on him."

After 30 kilometers, Xue Shen did not run as easily and comfortably as before.

He faintly felt a little tired, his heart was beating hard, his breath was a little messy, and his steps began to become heavy.

"There are still 12 kilometers left, hold on." He clenched his fists and secretly cheered himself up.

At this moment, the group of blacks who kept a distance of about 10 meters from him.

Suddenly the group changed their formation, from a compact triangle to a loose group.

The track is actually fairly spacious, but after a dozen or so people spread out, the gap between each person became a bit narrow.

It is no longer easy to shuttle through the gap.

Xue Shen's heart sank suddenly. He looked back and found that there was no one behind him.

Suddenly, he felt keenly that the other party seemed to be targeting him.

He kept his distance calmly, thinking quickly about countermeasures.

The opponent obviously didn't intend to let him pass, so he adopted group tactics, trying to rely on the number of people to stop him behind.

Behaviors such as pushing, crowding, and bumping into people are obviously against the rules. If they are discovered by the staff next to them, the game will definitely be cancelled.

How to deal with it?

Suddenly, 36 Strategies, Sun Tzu's Art of War, etc., all kinds of thoughts flowed through his mind at the speed of light.

However, after much deliberation, it seems that there is no good way to deal with the current predicament.

Until he glanced at the number plate on his chest out of the corner of his eye, and saw the big letter D, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"That can only show weakness to the enemy. The only information the opponent knows about me is the first time I participated in the competition. They don't know anything about my strength and can only speculate from what I have revealed."

"It may be that I ran too easily and seemed not as tired as others, so they became vigilant and prevented me from overtaking."

"As long as I show that I am exhausted and can't run anymore, that I am struggling to run, or even lag behind by a little distance, they will definitely not feel that I am a threat anymore."

"But I can't fall behind too much, otherwise there will be no room for explosion, and I can't leave them behind in an instant."

"Hey, I've figured out a solution, but I can't run at a constant speed anymore. The next words will test my explosive power and acting skills, and I don't know if I can hold on."

Xue Shen let out a wry smile in his heart, feeling as though he had been pushed to the top and his reputation would be ruined.

However, the next second, he cheered up again.

"This is what makes soldiers never tire of deceit. How can we, the people of China, lag behind others?"

"The arena is like a battlefield, win glory for the country, who else can I have!"

Having figured this out all of a sudden, Xue Shen immediately started his performance.

First, he let out a few screams with a ferocious expression, and then gasped for breath, looking like he was about to die.

The speed also suddenly slowed down.

Wait until the black man in front looks back.

He immediately sped up two steps, his expression twisted, his mouth wide open, like a fish landing on the shore, panting for breath, while howling at the top of his lungs.

In this way, he no longer ran at a constant speed, but ran fast for a while, and then jogged for a while.

It feels like running to the point of dying, but holding on stubbornly, sitting up in shock from time to time when dying, speeding up and sprinting for a certain distance, highlighting a flashback.

Every marathon runner knows that such running is undoubtedly a huge consumption of physical strength, and it is impossible for anyone to persist.

The effect was immediate. The black man who looked back from time to time observed for a while and found that he didn't look like a fake.

He looked at the number plate on his chest again, paused for a long time on the letter D, and finally let go of his guard completely.

After repeated internal exchanges, they quickly returned to the original compact triangle formation.

At this time, only 5 kilometers away from the finish line.

The black people's expressions became dignified, and they stopped looking back, but ran forward with concentration.

And just ten seconds after they resumed their formation.

The corners of Xue Shen's mouth curled up, revealing a smug smile.

He clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and all the power he had accumulated exploded at the soles of his feet in an instant.

The whole person shot out like a bolt of lightning.

Get past the last black person.

Go over the middle black again.

Finally get past the front black man.

Like a bazooka out of the chamber, galloping on the wide track.

At this moment, he finally realized the feeling of rushing ahead.

So fucking cool!

There is no one in front of him, and the field of vision is so wide that everyone is far behind.

He just needs to run and keep running toward the finish line.

Go all the way to the end of the universe, the temple of physics, the ultimate of life.

To win the brightest crown on the peak of the palace...

Wait, what is this all about.

I am obviously for the million dollar prize, no, to win glory for the country.

What does it have to do with physics, the universe, and life?

Xue Shen shook his head violently, only to feel that his mind was in a mess, and all kinds of strange thoughts popped up.

In the next second, there seemed to be a flame burning in his chest.

All the nanoparticles in the body are rushing through the blood at an astonishing speed at this moment, consuming a huge amount of oxygen, sending energy to every cell in the body at high speed.

Just when Xue Shen suddenly changed his face and ran into a bolt of lightning.

Not far behind, all the black players stopped involuntarily.

All of them opened their mouths wide open, staring dumbfounded at his back as he disappeared into the distance.

I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.

Until someone came up from behind.

The black players woke up one after another and continued running.

The last black man left, his face full of shock, exclaimed again and again, while making the cross on his chest.

"My God, what did I see?"

"There is really someone who can run faster than a cheetah!"

"It's unbelievable how he can run so fast."

"I must have been dazzled to see a lion behind his ass!"


At the terminal, the reporters pointed their guns and short cannons at the track, waiting for the birth of the champion.

The staff also looked nervously at the timer.

Finally, a speeding figure appeared in the distance.

The whirlwind generally rushes toward the finish line.

The speed was so fast that everyone present was stunned in an instant.

what happened?

In previous competitions, the champions seemed to have stumbled and jogged over.

There are even those who lie on the ground and climb across the finish line step by step.

They have never seen a player with such good physical strength.

At the end, he can still run so fast!

In the silence of the scene.

Xue Shen crossed the finish line like a bullet hitting the water.

After running another five or six meters, I slowly slowed down and stopped.

As soon as he stopped, he dropped to the ground, stretched out one leg, and lifted it up, doing a static pull.

This rapid burst of 5 kilometers is really exhausting.

His whole body was soaked as if he had been picked up from the water.

Shortness of breath, pounding heart, stiff legs, muscle aches, he had it all.

Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of high body temperature to complete the static stretching and relieve the elasticity of the muscles.

Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to get out of bed the next day.

At this moment, exclamations suddenly came from behind.

The staff yelled with excitement, and a thunderous voice burst out from the speakers.

"My God, another new world record has been born!"

"1 hour 58 minutes 46 seconds!"

"This is a world record belonging to China."

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