I Can See Health

Chapter 711 Annual Salary 00,000

The discussion of difficult cases ended.

The only useful opinion was Lu Chen's final speech.

Many people already knew the name of the cardiologist at this time.

"His name is Lu Chen. Why does this name sound familiar to me?"

"I just asked a colleague in the cardiology department. Lu Chen is quite famous. Let me put it this way. He has been in our hospital for less than half a year and has published an 8-point and a 14-point SCI paper."

"The most terrifying thing is that he is just a doctoral student."


Everyone was talking about it, but Lu Chen didn't care much.

He stood up and prepared to check on the "brain-dead" girl, and then left the ICU.

Su Wenzhen grabbed him.

"What's wrong?" Lu Chen turned around in confusion.

"Well..." Su Wenzhen scratched his head, "Doctor Lu, how about adding WeChat, I'll ask you about the patient's condition."

"Uh, okay." Lu Chen did not refuse. One more friend and one more information channel.

For example, this time he wanted to know the situation of the "brain-dead" girl, so he would not have no way to do it.

The two quickly added WeChat.

"Doctor Lu, what do you think is the best hormone dosage for my patient?" Su Wen Zheng did not intend to let Lu Chen go easily.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Dexamethasone 20mg per day, for three consecutive days, and then adjust the dosage as appropriate."

"Okay, thank you Doctor Lu." Su Wen Zheng wrote it down gratefully, "Do you think that anticoagulant treatment is needed?"

Lu Chen nodded slightly, "You asked a good question. In fact, the patient's platelet decrease is a consumptive thrombocytopenia caused by high d-dimer and high fibrinogen. The blackening of the patient's toes is a proof. This is a strong indication for the use of low molecular weight heparin, but the platelet count is too low at present. I think you can first use a large dose of dexamethasone and platelet transfusion. If the platelet count can be stabilized, you can use low molecular weight heparin."

Lu Chen was unable to examine the patient, but still took a look from a distance.

The patient's right foot turned black, which was actually caused by d-dimer and high fibrinogen, which consumed all the platelets.

"Yeah." Su Wenzheng nodded and recorded, and then asked, "When the platelets are stable to a certain level, can low molecular weight heparin be used?

Lu Chen was stunned. This Su Wenzheng really regarded him as "100,000 whys"?

But after thinking about it, he replied: "Generally speaking, if the platelets can be stable above 30, you can try to use a low molecular weight heparin."

Su Wenzheng quickly recorded everything Lu Chen said in a small notebook.


Finally, after Su Wenzheng felt that there was nothing to dig further, he personally sent Lu Chen out of the ICU door.

"Doctor Lu, thank you so much this time." Su Wenzheng smiled, "Whether your opinions are useful for diagnosis and treatment, they are of great help to our clinical thinking."

"It's okay, we are all communicating and learning from each other." Lu Chen said, "Well, Doctor Su, if you have time, please help me pay attention to the girl in bed No. 3."

"What's wrong? "Su Wenzheng was stunned, "An acquaintance?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "No, it's a patient I consulted before."

"Okay, I'll send you a WeChat message if there's any information."

"Thank you."

After Lu Chen left the ICU, he received a system notification.

"Congratulations, received a thank you from Su Wenzheng +5!"

"Congratulations, received a thank you from..."

It's pretty good to earn so many thank you points for a consultation.


Back to his old nest, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Chen began to slowly adapt to the life of a cardiology resident.

For ordinary people, it may be a bit boring, even a bit tiring.

But for Lu Chen, going back and forth between consultation and rescue, he also felt a little more satisfied.

Just then, the door of the lounge was knocked.

When he opened the door, he saw a young male doctor.

It looked like he was a graduate student or a resident trainee.

"Teacher Lu, someone is looking for you at the door of the CCU."

"Someone is looking for me at the door? "Lu Chen asked in confusion.

If it was a doctor, he should be able to come in and look for him.

If it was a patient, he wouldn't know he was here.

"A young man said he knew you." said the young male doctor.

"Okay, thank you, I'll be there right away." Lu Chen put on his white coat.

He came to the door of the CCU.

Zou Wei's smiling face appeared in front of Lu Chen.

"It's you!" Lu Chen smiled.

With Zou Wei's relationship, he must know he was in the CCU.

"Brother Chen, I'm here for a follow-up check." Zou Wei immediately took out his dynamic electrocardiogram for a follow-up check.

"Do you have my WeChat? Just send it to me directly, you don't have to come in person." Lu Chen took the dynamic electrocardiogram with a smile.

"Hehe, let me see it for you in person, don't worry." Zou Wei smiled, "If there is no problem, I will go back to Nanhai in the next two days, so I want to treat you to a meal today."

Lu Chen glanced at the dynamic electrocardiogram, "Have you been taking the medicine?"

"Yes, every meal is taken at a fixed time. "Zou Wei said.

"It's no big deal." Lu Chen smiled and returned the dynamic electrocardiogram. "You don't need to take medicine, but you should still pay attention to your mind in the future and remember not to be bitten by ticks again."

"Don't worry, I know this."

Although he had already asked other doctors to see him in advance, the smile on his face became even brighter when he heard Lu Chen say it was okay.

"Brother Chen, do you have time? I'll treat you to dinner tonight!"

Lu Chen smiled and declined, "No, I'm the chief resident of the Department of Cardiology now. I have to stay in the hospital 24 hours a day. I can't leave casually."

"That's it." Zou Wei was a little unwilling to give up, "Why don't you go to your cafeteria? I heard that the third floor of your cafeteria is also a private restaurant."

"You know this too?"

"Hey, I ate there while I was in the hospital!" Zou Wei smiled.

"Okay." Lu Chen nodded. To be honest, he hadn't been to the third floor of the hospital cafeteria yet.

Seeing that Lu Chen agreed, Zou Wei took Lu Chen to the third floor of the hospital cafeteria.

Lu Chen came to the canteen wearing a white coat. Before the canteen, he put the white coat outside the door.

At this time, it was almost dinner time, and there were many customers in the private restaurant on the third floor.

"Brother Chen, you can order whatever you want. I'm treating you today." Zou Wei pushed the menu in front of Lu Chen.

"Then I'm welcome." Lu Chen smiled and ordered two meat dishes and one vegetable dish.

"How about adding one more?" Zou Wei frowned, feeling that it was a little lacking.

"No, three dishes for the two of us is definitely enough!" Lu Chen quickly refused with a smile.

"That's okay."

When Zou Wei saw this, he gave up and decided to eat with Lu Chen as the main meal.

The food was served quickly.

The two of them were eating and chatting.

Lu Chen also knew that Zou Wei's family background was not simple.

The family actually opened a private hospital on Nanhai Island, which seemed to be quite large.

Zou Wei said to Lu Chen half-jokingly: "Brother Chen, for a high-end talent like you, if you go to my hospital after graduation, the salary will definitely be great! It will definitely be many times what you get in a public hospital!"

Lu Chen smiled and said nothing.

"Brother Chen, don't believe it!" Zou Wei continued, "Many experts from Kyoto and Shanghai have left the capital in recent years. There are basically no locals among the subject leaders in our Nanhai Hospital. If you can come to me If you work in a hospital, your annual salary will definitely be no less than this.”

After saying that, Zou Wei smiled and stretched out a finger, "The annual salary is no less than one million!" 16377/10446469

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