I can summon outrageous partners

Chapter 291 Chapter 290

Chapter 291. 290. The Final Siege

At noon, I ate a bento prepared by Nobi Yuko.

But Lin Li's appetite is not very good.

It's not because Nobi Yuko's craftsmanship is not good, but mainly because of the label written on the bento:

"Poop for dinner."

"Small bento soup."

Nice reminder, but it looks too weird.

So Lin Li ate the big bento and drank the small bento with tears in his eyes.

After the short class in the afternoon, Lin Li and Nobita came to Shizuka and Xiaozhu.

"I'm sorry, Shizuka, Xiaozhu, the two of us suddenly have something to do today, and we may not be able to go on a picnic with you. Here are some foods we prepared before, and I give them to you as an apology."

Lin Li went to the countryside to do as the Romans do, displaying the ninety-degree spirit of bow sauce.

Of course, I still haven't learned a bit, because Nobita has played a 180-degree five-body throwing spirit.

"It's okay, it's okay, we don't need the food, we have enough, what can you do?" Shizuka and Xiaozhu waved their hands, indicating that the problem was not serious, and asked.

"Doraemon's brain is flooded." The two who had checked the answer this time spoke in unison, without the embarrassment of last time.

"Ah, that's too serious, everyone go back!" Shizuka immediately expressed her understanding.

Because it was the time when everyone was out of school, the two did not use the bamboo dragonfly ostentatiously, but chose to walk.

"After I got home, I tried to throw dirty things on Doraemon's four-dimensional pocket, so that he would definitely take it off and clean it, and then we took him away and set off for an adventure!" Nobita said excitedly, " Perfect' plan.


Lin Li nodded in response, while keeping his eyes on his surroundings, he was on guard against people or things, preventing the demon king who might change his image from approaching or attacking him.

"Then we went to Geyang Mountain where the devil's lair was discovered before. I think the devil is probably still there! If it doesn't work, we can look at the ruins," Nobita continued.


Of course, Lin Li didn't really want to take Nobita to capture the Demon King. His speech in the morning was just to get more information. After knowing the replacement method of the personality, it would be more appropriate for Nobita to stay away from the Demon King as much as possible.

Lin Li has decided to protect Nobita personally.

It would be even better if Nobita "borrowed" the four-dimensional pocket. Lin Li could put it into the space behind him at zero o'clock, carry it to the next time point, and return it to the time point when he returned to this time point. Nobita.

At that time, I can use the props inside as much as I want!

Plan to pass!

"Quickly resolve this crisis! I want to find myself to turn the rope! The days without opponents are too boring!" Daxiong has already started to imagine a bright future, "By the way, Lin Li, can you turn the rope?"

"I only know how to play with rope." Lin Li said perfunctorily.

"What kind of game is this?" Daxiong, the master of the flower rope, had never heard of it before, and was a little confused. "Can you teach me?"

"Children don't learn this." Lin Li declined.


Soon, Lin Li and Nobita returned to Nobi's house. Doraemon was watching the inspection TV on the first floor, frowning.

Before Nobita started his plan, Lin Li reminded him and asked him to take the letter he wrote to himself from "Lin Li himself" that he said before.

"Oh, okay." Nobita slapped his head, went to the second floor, took out an envelope from the safe box, and handed it to Lin Li.

"Then I will implement the plan, wait for my good news!" Nobita patted his chest, held the ink on the table, and said with his head raised.


Watching Nobita go downstairs, Lin Li returned to his room, took a deep breath, opened the oil seal on the envelope, and took out the letter.

"Future Lin Li, hello."

"See the words as you see them."

"I don't know how your grades have changed after one semester of study. I was going crazy when I was doing exercises yesterday, especially multiplication, such as 3X7. It's too difficult. I don't care about it. Filled in a 6241357, hope to get the right answer."

The words written by the children were all in big fonts. The first page ended here. Lin Li frowned slightly. It was not because of bad content, but because he was worried that the letter he was looking forward to would not only have such content, would it?

It shouldn't be.

Lin Li's gaze stayed on the long string of numbers for a while.

"If the 13th is set as the first day, the second day of the dungeon is two days before the 13th. In this string of numbers, it is the first two digits of 1, which is exactly 2, and 3 is also exactly one digit behind 1. , that is, today after the thirteenth?

In other words, this string of numbers is my timeline for the next seven days? Tomorrow is indeed the twelfth. "

Lin Li felt more and more correct.

"Hehe, you can hide this little hint from me?" Lin Li said disdainfully.

He turned the letter to the second page.

"Lin Li, aren't you already complacent? Of course, I understand you."

Lin Li: "?"

"Okay, that's right, that string of numbers is the order of this chaotic time, and I didn't intend for you to guess."

"What the hell are you?"

As for the 'Kameda Linli' that does not exist in his memory, from his bad taste, Lin Li tends to exist outside of the dungeon mission, similar to the gods in the previous dungeons.

As for whether it is an enemy or not, this body is currently being used by myself, and the task does not say that there will be additional tasks after completion, so it should not be counted... right?

"Live to the eighth day with Nobita, and everything will be over."

"I know you may be curious about who I am, and we will meet when the time comes."



Below the signature, the other party also drew Tom's face on it, with a hippie smiling face, and he deserved a beating at first sight.

Lin Li folded the envelope, put it back in the space behind him, stroked his chin, and thought.

The conspiracy theory gene in him is just around the corner.

The reminder given by the magical conch is that the person he has to guard against has only appeared in this world for a few days.

Isn't this mysterious Kameda also within this range?

Lin Li decided that as long as the eighth day was over and the dungeon task was still not displayed, he would find a way to cut this ratio when he met him.

Ning killed wrong! Don't let it go!

Daxiong downstairs still hadn't moved, Lin Li switched to a stand-in.

"Is there anything wrong?" Lin Li asked through the communication device.

"Yes." I didn't expect that when I asked casually, the captain's response really contained information.


"I can tell you, but you can't act rashly, and you can't even get close to that place before us. If you don't do it, or the devil shows that you know the news in advance, I will never trust you again."

"I promise you." Lin Li nodded naturally.

"Through the fragments of the first magic circle, we found the location of the devil's second magic circle, which is in the woodland behind this mountain. If there is no accident, this is the current stronghold of the devil king. We decided to implement the final magic circle tonight. The roundup operation will not let him escape this time."

"When? Where? What should I do? What can I do?" Lin Li asked a series of questions.

"Wait for our notice at night." The captain just said, "Remember, don't go to the woodland to hunt grass and startle snakes without authorization! I have been watching you! I know every move you make."

"I don't believe it." Lin Li sneered, "What am I doing now?"

"Hold the middle finger to the earphone." The captain smiled contemptuously.

Lin Li's pupils trembled: "The robot in your body also has surveillance functions? Can you judge my movements through the division of blood?"

"No, because I am behind you and can see clearly."


Lin Li turned his head, and the captain stretched out his hand from the drawn tunnel to greet him.


Broken, there are peepers.

"Here you are, do you want tea? The one made by the nine masters?" Lin Li asked kindly.



Nobi's house.

"Lin Li! Lin Li!"

After Nobita went down for a long time, Lin Li finally heard his shout outside the door.

"Here we come." Lin Li stood up, pushed the door open, and Daxiong just ran in front of him, his clothes were covered in black ink, and tears were still hanging on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Li frowned.

"When the plan was implemented, there was a little deviation, but it's not important." Nobita waved his hand.

"It's Nobita, when he wanted to splash ink on me, he fell down first, and the ink was all on himself." Behind Nobita, Doraemon, with a helpless face, walked slowly with his hands behind his back come over.

——Half of its face is covered with ink, and the four-dimensional pocket is very clean, obviously spilled crookedly.

"What! Doraemon! Why did you say it!" Nobita was dissatisfied.

Falling on the ground is very heroic.

"Forget it, it's not important, Lin Li, at my request, you can also participate in tonight's plan." Nobita said proudly.

"Plan, what plan?"

"Kill the Demon King." Doraemon said for Nobita.

Lin Li glanced at Doraemon in surprise, then glanced at Nobita.

"Yes, I know..." Doraemon sighed, "It's not a secret that Nobita can't keep a secret. I should have expected that as long as you asked, he would tell you These things tell you."

"Doraemon! Don't say that about him!" Nobita blushed a little.

"Come with me." Doraemon walked into Nobita's room, then waved to the two of them.

Lin Li and Nobita followed immediately.

Then I saw who Doraemon was in contact with for a while. Not long after, a handwriting gradually appeared on the wall of the room, and finally formed a passage. The captain of the time-space patrol that Lin Li had just met appeared in front of everyone again.

"Uncle Captain!" Nobita greeted.

"Hmm, hello." The captain responded with a smile.

"Uncle Loser!" Lin Li greeted.

"Yeah, you too... huh?" The captain was stunned, he turned his head to look at the tunnel behind him, and skillfully took out a bottle of perfume.

"No need, Mr. Captain," Doraemon stopped at this time, "His name is Kameda Linli, and he already knows about your existence. Both he and Nobita will participate in tonight's plan."

"..." The captain was silent for a while, "What did Daxiong say?"


"I see."

"Hey!" Daxiong raised his hands in dissatisfaction: "Why are your tone so flat! It seems that you are not surprised about this matter at all! Maybe I have a little difficulty? Was threatened by Lin Li?!"

"So is there any difficulty?" The captain asked cooperatively.

"Um...no." Nobita blinked, his face flushed.

The captain laughed, then looked at Lin Li, put away the idea of ​​erasing the memory, and just said, "Just call me the captain."

"Okay, Captain Loser." Lin Li nodded slightly.

"It's the coser captain!" The captain was furious.

"Oh, yes, captain coser." Lin Li followed suit.

"Wait, no, what coser, loser! Just call me a captain!" The captain clenched his fists.

"Excuse me, a captain."

The captain had a blue vein.

This little kid named Lin Li reminded him of a friend named Yu Nian... Forget it, I can't be friends a little bit, an enemy.

Seeing that the conversation between the two had come to an end, Nobita complained dissatisfiedly: "Uncle Captain! Your memory perfume has a quality problem! Lin Li's memory was only erased for two days, and then slowly recovered..."

"There is such a thing?" The captain was a little surprised when he heard this, and looked at Lin Li.

"Yes." Lin Li bit the bullet and nodded.

I should tell Nobita in advance, so that he doesn't mention it.

"Are there any other sequelae? In theory, there shouldn't be such a problem." The captain felt strange.

"There are no other sequelae, it's just that the effect has failed."

"S—then I'll have to check all the people who have been sprayed with memory perfume after the matter is over," the captain whispered to himself.

Fortunately, everyone didn't stay on this topic for long. The captain sorted out his emotions and expressions, and looked at Doraemon:

"Are you sure you want to take Daxiong and Lin Li with you?

We can't take it lightly because the devil is weak now, we are going to destroy the devil, if the devil desperately wants to hurt Nobita before he dies, what should we do?

Even if we lead Nobita to that magic circle, to some extent, once we are succeeded by the devil, we become the accomplices of all this.

Lin Li is a child who has nothing to do with this matter. If he is hurt, what should he do? "

"Captain, of course I know what you said." Doraemon stretched out his hands and pulled down his lower eyelids, with a look of lovelessness: "But Daxiong must come here, you have never experienced Nobita's appearance when he made trouble for no reason, I can only agree to him."

"Hey! Doraemon! Why am I being unreasonable!"

"Now you say that you are not making trouble for no reason, it seems like you are making trouble for no reason." Doraemon pouted, knocked his head with a headache, and then looked at the captain: "I also hope that Nobita and I will stay behind, but Anyway, I can’t persuade you, Captain, you can try.”

"Nobita, listen to Uncle..." The captain immediately smiled flatteringly.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going! Uncle Captain, take me! Take me! This is a problem I caused, how can I keep hiding behind!"

The captain just said the beginning, and Nobita lay on the ground and started a 'street dance'.

Draw a circle with the back as the center and the limbs as the radius.

"Oh——I see." Seeing this, the captain could only sigh, unable to be tough at all.

Lin Li speculates that personality may also have a certain influence.

"But this child..." The captain pointed the finger at himself again.

Before Nobita could speak for Lin Li, Doraemon sighed heavily again: "Nobita is too shameless, he promised Lin Li that he would take him with him, so he said that we must be together, anyway, watching a child is also watching , watching both is also watching, let's go together.

Lin Li and Daxiong got along so well, leaving him alone at home, I doubt he would follow up by himself.

Both of them, without a power-saving lamp. "

"What's the meaning!"

"What's the meaning!"

Lin Li and Nobita spoke in unison.

Seeing this, Doraemon and the captain ignored Nobita and Lin Li, but the two of them looked at each other, as if they saw a bosom friend in their eyes.

"Then...so be it." The captain said with a headache.

Ask the monthly ticket family members.

In addition, I originally wanted to add this string of numbers to the math questions in the previous exam, but unfortunately I don't have permission to modify the chapters too early. (This wave is called foreshadowing)

But it’s okay if you can’t, wait until you get the permissions and see if you can change it.

Another new book.

"The Great Sage of Shen Gongbao Persuading the Immortal to Die" Hundreds of millions of calamities cast the Dao body, and the immortals will not be worn through the ages.

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