I Can See Health

Chapter 741 Turning white and turning purple

As a doctor, Lu Chen would not let go of even the smallest clues.

Especially for multi-system symptoms like this, it is even more necessary to be extremely cautious!

Lu Chen is now a senior doctor, and his words and deeds affect the treatment plan of the entire group.

Soon, he followed Jin Miao to the ward.


On the bed.

An old lady in her sixties was lying on the bed, mumbling something in her mouth, and her face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

In Lu Chen's eyes, her life value was 53 (---)!

This rate of decline in life value basically indicates some serious diseases.

Seeing Lu Chen coming, the patient's family members beside the bed stood up quickly.

"Our director is here to see you." Jin Miao said.

The family member looked at Lu Chen in surprise, and couldn't help wondering in his heart: "Guanghai Cardiology Department actually has such a young director??!"

However, he was just thinking about it in his heart and would not ask in public.

Lu Chen came to the bed, and the old lady squinted slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

"Auntie, what's the main discomfort for you now?" Lu Chen tried to make his voice soothing.

"Chest tightness." The old lady glanced at Lu Chen, then gently patted her chest.

"What else? For example, chest pain?" Lu Chen asked again.

The old lady shook her head, "It's chest tightness. I feel a lot of chest tightness when I lie down, and I can't breathe. I feel better when I sit up."

Lu Chen nodded slightly.

This is a typical symptom of heart failure.

"Just now I heard that you said you had gastritis before? Your legs and feet are not smooth?"

The old lady said without comment: "I'm old, so there must be some problems. I usually have bloating after eating. As for the old cold legs, I had a little when I was young. When the weather gets cold, my legs start to ache."

The old lady seemed to be quite talkative.

After she started talking about her medical history, she couldn't stop.

It was only when Lu Chen interrupted her that she stopped.

"Have you taken any medicine?" Lu Chen said. "As for taking medicine..." The old lady thought for a while, then shook her head, "I didn't take any medicine."

The patient's family member next to her said, "I have taken it. My mother took some painkillers for knee pain some time ago."

The old lady thought about it and nodded quickly.

"Do you know the name of the medicine?" Lu Chen asked in confusion.

"It seems to be called... something cloth." The family member thought about it.

Lu Chen paused, "Celecoxib?"

"Yes, yes." The family member nodded quickly, "That's the medicine."

Celecoxib is a non-steroidal analgesic drug. Compared with ibuprofen, it is less harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Lu Chen asked the old lady to roll up her trouser legs and expose her knees.

Aside, Jin Miao was surprised to see Lu Chen's actions.

They are cardiologists, and they rarely check the skin conditions of patients.

Lu Chen's behavior made him feel a little laborious, but he had to admire Lu Chen's patience.


Lu Chen lowered his head and pinched the old lady's knee.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not bad." The old lady whispered back.

However, when Lu Chen touched the skin of the old lady's knee, he felt that her skin seemed a little rough.

When she is old, her skin is definitely not as white and tender as when she was young, but it shouldn't be so hard, right?

Lu Chen didn't say anything, and looked at the skin on the old lady's face and abdomen again.

He suddenly found that the skin on the old lady's face, abdomen, knees and other parts was thickened and hardened!

"You come and touch it." Lu Chen stood up and said to Jin Miao beside him.

Jin Miao was a little confused, but still did it.

He also reached out and touched the patient's abdomen and knees, and then was stunned, "It's really a little different from normal people. How to say it, it's a little too hard!"

Lu Chen nodded in agreement, and then said to the patient: "Auntie, you should feel it yourself, this skin seems to have become harder."

"When people get old, it's like a damaged machine. It's normal for the skin to be rough, right?" The old lady would not admit her problem.

Originally, she was asked to come to the hospital, but she couldn't stand it at home, so she agreed to come.

Lu Chen frowned slightly. The feel and texture of this skin were obviously different from those of a normal old lady!

At this moment, the family member who had been standing by the bed spoke up, "Doctor, my mother has another problem besides joint pain."

"You tell me." Lu Chen turned his head and looked at the family member.

"My mother's hands sometimes turn white and purple."

Hearing this, Lu Chen and Jin Miao were both shocked.

"What exactly is it like? Can you describe it in detail?" Lu Chen said hurriedly.

The family member shook his head, "I can't describe it, it's just an abnormal color. By the way, I remember taking a photo."

"Turn it over and show it to us."

Lu Chen didn't say anything, and Jin Miao was quite excited.

The strange phenomenon of both hands turning white and purple is called "Raynaud's phenomenon" in medicine, which is a disease of the immune system.

The family member took out his mobile phone, opened the album, and began to look for it slowly.

Sure enough, after a while.

He really found a photo.

In the photo, there is a pair of relatively rough old hands.

The skin color of the hands from the inter-knuckle joints upwards became very white and purple, forming a sharp contrast with the skin below.

"It becomes like this when it gets cold," the patient added.

After Lu Chen and Jin Miao saw this extremely typical photo, they also made a decision in their hearts.

"It should be Raynaud's phenomenon." Jin Miao said in a daze.

Lu Chen nodded, but he did not stop thinking about his condition.

Raynaud's phenomenon is just a symptom of rheumatic immune diseases, and many diseases will have this symptom.

When the fingers (toes) are exposed to cold or emotional excitement, they may experience numbness and sequential changes in color. First, the color will turn white, then purple, and then red.

The principle may be that local arteriole spasm occurs in the early stage. Later, tissue ischemia may occur due to swelling of vascular endothelial cells, resulting in fingertip ulcers and scars, necrosis of the distal segments of hands and feet, or soft tissue and finger bones being absorbed and shortened due to ischemia.

The more patient-related information is mined, the more UU reads www.uukanshu.net.

It seems that the condition is more complicated than before. In fact, the more information, the clearer the patient's condition becomes.

After Lu Chen asked further, he got another important clue from the patient, which was "difficulty opening his mouth."

In the past 8 months, the patient began to have difficulty opening his mouth.

Lu Chen arranged all the symptoms together in his mind. Hardening of the skin, difficulty opening the mouth, Raynaud's phenomenon. Could it be...

The patient's cardiovascular symptoms are most likely not caused by the original heart disease, but by the heart involvement of some kind of rheumatic disease!

Having some guesses in his mind, Lu Chen whispered to Jin Miao in a deep voice: "Check! Keep checking! Anti-nuclear antibodies, anti-nuclear antibody spectrum, immune kits, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein (CRP), chest ct…”

Jin Miao also understood his intention and took action immediately. ​16377/10482643

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