Haishi, Lvjing Bay City Community.

This is the largest community located in the inner ring, with a large area, and as far as the eye can see, there are densely packed high-rise buildings, which is like a living steel jungle.

The surrounding facilities are complete, not only are there countless restaurants and convenience stores, but there are also entertainment venues such as swimming pools and sports grounds.

A community of hundreds of thousands of square meters has been built into a large park, with more than 90 buildings dotted around, surrounded by a small clear river.

As one of the tens of thousands of residents living here, Li Jing can enjoy the convenient city life without leaving home every day, and she lives very comfortably.

Today is the weekend, as usual, she came to the river after eating and strolled along the long tree-lined road.

When passing by the Fengchao cabinet nearby, she suddenly saw a long queue in front of her, people were constantly moving, and there were bursts of discussion from time to time.

"No way, there are so many people taking a courier?" She stretched her neck and looked over there, feeling a little strange.

Just for a while, not only did no one leave, but people kept rushing to join the long queue.

Li Jing suddenly felt a strong curiosity, and couldn't help but started to walk towards the crowd.

After finally walking to the front of the line, a small kiosk that looked like an ATM cash machine appeared in front of us.

What shocked her was that everyone stood obediently in front of the pavilion door, one meter away, their eyes fixed on the frosted glass on the door, with longing expressions on their faces, as if they wanted to peep through the crack of the door. to something the same.

Li Jing was taken aback by her own thought, she patted her chest and said to herself, "No, no, even if there are people running naked inside, there won't be so many people waiting to see."

She cautiously asked the first person in line, who was a hale and hearty old man in his 60s.

"Master, so many of you are queuing up, what are you doing?"

The old man looked over with a strange expression: "Didn't you join the owner group? The property management should have notified every building."

Li Jing blushed: "I'm a tenant, and I didn't join the owner group."

"Oh, it's okay, isn't there a lot of people in our community?" The old man said kindly.

"The nearby hospital is a bit far away, so Sanqing Group has installed an AI diagnostic kiosk here. It seems to be newly developed. It can perform various physical examinations on people. I heard that the effect is as good as that of the hospital's equipment."

"So that's why you all came here to line up for the medical examination?" Li Jing suddenly realized, and at the same time, her heart was about to move.

The talent for joining in the fun in the Haishi people's bones began to awaken almost immediately, driving her to trot all the way to the end of the long line, and joined in.

Standing in the line, listening to the discussion of the people next to her, Li Jing couldn't help thinking about what kind of physical examination she was going to do.

She is less than 30 years old, and she lives a regular life. She feels healthy and does not need a physical examination.

Occasionally, if you catch a cold, go to the hospital for a blood test to check for inflammation, and prescribe a medicine.

In her opinion, young people are not as poor as old people, and they only need to be checked when they are sick.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't find a suitable inspection item, but I had been waiting in line for at least ten minutes, and I was really unwilling to leave like this.

So, Li Jing squeezed out a friendly smile and asked a tall girl in front of her in a low voice.

"Beauty, what kind of inspections are there in the end? Does a healthy person like me still need to be inspected?"

The tall girl said with a smile: "I also heard from others that the inspection inside is very comprehensive. You can do whatever you want. Even if you don't get sick, you can still have a comprehensive inspection for your body. Check the three high schools."

"It's really not possible. There is also genetic testing in it. This can check whether you have a genetic disease, or whether you carry a genetic disease gene. It is also very important for ordinary people."

At this time, a fat girl from behind also stepped in, nodded frantically, and said, "That's right, I have a best friend who has always wanted to find out if I have a genetic disease, and spent money to do a genetic test."

"It turned out that something was wrong. She is a carrier of the recessive gene of hemophilia, and she will not get the disease herself, but if she gives birth to a boy, the chance of getting the disease will be very high."

"Ah? There is such a thing?" Li Jing and the tall girl were shocked at the same time.

Thanks to the continuous publicity of various terminally ill protagonists in film and television dramas, they have all heard of diseases such as congenital heart disease, hemophilia, and leukemia.

"Why do boys have a high incidence of hemophilia?"

Hearing this news, Li Jing felt urgent for genetic testing.

The fat girl thought about it carefully, and explained: "Because the hemophilia gene is on the X chromosome, women have a pair of X chromosomes. Even if they inherit the hemophilia gene, they still have a healthy X chromosome, so they are often only carriers. won't get sick."

"But men are different. They have XY chromosomes. If the only X chromosome has the hemophilia gene, they will definitely develop the disease."

"Anyway, since my girlfriend checked out, she and her husband have made up their minds that they only want girls in the future."

The tall girl suddenly asked: "Is there no cure for hemophilia now? Since it is a genetic disease, Sanqing should have developed a genetic medicine."

The fat girl shook her head: "Hemophilia can be treated with genetic medicine, but this medicine was developed by Pfizer, and it is very expensive. It costs millions to cure a person."

"My best friend's family is just ordinary people. Where can I afford it? In order to avoid trouble, I can only ask for a girl."

The tall girl dissatisfied: "Gene medicine is Sanqing's strength. Why didn't they develop a medicine for hemophilia, but let Pfizer take the lead, and it turned out to be so expensive."

After hearing this, Li Jing was speechless: "You're right, there are so many genetic diseases, there are thousands of them, it's impossible for Sanqing to cover all of them."

The fat girl also agreed: "That's right, it seems that Pfizer used Sanqing's gene editing technology to develop a gene drug for hemophilia. They have a patent. How could Sanqing infringe upon it?"

"It's okay, some common genetic disease genes can be detected as long as genetic testing is done."

"Be careful when looking for a partner in the future. Don't look for people who carry the same disease gene. When you have a baby, you can do a screening in advance, and you can give birth to a healthy baby."

"It's not expensive to do a genetic test, and the test for common genetic diseases only costs a few hundred dollars, which can save a lot of trouble."

Seeing the fat girl smiling and looking optimistic, Li Jing nodded involuntarily.

"That's right, I've thought about it, and I'll do a genetic test for common genetic diseases later."

The tall girl snorted coldly and stopped talking.

While the three were talking, the team in front kept moving forward, and soon it was their turn.

Seeing the tall girl disappear through the glass door, Li Jing also waited quietly.

The fat girl lowered her head, kept looking at her phone, and chuckled lightly.

Li Jing couldn't help asking curiously: "Sister, what kind of inspection are you going to do?"

The fat girl raised her head with a wry smile, her voice became limp: "I'm too fat, I need to check Sangao."

"In addition, during this period of time, I have been suffering from insomnia and backaches. I will have a biochemical test to check electrolytes, blood sugar, blood lipids, liver and kidney function and other indicators to see if there is any abnormality."

"In addition to these two, I have to do a genetic test to see if there are any genetic diseases. Anyway, I have to do a lot of tests."

Li Jing was a little dumbfounded after hearing so many inspections, and couldn't help persuading her.

"Sister, do you usually have irregular work and rest? If this doesn't work, it will easily lead to insomnia and gain weight."

"You need to do more exercise in the future, go to bed early and get up early, so that your body will return to normal soon. Listen to my sister, you are right, you can see that I am very healthy, and there is nothing wrong with the annual physical examination."

"By the way, which building do you live in? If you can't control yourself, let's add a WeChat, I will go out for a walk every day, and I will bring you with me when the time comes."

The fat girl's expression suddenly became bitter, and she complained: "You, you look like my mother."

That's what they said, but the two still added WeChat to each other, and agreed that when Li Jing went for a walk in the future, she would be with her, so that the two of them would have companionship and not be bored.

At this time, a creaking sound was suddenly heard.

The glass door in front of him opened, and the tall girl walked out calmly.

"Hey, how did your inspection go?" Li Jing asked with a smile.

The tall girl glanced at her, didn't reply, turned and left expressionlessly.

"Hey, why is this person like this? It's too rude." The fat girl couldn't help complaining.

Li Jing waved her hand, but didn't take it seriously, thinking that the other party might be in a bad mood.

She strode forward, opened the door and walked in.

Once inside, the soft light shines from the top of the head, and the whole room presents a bright white, which looks very clean and tidy.

On a 24-inch display screen, Xiaomei was looking at it with a smile on her face.

"Hi, may I ask what inspection you want to do?"

Li Jing glanced at the screen and found a row of buttons at the bottom, but she thought she didn't know much about the inspection, so it would be better to communicate with Xiaomei first.

"I want to do some genetic testing."

"Understood, genetic testing is indeed necessary for most people." Xiaomei explained with a smile.

"Many of the common diseases, such as albinism, hemophilia, color blindness, and tumors, are genetic diseases. If they can be detected early, they can be prevented and diagnosed in advance, so as not to delay the treatment."

"When testing, you need to take blood first, and then extract your gene from the blood. Then use primers and PCR technology that can identify possible mutations to copy this part of the gene many times."

"Finally, use a mutation gene probe with a special marker to judge whether there is a mutation in your gene."

"Generally speaking, the time for genetic testing will be relatively long, about 8 hours."

"It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. When it's ten o'clock in the evening, you can check the results on the Longtu APP before you go to bed."

"The price is a bit expensive, about 680 per person, is it acceptable?"

Li Jing nodded, and under Xiaomei's guidance, she logged into her account and scanned the QR code to pay.

Soon, with a "beep" sound, a blood collection needle appeared on the left side of the screen.

She put her index finger on the needle, felt the sharpness, then closed her eyes, and gently moved her finger forward.

However, the expected pain did not appear.

She couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and immediately opened her eyes.

But I saw that the needle tube was already filled with 2ml of red blood.

Then, there was a creak.

The needle tube slowly retracted and disappeared.

Seeing all this, Li Jing couldn't help being stunned.

This automatic blood collection technology is so clever, she didn't feel anything after all the blood was collected.

By the way, blood, you have to press your fingers quickly to prevent bleeding.

Damn, why is there no cotton ball here, do you want me to press my fingers to stop the bleeding?

Distraught, she quickly looked down at her fingers.

He only saw the ruddy and plump fingertips, without any sign of bleeding, not even a single spot of blood.

It was so clean that one wondered whether blood had been drawn.

Li Jing was overjoyed instantly, and had a little more confidence in the technology of this diagnostic booth.

At this time, she remembered to look at Xiaomei and asked, "Is this all right?"

Xiaomei nodded with a smile: "That's all. Do you have any other checks to do?"

Li Jing shook her head, feeling a little inexplicably lost.

This is the end? Why is it so fast, she hasn't reacted yet.

Why do I feel that the 680 yuan is a bit of a loss.

"Then it's fine, you can go home and wait, the inspection results will be sent to you in pdf, and you can browse and view them on other electronic devices."

"If you want a paper version, you can also come and print it tomorrow morning, and I will explain it to you in detail."

Xiaomei's cheerful voice sounded.

Only then did Li Jing realize that the entire genetic test was really over.

She looked at the diagnostic booth carefully again, turned around and opened the door to leave.

The fat girl was very happy to see her, waved her hand and asked, "How is it?"

Li Jing nodded slightly, showing a smile: "The experience is very pleasant, and it is very convenient and fast. The test results will not be available until after 10 o'clock in the evening."

The fat girl was taken aback: "Oh my god, this is too fast. The general genetic test seems to take 15 days."

"Huh? It will take that long? I don't know, anyway, that's what the AI ​​inside told me." Li Jing looked blank.

"It's okay. It's a good thing to do it quickly. It seems that I can have a good dream tonight."

The fat girl immediately became excited, and asked again: "How much does it cost once?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of dissatisfaction from behind.

"Don't stand there and ask hard, there is still a line behind, go in and do it."

The fat girl stuck out her tongue and ran in quickly.

Li Jing shook her head, turned and went home.


Weekends always go by so fast, and it's night in the blink of an eye.

Li Jing put on the mask, sat on the bed, and got ready early.

It was 10 o'clock in the evening.

With a beep, Longtu APP sent a text message.

"Dear Ms. Li, hello, the results of the genetic test done at 2 o'clock this afternoon have come out, please pay attention to check."

She couldn't wait to go in, and there was a pdf document in the attachment.

Once opened, a long report appeared.

A total of 38 kinds of genetic diseases were tested, and Li Jing said that the 680 yuan was a great value.

Then, the inspection results are listed one by one.

First, the results of genetic testing for the 26 most common genetic diseases are listed.

Albinism, phenylketonuria, hemophilia, color blindness, diabetes, polycystic kidney disease, essential hypertension, thalassemia, hypercholesterolemia, chorea, gastric ulcer, myopia, asthma, etc.

Li Jing scanned the past ten lines at a glance, and found that all of them were negative, showing that "the disease-causing gene was not detected", and she was relieved immediately.

Several common chromosomal diseases are also listed later, such as Down syndrome, congenital ovarian hypoplasia, etc. This number is much smaller.

After that, there are mitochondrial diseases, such as deafness, optic neuropathy, mitochondrial muscle encephalopathy and so on.

Finally, there are some common familial hereditary tumor genetic testing.

There are only three types, gastric cancer, hereditary colorectal cancer, and hereditary breast cancer.

Seeing this, Li Jing knew that she did not have these genetic diseases, so she felt very relaxed.

However, when her eyes fell on the last few lines of the report, her expression changed drastically.

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