I Can See Health

Chapter 736 Director Lu’s ward rounds

There is a new doctor in Heart Zone 2.

He has just graduated with a doctorate and is only twenty-eight years old. But the professional title is actually deputy chief physician!

This made all the doctors in the department pay attention.

Especially those senior attending doctors - Wannianlao attending doctors.

Many of these attending doctors have been promoted to attending physician for more than ten years, but they have never been able to be promoted to deputy chief physician.

You know, after five years as an attending physician, you can apply for the associate senior professional title.

These people have been stuck in the quagmire of attending doctors for many years and cannot extricate themselves.

I saw a newcomer who had just graduated and was the deputy chief physician.

The faces of these attending doctors were full of surprise, confusion, envy, and even jealousy!

However, everyone also understands it very well.

Others cannot afford to offend the people brought here by Director Cen Shang.

Moreover, anyone who is interested can find relevant information about Lu Chen if he inquires about Lu Chen's resume or searches online.

As soon as he graduated with his Ph.D., he had more than a dozen high-scoring papers, including several top-ranked papers. Even in the field of TAVR surgery, Lu Chen had a certain say.

This kind of person is not the same type of person as everyone else!

"Lu Chen, please follow Director Yan Wanfeng for a month to familiarize yourself with clinical matters, and then make plans for the future."

"Okay, Director." Lu Chen nodded.

After Cen Shangwei explained Lu Chen's arrangements, he left.

Before coming to the department, Lu Chen had learned that Yan Wanfeng was the deputy director of the second district of the heart, with the title of chief physician and a medical team.

Cen Shangwei asked Lu Chen to follow him, not only to let Lu Chen study hard, but also to inspect Lu Chen.

If you can successfully pass this one-month study, you will be qualified to lead a team of doctors.

After that month, Lu Chen could successfully lead the team.

Otherwise, Lu Chen's plan to lead the team would have to be postponed, or he would not be able to lead the team in a short period of time.

Yan Wanfeng also knew Cen Shangwei's intentions, so he directly asked Lu Chen to take over his current team leadership job.

In the director's office.

Yan Wanfeng looked at Lu Chen with a smile on his face, "I currently have eighteen beds in the team. I have a senior attending doctor under me, and the others are graduate students and regular trainees. This month, you will try to be the leader first. If you have any questions about your life or work, please come to me anytime.”

Although Lu Chen is a newcomer, Yan Wanfeng does not dare to underestimate him.

For a scientific research madman like this, it is easy to publish articles. If you can bring the names of the people in the department and let everyone benefit from it, it will serve multiple purposes.

Maybe, everyone in this department will have to fawn over Lu Chen.

"Thank you, Director Yan, for taking care of me." Lu Chen said with a smile, "I'm new here, so I may not understand a lot of things, so I'd like to thank you, Director."

"It's also my responsibility." Yan Wanfeng nodded slightly, "And this month, I can relax a lot."

However, Yan Wanfeng actually had many questions in his heart.

For such specially imported talents, most of the work will focus on scientific research, but as soon as Lu Chen arrived, he rushed to lead the team.

This is quite rare!

Because everyone has a habit of thinking, doctors who are good at scientific research must spend very little time in clinical practice.

How much do you know about clinical matters? It must be a black eye!

There are even many departments that bring in such scientific research talents to serve as mascots, not to go to clinical practice, but to help the department write papers.

For example, Qian Xiaobao, who came from the same batch as Lu Chen, didn't know anything about clinical medicine, so he was specifically chosen to write a thesis in the general surgery department.

Although Yan Wanfeng had this idea in his mind, he did not show it.

It's a mule or a horse. If you take it for a walk this month, you will know how good Lu Chen is.

There are no longer a few people in the department who hold the same views as Yan Wanfeng.

A young deputy chief physician like Lu Chen is so jealous, but if you can get on his boat and write a paper or two, you might be able to be promoted to deputy director!

This is the true thought in the mind of every attending doctor in the department.

As a senior attending physician under Yan Wanfeng, Jin Miao is quite excited!

He has been an attending physician for eleven years, with no promotion in sight.

Originally, he was about to give up. The worst he could do was to be an attending physician for the rest of his life.

However, Lu Chen's arrival made the fire in his heart ignite again.

But when I heard that Lu Chen was going to lead a team, Jin Miao didn't quite understand.

Why do such scientific research talents come here to become clinicians?

But Jin Miao didn't dare to say that to Lu Chen.

Although he is more than ten years older than Lu Chen, on the surface he is polite to Lu Chen.

"Lu... Director Lu, would you like to get familiar with the patients in our group first?"

Jin Miao was still speechless when calling a young man in his twenties as director.

However, thinking that he might have to rely on Lu Chen in the future, he gritted his teeth and shouted out the word "director".

Lu Chen also coughed slightly. He was a little uncomfortable hearing others calling him director.

But this feeling is really good!

"Show me the bed table. I'll familiarize myself with the patients first, and I'll take you for ward rounds later." Lu Chen said softly.

"Okay." Jin Miao felt that Lu Chen stepped into the role of director so quickly!

Are you really taking everyone with you to check the ward?

However, Lu Chen now took Yan Wanfeng's place, so it was appropriate for him to lead everyone in ward rounds.

I just hope there won't be any jokes during the ward rounds.

Jin Miao was really afraid that Lu Chen would not be able to save face and pretend to understand clinical problems.

Lu Chen didn't care what others thought. He came here to be the deputy chief physician and to be a doctor!

Turning to the list of patients in the group, Lu Chen began to check the patient's course of illness and doctor's orders one by one.

As a senior physician, you don't need to do everything yourself.

However, it is necessary to understand each patient's condition and determine the general direction of treatment.

Seeing Lu Chen really reading through it carefully, Jin Miao was also quite surprised.

Looking at his serious look, could it be possible that he really has two skills in clinical practice?

However, Lu Chen read the medical records very quickly, and Jin Miao's attitude immediately changed.

In his opinion, this is just a show-off, right?

Can he distinguish which patients and what diseases they have?

"It can't be Silver Gun Wax Head, right?"

Jin Miao frowned, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net's favorable impression of Lu Chen slightly diminished.

After a long while, Lu Chen closed the medical record and raised his head, "Okay, let's start the ward rounds."

"Oh, okay."

Jin Miao immediately called on the regular trainees, graduate students, and some intern doctors in the group to come together for ward rounds.

There are only two real doctors, Lu Chen and Jin Miao, but there are quite a few students in the team. If you count them carefully, there must be seven or eight of them.

Lu Chen led everyone to start the ward rounds.

This is also Lu Chen's first ward round in Guanghai No. 1 Hospital!


Two chapters left, will be posted early in the morning


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